First story for Kuroko no Basuke, masters!

P.S. I do not own Kuroko no Basuke!

Edited: 09/13/15

He is a well-known king, born in a kingdom so old and ancient. A kingdom bestowed with the title 'Emperor of Creation' and is the most powerful amongst the all the kingdoms far and beyond.

A kingdom of passionate red…

A kingdom as passionate as her own king— whose name resounded throughout all the kingdoms with fear and respect. Let him be known as:

The mighty ruler.

A fierce warrior.

The master of the battlefield.

A charismatic leader.

The Emperor.

He is known by one color – The only distinguishing factor that no other individual can have.


Red hair… red eyes… also rumored at times: a pair of red and golden eyes...

The king's name was Akashi Seijuro.

Otherwise known as the Red King…

It was the middle of the night. By that time, the palace was far from awake save for the soldiers doing their night patrol. One sky blue haired man rose from the shadows, slipping past a guard who was patrolling the hallways. The soldier didn't bat an eye or stop, continuing on his pace ignorant of what just occurred. The routine continued between the mysterious man and another batch of soldiers until he stopped in front of a door. Studying the door to verify if he was in the correct place, the said door opened softly surprising the man for a second. However as a familiar brunette emerged from the said door, he recomposed himself, leaving his face devoid of any emotion.

"So that's where you were." The brunette said quietly to him, tilting his head to the side. "Come now, he's waiting for you."

The sky blue haired man didn't say a word, entering the room, leaving the brunette to close the door behind him. The room was in a word…red. The walls were painted deep lush red, covering the room in a certain darkness as the light of the moon from the window lit up the room. There were attempts of drawings of certain animals and figures but in the end, they were drowned by the deep red color. At least, not all furniture or the like was red, he thought.

"So, first of all, I would like to apologize, Kuroko. You ended up on the roof instead of straight here." The man laughed weakly, scratching nape in an abashed manner.

"There is no need for an apology, Kiyoshi-sempai. I blame it on my inexperience of travelling." The sky blue haired man, Kuroko, responded.

"Maa, I didn't expect the strong wind to knock you off course." Kiyoshi laughed, slapping Kuroko's back none too gently. "You need to train more, Kuroko."

Kuroko inwardly winced from the contact but nevertheless kept a straight face. "That aside, Kiyoshi-sempai, I would like to meet him, please."

"Oh," Kiyoshi stopped. He grinned as he slung an arm around the smaller man's neck and pulled him towards a crib. "Meet the little fella."

What met curious blue eyes was another red. Kuroko stared curiously at the bundle placed inside the crib. A bundle of red, he noticed again. The baby seemed… ordinary... in the least. A far cry to what they have told him. The baby's skin was a little reddish, being born only hours earlier. Wearing a small white cap and small white gloves, he had a soft vulnerable aura around him as all babies have. And he slept peacefully, wrapped by a red blanket with beautifully embroidered golden winged edges. He almost blended with the red background if not for the whites he wore.

I'm seeing an awful lot of reds today… he thought wryly.

Leaning forward, he watched as the baby shuffled in his sleep, eyes opening for a second. Sky blue eyes met startling red eyes. Kuroko's eyes glinted as he watched the baby who being the baby he was, yawned again and proceeded back to sleep.

"This baby will be the king?" It was a statement, not a question.

Kiyoshi nodded with a smile, "Yes, that's him. Isn't he cute?" he silently cooed.

Kuroko blinked at him. "…ha."

The baby made a snort in his sleep as if to disagree.

"This child is predestined to be a mighty king. Amazing isn't he?" the brunette, too, leaned against the crib, patting the small bundle on the head. A sad smile appeared on his lips as he stared thoughtfully at the baby. "...It's your job to watch over him and guide him, Kuroko. Please do remember our warnings." He retracted his hand from the baby, looking at Kuroko with a serious eye. "Do you remember them?" The bluenette nodded. The brunette smiled brightly, ruffling his hair. "Good! Now if you ever have questions, just ask your sempai to come over and I'll help you, okay?"

Kuroko grimaced slightly, removing the offending hand from his hair. Now his hair was messy again, he thought with a sigh. "I am not a child, Kiyoshi-sempai. But…" he smiled, an ever rare smile towards the brunette. "I appreciate it. Thank you, sempai."

