Author's Notes: Finally got this chapter polished and ready for everyone. Hope you enjoy it. I think this was my absolute favourite chapter to write and I hope everyone loves it. Not much longer to go now!

Beta: Sumiregusa (you are best and dearest friend and I adore you) and Animanical-Laughter (your edits give me life and I can't wait to read what you are writing next)
Rating: T
Warnings: Some violence
Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is owned by Nobuhiro Watsuki. Persuasion is in the public domain, but was written by Jane Austen.

Chapter 21

A man does not recover from such
a devotion of the heart to such a woman.
He ought not; he does not - Persuasion, Jane Austen

Kaoru bowed again as another guest entered the dojo. Kanryu had spared no expense for this party; the dojo was full of food and drink, with several low tables set up around the room's edge for the guests to sit and talk. Tae and her cooks had taken over the house's kitchen, and delicious smelling dishes kept arriving to fill the table tops. Kaoru's students were warming up at one side, slightly nervous to be demonstrating their skills in front of so many people.

Kaoru was at the door, at Kanryu's side, welcoming people to the dojo. Kihei was there as well, bowing low to everyone who entered, while Gohei talked with guests across the room. Kaoru had glimpsed Tae a few times, but because of their earlier argument, Kaoru had decided to keep her distance for now.

Despite her calm outward appearance, Kaoru couldn't help but be anxious about tonight. Not for her students' sake but for her own. Kenshin had said he would come, but he had yet to appear and the kenjutsu demonstration was starting soon. Once that started, she wouldn't be able to talk to him as she would be refereeing the matches.

She was also nervous about Kanryu. Since deciding against him a few days ago, she hadn't had the chance to talk to him. Kaoru was unsure how to let him know. He seemed certain of her eventual acceptance of him as a suitor, and Kaoru didn't know if she could convince him otherwise. Not wanting to embarrass him tonight she had resolved to talk to him tomorrow, to tell him that while she appreciated the attention and all that he had done for her, she didn't want to marry him. He had been very kind to her and very generous. She could not forget how he had been there for her when she had misunderstood about Akiko's engagement. She knew that she could never love him, as part of her heart would remain untouched and locked away for another.

Kaoru was pulled from her thoughts by yet another guest's arrival. She bowed and was greetin them when Kanryu turned and whispered in her ear.

"I think that is almost everyone I invited," he said. "What do you think so far?"

"It's a very grand party," Kaoru remarked. She turned and looked down the path that lead to the dojo. There was still no sign of the red-headed swordsman.

"I'm glad you think so," said Kanryu. "And I must say, Kaoru, you look lovely in that kimono. It really suits you."

Kaoru blushed and Kanryu smiled, reaching for her hand.

"Kaoru, I hope tonight that I'll get a chance to speak with you," Kanryu began and Kaoru looked up at him, alarmed.

"Hello?" called a familiar voice from the gate and Kaoru stepped away. She hoped no one had seen how forward Kanryu had been with her.

"Hello?" came the voice again, and Kenshin stepped in to the light. He was dressed in a dark blue gi, with a pair of stark white hakama. His hair was pulled loose at his neck and his sword hung at his side. He came up to the edge of the engawa and stepped out of his sandals in a fluid motion. The light from the lanterns hung around the dojo highlighted the auburn in his hair.

"Himura-san!" Kanryu exclaimed. "So delighted to see you. I'm glad you made it to our party."

"Thank you for the invitation." Kenshin turned towards her and bowed. "Kamiya-san, good evening."

Kaoru was delighted to see him, but she schooled her features and returned the bow. Try as she might, she could not suppress the joy in her eyes at seeing him. She was about to speak when a tall, blond man approached from the side.

"Hey, Kanryu," said Dahler. "We going to start this thing or what?"

"Of course!" said Kanryu. "We can start immediately, now that everyone is here."

"Good," said Dahler. He looked at Kenshin with a curious glance.

"Himura-san, may I introduce my esteemed associate, Mr. Dahler."

Kenshin bowed to the tall German. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Dahler."

"Himura-san is a great hero of the Restoration. He was known as the Battousai," Kanryu beamed.

Dahler looked at Kenshin again, then back to Kanryu and finally to Kenshin, sizing up the much smaller man. Then he let out a big laugh.

"This tiny thing?" said Dahler. "When you told me of the fierce Battousai, I expected something grander. You must be kidding me."

