A/N: I deeply apologize about such a long delay in getting this story updated. Hopefully this will make up for it and I promise to keep the updates coming, in a more reasonable amount of time of course! Hope you enjoy. I do not own any characters and the messages are paraphrased from the movie 'You've Got Mail'.

A month later…

"Hermione, are you even paying attention to me?" Ron asked, as his friend's face had held a blank expression the entire time he was talking to her.

She snapped out of it and tried to remember what he had been saying. With Ron, it could be one of two things. Either he was talking about food again or how wonderful Krum is, but which one?

"Yes, I completely agree with you."

"Well of course you do," he replied and sat back in the chair. "Well, I mean, you were there, so it was impossible to not see how great he is at maneuvers on the Quidditch pitch." Sensing that Hermione had nothing else to say and he was growing rather bored, Ron cleared his throat and stood up. "Guess I should get going now. You are meeting us later, right?"

"What? Yes of course. I'll see you later."

Ron smirked and waved goodbye, grabbing his bag off of the seat next to him and walked out of the Gryffindor common room. As soon as she heard the portrait swing close, Hermione jumped up and began to truly listen, hoping she wouldn't hear any footsteps. After several minutes had passed and she was satisfied she was alone, she ran up the steps to the girls dormitory. She settled herself onto her plush bed and pulled the parchment out of her robes.

Carefully, Hermione opened the parchment and waited, hoping she would see the now familiar script across the page. She had never been so excited about something as simple as a message, especially from someone she may not know, but it made her long days more bearable and gave her something to look forward to. At times, she felt guilty about not telling Harry or Ron, but as she had shared with her pen pal, secrets are sometimes fun.

Suddenly, ink began to appear on the page and she giggled with delight.

"I have a message!" she said out loud and turned her eyes to the script.

Don't you love Hogwarts in the fall? Beginning of the school year with new supplies, gotta love it. I would send you a bouquet of new quills if I knew who you were or at least what house you are in. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.

Fred sat outside on a bench in the courtyard, drawing up a plan for a new idea for their shop when George and Lee appeared and sat on either side of him.

"Well it's settled then, Fred. We finalized the plan for tonight and everything is ready to go," George said in his familiar, mischievous voice.

"Plans, what plans?"

Lee threw his head back and laughed while George punched his brother in the shoulder. "Don't tell me you've forgotten about tonight. We've been planning this since summer. What's gotten into you anyway? You've been acting strange since school started."

Fred tried to shake it off and turned towards George. "It's nothing, I remember now. Just been busy with new ideas and such. Eight o'clock then?"

"Yeah, don't forget. Lee and I are off to take care of some loose ends, and by that I mean Katie and Angelina." With a wink, George and Lee were off. Fred kept a careful eye on them until they were out of sight. Once they rounded the corner, Fred jumped up and made his way to a more secluded area near one of the doorways leading into the castle.

He had been waiting for hours, hoping to see a reply to his message from earlier. The parchment was folded up neatly in his pocket and as he removed it, he was getting more and more anxious. Fred quickly unfolded the parchment, nearly tearing the corner, when he saw the feminine script start to come together. What hold this mystery person held over him, Fred could not say, but he was always excited to see a new message. It was a nice break to have a serious conversation with someone or just a talk about nothing. With this, he didn't have to be Fred the Prankster or Fred the Other Half of George. This allowed him to just be himself.

Dear Friend,

I like to start my notes to you like we are already in the middle of a conversation. I pretend we are the oldest and dearest friends as opposed to what we actually are, even if we don't know each other's names and met through an enchanted piece of parchment. What will my friend say today, I wonder? I unfold my piece of parchment, I wait impatiently while the ink swirls to form words, and my breath catches in my chest until I see your writing and I think those magical little words…"I have a message". I hear nothing, not even a sound in the corridors of Hogwarts. Just the beat of my own heart. I have a message, from you.