Satisfied with his answer, Kiyoshi smiled, ruffling the man's hair one last time as he walked towards the window. Pushing the windows open, he flashed him a gentle smile. "Good luck, Kuroko." He jumped out of the window. Seconds later, a great swoosh was heard and as Kuroko watched his sempai until he was nothing but a dot in the horizon. He returned to observing the baby, taking his time. This small baby will be the greatest of all kings that will come to pass...

He poked the baby's cheek. Such a frail thing...

The baby made a sound, annoyed (probably). Curiosity taking over him desire to know more about the frail baby, he touched the baby's small hand. It's so small… he noted as he played with it a little with his own. Abandoning the hand, he pinched the baby's cheeks gently, earning a squirm from the baby. He chuckled, a rare thing for him to do as well. He started stroking the baby's cheeks, amused of its softness under his touch. The sleeping baby stirred lightly and snuggle up to the source of warm heat even more.


Kuroko smiled. He actually agreed with Kiyoshi's comment about the boy being cute. The baby was certainly cute! Pulling back his hand, the baby whimpered, feeling the loss of the warmth from the hand. "kuu…" the baby moaned in his babyish voice. Kuroko smiled amusedly, then wondered, are babies this perceptive about the sense of touch?

The baby frowned, shivering slightly. Kuroko pulled over the small blanket of the baby, carefully tucking him in. He spotted the open window, and mentally scolded himself for leaving it open. Children are vulnerable to diseases at a young age. As is for babies, he'd rather not have his charge sick so soon. It may be fatal.

Closing the window, he saw the break of dawn over the mountains. The night has been surprisingly short, he mused. Looking back, he watched the baby sleep so innocently on that red of a crib leaning on the window sill…

"Kuroko Tetsuya." A young woman called, brown eyes searching for the said male. She had short caramel colored hair tucked to the left side of her head with two pins. She's the leader of a newly formed group, Seirin, Aida Riko.

"Yes, Aida-san?" a voice spoke as sky blue eyes peered from behind a book. The said owner of the eyes set the book down on the table before turning his attention again to the girl. "Is there something you wish to tell me, Aida-san?"

Aida smiled, sparkles surrounding her as she did. The group who were in the room, shuddered. There was bound to be a bad news, they thought as it was never good news when she smiles like that. It was creepy and at the same time, made them anticipate the worst that could happen to them. "Guess what, Kuroko-kun!" Kuroko tilted his head in confusion. Ignoring the silence given by her group mate, Aida exclaimed happily, "We finally have a job!"

"Is that so? Great for you, Aida-san." Kuroko answered, monotonously but sincerely.

"Oh, come on. Be happier than that, Kuroko! We finally have a job after a long wait you know!" said another brunette, Kiyoshi, one of his group mates, who slung an arm around Kuroko. A series of sighs filled the place as they sighed in relief.

A black haired bespectacled guy shrugged. Hyuuga Junpei, the co-leader of Seirin, nodded thoughtfully, "Seirin was just newly formed. It is an honor that we are entrusted with a job by the higher ups at this early stage of our group. But I have an underlying doubt that this might be a trap that they have set up for us to disband in case we fail." Again, the group tensed. SO it was bad news after all!

"Don't be so negative, Hyuuga!" Kiyoshi smacked his friend playfully in the back, earning a glare from the bespectacled co-leader, "Besides this will be a good challenge!"

Aida nodded, "I agree with Kiyoshi. If it is a challenge they want, then Seirin will not back down!" A moment of silence ensued, but was broken out when cheers of agreement broke out in the room under Riko's dangerous sweet smile.

"So… Riko," Kiyoshi cut in, finally removimg his arm from Kuroko's shoulders seeing as the later had a difficulty at the weight, "Kuroko is assigned to the job?"

Silence once again ensued with the exception of a few people who had open mouthed expressions and disbelief.

"Maa, I'm sure Kuroko's very happy. After all, he's the one who was picked by the higher ups." Aida nodded in a motherly way.