"I kid you not!" said Kanryu with a smug smile on his face. "Himura-san, please, tell my friend."

Kenshin looked unamused. Kaoru knew he was not fond of his on-going legacy in the new era, though he did not shy away from it.

"Yes, during that time I was known as the Battousai," Kenshin said quietly. "It is not a name I care for now."

"Well, hot damn," Dahler remarked. "This I got to see."

"I'm not one for demonstrations," Kenshin said uncomfortably. Seeing the tension Kaoru couldn't stop herself from jumping in.

"My students are fine swordsmen," she said with a bright smile, hoping to distract the men. "And they will show you the true beauty of kenjutsu." Dahler looked at her doubtfully, but Kaoru smiled confidently.

"If you say so," Dahler remarked, finally convinced. He clasped Kanryu on the shoulder. "Come, let's get a drink and something to eat. I'm thirsty." Kanryu excused himself and moved through the room, leaving Kaoru and Kenshin at the entry.

Kaoru turned to Kenshin. "I'm so happy you could make it."

"I'm glad I could come. I like to watch what kenjutsu is becoming in this new age."

"And that is?"

"An artform. It need not exist only to kill." He looked at her, and Kaoru felt her heart stop. There was no mask, no concealment. He was here for her. Was that hope in his eyes, the same hope she felt? She longed to find someplace quiet, so they could talk away the years that had separated them.

Before she could suggest it, Kaoru felt a gentle tug on her sleeve. She turned and saw Tae there, her face distant as she stood before Kenshin and Kaoru. Kaoru's heart dropped. What would Tae say? She still did not approve of Kenshin, even after all that had happened.

"Sekihara-san." Kenshin bowed low. "It has been a long time."

Tae returned the formal bow. "Indeed it has." Kaoru did not miss the cold look Kenshin gave Tae, and Tae's reluctance to meet his eye. Tae turned to Kaoru.

"Kanryu-san has requested that the matches begin," Tae said while looking incredibly uneasy, lacking her usual cheeriness. It was unnerving. "Your students are waiting for you."

"If you excuse me," Kaoru said, reluctant to leave the two together, but not unhappy to leave the uncomfortable scene. Kenshin nodded. As Kaoru left, she saw Tae and Kenshin quickly drift apart. Tae headed back to the main table where Kanryu, Dahler and few others sat to check and see if they needed anything. Kenshin took a free seat at a nearby table, and introduced himself. Taking an offered cup of sake, he sipped it once, for politeness and then set it down to intently stare at Kaoru. Quickly looking away from him, Kaoru tried to push her feelings aside and concentrate on her students. They stood in front of her, anxious and jittery. She did her best to calm them down.

"You are all ready for this, and I am so proud of you," said Kaoru. "Now go honour your country and your swordstyle."

The men nodded in agreement and split in to two groups. Kaoru and Gohei had agreed to the matches the day before, trying to pair students who were at an equal level against each other. They had also agreed that Kaoru would referee the matches. Kaoru knew it was because Gohei would rather sit and drink with the others instead of assisting the students but she didn't mind. Part of her wanted to show off how far she had taken this group of men in the few short months she had been here. Under her care they had progressed immensely, and she was proud of them.

Kaoru stood in the centre of the dojo and the murmur of the gathered crowd died down a bit. Trying not to blush as everyone looked at her, Kaoru turned and bowed towards Kanryu and Dahler, who were sitting at a busy table with several other foreigners.

"Takeda-san. Dahler-san. It is my honour tonight to present a demonstration of kenjutsu. I hope you enjoy it."

Kaoru stepped back slightly and motioned for the first two students to step forward. They bowed formally towards each other and readied themselves. Before the match began, Kaoru laid out the rules: no strikes to the face or other sensitive parts, but arms, legs and torso were fair game. Each match would be three sets, with the first strike earning a point. The first to 2 points would win.

Kaoru raised her arm, and in one swift movement, motioned for the first two students to begin. The assembled crowd gasped as the two students leapt at each and exchanged a series of quick moves. Kaoru watched proudly as they fought. Their bokkens cracked loudly against each other; then one blow thudded, as it landed on an arm instead of wood,. Twice more they leapt at each other, until the match was over. Once finished the crowd politely clapped. Kaoru had arranged for there to be a short break between matches to allow time for people to eat, drink, and converse.

