A/N: The first seven drabbles were all written for Leorai week and gooooosh I've been so excited for this week you guys don't even know half of it. ANYWAY, here's the drabble for the first day, let's see if I can do all days lol. Also, I forgot to publish the first drabble on monday so... double feature for you all lol.


Leonardo was early, as usual.

The wind was strangely soft that evening, as if the world had chosen to be extra gentle on the New York City rooftops for one day. Karai arrived on the Byerly building, landing on the edge, barely making any sounds as she stalked towards the figure leaning against one of the heightened skylight. She pulled her tantô, leaping forward, starting with an easy-to-block sideswipe.

Leo reacted immediately, their blades clashing loudly in the silence.

"Do you always have to do that every time we meet?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"It's a lot more fun than saying 'hello', now isn't it?"

They parted, and then their dance began.

She could tell he was holding back, the strikes were too slow, too easy to block - but it wasn't like she was giving her all either. It was just for show, after all.

Part of their little game.

One sudden, deliberately unfair kick, and Leo's on the ground with Karai on top of him, her blade at his throat, "I win."

He made a face, placed his hands on her sides, not truly bothered by the weapon aimed at him, "Yeah, by cheating."

"I don't remember there being any rules in combat," She leaned closer, her lips gracing his, "I think you're just a sore loser."

His eyes drooped, hands stroking up her sides to her back, "I think I'll beat you next time."

"In your dreams."

The sword withdrew, was placed on the side of his head, and she closed the distance between them, tilting her head slightly so their tongues could enter each others mouths. Her face blossomed with warmth, a warmth that spread to her chest and set her entire body ablaze. He sat up, their weapons falling out of their hands and onto the cold cement roof. She slid out of her armor, the lessened pressure on her breasts made her which Leo's hands were there to replace it with his touch.

Leo put his arms around her, pulled her ever closer, massaging her back. Meanwhile she caressed his cheeks, the side of his face, his scales tickling against her lips, the insides of his mouth tasting of mint-flavored toothpaste.

She remembered the first time they'd kissed. There had been no technique - she had been almost as inexperienced as he was - and the first thing Leo had managed to do was almost break Karai's nose when it slammed into his flat face.

Now they were doing better, as in, they'd learned to take it easier at the impact.

"You've been practicing," She said as they parted.

Leo grinned, "Am I getting better?"

"Well," Karai put her arms around his neck, "you're passable now."

"Lucky I have such a good teacher, then."

A laugh left her, and she gave him a light peck at the corner of his mouth, which he responded to by making her crane her neck, kiss along it and brushing his fingers through her hair.

The warmth had spread lower now, she held back the urge to squirm at the feeling, clenched down there to satisfy it.

Karai groaned when Leo moved his hand lower.