
This searing pain I feel in my chest is an emotion I've never known-and pain is no stranger to me. What's shocking is that I feel anything at all. For me to have so much anger and this sense of betrayal towards this creature certainly means that I cared for him.

Why did it not occur to me sooner?

His protectiveness and gentleness has to be a ruse. Of course he doesn't care about me. And why else would he treat me like treasure when he barely knows who I am? All he wants is something long gone- something that will never return. And I would rather leave him for good then be a replacement-I promised myself I'd never be in such a horrid position again.

And to think I actually saw a future with him.

I've become so lost in my miserable thoughts that I run smack into a wall. I land hard on the floor, and though unscathed, I can't believe that my musing made me lose awareness of my surroundings. I look up, and instead of a wall, there is a yautja, one I've never seen.

He's definitely male, and has abnormally long pale blonde locks contradicting the darkest skin I've ever seen. Along his skin are ash white staccato patterns decorating his forehead, cheekbones, neck, torso, and abdomen leading to his nether regions. His eyes are striking; a dark ocean blue with specks of reptilian green. And he is massive, I mean, fucking massive-he's taller than Cynbel and has a slight larger build that could be the icon for what young male yautja's should look up to.

Unlike the creatures I've seen so far this one is not adorned with feathers, beads, and jewels. He wears skulls and bones all over his body. A necklace composed of tiny ash red bones hug his neck. The same material also clasps his biceps, wrists, and ankles. Moon white leather belts hold together a long, thick white furry loin drapery that reminds me of a polar bear pelt. I stand to run away but the thing grabs me quick and practically smacks me against his form.

"Hey! Let me go you big fuck!" and the fucker laughs at me, as if I'm some kind of sideshow. His eyes study my face, particularly curious of the markings on my cheek.

"Calm down." He says harshly with such a deep baritone voice that makes me tremble. But I don't stop struggling, hoping he'd just let me go. Unfortunately he holds tighter, and than does what I absolutely loathe since the first time it's happened to me-he purrs. And the feeling that overruns me is intense, like a speeding river demolishing a dam intense.

Its feels much like the first time, but just as severe. My whole body heats up like a furnace. The yautja hasn't even touched me inappropriately yet I feel on the brink of an orgasm. I slump against him, which doesn't help because his skin feels cozy and feeling the vibrations directly from the source almost has me over the edge.

"St-st-stop, p-pl-please." I don't want to feel this way anymore. But the creature continues his rumbling as if liking his torturous actions. Fortunately a loud, angered, roar makes him stop. Unfortunately the sound came from Cynbel the last thing I want to see right now. The creature speaks in his tongue, Cynbel responds while pointing at me.

"NO! Stay away from me!" I yell. He purrs, and the sound is nowhere near as strong as the creature's. The yautja gently shakes me, and says something to me in-what sounds like-gibberish. They converse back and forth, much to my annoyance because now I feel like some caught dog.

"Let me go!" and I begin struggling again, though my efforts our futile. I still have no idea what they're saying but they both know English and I need to make something very clear,

"Okay, don't let me go, but I won't go with him." Cynbel staggers back as if I've shot him, disbelief evident in his eyes. More chatter amongst the two, and suddenly I'm thrown behind the large yautja just as Cynbel rushes toward him with a snarl and punches the creature. Oddly, the creature does nothing and takes the punch as well as any other attack without moving a muscle.

Even odder, after all of those attacks he doesn't look harmed at all-not even bleeding. Just as Cynbel is going in for another maneuver the larger male growls in dismay, easily grabs him by the scruff of his neck and throws him across the corridor as if he weighed no more than a feather.