Through out the evening, she had glanced over at Kenshin, who was watching the matches intently and providing explanation to a few other guests who were unfamiliar with kenjutsu. It seemed that once the other guests learned his identity, the crowd around him grew, and Kaoru tried to ignore the fact that now Kenshin was surrounded by quite a few foreign women who were speaking to him in broken Japanese accompanied by flirtatious looks. Despite the attention, Kaoru could tell that Kenshin was focused on her and watched her for most of the night.

The matches proceeded and even Kaoru was astonished at how well her students did. She was especially proud of Katashi. He had taken his initial lesson from her well and had thrown himself in to his training. Now he was standing in one of the final matches, confident in his abilities. Just as Kaoru was about to signal for his match to begin, she heard a loud crashing noise. Kaoru turned suddenly and saw Dahler standing up, his tie loose and collar undone, clutching a large bottle of sake. As he stood shakily it was apparent that he was quite drunk.

Dahler gestured towards the centre of the dojo and then to Kanryu who was looking at him with a stunned expression.

"Enough of this playing," Dahler shouted out. "Kanryu, where are the real swords?" Dahler laughed and took another long drink from his bottle.

Kaoru stepped forward and addressed him. As the students' sensei, she was responsible for them. "Excuse me Dahler-san, but in kendo we use wooden bokken." Dahler whirled and faced her, pointing in her direction.

"I've travelled halfway around the world to see your famous samurai and their legendary katana and you give me children playing with wooden sticks. And taught by their nanny."

Kaoru stilled herself as a few people laughed. Katashi moved forward to say something in response but Kaoru hushed him with an outstretched hand. She looked to Kanryu, but he made no move to control his friend. Instead, he observed the situation with a bemused look.

"I'm sure if you just sit down, we have a very exciting match between two of our best students." Kaoru remained calm, despite feeling her temper rise.

"I'm done with this!" Dahler shouted. "Someone give those kids real swords so we can see some real entertainment."

A sharp clang rang out as Gohei stood, unsheathing a katana. "If it's Japanese steel you want to see, then here it is." The crowd gasped, and some of the more drunken people cheered. Dahler laughed and lifted his sake bottle again.

"Kanpai!" he shouted and took a drink. "Now that is something to be proud of." He turned towards Kaoru. "Let's see it. The two masters facing off. I've never seen a woman fight before! Ha ha! You Japanese are savages." Dahler then shouted something in German and the other foreigners laughed and cheered.

The few sober people were murmuring among themselves as Gohei made his way to the centre of the room. He had a predatory gleam in his eye as he moved towards Kaoru.

"Please Sensei," Katashi whispered at her side. "Let me face him. This is a dishonour on you, and Gohei-sensei knows it."

"No," Kaoru whispered back and turned towards her student. She could see the concern in his eyes. "Go to the side and bring me my bokken."

Dahler laughed again as Gohei stood and turned holding his sword out for all to see. The katana gleamed in the light.

"What do you say Frauline?" Dahler sneered. "Will you face this mighty man?"

Kenshin stood suddenly, and the laugher instantly died. "I will face him." He started moving towards the centre of the dojo, the gathered crowd murmuring 'Battousai ' as he stopped to stand by Kaoru.

"What luck!" shouted Dahler. "What luck we have today! The Battousai! Legendary killer of the Revolution! Show us why they gave you that name!"

"What are you doing?" whispered Kaoru to Kenshin as she turned her back towards Kanryu and Dahler. She didn't want them to see the expression on her face.

"This isn't fair," said Kenshin, nodding towards Gohei. Kaoru could see the concern in his eyes "I will fight him."

"No you won't," Kaoru said fiercely. She would not be intimidated, not by Gohei and not by Kenshin. "Go sit down."

"But…" Kenshin started but Kaoru raised a hand and stopped him from speaking.

"If you have ever respected me, Kenshin, then you will step aside and let me defend my honour."

Kenshin started to speak again but was silenced by the press of her fingers on his chest.

"Please, Kenshin." Kaoru pleaded with him.

Knowing that he couldn't win, and that this was her choice, he nodded and moved to the side to stand beside Katashi. Kaoru steeled her shoulders and reached for her bokken. Katashi put it in her hand and Kaoru turned around to face Gohei.

"As you wish," Kaoru stated loudly and calmly. "We will have a match, Master against Master. I will fight Hiruma Gohei as Master of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu. However, my school does not use katana, so you will only get to see one katana in action tonight."