"EHHH?!" Kogenei Shinji, a member sputtered in disbelief, mulling over why his kouhai got a charge when he didn't get one yet. Others followed suit, albeit more discreetly. Aida ignored them and turned to Kuroko instead.

"Me?" Kuroko asked, disbelief and surprise cracking his usual monotone voice. Aida nodded, mentally patting herself on the back, though she was partly disappointed that the later had retained his blank face despite his voice.

"And the surprise doesn't just end there, Kuroko-kun. You will be the guardian of the newborn son of the king. He will be a very important figure in the future, they said, so you better make sure that he will be so. Because if you fail and bring shame into Seirin…"

Seirin gulped at the silent threat left hanging by the leader and eyed Kuroko pityingly. Kuroko nodded tensely…

A wave of cries made him snap out of his musings. He frowned as the cries got louder. "What's wrong?" he asked, walking to where the baby was. The small baby continued to cry, making him want to cover his ears on stared helplessly (and a little panicky) at the baby. He didn't know what to do. It was true that he adored kids but he didn't know how to comfort them. He thought back on the lessons about children back at his school up in the skies but none of it struck a note about how to calm crying babies. He was internally panicking now.

"Sshhh…" he said quietly but that didn't seem to work. He tried making it louder but the crying just ensued. Holding back a grimace at his wasted efforts, he patted the baby's head instead. It was what Kiyoshi did a little while ago and it also seemed to him, the most sensible thing to do at the moment. It was what his father used to do when he was feeling down or upset. It always brought him calm. "Don't cry now, Akashi-kun…" he said as he sang a lullaby, raising his usual monotone voice to make it sweet. The cries died down, leaving a sniffing baby who was looking over Kuroko. Kuroko stopped momentarily, stunned as he stared back at the baby.

The baby was…beautiful. He had crimson locks paired with equally red eyes. It was strangely… fitting for the baby, Kuroko noticed.

"Sei-chan?" called a voice. Kuroko broke out of his stupor. He leaned away from the baby's crib, listening to the voices outside. Hurried footsteps were going its way towards the baby's room. The queen, Kuroko thought, was on her way. He had heard that the queen liked to take care of the baby herself, explaining the absence of a nanny. The royal chamber was just a room away. He gave the baby one last pat on the head. The baby stared, his own little tantrum forgotten. He rued going and leaving this little baby but he had to gather his bearings in his new situation first. Kuroko smiled.

He will be the King one day… huh… He can't help but feel honored. To able to be tasked of the job watching over such a beautiful baby... Akashi Seijuro.

White feathers floated on the air, dancing joyfully like little white fairies lighting the room. A single feather made its way down the crib, softly touching the baby's face before landing down next to it. Kuroko planted a kiss on the baby's forehead.

"A blessing from the heavens to you, Akashi-kun." The angel said.

He left the room, jumping out of the window just as the queen opened the room to find a very quiet baby who was starting to cry again…

Kuroko sat on the tree outside the baby's room. The sun was high up in the sky as he watched the queen cradle the baby to sleep. Gathering his bearings…what job could possibly have him watch the baby at close distance?

"Kuroko-kun, one more thing before you go..." Kuroko stopped midway from his transportation. Kiyoshi stopped as well. He and Kuroko we're given tasks at the same time so he decided to drop by Kuroko's charge before going to his own charge.

"What is it, Aida-san?"

"Do not show your true form to anyone, especially Akashi-kun. You must blend in and watch him from a far. Remember all your lessons about watching over someone. Do you understand?"


Blend in… Kuroko with his little presence had no difficulty. But he was troubled on what to do to be close to the baby. Maid? Easiest way, yes. He can transform into female to do so but…no. Plain no, case closed. Butler can also do but then, butlers aren't that much famous in Rakuzan because one tried to assassinate the king in the past. His best places to land a job inside the castle would be a gardener, a cook, a page, a knight, etc. though he still much appreciated it if he can just blend in with the maids. With a shake of his head, he dismissed the thought of becoming a maid permanently. Becoming one of the gardeners might be the best option for him. The garden is the closest to the baby's room.

Applying for the job was easy, (not before enjoying the man's shock and manly shriek. Oh no, he's not a sadist. To him, it's just plainly amusing.) He was the only gardener in the palace. The permanent gardener, to say in the least. It was usually the maids who cleaned the garden once in a while so Kuroko is the true gardener among them. (As a person anyway.)

