I hope you guys like who I chose!

Percy Weasley

Percy stared at his little brother in shock, who was walking toward the Ravenclaw table. Ron had a small grin on his face as he did so, which surprised Percy. He remembered what the Sorting Hat had said to him, about how he could be good in Slytherin and Ravenclaw as well as Gryffindor. He had begged for it to put him in Gryffindor at the time, to put him in the house that all his family had been in, the House that would make them proud.

Now, of course, sometimes Percy wished that he had been Sorted into another House just so he could be seen as something different, not just Charlie and Bill's little brother. Percy wondered if that's what Ron had been thinking at the time, if that's what he was thinking all day. He had been very distant this morning, more than could even be explained by starting Hogwarts.

"Percy," Fred whispered, trying not to be heard over the polite, but stunned clapping of the hall. "What's going on with the Sorting Hat?"

Percy shrugged, for once not even able to pretend to know the answer. First, the Malfoy heir got into Gryffindor, then Harry Potter got into Slytherin of all places, and now Ron was in Ravenclaw?

Either the Sorting Hat went off its rocker, or there was more to these boy's than it looked.

Percy wondered what it was.

Severus Snape

Severus had just been about to drink when Draco Malfoy was Sorted into Gryffindor. He barely managed to put his drink down instead of outright dropping it onto the ground as he watched Lucius Malfoy's son stand up from the Sorting stool, looked around, shrugged, and walked towards his House.

Severus wondered how exactly that happened. He had never had much contact with the boy over the years, but the times he had seen him, Draco reminded quite a bit of Lucius. Arrogant and conceited, but in a Slytherin manner, not a Gryffindor one.

Apparently, the Sorting Hat thought differently.

Severus had recovered by the time Harry Potter was called, and Severus grabbed his goblet for another drink, waiting for the inevitable.

He didn't get it.

As soon as Severus was about to take another drink, the Hat yelled "SLYTHERIN!", and he just barely avoided dropping it again. Watching Harry Potter, the son of James Potter, walk towards the Slytherin table as his robes and tie turn green and silver, made Severus need something stronger.

Vincent Crabbe

Vincent was confused, which happened a lot, but this time most people would have agreed with his confusion. Draco Malfoy, who Vincent remembered from growing up was always bossing people around and telling them that he was going to be in Slytherin one day and the best one there could be, was a Gryffindor. And most of all, he didn't seem confused or upset by it. All he did was shrug and walk towards the other table, acting like this didn't really bother him in the least.

Vincent was very confused. He watched Draco, watched as he started talking with the boy next to him. Longbottom, Vincent thought his name was. It was very weird. He watched them both until Harry Potter's name was called.

Like everyone in the Great Hall, Vincent stopped what he was doing to watch him. The other boy walked towards the Sorting Hat on shaking legs and slowly sat down. The Hat was lowered onto his head, and then everyone wanted.

Vincent was pretty sure the boy was going to be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. You had to be brave and smart to beat the Dark Lord when you were only a baby after all.

But then the Hat yelled "SLYTHERIN!"

Vincent looked at Greg, both knowing what the other was thinking.

They might not have Malfoy, but now they had Potter.

Neville Longbottom

Neville looked at the boy sitting next to him. Like everyone in the Hall, he had been shocked that the boy had been Sorted into Gryffindor. But Draco wasn't anything at all like Neville thought he would be. He wasn't mean or condescending, but he was nice and he was asking Neville a bunch of questions about his family and his life. If Neville wasn't imagining things, he would almost say that Draco wanted to be friends.

Neville wouldn't mind that. He never really had a friend before.

Next to him, the Prefect Percy Weasley was whispering with two identical younger boys who looked a lot like him. He supposed they were whispering about the fact that two boys that everyone assumed would be sitting with them weren't. Harry Potter, which Neville couldn't quite believe, and Ron Weasley, which Neville could believe a little bit better.

Ron was just smart, that was all.

Personally, he didn't see what the big deal was. So no one was quite what they seemed.

Neville wasn't either.

I'm thinking, and it'll be awhile before I get there, that the pairings for this story will be Harry/Hermione and Ron/Draco. I'm not positive, but I'm letting everyone know so they can bail out before this gets going.

The next chapter will be them getting settled into their Houses, and a little more information about what happened before they came back.