"What about the Battousai?" called Dahler.

"Regretfully I must decline," Kenshin replied. "As a Master of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu, Kamiya-san has a duty to face the challenges to her school."

"Ha, you Japanese and your damn honour." Dahler finally sat down. "Go ahead then. Though I bet on the big one. Who wants in?"

There was a mad scramble as people called out their bets, and Kanryu nodded as Kihei scrambled to write them all down. Where he had gotten the ink and paper, Kaoru did not know but she pushed those thoughts out of her mind. If they had been betting on the fights all night, she would deal with that later. Right now she had to face down Gohei, who looked very pleased to be taking her on. He approached her and rolled his shoulders, limbering up. Kaoru quickly checked her grip and stance, trying to calm her breathing and let instinct take over.

She had been training against Gohei for a few weeks now, and while he had always pulled his most vicious strikes at the last second, she was not naive enough to believe he had been fighting with his full strength. And even though she was a women, she knew he did not care about fighting without intent to injure. He would be out for blood. It would take all of her strength and skill to come out of this uninjured, and much more to defeat him. She could feel Kenshin's intense stare as he fought to stay neutral and not interfere.

"Ready?" Kaoru called out to Gohei, wanting to get this over with.

"Of course," he called back. Kaoru nodded to Katashi and he raised his arm. Kaoru inhaled and Katashi dropped his arm and stepped back, not wanting to be within striking distance of Gohei's katana.

Gohei charged and Kaoru dodged to the side, narrowly missing a strike aimed at her head. Kaoru knew she meet his strikes, as he would make quick work of her wooden sword. She would have to dodge him and hope to get her own hits in to win the match. At most, she might be able to deflect a few strikes before her bokken shattered.

Gohei pivoted quickly, and Kaoru moved again, knowing that without the whole dojo to move around she would be at a disadvantage. The crowd gasped as once again she narrowly missed a strike by throwing her weight back and bending to the side, her hair snapping against her face. She raised her sword and charged, aiming at Gohei's knee, trying to end the set with a quick hit.

But he saw her coming, and as she stepped inside his range, he was ready. She twisted but not quick enough. Gohei's blade nipped at her shoulder and Kaoru felt the sharp graze of steel meeting flesh. She gasped in pain as she dropped and heard Katashi shout, giving the set to Gohei. He stepped away and raised his arms in victory. Kaoru fumed as he gloated.

Kaoru felt a warm hand on her side and raised her head to see Kenshin kneeling down beside her. As he helped her up she chanced a look at her shoulder. Though blood was seeping up through the fine silk, the cut was shallow. She pressed a hand against it.

"Kaoru," Kenshin said, and she could see the fear in his face.

"I'm fine," she said firmly, reluctantly moving away from him. She glanced back and saw Kanryu and Dahler raising a glass to Gohei, saluting his win. Beside them, Kihei was scribbling like mad, as the betting increased.

"I can't just stand by and let you do this," Kenshin said tersely.

"You don't have a choice," Kaoru said. She let go of her shoulder as the bleeding had stopped for now. She stepped away from Kenshin and made to the centre of the dojo to ready herself for the next set. Gohei saw her move and sauntered back to face her. Kaoru nodded to Katashi and he reluctantly raised his arm. Kenshin stood at his side, his face unreadable but his eyes were dark with emotion.

Kaoru pulled in a ragged breath and let it out, forcing herself to calm down. She could do this. She had trained her entire life to do this. And she was not going to lose. Not to Gohei. Not to anyone.

Katashi lowered his arm and Kaoru sprung forward as fast as she could. She wouldn't get a second chance at this.

Gohei saw her leap forward and raised his sword but it was too late,. Kaoru leapt through the air, her muscles screaming at the force and brought her bokken down as hard as she could. Her sword made a large cracking noise as it broke against his shoulder. Kaoru's victory was short lived as Gohei slammed a fist into her side and pushed her down to the ground. Still clutching the hilt of her sword as she landed on the ground with a hard thunk, her eyes widened in terror as she saw the flash of his blade coming towards her. Kaoru closed her eyes, and waited for the strike she knew she couldn't avoid.

A shrill clang rang out and all noise in the dojo stopped. Kaoru opened her eyes and saw Kenshin, his arm fully outstretched as he caught Gohei's strike with his own blade. Kenshin's eyes were narrowed into murderous slits as he addressed Gohei.

