"Aww Cards it'll get bettah!" Dutchy said patting the blonde's shoulder then hugging her gently. "Dat guy's an ass not ta see dat ya da best goil in da whole woild!"

"Tanks Dutchy!" Cards said looking up at him. "Ya's a great friend ya know dat?" She cocked her head to the side and smiled at him. "Da best one I've evah had!"

"Lets go get drunk." Dutchy said, remembering when Cards had done the same for him when a guy had broke up with him explaining that he was disgusting. "Forget dat bastard!"

"Aww tanks!" Cards flung her arms around him.

The two got drunk and after paying for the drinks they headed back to the lodging house.

"Ya me best friend." Cards said. "I'se can tell ya anyting!" She giggled and leaned into him as they walked. "Why can't we be more den friends?"

"I'se queer." Dutcy reminded her. "ME an' Spec's love each other."

"But ain't ya evah wondahed what a goil's like?" Cards asked stopping them both.

"You're just missing that jerk who dumped you!" Dutchy explained to her.

"Nah. I ain't." Cards muttered holding herself close to Dutchy.

"Yes ya are." Dutchy tried to explain it to her again.

"Come on, one little kiss." Cards coaxed.

"Ya drunk."

"Dat was da point!" Cards pouted.

"Ya like me little sistah!" Dutchy protested.

"So?" She leaned up and kissed him.

"Specs." He muttered as they pulled apart.

"I ain't Specs." Cards muttered drunkenly confused.

"I dun wanna do dis." Dutchy whispered hoping Cards ability to hold alcohol would die soon and she would faint.

"But I do." Cards whispered pouting, pulling him down to her lips.

"Cards," Dutchy tried to mover her away, "lets just go to da lodgen' house." She complied but when they got to the Lodging house grabbed his collar and kissed him again.

"Specs!" Dutchy yelled seeing the brown haired boy in the window.

"I ain't Specs!" Cards insisted.

"He is!" Dutchy ran in after the boy.

"I'se just a joke huh?" Specs asked huddled in a corner.

"Nah, she's drunk."

"You were enjoying it!"

"No I wasn't I kept on tinkin a you!" Dutchy explained. Trying to comfort the enraged Specs.

"I tought ya loved me!"

"I do!" Dutchy said trying to touch him, eventually he got through Specs' defense of glaring at him and slapping his hands away. "I really do Spec's I loves ya." Dutchy whispered kissing the brunette.

Disclaimer: I dun own Dutchy and Specs I own Cards.

Author's notes: Okay I felt like writing Cards differently! She was getting to be too predictable so I did this to her!

Cards on:

Glow Worms:

Actually I picked something I have no opinion on!