Chapter 20

"Unohana." Ichigo walked into the infirmary, looking to Renji and Shinji who were sleeping. Unohana gave him a small smile, charting down something on a clipboard.

"All their injuries have healed, and the amount of blood they lost was regained from feeding. It would explain how they got to you so fast." Ichigo sighed, just glad to see they were no longer covered in blood.

"Will they become bloodthirsty?" Ichigo asked, Unohana raising a syringe. It held a glowing green blob inside, Unohana smiling as she looked at it.

"Because of you, I searched for a better serum. It won't change them back, but it'll help control their thirst."

Ichigo sat down on a stool, wondering how they would feel about being the very thing they learned to hate. He looked to the side when he saw darkness, Grimmjow and Nnoitra leaning against the wall. The usual grins were on their faces, Ichigo growling softly at them.

"To be the ones who saved your friends, we deserve more respect." Ichigo knew why they were here and wanted them to leave. He looked back to Shinji when he heard him groan, the blonde haired man opening his eyes. He squinted from the light over his face, sitting up and covering his eyes.

"Fuck my head hurts," he grumbled, Ichigo getting up from his stool. The letters NG were imprinted in black over his mark, Ichigo seeing he was marked by Nnoitra. He had expected as much, Nnoitra had his eyes on him for a long time.

"Besides your head, how do you feel?" Ichigo asked as he walked over to his bedside, Shinji looking to him before snorting.

"Well if it makes a difference, I'm cold." Ichigo smirked, his smirk slowly falling. Shinji frowned in worry, Ichigo sighing.

"Do you remember what happened? Last night?" Shinji raised an eyebrow, leaning back a little.

"We didn't do it did we?" Shinji asked, Ichigo's face heating up when Nnoitra chuckled.

"No! You-" Ichigo wasn't given the chance to say it, feeling a hand on his ass. He turned around and pushed Shiro away, Shiro smirking as he turned into a shadow. Ichigo narrowed his eyes, hearing Shiro's voice.

"You have yet to give me my offspring." Ichigo kicked out, Shiro grabbing his ankle. Ichigo yelped when he was pulled forward, Shiro grinning down at him.

"Are you going to give them to me now?" Shinji's cheeks were red, Ichigo pushing away from Shiro with a growl.

"I'm a man you baka!" He snapped, Shiro chuckling as he looked to Nnoitra and Grimmjow.

"You two have worked well, but you may not bond with these two." Grimmjow dissipated but Nnoitra stayed, Shinji frowning as he looked to Ichigo.

"What does he mean by bonding?" He asked, Ichigo looking back to him. He frowned, grabbing his hand. Shinji looked to Nnoitra, his eyes looking back to Ichigo.

"Ichigo, what's going on?"

Ichigo sighed.

"Aizen had nearly killed you. I couldn't let you die though, not the way he was going to let you. I asked them, to change both of you."

Shinji just stared for a long second. Ichigo didn't know what to do, Shinji tightening his hand around his. Ichigo fell back when he was punched, Renji standing up and wide awake.



"They took that well."

Ichigo looked up to Shiro's face, grunting softly as he looked back down to his stomach. The blanket was pulled just above his hips, Ichigo tracing a line over one of his abs. He had fed him to help him regain the energy the demon had took, Ichigo sighing softly. He wiped his mouth, looking down to his blood stained hand.

"Why is feeding sloppy?" Ichigo asked, licking the blood from the back of his hand with a soft growl.

"It isn't, you just are." Ichigo stopped licking the blood, slapping his stomach. He was too content to full on beat him up, Shiro chuckling softly.

"Usually we have something to hold the liquid in. When we feed, we don't have that, only our mouths. They can only hold a certain amount. It pours out faster than we can drink." Ichigo put his hand down onto his stomach, closing his eyes as he felt tired. Shiro ran a hand through his hair, Ichigo shivering slightly. He rested against him fully, opening his eyes when Shiro fisted his hand in his hair and pulled his head back.

"You're my sacrifice." Ichigo frowned, rolling his eyes. He tensed when Shiro pressed his nose against his neck, his eye fluttering closed as he slowly slid it up to his ear.

"I won't say I love you, but keep up the good sex and I might consider it." Ichigo's eyes snapped open, Ichigo tackling Shiro down to the bed. Shiro didn't try to fight him for once, Ichigo gowling down at him.

"You already know I can resist, don't act like you're irresistible," Ichigo growled, Shiro smirking. He leaned up, Ichigo stiffening against him when he kissed him. He gasped softly, Shiro sliding his tongue into his mouth. Ichigo pulled away, Shiro turning them over so he was on top. Ichigo breathed in sharply when he grinded against him, Shiro kissing him again.

Ichigo wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling away when Shiro sucked his tongue into his mouth. Shiro kissed his chin, Ichigo digging his claws into his back when he nipped his jawline. He got hotter the lower he kissed, Shiro taking his nipple between his lips. Ichigo gasped, Shiro biting down with his flat front teeth. Ichigo moaned, pushing Shiro away again.

"Push me away again and I'll chain you down," Shiro growled, Ichigo putting a hand to his chest when he tried to kiss him again. Shiro frowned, Ichigo putting a finger to his lips. Shiro listened, hearing muffled moans and banging against a wall. He raised an eyebrow, looking back to Ichigo.