All the gardens inside the castle walls were surprisingly boring with only trees that are either half-dead, too small or too tall in size. Only a few were to be considered acceptable. The bushes were filled with overgrown weeds and vines that crept up the walls. The first time he saw it; he couldn't help but sigh as he compared the garden to the beautiful gardens up in the sky. The place needed maintenance dearly and he gathered that the royal family wasn't apt to being outside all the time. Not one to waste his time, he did weeded, trimmed and replanted— though a little might be a little too much on a normal person's dictionary. He had practically demolished most of the so-called garden and opted to plant a few seeds of flowers and some tree saplings and he reconstructed the whole place… The whole outcome was yet to be seen but he smiled to himself, satisfied with his first day's work.

As he entered the baby's room again that night, he was tired from the day's job. He peered down to the sleeping baby and strangely felt all his fatigue washed away. The thought of doing all this for someone was warm. The baby was asleep without his cap and this time, Kuroko made sure to close the window. The baby was beautiful, so innocent. Kuroko leaned on the crib, taking a better look on the baby. It was refreshing.

"Hello, Akashi-kun." He said softly. He was not the talkative type but he told the baby all the things he had done that day in the baby's gardens whilst stroking the baby's cheeks. "I hope you didn't mind what I did to your gardens though, Akashi-kun." A pause. "I really can't wait to see you grow…"

It looked absurd, talking to a baby. Kuroko strangely didn't mind. "Don't worry, Akashi-kun. I'll make the garden more attractive so that when you grow up and see it, it won't be boring anymore..."

The rest of the night went by with Kuroko, watching the baby, making future plans for the baby Akashi Seijuro…

After 5 yrs…

"My Prince! To where are you off to?" asked one of the maids. A young boy of barely five yrs. of age flinched at the sound of her voice, immediately abandoning the idea of closing his room as he let go of the door knob of his room he was innocently trying to close. Busted, as the boy heard a lot of times when a soldier finds him hiding behind some cupboards. A pair of red eyes stared guiltily at the maid as he stood, fidgeting and twiddling with his thumbs.

"Just going to get fresh air." He said. "if I may?" he added after an afterthought.

The maid smiled at him sympathetically. "Forgive me, my prince but your instructor will be arriving in an hour and the king asked us to keep you in your room till then."

The prince sighed. What's another hour to wait?, he wanted to ask. He pouted, his chubby cheeks puffing. The maid coughed at her hand, discretely avoiding his gaze as he gave her 'the look'. "Surely, my father wouldn't mind for a little air?" he asked.

"I'm afraid it would not be so, my Prince—"

"I can't?"

The maid was starting to get uncomfortable, clearing her throat again. The boy gave her a wide-eyed look, close to tears. It was almost crushing her will to not let the prince off today. Ohhhh, no. She let the prince off a few times already; it will not be so today. However, accompanied with tears that almost want to escape from those red eyes, making the prince cry itself is like a grave sin. (She still loves her life, thank you.) The wrath of the king could instantly make her jobless though and moreover banished from the kingdom. (Oh, she is overreacting and she knew it.) But disobeying the king's orders itself… she shuddered, not wanting to be punished. She gave the prince an apologetic look.

"Forgive me, your Highness. But I really cannot let you off today."

A chuckle echoed in the hallway, drawing the attention of the two. Taking in the new person, the maid paled as she was greeted with the flowing red locks and amused gold eyes of the Queen of Rakuzan. "Let him be, Shizuru." She said. The maid backed away with a bow as the queen approached turned to the young boy with a gentle smile on her face. Her golden eyes were playful as she regarded both of them. Her red hair hung loosely around her shoulders, reaching her mid back, the upper part tied in a half bun. Her dress was of the color of red with white sleeves, flowing fluidly with every move she does as she walked with grace. The maid, Shizuru, watched— captivated like any other servant would with the queen. "I see that you still cannot fully resist my son's trick, Shizuru?" the queen asked, amusement coloring her tone.

The maid bowed her head, embarrassed. "My apologies, Milady."

