What's this do?

I haven't written any parent!lock yet and, frankly, I'm shocked. So to redeem myself here is a sweet little bit of fluff.

"Daddy! Daddy! What's this do?" Sylvia asked, holding up a test tube of chemicals and peering in it.

"Don't touch that, Sylvia! That highly dangerous chemicals!" Sherlock told the four year old, removing the tube from her small hands.

Molly was away on a work trip for the weekend so Sherlock had to look after their daughter on his own, something he hadn't down since she was two which had ended in flour being everywhere, especially all over them, and a failed attempt at a cake.

Sylvia let him take the chemicals, moving to look into his microscope. "What's this do?" she asked, zooming it in and out before switching the lenses.

Sherlock sighed, maybe science hadn't been the best idea. "Come on, sweetie," he mumbled, taking her off the seat she'd been kneeling on and tickling her softly, grinning as she giggled, "Let's go get ready for bed!"

Sylvia pouted, crossing her arms as he put her down, "But I'm not sleepy!"

He thought for a moment, "I promise that I'll read you a bedtime story if you hurry."

She immediately perked up, "With the voices?" Sylvia asked looking up at him with big eyes, causing him to chuckle.

"Yes, with the voices."

Sylvia grinned, darting off in the direction of the bathroom, going to brush her teeth and wash her face. She climbed up onto her little stool in front of the sink, grabbing her little princess toothbrush and putting her strawberry flavoured toothpaste on top of it.

Sherlock watched her brush her teeth, smiling at the small habits that she'd picked up from Molly.

"Done!" the little voice announced dragging him out of his thoughts.

He grinned, picking her up and spinning her around, causing her to squeal, "Come on then! Let's get you changed!"

"But you need to get changed too!" Sylvia exclaimed, her face burying into his shoulders.

"Okay then, how about we both get changed and I'll meet you up there," he decided, putting her down, "Three! Two! One! Go!" he exclaimed them both rushing off to their bedrooms to get changed.

Sherlock beat her, of course, coming back up stairs with his pyjamas and dressing gown on, laughing as her top was stuck over her head. "Let me give you a hand there, Syl."

Soon they'd settled into bed and Sherlock leaned forward before he whispered, "Hobbit?"

Sylvia grinned and nodded in response, "Hobbit!"

He picked up the book from the bedside table, flipping through the pages, "What part were we at again?" he asked.

"The bit with Bilbo and the Dragon!" she grinned, bouncing up and down on the bed.

Sherlock grinned and soon continued to read the book, doing the voices just like he promised. It wasn't long until she was practically sleeping. He got up and switched off the light, about to leave when she piped up again.

"Sleep with me daddy? Please?" She asked, her voice small.

He hesitated before walking back over, snuggling down with her.

"Goodnight, sweetie," he murmured, kissing her head, "Love you."

"Night night, daddy," she yawned, "Wuv you too."

It wasn't long at all until they were both fast asleep.

Molly smirked as she walked into her daughters bedroom, finding them both fast asleep. Her trip had ended early and she'd decided to come home. She snapped a quick picture of them, grinning.

Her perfect little family.