A/N';- Hey guys, sorry the chapter is quite short today, I've managed to crack my computer screen so I had to write this in the school library after school! Hopefully I'll have the problem fixed soon!


Jack and Elsa scurried inside the office and sat quietly in the two chairs facing the large wooden desk in the middle of the room. Principal Claus let the door of his study swing shut with a rather intimidating 'bang' as he walked slowly around the desk and sat in his chair.

"So" he sighed heavily. "We meet again, Jack."

Jack just nodded. Still not really looking at anyone.

"What? No snappy comeback this time?" quizzed the older man.

Jack shook his head.

"Well this is quite a change, is it not? Normally, you take opportunity to brag about what you do, now you're quiet?"

nothing again, so Principal Claus continued.

"Perhaps because this time you managed to get someone else into trouble?" Principal Claus' eyes turned to Elsa. "I told you Jack, much more trouble and you'd get suspended."

Jack froze at this and finally looked over at Principal Claus.

"You're not serious"

"I'm sorry Jack, you getting into trouble is one thing, you bring others into it now. We can't have you endangering other students, we shouldn't even be letting you endanger to yourself. But we always thought you knew this was a line that you don't cross."

Principal Claus picked up a large folder, Jack's school record.

"I'm sorry Jack but we will need to call your home and-"
"It was my idea" Elsa hadn't meant to say anything, but the words had just come out of her before she could stop herself.

"What?" Said Jack and Principal Claus together.

"Yeah, when Jack told me what he did, I asked to see it. I begged him, really Sir, he wanted to go back to class, but I guess I got a little excited, my first day and all."

Elsa's heart was beating fast now.
She didn't know what she was saying, or what it meant for her school life, she couldn't even really explain why she was defending Jack, after all, she'd just met him today. The only thing Elsa knew was, she didn't want Jack to go away, she didn't want him in trouble.

"You don't need to lie for the boy, Miss Elsa, he's had enough chances. "

"I'm not lying" Elsa lied. She hoped the slight shake in her voice wouldn't give her away.

It was clear Principal Claus didn't believe Elsa, but he could also tell he wasn't going to be able to make Elsa say anything else.

"Well" said Principal Claus, sighing "This changes things."

He started to root around in his files again until he pulled out a much thinner folder, Elsa's.

"As this is your first time in trouble Miss Elsa, we will give no punishment, however we will need to keep a note of this, incase further incidences occur, yes? Maybe a good idea to keep out of trouble now, yes?"

Elsa nodded quickly, relief flooding through her. This could have been far worse. After all, she had gone out onto the frozen pool. She did deserve a little punishment for that. As Principal Claus wrote a small note for Elsa's file, she glanced over at Jack. He was just staring at her like she'd just appeared in the room from out of thin air, mouth hanging open slightly, as if he was about to say something to her.

Elsa just turned away in time to see the Principal snapping her file closed and stashing it again.

"Okay, Miss Arandelle, Mr. Frost, you are free to go."

As the two exited the room, Elsa saw that Merida was nowhere to be seen.
"She had to leave for Biology, Elsa." Came Miss Tooth's voice from her desk, as if reading Elsa's mind. "She said she'd come back for you after that, so you can just stay here for now, she shouldn't be much longer." Elsa nodded and took a seat.
Jack hadn't moved. She glanced up at him to see he was still staring at her.

"Elsa.." He said finally, his voice was soft.

Elsa just looked up at him.

"You.. you took the blame for me. No one has ever..."

Elsa felt her face heat up.

"You were going to be suspended" She said, cooly, looking down at her shoes. "It's my first time doing anything wrong. Besides, Principal Claus still knows it was you, but he couldn't punish you if I took the blame, so I got off easily. I didn't do anything big." Said Elsa, still talking to her feet.

"No, Elsa, you did something huge."

He sat down in the seat next to her.

"Thank you." He said, in the same soft, slightly stunned, tone.

While she was glad Jack wasn't in trouble, she still wasn't very pleased with him, after all, it was all his idea.

She wanted to be angry with him.

She knew she SHOULD be angry with him, but she wasn't.

It would be a lot easier to be mad at him if he just stopped looking at her like that. Because the way he was talking to her and looking at her, was making her heart speed up a little and her mouth feel quite dry.

She didn't have any idea what she was feeling or why, and that upset her.
Elsa put a hand to her forehead, all this feeling made her very confused. She was a sensible person by nature, so wanted to think about this, but the more she thought about it, the less since it made.

"Elsa! You're out what happened!?" It was Merida! The red head girl barged into the office, breaking Jack's gaze and setting him back into his regular 'cool' demeanor.

"She saved me!" grinned Jack.

Merida laughed.

"Elsa, I thought you were seinsible!" she chuckled.

"So did I." replied Elsa

"Right, well we have English class next, last class of the day. You ready?"

Elsa stood up and was quickly followed by Jack who casually sauntered after them. Merida scowled a little.

"You've already gotten her in trouble Jack, can you leave the poor girl alone for the rest of the day?"

Jack just shrugged "Yeah, sure, whatever. I've got to get to my locker anyway." He said and turned down a hallway away from the two girls. But he still took one last, long look at Elsa as she walked away.

"Thanks" Said Elsa. She felt a weird twinge of sadness as Jack left. Elsa pursed her lips. She'd only met him today and in that time she'd been excited, happy, scared, sad, annoyed and something else she had more trouble placing. Maybe it would be better if she stayed away from him for a while. It would be the sensible idea, but even as she thought it, she knew that staying away from Jack wasn't going to be that easy.