"Mou, it is not a trick, mother!" the young boy whined, "you always use it on father when you want something..." he mumbled, pouting to the side. The queen chuckled, regarding him amusedly. "Mou, Sei-chan~! It won't do you well to copy my ways, you know." she smiled. "Your father should be your role model. Come now, Sei-chan. You still have one good hour before your instructor arrives. Let's go get some air!" she held out a hand which the boy happily took.

"Yes, Mother!"

Shizuru frowned, protesting, "But Milady, his Majesty told us to—"

"Don't be such a party-popper, Shizuru~! Come, join us! I'll handle the king." The queen said with a wink. The maid discretely sighed.

Well, that's Milady for you, she thought in resignation.

The boy stared in awe at the view before him. It was as if he just stepped inside a different part of the world as a magnificent garden rose before him. Bright red, white, violet, yellow and pink roses adorned the bushes arranged perfectly along the pathways that lead to a fountain. Then, spreading into a circle, around the place. A statue of an angel stood on top of the fountain and there was tea table set beside the fountain.

"Care for a tea, Sei-chan?" asked the queen as she made way towards the table. The boy followed and sat on one of the chairs.

"What is this place, mother?" he asked wide eyed as one of the maids poured out tea for the two.

She smiled at the maid and thanked her as she regarded her son's question. "What do you mean, Sei-chan? It's a garden, of course! It's a beautiful place, isn't it?" she chirped happily.

"I know it is a garden, Mother. What I mean is I've never seen this place before…"

The queen propped up her elbows on the table as she laced her fingers under her chin. "You are aware of the different gardens around the palace, right? This rose garden is the newest addition. Ah— Shizuku!" a maid stepped up, "Would you mind to call the dear king? Tell him, the queen wants him in the garden. I'm sure he won't mind for tea."

"As you wish, Milady."

The boy sipped on the tea, curiously watching his mother. "You called for Father?" he asked, "Why?"

The queen smiled sweetly, "Oh, you'll see, Sei-chan."

A small redhead ran across the garden, face flushed, laughing gleefully. Stopping in front of his mother, he dodged out of the way as a pair of hands stretched out from where he was before. The queen pouted and gave chase to the laughing boy, "Sei-chan! I'm going to catch you~"

"Nuh uh! Catch me if you can, mother!" the boy answered, dodging out of the way from the woman, his mother's arms, laughing with glee. Looking closely, the two were similar except for the woman's eyes that were of the color gold. Akashi, failing to jump out of the way, he was grabbed by his mother on the waist and the two fell on the ground, laughing.

"Gotcha!" dirt immediately clung to their clothes but no one minded. She tickled the boy under his arms and his sides. "M-Mother! S-s-s-s-top… Haha.."

"Hmm? Was that the wind I heard? What do you think, dear? Did you hear anything?" she asked the man sitting peacefully on their tea table. The man had brown hair and powerful red eyes. He had a soft expression on his face as he watched the mother and son.

"F-Father! H-h-help m-m-me!" Akashi called.

Forcing a straight face, the king said. "No. I didn't, dear."

"I see, it must have been my imagination then."


The boy flailed from his mother's arms and the king laughed along the sides. "Release me at once, Mother!"

"I don't want to~ how do you ask a favor from someone, Sei-chan?"

"Release me…" the boy pleaded, tilting his head to look at his mother with his puppy eyes. While slightly stunned, the queen remained holding the boy. "No, Sei-chan. Say 'please' first."

The boy pouted stubbornly. The queen continued to tickle the boy but he stubbornly flailed.

"Say 'please' first, Sei-chan!"

"Noo~! Pft… hahaha… stop!.. haha… s-stop .. m-mother!"

"Not until you say 'please', Sei-chan~!"

The king shook his head with a sigh, knowing the boy's stubborn streak. The mother and son continued on for a few more minutes before the king finally decided to step in. He scooped the boy from his mother, holding him in his arms. "I think that's enough, my dear."

"Aww…" the queen whined, reaching for the boy again when the king dodged the boy out of the way.

"Seijurou." The king called, giving his son a stern but kind gaze, "it is not nice to just order around people." He set the boy down on the ground. Akashi gave him a strange look. "Why Father? You do it all the time."