"I believe Kamiya-san landed a hit. The set is over."

Gohei looked at Kenshin as if considering his options. Kenshin's skill as the Battousai were notorious among all swordsmen in Japan. Better swordsmen than Gohei had faced the Battousai and died. Gohei stepped back and resheathed his sword.

"She won't win the next."

The crowd erupted as people leapt to their feet, amazed by the spectacle. Kenshin quickly turned and resheathed his sword, kneeling down to help Kaoru up. She accepted the help and looked forlornly at her weapon.

"Kaoru my dear, that was amazing!" Kanryu appeared by her side, a joyous look on his face.

Kenshin glared at Kanryu. "You should stop this," Kenshin stated, clearly blaming Kanryu for letting this continue.

"Absolutely not!" said Kanryu, gesturing to the room. "Look at them. I'm making a killing on the betting alone! We must do this again!"

Kaoru could see Kenshin seethe with fury at Kanryu's remarks. She gently placed a hand on his arm to try and calm him. Speaking to Kanryu she said, "One more set and then this is over. No more betting tonight."

"Of course, of course," Kanryu said. His look softened and he gave Kaoru a confident smile. "I believe in you, Kaoru." With that he turned and went back to his table, where Dahler and his friends were talking loudly in German, making sweeping motions with their hands as if they were fighting a battle. Kaoru turned to Kenshin.

"Kanryu believes in me, Kenshin. Will you?" She pulled herself away and walked to the side of the room, seeking a replacement for her bokken.

"What do you think you are doing?" yelled Gohei, as Kaoru looked through her students weapons for a suitable replacement.

"I broke my bokken," Kaoru said, over her shoulder. "I can't fight you without a replacement."

"A true swordsman would never break their weapon," Gohei spat. "Forfeit."

"Afraid I'm going to beat you?" taunted Kaoru. She picked up a bokken. The weight felt right. She made a few practice swings and turned back towards Gohei.

"Never," said Gohei. He unsheathed his sword and raised it to his side, both hands on the hilt. "Let's end this."

Kaoru nodded, readying herself. With Gohei's guarded stance, she wouldn't be able to launch a quick attack like her last one. He could see her coming and moved his katana to intercept her as soon as she stepped into range. She would need to stay outside of his range and hope to take advantage of a mistake.

The dojo fell silent as Katashi raised his hand. His sleeve made a swoosh as he lowered his arm and shouted for the final set to begin. This time Gohei took the offensive, but Kaoru was focused on his movement and managed to stay away from him. He tried to corner her against the crowded tables but again, she danced out of the way, narrowly avoiding his strikes.

The minutes felt like an eternity as Kaoru continued to evade Gohei. She could feel her muscles burning at the constant tension, as she pushed herself to her limit trying to stay one step ahead of the much larger man. She knew she would not be able to keep this up forever, and she started desperately searching for a way to end the match. Gohei was focused now, and was not making any mistakes. Despite his arrogance, he was an outstanding swordsman and Kaoru knew she wouldn't be able to catch him on a technical mistake.

As she pushed back against Gohei again to gain some space, she risked one more glance over at Kenshin. He was standing at the side, his hand gripping his sword so tight his knuckles were white. She knew he wanted to jump in and end this; all she had to do was ask. But this was her fight. This was her decision. Just like she had decided to reject Kanryu's suit and to Tae to stay out of her life. Like how she had finally decided to give herself and Kenshin a chance. She had made this decision to fight Gohei and she was going to see it to the end. Something passed between them in that one, short glance, and she saw Kenshin relax and give her a slight nod.

I believe in you, Kaoru.

Realizing it was her only choice, Kaoru made the decision quickly. She had never performed it successfully against an opponent, but knowing that Kenshin believed in her was all that she needed. She could do it.

Kaoru braced herself as Gohei moved towards her, his sword raised and swinging towards her with great speed. She stepped forward into his guard and in one fluid movement crossed her arms and caught his blade between her hands, her timing perfect. Gohei swore loudly as Kaoru used the momentum from the strike to twist her wrists and break his hold. Gohei's katana clattered to the floor of the dojo. He lost his footing and fell and Kaoru swung down with her bokken letting out a fierce battle cry. She stopped her strike a hair's width from his face and then gave him a light tap on the nose.

