Disclaimer: I don't own Intelligence at all.

Gabriel and Riley: Fifty Things

By: DemonClowSorceress

Number fifteen is my first foray into the Intelligence fandom. Presenting our favorite CyberCom duo, Gabriel Vaughn and Riley Neal!

#1 - Check-in

She calls him to check in every day at 6AM and 8PM, and they pretend they're not sneaking glances at each other through their windows.

#2 - Satellite

Seeing Clockwork in action - seeing Gabriel in action - was incredible.

#3 - Mozart

He heaved an irritable sigh as the Turkish Waltz started up again. "Doc, you realize this could be classified as torture."

#4 - Company

"You're impossible," Riley sighed at the twin pairs of puppy-dog eyes.

#5 - Hobby

"Sonofa - " he breathed as he watched his slim, spry partner drop a man twice her size with one hand.

#6 - Sealed

He'd promised not to snoop, but circumstances being what they were, Gabriel valued his partner's well-being over her privacy.

#7 - Neosporin

"Stop being a baby and hold still."

#8 - Jargon

Riley learned to cover Gabriel's slips around uncleared personnel very early on.

#9 - Jameson

He had a lot of respect for the new girl. Not many could give as well as they got.

#10 - Bad

"Cheer up, Riley. At least it isn't - "

#11 - Worse

"If you say it, I swear to God I will punch you."

#12 - Sync

They move, think, and fight with a fluidity most partners can never achieve.

#13 - Shield

Her job was to always come between him and danger. But someone needed to protect her too.

#14 - Confirmation

A close scare in the field had Gabriel reaching over every few seconds to make sure she was actually there.

#15 - Clockwork

"I thought you said Weatherly didn't get to you," Riley said, eyeing the book in his hand.

#16 - Curls

He'd seen her hair loose before, but nothing like this.

#17 - Emasculation

It was definitely the wrong choice of words.

#18 - Marine

Seeing him stand "at attention," Riley smiled and thought, Some things never change.

#19 - Watch

She kept it long after that mission to Mexico, frozen on the moment she led him to her location.

#20 - Twenty

Nobody understood why Gabriel asked Jameson to spot him some cash. When asked why, he only said, "I owe Riley."

#21 - Mother

Mary Vaughn smiled as the brunette blushed. She was many things, but blind was not one of them.

#22 - Serpent

Mei Chen wasn't the only temptation he had to resist.

#23 - Frankenstein

Sure it bothered her that people thought he wasn't human, but it bothered her more when he believed them.

#24 - Conflict

She was the enemy. So why was it so damn hard to shoot her?

#25 - Lillian

After watching their interactions in the field, the signs were clear even to the rawest agent.

#26 - Faraday

After a day in the protected safehouse, Riley was about ready to shoot him herself.

#27 - Compass

"I knew you'd find me."

#28 - Display

All day he saw data superimposed over reality - except when he looked at her.

#29 - Movies

"Can't believe you've never seen this series," Riley said, placing a bowl of popcorn between them on the couch.

#30 - Virus

He clutched his head and screamed as his mind scrambled to protect itself.

#31 - Mei

She was the Eve to his Adam, and they could be gods together. But he only wanted to be a man.

#32 - Infected

He couldn't relax until the needle was in her arm and the plunger dropped.

#33 - Scars

Neither one could say they made it through life without some marks.

#34 - Robot

It took all her considerable self-control not to punch the man. Instead she growled, "His name is Gabriel."

#35 - Suture

"Where'd you learn field surgery from? Your mother?"

#36 - Nelson

"Boys and girls, our sucky day has just decided to suck harder."

#37 - Lunch

Sometimes, they just had to get away for a quiet bite.

#38 - Priority

He didn't know why he yelled "Riley's been hit!" before relaying their situation.

#39 - Tie

"Feels like a damn noose around my neck," he grumbled as he tugged at the silken knot.

#40 - Shenendoah

He couldn't have prescribed a better cure for his boy's broken heart.

#41 - Stained

Neither of their hands were clean.

#42 - Finalist

One of six potential protectors. What made Riley Neal edge out her competition?

#43 - Volunteer

Only a desperate man would do it. Or a man with nothing to lose.

#44 - Jedi

He had far too much fun remote-activating everything within the building and scaring the newbies.

#45 - Karaoke

Gabriel's jaw dropped when his partner's sexy voice purred through the microphone.

#46 - Heart

Some people think he doesn't have one because of his chip, but Riley knows better.

#47 - Thriller

"You never did explain how you got that code name."

#48 - Tequila

Gabriel brought out the old, dusty bottle whenever they had a rough day.

#49 - Jukebox

Riley smirked when a country song came out of the speakers.

#50 - Partners

Through thick and thin, they stand as equals against the threats aimed at their country.

I'm so sad they cancelled this series! Oh well, at least we've got the fanfiction!

One-shots to follow? Yay or nay?