"Well then, Seijurou. How would you feel if you were ordered around too?"

"I will feel… irwi- ir- irritated? Was that the correct word?" the small redhead asked innocently.

"Oh how cute~! Darling, our Sei learned a new word again!" the queen squealed in the background. The king shook his head with a sigh but he himself was smiling at his son's achievement. "Yes, that's why it is important to say 'please' when asking someone something, Sei-chan. And it is also important to say 'Thank you' afterwards."

Akashi, confused, looked up to the king with a questioning gaze. The king smiled gently. "While I do it all the time, I say 'Thank you' afterwards, Seijurou. It is always good for a king to be humble. And you, who will be king one day, will have to learn to be humble as well."

Still uncertain, Akashi could only nod. "Hai, mother, father. I apologize." The queen chuckled, seeing her boy pouting for being scolded, "Your angel will also be sad if you are bad, Sei-chan."


"Now, now." The king interjected, "don't tell me you are telling him of that story again…"

"Now, now." The queen copied, smiling. "There's no harm in telling him." The queen smiled fondly. "Angels are the ones sent by the heavens to watch over us, Sei-chan. Guardian angels, as many call them. Each of us has one. They are happy when we do good but when we do bad things, they are sad."

"Why are they sad when we do bad things?" Akashi asked.

"Because bad things we do comes from the evil angel, their nemesis."

"Evil angel?" Akashi frowned, "But I thought there was only one angel?" the child asked, confused.

"No. There are two. The evil angel and the good angel." the queen explained patiently. "If you do good, the good angel is happy and it makes the bad angel frustrated. If you always do good, your angel will always help you in any form. They'll always be there for you, more than your father and me."

The boy's eyes sparkled with curiosity and awe as he looked up to her, bouncing on his spot. "Can I meet him? Can I meet him?"

The queen chuckled. "Well, you can. They are invisible to us but if they want, they will show themselves willingly."

"Father," the child turned to the king, "if I say 'please', will the angel show himself to me?"

The king looked inscrutable for a moment before he answered, "Well, it depends." he said, deciding to humor his son's question. "Why don't you try? Though I don't think he will show…" he whispered the last part, making the queen elbow him on his side. The king winced slightly.

"Try it, Sei-chan! Mother will be cheering for you~!"

The king gently pushed the child forward into the garden, then turned back to his tea. He had no belief for such matters and he'd rather the boy to make his own opinions about it as well. Akashi looked around, heaving a deep breath. Red eyes closed, his hands clasped together in the form of praying, "Angel-san," he whispered, "if you are around, will you please show yourself to me?"




Minutes passed, and Akashi was becoming nervous by the second. What if he doesn't appear because he was bad? But he did say please so he was going to show right? Right?

A gentle breeze blew against the boy. Opening his eyes slowly, he settled on a figure before him. Opening his eyes fully, sky blue eyes met red eyes. Kuroko stood in front of him with a gentle expression on his face. The child broke into a smile, "Hurray! I met you, angel-san!" he cheered. Kuroko gave the child a little smile, crouching in front of the child. For a moment, the small redhead saw plush white wings unfurl and white feathers dancing in the air before he was face to face with a sky blue haired man with sky blue eyes, a ghost of a proud smile on his lips. The said angel pressed their foreheads together.

"A blessing from the heavens to you, Akashi-kun"

The boy had a bright smile as he ran to where his parents were. "Mother! Father! I met Angel-san!"

The king looked surprised as as the boy threw himself on him. Gently, he scooped him up in his arms , "Really now, Seijurou?"

"Hai!" the boy answered cheerily, "He told me something about the blessings from the heavens given to me though he immediately went poof!"

"Poof?" asked the king incredulous.

"Hai!" Akashi grinned, "He promised me I will see him again then he went poof! There were swishy sounds and white wings came out from his back!" he spread out his arms, "they were wiiiide like this, Father! And then he flew away!"

"Really? That's wonderful, Sei-chan!" the queen piped in, turning to the king, eyes alight with amusement, "For good measure in case you didn't understand my dear king, 'poof!' means he disappeared." She whispered with a giggle. The king shot her an I-know-that look.

