Author's Note: First off, let me apologize if you have been waiting for an update. This may not be what you want to hear in light of recent television events, but I'm unlikely to be updating this in the near future. I am writing something else, and eventually may weave one or two elements of the show into it, but no promises. If you're curious, please check out my website (listed on my AO3 profile under the same username). In a way, you get to know me better, as it's a peek into my world, and some of what I do.
Or infinityhorizon at WordPress dot com.
Regarding recent plot developments, may I say, I can see why you might be disappointed and emotional (or not), as it depends which aspect of characterization you value most, and what kind of story or happy ending you were hoping for. This, and the meaning of eternity and continuation in the face of change, as well as love, its many forms and definitions. Also, I suppose that even with preamble and foreshadowing, sometimes potent scenes don't always have the feel or depth you might have been looking for, to make something satisfying or worthwhile. Do you go with the bigger game and plot development at hand, or the feel of deservingness and meaning in the moment? It's an interesting question. With that said...
Enjoy the rest of the final season.