"What did you mean for Nnoitra and Grimmjow to not bond with my friends? Their not purebloods," Ichigo inquired, Shiro smirking. Ichigo gasped when he grinded against him, the friction burning but welcome.

"They have my shadow. They can use it to bond with your friends. But having sex doesn't bond them, all they got to do is make them accept the shadow." Ichigo frowned, pushing away Shiro and sitting up.

"So you didn't have to chain me down and fuck me when we bonded?" Ichigo asked, Shiro grinning.

"I had to chain you down so you didn't push me away and mess up the ritual. The sex though was not necessary." Ichigo stared at him for a long moment before he moved to get out of the bed, Shiro grabbing him and laying him back down forcefully. Ichigo struggled, Shiro grabbing his wrists and pinning them down to the bed.

"You're not going anywhere."


Shinji laid in the bed panting, his body covered in sweat and his legs shaking. Nnoitra laid down next to him, a cigarette between his lips. Even though he was no longer able to use his light, or go to heaven for that matter, Shinji felt like he had committed a terrible sin. He had never indulged in sexual intercourse in all of his time of living, making him a twenty five year old virgin. It didn't matter though, as long as he was able to kill vampires.

He stared up at the ceiling though, holding the blanket close to his chest. He was for sure his hair was a mess, his entire body having been burned alive in the most pleasurable way possible.

He had sex.

And he enjoyed it.

His own moans echoed in his ears, Shinji slowly sitting up. His back hurt immensely but it was worth the content throughout the rest of his body, Shinji feeling eyes on his body. He felt a hand touch his back, looking to Nnoitra with narrowed eyes.

"You know, for such a pure souled asshole, you sure know how to fuck." Shinji grabbed his wrist, moving it away from his body like it was a vile snake. He looked away from him, bringing his knees up beneath his chin. He moved his hair from his eyes, Nnoitra sitting up.

"You know, I had my eyes on you for a long time." Shinji shivered when he kissed his shoulder, Nnoitra grabbing his chin and turning his head towards him roughly. Shinji tried to pull away but he wouldn't let him, Nnoitra taking a long drag from his cigarette. He put his lips against Shinji's, Shinji gasping when he tightened his fingers on his jaw till it hurt. Nnoitra blew the smoke into his mouth, Shinji breathing in deeply.

"I knew you weren't as pure souled as you made yourself look." Shinji gasped when he kissed him, Nnoitra moving him down to the bed. He attacked his lips with sharp nips and sweet sucks, Shinji unsure of what to do. He felt he was doing terrible but Nnoitra didn't pull away, his kisses only becoming more vicious. Shinji whimpered when he spread his legs and grinded against him, pulling away from the kiss with a gasp.

"N-Nobody has a pure s-soul," Shinji gasped brokenly, Nnoitra chuckling as he pressed a finger into his hole. Shinji hissed, Nnoitra putting the cigarette out with his tongue. He threw it to the side, Shinji crying out when he pushed in two more fingers.

"You proved that when you spread your legs for me so easily." Shinji closed his eyes, his head dangling off the side of the bed. He moaned when he twirled his fingers around, the pain from the stretching a tad less from their recent play. Shinji heard banging against the wall, his eyes opening when he heard a loud moan.

"Stop stop," he panted, Nnoitra pulling his fingers out.

"It's just the Strawberry. Breathe in."

Shinji was about to ask him why, crying out loudly when Nnoitra pushed inside unexpectedly.

"You bastard!"


Renji cleared his throat to fill the awkward silence, Grimmjow looking him over silently. They were still fully dressed, Renji glad for that. He could hear the moans from the others through the walls, but he didn't want to do that. He wasn't gay to begin with, his eyes looking to Grimmjow.

"Can I leave?" He asked, Grimmjow blowing some smoke into the air.

"To stalk that one girl?" Renji's cheeks heated up at the mention of Rukia, Grimmjow blowing some more smoke into the air.

"I'm not stalking her, we're just friends," Renji told him, looking away with a sigh.

"Even if I did like her, it wouldn't work out now." Grimmjow blew some more smoke into the air, putting his head on his fist.

"Use a condom." Renji frowned, looking to Grimmjow in confusion. Grimmjow seemed bored, breathing smoke through his nose.

"If you wanna fuck her in this form, you need to use a condom. That's why they were made in the first place." Renji was confused, Grimmjow taking a long drag.

"Vampires made condoms. We made them to fuck humans without killing them. Ichigo's father was a vampire. A pureblood in fact." Renji's eyes widened, Grimmjow waving his hand ke it didn't really matter.

"He made condoms to fuck Ichigo's mom in the past. And the future." Renji didn't have to know that, frowning after some thought.

"But she survived three births from him," he pointed out, Grimmjow nodding.

"I know, I helped deliver the twins. In the past and future. Though in the past, I was a female. You weren't. You were a roman soldier."

Renji had no idea what was going on.

"Ichigo's mom is a special breed. Even so, if you want to fuck your woman, use condoms."

With that Grimmjow stood up, putting out the cigarette with a sigh.

"Your not my type to begin with."

Grimmjow left the room, Renji left there with more questions than answers. He decided not to look further into it, standing up and wiping his shirt off. He didn't even want to know what other crazy stuff went on this world.

He stopped when he saw something gold, his cheeks heating up when he saw a condom by the ashtray.

He just wasn't going to ask.

The End!