Agh! I love you guys! Your reviews were so nice, and made me so happy! I got a few requests asking for a continuation, so here you go. It's kind of short, but I think its cute. I hope you like it!
PS: kar12389, you said your grandmother's name was Mary? I am sorry for your loss, and if you two were close, I hope she will forever remain in your memory and heart. I was very uneasy about using the name Mary, but you saying that it was your grandmothers name made me feel a lot better about it! Thank you, though that probably wasn't your intent. Just wanted to say that. It almost gave the name purpose...
PSS: Everyone who reviewed, seriously, thank you. It's been an awful week, and you guys made me really happy :)
Please enjoy!
Fairy Tail, a guild for wizards, sat in the town of Magnolia. The building's roof reached in spirals towards the sky, proclaiming its claim to the city. Fairy Tail, being the rowdy guild that it is, was having its usual bar fight, arguments, and laughter that echoed through the building. One in particular rang through the room, louder than the others.
"I said no," Gajeel growled, his red eyes narrowed at the teenaged girl standing in front of him.
She puffed up her cheeks in annoyance, mirroring her mother. Her arms were crossed as she scowled at her father. Mary was only sixteen and reached up to her father's shoulder. Her curly blue hair hung loose down to her waist. She was wearing a yellow sweater with black jeans.. Her eyes were blue with flecks of red in them, startling at first, but mesmerizing, most guys in the guild would agree, though they would never admit this out loud, for fear of her father.
Gajeel would kill them if he ever heard any of the guys talk about her like that. Literally.
Mary raised her eyebrows at the man towering over her, lips pursed.
"I'm sixteen, I know I can do this," she said. Gajeel scowled at her, his arms mirroring her crossed arms.
"No," was all he said. Levy sighed from across the room and approached the two. She eyed her husband with annoyance and unease.
"Gajeel, calm down," she hissed at him. The guild had turned, and was staring at the three. Gajeel and Mary didn't flinch, both locked in a glaring contest. After a few moments Mary let out an exasperated sigh and stalked off towards her friends.
Levy sighed and gave Gajeel a tired look. "It's just a mission, Gajeel. She'll be fine."
"No way in hell," he snarled. He didn't intend to snap at her, it just kind of came out. Levy didn't look too affected by it though, only sighing at him.
"You're overreacting," she informed him. He said nothing, his eyes trained on Mary. "Really, Gajeel. It's not like she'd be alone. Jack and Nashi would be with her."
He snorted. "I wouldn't trust Jack with my finger." He glared at the teenage boy sitting next to Mary with white hair that was in a low ponytail. Jack, as if sensing the gaze of Gajeel, shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
"Jack is very responsible. So is Nashi. Mary would be fine. Besides, it's not a hard job, there's not even any fighting involved," Levy reasoned.
"She's not ready," Gajeel said. Levy sighed but said nothing else. After a moment of tense silence, Gajeel turned to Levy, his gaze softening just the slightest. "I don't want her to get hurt." Levy smiled at him.
"I don't want that either, Gajeel. But we can't keep her locked up in the guild forever."
His shoulders slumped in defeat.
Over at the table Mary was scowling at the ground. Jack glanced at her sympathetically, but remained silent, unsure of what to say.
"I'm sure they'll loosen up soon enough," Nashi said. She brushed a piece of her blonde hair behind her ears that hung loose around her shoulders. She grinned at the girl. "Your mom knows how to manipulate your dad."
Mary snorted, "Yeah, if she's even on my side." Mary couldn't be sure if her mom was supportive of her leaving for a mission. She had been teetering on the edges of supportive and impassive.
Jack smiled at his friend. Jack was easily the most handsome boy of his age in the guild, with his soft rugged look, mirroring his father Laxus, and his hair was always brushed and clothes were always fresh and clean, due to his mother's constant nagging. He was a very calm and silent boy, but that only really contributed to people he wasn't close to. Around his closest friends and family he was almost as enthusiastic as a regular Fairy Tail member.
Jack's eyes were a bright blue, and seemed to sparkle as they watched the angry girl.
"I'm sure your dad will come around," he said softly. Her shoulders slumped slightly at his words.
"I don't understand why he doesn't trust me…" she murmured. Nashi reached over and grabbed Mary's hand. Nashi grinned as she spoke.
"It's not you he doesn't trust. It's Jack…" Nashi shot Jack a mischievous glance. He turned red, looking pointedly down at his hands. Mary's cheeks went slightly pink before she muttered under her breath, "He doesn't need to worry about that."
Nashi glanced between the two, highly doubting that. They both refused to look at each other. Nashi chuckled under her breath; they were so easy to read.
