A/N: Not making fun of anyone in the fanfiction universe. Just ran out of ideas so please no flaming me. Also I'd be making fun of myself if that is the case, something I do on a daily basis, so don't take this last chapter serious. Thank you

He looked into Zim's beautiful purple/blue contacts while he examined his gorgeous jade skin tone while he approached. His heart thudded in his chest. His pulse raced. He felt heated as he felt the intensity in Zim's eyes focused primarily on him. He found for the first time he couldn't speak. He would wait forever to hear the next perfect word to be uttered from that mouth of his.

As the distance closed, he felt Zim's strangely powerful hand grab him by the waistband, and in one powerful jolt Zim brought his pelvis against his and...


Screaming out, he fell to the ground from his chair hurting himself as he stared wide-eyed at Zim coming in with his eyes blazing. He couldn't help but focus on him, didn't he realize how perfect he looked? Though he did see who he was with as they passed Zim, but he was focused on Zim's perfect angered expression on his face.

"Well we interrupted him while he was writing out his latest work." Gaz informed Zim as she looked over her shoulder to see his trigger finger itching. "You might not want to see it, Zim."

Hearing her tone, Zim stalked over grabbed him by the neck, and lifting him up high in the air. "I should put you out in open space right now, Keef."

Dib deleted the writing before noticing more. "WHAT?! As if I would ever do that thing with Zim."

"What? You don't think its hot?" Gaz teased as she got on the computer.

Keef tried to speak, but was turning blue. "Zim, put him down." Dib ordered quietly.

Dropping him hard on the ground, Zim continued to stare down at him while Keef started coughing to catch his breath. "I'm not the only one who writes this stuff." Keef hoarsely informed them.

Gaz's eyebrow went up as she read a passage from another writing;

"Oh Zim eye Im so glad ewe dumped her to be wid me. She knot perfect for ewe when eye can give ewe everything." Keef said extatickly

Wrapping his arms around me, Zim smiled "She a bad girl n being a gud guy like me needs a guy like ewe Keef. Kiss me."

Keef did and...

"Well that quickly gets raunchy." Gaz got rid of that writing. "By the way, that is some fantastic spelling you had there." She mocked.

Baring his teeth, Zim punched him in the stomach. "Me a good guy? I'm insulted and really will put you in open space like Iggins."

"WHAT?!" Dib's eyes widened up. "You didn't, did you?"

"He is just joking, Dib." Turning her head to look at Zim, she winked at him. What her brother doesn't know won't hurt him.

Tak leaned over Gaz to see the multitudes of writings along with the pairings again. "As if I'd be with Zim or Tenn. Yes to Dib. Possibly with Gaz."

"Eh?" Forgetting about Keef, Zim stalked over to Tak. "No one is touching Gaz except for me."

"Uh, Tak is there something your not telling me?" Dib inquired.

"Hey if there is gonna be a pairing with someone other than yourself, Dib it would be with her." Tak responded hastily.

"What?" Dib glanced to his sister who was just busy going through Keef's computer.

"I'm not saying I would, but if I did go that way she isn't a bad way to go."

"Can we end this stupid argument? Dib she is in love with you and I'm in love with Zim. Be quiet because your voices are driving me crazy." Gaz gritted out before quickly getting up to cross over to Keef to crouch down. "Wow! You got me sleeping with everyone under the moon. I had no idea you thought of me in this light, Keef."

Scattering back hitting the wall, Keef hit it so hard getting away from her, that he nearly knocked himself out. "I really couldn't have you with Zim."

"As if I'd sleep with my own brother or even Tak. No offense Tak. Zim, yes. Others, no."

"VICTORY FOR ZIM!" At her mention of only sleeping with Zim alone.

Getting back up, Gaz placed her hand on his abdomen. "You are too cute sometimes, Zim." Saying that in a loving tone, she went to Keef's computer and destroyed everything on it, by burning the hard drive.

"NOOOOOOO! That's my computer" Keef objected loudly coming forward wanting to touch Zim. "I'm sorry, Zim. I can't help the way I feel."

"For now on, Keef you will no longer write such lies again or else we'll come back to do more like put you out in open space." Zim hissed out.

"Why Zim and me?" Dib asked incredulously.

Afraid to get up, Keef just sat there on the floor wishing he could now avert from everyone's eyes except for Zim's. "Because you and him were always at one another. Sure I was jealous and intrigued with the idea of maybe..."

Holding his hand up in the air to stop him, Dib fought the urge to do something really bad. "Because. Zim. Is. An. Alien. And. I. Was. Stopping. Him. From. Taking. Over. The. World. That is it." He said enunciating each word out. "Also there is no way Gaz and I would do that in a billion years."

"I saw he had you with, Ms Bitters." Remarked Gaz casually to Dib.

Dib ran off at that point to find a bathroom to throw up in. Zim looked over at his demoness and also at Tak. "I'm starting to miss the craziness of before."

"For once I agree with you, Zim." Tak told him watching Dib coming back. "Feel better?"

Shaking his head, Dib looked like he just wanted to die. "I'll tell you after I graduate because it might take me that long to process things."

Stalking back over to Keef, Zim took out only one of his pak legs to point it directly into his face. "Remember. Open space." Getting back up he marched out of the house with his group behind him.

Keef stared at his retreating form letting out a huge sigh. "He is so perfect."

*Ding dong*

PurpCascade1: I'm awake, I'm awake.

Almtymasta69: You've been quiet for a long time, my Gaz

PurpCascade1: Finals. Tired. Can't wait for break.

Almtymasta69: Do you need a massage? ;)

PurpCascade1: Sure

Almtymasta69: What is a lap dance?

