A/N: Soooo, I won't be posting as much this month, giving that it's NaNo WriMo (National Novel Writing Month) . . . . . .

Jack frowned as Hiccup pulled him along by the hand.

"Can I look now?" Jack asked, slightly bored. Hiccup had made him shut his eyes after they had gotten out of the taxi.

"Nope," Hiccup replied, chuckling, Jack could sense him lurching slightly as they ran, he frowned more, they had to go back to Uni soon and Hic was still limping badly.

"Can I get a hint on where we're going?"

"Uhhhhh, nope."

Jack sighed, wondering where Hiccup could be taking him. Hiccup suddenly pulled to a stop, Jack crashed into him with a startled shout.

"Hic, what's wrong?" Jack asked, frowning in concern.

"Nothing," Hiccup said, shaking his head.

"Are you sure, your leg isn't acting up?"

"No, I just saw an old enemy."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"Yep," Hiccup replied and continued walking. Jack bit his lip corncerned for his boyfriend, after a bit Hiccup stopped again.

"Okay! We're here!" Hiccup said. "You can open your eyes!"

Jack opened his eyes and was greeted by a beautiful park, his jaw dropped. Hiccup started laughing.

"Come on," Hiccup grabbed his hand and started running down a hill towards a woodsy area. Hiccup pushed throw some bushes and trees, revealing a well hiding spot next to a river.

"My god, Hic, this is amazing!"

"Yep, and only You and I know about it," Hiccup replied, grinning, Jack ran a hand through his hair in astonishment.

"For once, Hic, you have managed to suprise me," Jack said, turning to Hiccup, who just laughed and pulled a backpack off of his shoulder and pulled out a picnic blanket.

"Holy hell, how did you pack all of this in that backpack?" Jack asked as Hiccup pulled out sandwhiches and waterbottles and cookies.

"I didn't," Hiccup replied, happily. "My mom did."

"Figures," Jack said as he and Hiccup sat down on the blanket, Hiccup handed Jack a paper plate and gave him a sandwhich.

"Hey, Hic?"

"Yeah, Jack?" Hiccup asked, turning to look up at Jack. Jack leaned over, putting a hand on Hiccups cheek before kissing him. Hiccup let out a startled noise before smiling into the kiss.

"It's wonderful," Jack said, once they pulled away, Hiccup grinned at him and finished getting out the food.

"I'm glad I was finally able to suprise you."