"I don't think it matters either way, it looks like your dad is falling victim to your mother's charm." Nashi nodded at the couple in the corner. Mary's head snapped up as she watched Gajeel lumber over, Levy trailing after him behind.
Mary stared with wide eyes as he stopped in front of her. His arms were crossed and he muttered under his breath.
"What?" Mary asked. Levy rolled her eyes and hit him on the shoulder.
He scowled in irritation before clearing his throat. "You can go on the mission." Before Mary could exclaim in delight he said quickly, "There are conditions."
Mary blinked, but nodded, not willing to ruin this.
"First, if anything goes wrong, you call us. No matter how small. Second, you do not share a room with anyone of the opposite gender, under any circumstance." At this, he shot a glare at Jack, able to make a grown man wet his pants. Jack though, used to his mother's terrifying aura, only managed a soft flinch. Mary went slightly red at his statement, but made no comment.
"Third," he continued, "you cannot go on a mission that involves fighting until you are eighteen. None of these rules are negotiable," he added, noticing her look of irritation.
Mary's lips twitched, her inner instincts telling her to fight back. Mary resisted though, knowing that she would have no chance of winning. He was wearing his serious expression, which meant his word was law in instances like these. Levy glanced at her daughter, giving her an encouraging smile.
Levy was not too thrilled about letting her daughter go on a mission, but she realized it didn't matter. Her little girl was growing up, and the only way to help her now, was to support her. Gajeel seemed to have realized this too, she noted in relief.
Mary blew out a breath, glancing at Nashi and Jack. Nashi was grinning at her, her eyes glinting with excitement. Jack smiled softly. Mary turned back to her parents and nodded.
"Alright, you win." Gajeel's shoulders slumped in relief; he really thought she was going to fight back on his last rule.
Mary grinned at her dad.
"Thanks, old man!"
Gajeel snorted. "Who are you calling old? Pay more respect to your father!"
Levy watched the two argued playfully with a happy smile. Her little girl had grown up so much. Levy couldn't help but remember the moment when she had realized she was pregnant, and feeling such delight that she was nearly crushed by it. Then there was that moment…
Levy stared at Mary nervously. The little girl was only four and was lying asleep on the couch.
"Do you think we should really bring her?" she asked Gajeel. Gajeel glanced up from the iron he was tinkering with. Seeing Levy's anxious expression he chuckled.
"Were just taking her to the guild," he said reasonably. Levy shook her head.
"This time it's different. It's going to be a party, making the guild ten times as dangerous as it usually is. Maybe we shouldn't go." Levy bit her lip. Fairy Tail was rowdy, and loud, and violent. Mary was shy, and soft, and not used to seeing more than two fights in a day at the guild. During a party, it was not uncommon for there to be more than five fights.
Gajeel stood up and walked over to her.
"We can't skip the party; it's for her after all. She'll be fine," he assured her. "I'll kill them before I let them lay a hand on her."
Levy stifled a laugh behind her hand. "You'll stop violence with violence? Good idea, Gajeel."
"What are you laughing at, Shrimp?" he growled. Levy smiled at him, her nerves put at ease, for the moment.
"Nothing," she murmured before leaning close and kissing him.
An hour later, when they arrived at the guild, Levy clutched Mary's hand like a life line. Mary didn't notice though, as she giggled excitedly at the bottom of the steps to Fairy Tail.
"You ready, kid?" Gajeel asked the little girl. Mary huffed at him.
"I'm not a kid!" she whined. Levy chuckled and Gajeel just rolled his eyes. He reached down and ruffled her hair, causing her to stick her tongue out at him.
Grinning at her, he pushed open the doors.
"Happy birthday, Mary!" the guild screamed.
Levy chuckled at the memory. Mary had been so surprised, and so happy, she had shrieked in delight. Levy stared at Mary. She sure had grown up since then.
Before she could stop herself, she murmured something under her breath.
"How is it possible I love you so much?"
Comments, suggestions, reviews? Yes, no, maybe so?
I'm not sure about the ending... It's sweet but possibly a little frail, if you understand what I mean. As I wrote this I really fell in love with the idea of MirajaneXLaxus (is there a shipping name for that? Because I have no idea). I also like the idea of Jack. I know, I can't get to attached to him, he's only in this story but still... I didn't get to really expand on his character, due to it being centered on Mary, Gajeel, and Levy. But if anyone wants me to write about Jack and Mary that could be cool too... I don't know, don't mind me :p
Anyway, thanks for the reviews. I hadn't even been considering writing a continuation of this. Thanks for the opportunity! I hope it was to your liking!