I haven't watched all recent episodes of Fairy tale in fact I just started watching it. This is going to be the longest anime I have ever watched. I am getting most of my info from my sister who has watched it...I just wanted to do a fanfiction. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING THAT RELATES TO RECENT EVENTS DON'T READ THIS.


Sora tugged at her loose burgandy tank-top. Her shaking fingertips fumbled through her blonde hair. Her knees shook just below the hem of her pleated black skirt. Her Blue eyes hid behind a dark thick pair of shades, they pointed straight at a big wooden sigh that read 'Fairy Tale'. Shakily she took a step backward her thoughts racing. 'Will they accept a monster like me?' Her confidence withered as past events flooded her mind.

'Don't come close!'

'You're a monster!'

A little girl sat in a room alone tears cascading down her small delicate face. 'Daddy...Daddy!'

Sora mentally beat herself up, 'Not now...you can't think of this now!' Nervously she took a step forward. The noise that, that certain guild emitted was like a beam of sound than made Sora stumble backwards. Her heel got caught on a loose stone and her whole body fell backwards. She shut her eyes preparing for the fall an all to familiar pain. The impact never came. Confused, Sora slowly opened her eyes to see a face curiously staring back down at hers. Sora's face flushed in embarrassment.

"Th-Thank you!" Sora Stuttered, she hadn't had very much social skills due to her past. Sora got back on her feet. Curiosity filled his dark blue eyes. Sora fumbled nervously. His midnight blue hair twisted and flipped in the passing wind, so did his white button down shirt. He noticed Sora's nervousness almost immediately. His icy eyes softened ever slightly.

"I'm Gray." He introduced. Sora supposed he wanted a reply.

"I-I'm S-Sora." She mumbled.