"Holy shit." I'd never seen Cynbel look so weak-he's always been the one oozing dominance. The larger yautja rushes up to him, effortlessly lifting him, and throws him again. And in this mere moment Afif appears and crouches over Cynbel, snarling and growling warningly. The larger yautja chuckles and speaks to Afif. Whatever is said can't be good, based on how Afif's eyes widen. The creature turns to me and holds out his hand,

"Come, if you do not want to be with your mate." I look to Cynbel, wondering what he would do. But he still lyes on the ground in defeat and won't look me in the eyes. So I go to the larger male and make very clear that I don't want anything to do with Cynbel at the moment.

"He's not my mate."

"Who are you?" I question as we enter, what appears to be, some kind of dining area. There are more yautja, sitting around long tables, possibly, made of bone material. An overpowering scent of blood and spice makes me gag a little.

"I am Zarathushtra of the Hv'stra clan." He says simply as pairs of eyes glimpse our way.

"You don't look like the others." He looks at me curiously,

"How so?"

"Well, you're the first I've met with hair like that."

"Not all of us are the same ooman, just like your kind we come in various designs."

"Es' mjstat Zarathushtra ed' eis!" great, here comes another one. Zarathustra clicks his mandibles and places a fist upon his chest while lowering his eyes. This yautja is much smaller than Zarathustra and Cynbel but still bigger than me. His locks are a deep, blood red with hints of grey and his eyes a fierce color. Flame designs reach along his forehead and cheeks; a pure ruby-like gem lays plain on his tan, scale-ish skin.

"ijstat' bjsei tu' mwsei, māneshma Pyrrhus." The other male glances at me and purrs lightly, he says something to me-perhaps not realizing I can't understand him.
"The Elder of the Mu'Garra clan has greeted you, ooman."

"My name is Candace, not ooman." I snap. The red-headed yautja's purr grows in intensity,

"mjsis un' sais i mu'gerr en' laudir. Es' laudish sus' pesht?"

"The Elder has complimented you." I certainly don't know what I did to deserve praise but I thank him either way. The yautja begin to converse with each other, much to my irritation since I have no clue what they're saying. Zarathushtra must feel my frustration and begins to translate.

"The Elder's clan has just finished their Ch'va and he is visiting the Laur-ke Elder."


"Have you not once wondered why are species have come to your planet?"

"Of course I have. To hunt, right."

"But have you not wondered why so many of us?" how many are there exactly?

"Every two centuries all clans come to this sector of space for ceremonial Ch'vas just before the Festivals of Moon and Sun, which also take place every two centuries."

"Why every two hundred years?"

"The Festivals are of momentous proportions and we are numerous. Coming together as a species every single decade or even every fifty years is impossible."

"What do you do at the festivals?" it's the Elder who responds enthusiastically,

"Pauk an' kaorrok!" I look to Zarathushtra for a translation, but he's busy chuckling at whatever the yautja said. They spend a few minutes talking until the Elder finally dismisses himself.

"What do you eat, ooman?"

"My name is Candace."

"What do you eat, Candace."

"I want salmon and rice with asparagus," He tilts his head as if he had no idea what I'm talking about.

"You know, fish, rice, and vegetables."

"…Vegetables? What is that?" what the hell? Why should I have to explain this? If he were Cynbel I wouldn't need to elaborate…but he isn't Cynbel.

"What is there to eat?"


"…that's it?"

"That is what we eat, ooman."


"Es' mjstat Zarathushtra ed' eis!"(unofficial) = is that Zarathushtra I see!

"ijstat' bjsei tu' mwsei, māneshma Pyrrhus." (unofficial) = what brings you here, Elder Pyrrhus

"mjsis un' sais i mu'gerr en' laudir. Es' laudish sus' pesht?" (unofficial) = this one has a fire in her. Is she your pet?

"Pauk an' kaorrok!" (unofficial) = fuck and fight!

A/N: damn, its been awhile since i've updated (don't kill me please! i have a cat who needs me! lol). Real talk, though, sorry for taking so long- i swear to Paya its not intentional. Fortunately for all of you i created a tumblr just for you (if you want sneak peeks of what i'm up to-link is on my profile page).