"Dear..." The queen ignored him, listening to her son rambling about his adventure. The king set the boy back on the ground. The boy didn't even notice as he continued chatting with his mother. The king made his way towards the tea table again and sat down. Meeting an angel? Certainly, the boy must be imagining. His son is not one to lie for he never encouraged such deeds. Nimble fingers picked up his cooling tea and he drank when someone suddenly spoke.

"Good day, your Highness."

The king almost spilled his drink. With a cough, he looked disapprovingly at the direction of the voice which was surprisingly beside him. He was a young man, he noted. He had sky blue hair and sky blue eyes, and a weak presence around him. He had no qualms the man wouldn't have been able to sneak up on him if he had the presence of a normal person. The king raised a brow, curiosity playing in his eyes. "I apologize if I startled you, your Highness." the man spoke in an equally quiet voice. The king waved it off, calmly picking up his tea again.

"How long have you been there?"

"Just now, your highness."

The king nodded. He took a sip from his tea and set it down again, "So is there something you needed to tell me...what's your name, young man?"

"Kuroko, your Highness." the man said, kneeling on one knee. The king nodded approvingly.

"Kuroko." he addressed him, "So what is it that you seek my attention for?"

"Forgive me but I have none, your Highness. This servant has only noticed that your Highness seemed displeased. Is there something unsatisfactory with the garden?" Kuroko asked. The king smiled, amused, at the man's bluntness.

"I take it you are the gardener?" he asked.

"That I am, your Majesty."

The king let his eyes room over the garden once again, and chuckled, setting down his cup. "I find no fault in your work, Kuroko-kun. The garden is simply beautiful to find any faults in it." He answered honestly. He debated with himself for a moment before he spoke again. "I am merely concerned about an entirely different matter..."

"I see..."

Silence ensued as the king seemed lost in thoughts and Kuroko didn't dare interrupt him. Finally after a long while, he spoke again. "Kuroko-kun, do you believe in angels?" Unbidden, a small smile crept up Kuroko's lips.

"Yes, your Highness. Do you not believe in them as well?"

The king looked thoughtful, "I do not believe in them," he answered, "but once upon a time when I was at Seijurou's age, I did." His face softened, "Listening to my queen and my son talk about it, it stirs a memory long forgotten. They show themselves when they want to, don't they?" he asked with a slight smile.

"I believe so, your Highness."

The king chuckled, "Ah forgive me. I think my fatigue is catching up to me…" he closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "It is not too late isn't i..." His eyes widened as Kuroko smiled gently at the king, white wings visible on his back.

"Do not worry, my king. Your Guardian angel is still with you. He always will be, just as I will always be with your son, Akashi Seijurou..." his voice faded as he disappeared from the king's sight.

The king was left staring at the spot where Kuroko just stood a while back, disbelief and shock marring his features. Was that..? He was still frozen in shock when the queen called out to him.


"Father!" Akashi called, jumping on his father's lap. This seemed to break the spell as the king looked at his son, then to his queen.

"Dear... I think Seijurou's angel just came and went poof..."

"Do you think it was wise showing yourself to them?" Koganei asked Kuroko who was sitting comfortably in a tower, watching the family.

Kuroko turned to face him, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "I have no regrets, sempai."

Koganei hummed, shrugging. "Maa, as long as you don't show your true form. Riko will have your head if you do, I suppose." Koganei must have misheard it but Kuroko laughed softly. When he turned to check if he was right but Kuroko had his usual pokerface in place. He shrugged yet again.

"I know, sempai. But I'm happy as long as Akashi-kun is happy."

"That sounds weird you know."

"How is it weird, sempai?"

"You sound like a pedo."

Kuroko faced him with his usual pokerface. Is it him or his eyebrow was slightly raised? "I'm not, sempai." With a cough, Koganei laughed nervously, slapping his kouhai in the back. His voice was scary!

"Man, it's just a joke!"


A/N: And that's a wrap! After endlessly editing this over and over again, I finally had enough and decided to post it. I thank those who reviewed my FT story. I'm so happy you like it and I apologize if I'm taking too long to update.

Anyways, reviews are appreciated and please correct me if there are any mistakes (like grammar, etc). Itterashai~!