"Kaoru-sensei wins!" shouted Katashi and the dojo exploded into a massive cheer. Her students rushed forward to embrace her, incredulous looks on their faces. Kaoru broke out into a grin and laughed as she was surrounded.

"You did it!"


Kaoru felt a pair of strong arms surround her and lift her up. Astonished Kaoru was face to face with Kanryu as he spun around.

"Amazing, Kaoru! That was amazing!" he yelled. Kaoru couldn't help but laugh, elated by her win. After spinning her around a few times to the cheers of the crowd, Kanryu put her back on her feet but he did not release his hold on her. If anything he tightened his arms around her.

"Kaoru, I cannot contain myself any longer. Please do me a great honour and make me the happiest man alive."

"What?" Kaoru asked, breathless, as her mind slowly caught up to what he was saying.

"Kaoru, will you marry me?"

Kaoru didn't think it was possible but the crowd cheered even louder at Kanryu's proposal. Cries of "Kaoru!" "Kanryu!" filled the air, along with shouts of "Say yes!" and "Congratulations!" Overwhelmed Kaoru didn't know what to say. All she could do was look at Kanryu with wide eyes. Misintepreting her silence, Kanryu leaned in and before Kaoru could silence him, placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He tasted like sake, and as his lips pressed against her, Kaoru finally came to her senses and tried to push him away.

Kanryu pulled back and released her, but grabbed her hand and raised it above their heads. Stunned, Kaoru saw Dahler push his way forward.

"Kanryu," shouted Dahler, who appeared to be even drunker than before. "What is going on?"

"Kaoru here has agreed to become my wife!" The crowd in the dojo cheered again.

"Congratulations!" yelled Dahler as he called for another round of sake to celebrate the new couple. Kaoru tried to protest, as she had agreed to no such thing, but her words were drowned out. Though she didn't want to do this in front of so many people, she couldn't stand the thought of everyone believing she was engaged to Kanryu, especially… Yet as she looked around the crowd Kenshin was nowhere in sight. She stood up on her toes trying to find him, only to spot him standing at the door, taking in the scene in the middle of the dojo. He met her eyes briefly before he turned sharply and left. She pushed her way through the crowd and chased after him, not caring what anyone else thought at this point. The crowd parted and let her go, as Kanryu called for drinks and food to celebrate his upcoming marriage.

"Himura-san," Kaoru called after him, as Kenshin was quickly walking down the gravel path away from the Hiruma dojo. "Wait."

Kenshin didn't stop and Kaoru ran forward trying to catch up to him.

"Kenshin, please," she called and finally he stopped and turn. "Where are you going?"

"Away," came the terse reply. "I must bid you goodnight."

"But there are still more demonstrations. My students are excited to have you watch them. Surely they are worth staying for." Kaoru said, almost breathless. She wanted Kenshin to stay, to give her a chance to explain. Surely he must know that she would never marry Kanryu?

"There is nothing here for me to stay for," Kenshin said sharply, eyes glancing over her shoulder. Not meeting her eyes, he bowed quickly and walked away, vanishing in to the night. Her stomach twisting in emotion, Kaoru looked back behind her to see Kanryu standing in the doorway of the dojo, concern on his face. Defeated, knowing she couldn't simply leave and follow Kenshin like her heart wished to, Kaoru returned to the dojo.

"What is the matter, my dear?" asked Kanryu, as Kaoru climbed the stairs up to the dojo. Kaoru looked him in the face.

"I did not say yes," said Kaoru.

"I am aware, but please Kaoru, you must know I am completely sincere. My offer is real. Please consider it. It would make me the happiest man alive if you would consent to be my wife."

"Kanryu, I can't," Kaoru began but Kanryu silenced her with the press of his long fingers against her lips.

"Don't answer me tonight. Think about it, and we can talk tomorrow."

Kaoru tried to speak again, to tell him no and that her answer wouldn't change after a night's sleep, but he wouldn't let her speak giving her a soft smile. Kaoru didn't want to cause a scene tonight, not after the party or her triumphant win against Gohei. Relenting she nodded, and Kanryu dropped his hand.

"Come back inside," said Kanryu, "and enjoy your victory." Kanryu went back to the dojo, shaking hands with people who wanted to congratulate him. Kaoru sighed and went inside, knowing that tomorrow she would have to deal with Kanryu, and Kenshin too. She would not give up on him, and she prayed that he felt the same about her.