Chapter I

When I was younger, I was able to see the spirits in the forest when I was with him. I would occasionally play with them, only because I wasn't allowed to touch him. If I did, he would disappear.

So I promised to the spirits of the forest who warned me of his 'blessing'. The summer days we would always walk around, introducing and exploring new areas around the mountain side.

I missed those days with him especially. When he would listen to my thoughts of the world and universe, then quickly changing my thoughts about the supernatural, he accepted me. He was my best friend, the only person I ever had come to love.

During the winter, he was my summer sun of those cold days, till I finally was able to visit my uncles house to see him. I always looked forward not only to see my only uncle, but the only other person I cared about, the only person I needed.

Sadly, he did eventually disappear. I kept my promise, it was only accident, all he wanted was to not let a boy fall to his face. We were at the spirit festival - a festival held by the spirits he would say. Our second date together, and he disappeared before me, unlike the first time he appeared when I first met him.

I could feel his embrace when I could finally touch him, hold him with all my might, he dissipated in my arms. Wanting and aching for him once again, knowing that would never could come true. He was now the fireflies in the forest that I had visited once a year, a week.

I am now able to visit the mountain everyday in the winter, autumn, and spring. Though, I couldn't see it with him. I couldn't visit him especially anymore.

As I got older, I was unable to see the spirits in the mountain anymore, unable to have any company that was remotely close to him.

When I visited the mountain side, the mountain god had waited for me like he had before. My eyes were quickly covered in darkness and I only heard a voice, a voice like his but I knew it wasn't him, it was the mountain god only trying to help me.

"You have touched my heart," he spoke softly, I couldn't help myself but let out my tears, letting me cry in front of him.

"Gin was very important to all the spirits in my mountain and my forest. Here is my gift to you, Takegawa Hotaru."

He left my side, soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the spirits again in the mountain, being reunited with them, celebrating in memory of him.

I was blessed by the mountain god to see the spirits not only in his mountain but all around me. My school, around my uncles home, everywhere.

Once I graduated my school, I graduated, I lived with my uncle. I taught Literature at a school I recently was hired at, I was the youngest teacher there so I was able to get along most of the students. But one day…

I was returning home after a long day of grading papers, and quizzes I had recently given. I saw him. The boy who I fell in love with at the forest when I was younger, first instinct was to run to him and I did. His aura, his hair, his height, everything was spot on. Sprinting with all my might, quickly turning him to see his face,


It wasn't him. Not the boy I fell in love with, yes of course it wasn't him.

"Gin?" the boy spoke with confusion, I looked up meeting his gaze. He had the same features, the same golden eyes I had loved to see when he looked at me. His hair color was different, his voice slightly off from his, there was no way it could've been him anyway, why did I ever have hope in the first place?

"Ah," I slowly let of his shoulder my arm falling back to side, embarrassed, "I thought you were someone I knew. Sorry," I apologized. I tried not to let the student see my disappointed face, leaving him behind me, walking back to my uncles home.

I stared at the ceiling, dozing off. That boy, why did he had to look like him, his uniform belonged to my school I taught at, yet I never seen him. He must've been new, or just doing the orientation.

I made myself sit up, standing to my feet and walking to my bag going through papers seeing the new student that was going to be in my fourth hour Literature class. "Natsume...Takashi," I murmured softly. Not even remotely close to Gins name, but very a close look alike.

As I laid back down, dozing into my thoughts once more, I went back to my memories of him. The way he told me how beautiful I was becoming when I finally started high school, the way he spoke my name when I hurt myself by climbing trees to see the cowardly fox spirit that disguised himself multiple times to trick me.

The way he looked at me when he took off his mask, the way the very last words he spoke to me as he left my arms, "I love you,". I couldn't help but shed one tear. I missed him.

The mask he had left behind for me, laid next to me, I picked it up and stared into it as if he were his eyes were there. "I love you too," I spoke out, hugging the mask tightly then turning to my side going into my deep slumber.

The next day, I saw Natsume seated to the right of the middle row next to the window. I knew he recognized me as soon as I entered the classroom. I began handing out previous quizzes then starting with a lecture. This time, in part of literature I began to teach about mythology and the spirits of Japan, this boy, surely he had to do something with spirits. Was he a reincarnation of him? Why do I still cling to this? This student, has nothing to do with him. I couldn't help but wonder, I just had to know. It's only a short period of time just to teach these students before they catch on.

"Sensei," one child spoke, Sarada raising her hand, "how come we are learning this now?" she asked curiously.

"I just thought," I quickly began to think of an excuse, "I just thought you guys might want to learn something more interesting instead of dumb books that no one reads anymore." The class then agreed and I continued with the lesson.

During the break I held my notes and journals, gazing outside the window watching of spirits play with each other as another that seemed a higher rank enjoyed the sun and the atmosphere of the lower rank of them. All these spirits reminded me of him when I played with him when I was younger.

"Do you see them?" I was quickly snapped back to reality to my student, Natsume Takashi. He was also looking at the dancing spirits out the window, hands in his pockets. The way he had one hand out of his pocket reminded me of my somewhat spirit lover.

"See what?" I said being dumbfounded, he quickly looked away from the window, sadly looking down then smiled to me.

"Nothing, nevermind," he spoke rather too cheerful and walked off.

That smile, he was disappointed that he thought I saw something.

As I gazed back out the window, he spoke with the larger spirit, other students that passed by looked at him rather suspiciously as he spoke to the spirit, ah of course. They don't see the spirits, he can see them.

Natsume Takashi could see the spirits like myself, I wonder if he's been to the mountain when I met my masked love.