Hi again! I'm back with a new poem for Swiftpaw. I know, I know. Not very original. I have a list of cats I might make poems for, and you guys can make suggestions, too! For all of you who are reading Twisted Fates, I promise I'm working on it. There's just one scene I'm having trouble explaining/describing. Hopefully, I can put Chapter 2 out tomorrow…no promises…sorry! :( (please don't kill me!) Also, please check out the poll I set up for what other stories I should start. I can tell you I have had several new ideas recently, and I can't wait to get them put down on paper! (or computer, in this case) Anyway, thank you for reading and enjoy! :)


Death of a Warrior





Slipping, sliding in the mud.

Terror coursing through my blood.

One bite is what ends it all.

I know it's my time to fall.


Drama much? Not very long, but neither were the others, huh? Thank you all for continuing to support me, it means a lot! And remember to check out that poll! :) Peace!