MothmanAgt1: You don't know, Zim? How long have you been here? Seriously

Randomaddrss70: It is when a female gives you a lap dance, Zim. On your lap sometimes naked sometimes not

Almtymasta69: OH! I want that. Gaz?

MothmanAgt1: Please don't answer that while I'm here, Gaz.

PurpCascade1: I will if you do it first for me, Zim

Almtymasta69: Guys don't do this

Randomaddrss70: Yes they do

Almtymasta69: I'm sure Dib wouldn't do that

Randomaddrss70: Yes he has

Almtymasta69: ...

PurpCascade1: Regretting your question now, Zim?

Almtymasta69: I'm busy hacking over here right now

MothmanAgt1: Hey! I was drinking and well things happen and well yeah... I don't want to talk about it

PurpCascade1: -Imagining a flustered brother

PurpCascade1: Did you give him some dollar bills, Tak?

Randomaddrss70: And I smacked his bottom too

Almtymasta69: Hacking and dying here

Randomaddrss70: -Her dreams coming true because Zim is dying. Lap dance to Dib now

Almtymasta69: If anyone wants me I'm cooking myself in the oven now.

Randomaddrss70: I'll make it slow and sensual as I take my clothes off one at a time

MothmanAgt1: Hmmmmm :D

Almtymasta69: Gaz if you could do me a favor, don't be with anyone else. I want to be the only guy in your life.

PurpCascade1: But I'm so young and I have needs

Almtymasta69: You would be with someone else after I'm dead? Seriously?

PurpCascade1: Yep

Almtymasta69: You know something, Gaz I believe I will stick around for you.

PurpIrkenlrd has entered the room

PurpCascade1: I'm very happy you changed your mind then.

PurpIrkenlrd has sent an attachment to entire room

MothmanAgt1: Hey Purple

Randomaddrss70: How in the world did you end up with that maniac guy in the Massive?

Almtymasta69: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I didn't do that but HAHAHAHAHAHA

PurpCascade1: What did you do to him after you seen him?

PurpIrkenlrd: Well after I tossed my cookies

MothmanAgt1: The figurative cookies or the real thing

PurpIrkenlrd: The real thing. Don't be silly Earthling.

Randomaddrss70: Could be worse, it could be his donuts

PurpIrkenlrd: HEY! I can't help it that I love donuts

Almtymasta69: Fundips is my thing

MothmanAgt1: So what happened after you saw him?

PurpIrkenlrd: We thought about killing him. We thought about a lot of things, but we ended up just making him a Tallest

Randomaddrss70: WHAT?


MothmanAgt1: Also way crazier

Almtymasta69: Exactly, Dib

PurpIrkenlrd: Go ahead and come up here to get him out of here, Zim. I welcome it because he scares us.

PurpCascade1: Ahhhhhhh

Almtymasta69: I will and then come back and take over this rock, grab Gaz to bring with me, and yell at the disgusting Earth smellies to bow down to me


MothmanAgt1: You know I'll stop you, right?

Almtymasta69: Zim does not care because Zim will do things. Ohhh the horrible things he will do MWAHAHAHAHAHA

PurpIrklrd: You are really creepy, Zim though I welcome you to take this maniac out of here

Randomaddrss70: Replace one for the other... What does that accomplish

MothmanAgt1: Absolutely nothing

Almtymasta69: QUIET DOWN LAP BOY!

Almtymasta69: Gaz, will you be my eternal mate for a lifetime?

PurpIrklrd: He does realize the definitions of eternal and lifetime is? Wait, I'm talking about Zim

PurpCascade1: ...

Almtymasta69: Gaz?

PurpCascade1: ...

Almtymasta69: This again? Will you speak if I wear a short skirt?

MothmanAgt1: I'll stop speaking after I take a picture of you wearing that short skirt, Zim because I'll be laughing so hard at you.

Randomaddrss70: We'll splash it all over the internet

PurpCascade1: Huh.. Godzilla is actually going through Tokyo. Guess the stone is in his hands again.

MothmanAgt1: You serious? Turning on the t.v now

Almtymasta69: Gaz?

PurpCascade1: Ask that stuff in person, Zim.

PurpCascade1: HAHAHA Mothra is there

MothmanAgt1: Oh please let that stuff stay there and never come here again

Almtymasta69: I will, little Gaz. I got excited

Randomaddrss70: Jurassic Park theme is now in Australia

MothmanAgt1: If every alien disaster movie appears I would have to head out of here.

PurpIrklrd: Contact us later, Zim when you are free

Almtymasta69: Yes my Tallest

PurpIrklrd has left the room

PurpCascade1: Stupid big nosed guy doing this

Randomaddrss70: Should of destroyed him Gaz

MothmanAgt1: Or at least given him a brain

PurpCascade1: I am not a miracle worker

MothmanAgt1: Why is this happening again?

Deep within Zim's base he watched the theories about the stone and all the happenings around as his computer was filtering thousands of images to use and pull from. Pulling something out of its hiding place he stared at it in his hand as a huge grin merged on his face. Laughter soon starting bubbling up from within growing steadily louder and louder to the point you could swear you'd be able to hear it clear across the city. He had his girl. He will keep the Dib around and he supposed he would keep Tak around to keep Dib happy. Though how you could be happy with that annoying Irken, he had no clue. As for anyone else for all he was concerned about was this as he uttered the words out loud.

"You will all bow down to Zim." Laughter renewed again he just couldn't wait.

I didn't know how to end this, so I thought I would end it like this. Zim being his ever typical self in wanting to take over the planet. Also yes, Nny is another Tallest because the Irkens are scared of him. :P

You could imagine yourself in how Zim managed to get the stone. I'll leave that to all your lovely imaginations.

Thanks again for all the reviews. I appreciate them. I'd give you a cookie, but Purple tossed them.