So, I got this idea...

The story speaks for itself. This story will be updated once a day until I finish "A View To A Skrill Part 3", and then once that story's done, I will update this two to three times a day (my regular updating...thing, whatever you want to call it). I really hope this isn't too bad. :) Enjoy!

Hiccup rode Toothless and landed the dragon inside the academy. When he dismounted, he looked around, finding it vacant besides Astrid and Stormfly.

"Hey, Astrid," said Hiccup, walking over to her. "Where are the others?"

"Oh, I don't know," said Astrid sarcastically, turning to face him. When she saw his deadpan expression, her frown deepened. "Home already."

"Home?" Hiccup frowned.

"The class was over hours ago, Hiccup," said Astrid, crossing her arms. "You told me you would be here, and you weren't. Why weren't you?"

"I'm sorry, Astrid," said Hiccup.

"That's not an answer," said Astrid.

"I just got busy!" said Hiccup. "I'm still getting the hang of this whole 'Chief' thing."

"So you don't even have time to tell your friends you're not going to show up to the academy?" said Astrid, her voice growing more and more angry with every word. "Does being Chief suddenly replace you as being our friends?"

"Astrid, I know where this is going, and-"

"You could have at least told me!" said Astrid. "We were waiting for you, and we wasted an hour of work just waiting for you to get here!"

"Why do you always have to get so infuriated about everything!?" Hiccup asked, exasperated.

"I'm NOT infuriated!" yelled Astrid.

"Oh, I can see that!" said Hiccup.

"You're the infuriating one!" said Astrid. "Why do you have to be so irritating!?"

"I'm not irritating!" said Hiccup. "I'm irritated."

"You don't say?" said Astrid sarcastically.

"Why are you getting so mad at me!?" Hiccup shouted.

"Because you didn't TELL me you weren't going to show up at the academy today!" said Astrid. "You could have told me at least!"

"I don't have to tell you everything!" said Hiccup. "I got caught up!"

"In what?" said Astrid. "Flying?"

"This has nothing to do with flying!" said Hiccup. "And I wasn't flying, thank you very much, Astrid, I was trying to help a villager with their rogue dragon!"

"Well if you're so sure, why are you shouting!?" said Astrid.

"I'M NOT SHOUTING!" Hiccup shouted. "You're the one shouting!"

"Well I'm only shouting because you're shouting!" said Astrid.

"Well..why don' just...AGH!" Hiccup yelled, running his hands through his hair. "Why do you have to be so difficult!?"

"You were the one who started this in the first place!" said Astrid.

"Me!?" said Hiccup. "You're the one who's shouting!"

"I'm only shouting because you're shouting!"

"You said that already!"

"Well I just said it again, because you never listen to me!"

"You're no better!"

"At least I try!"

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"FINE. I don't care!"

"Well neither do I!"




The two of them stomped in opposite directions, mounted their dragons, and were airborne, heading as far away from each other as possible at that moment.

"The nerve of him," said Astrid to no one in particular. "It's not my fault he didn't tell me he was going to be so late the classes at the academy were finished by the time he got there. It's not my fault." But you were the one who kept yelling at him when he tried to apologize, part of her mind said back.

It wasn't his fault, really, the more Astrid thought about it. If he was helping someone with their rogue dragon, he probably got caught up in that for too long, and wasn't able to tell her about not being able to show up on time. He wasn't trying to make her mad, she realized at that moment. He was trying to do the right thing.

Besides, she couldn't really blame him for not showing up when he said he would. He was still getting used to the whole Chief business. It had only been a few months. She shouldn't have yelled at him. It wasn't his fault. He didn't have control over the situation.

ASTRID YOU FOOL! she mentally scolded herself.

"What have I done?" she whispered.

She was going to head back; she was going to march straight up to Hiccup and apologize. It wasn't his fault; it was her fault. She had been having a bad day with Snotlout and the twins, and she had just taken it out on him. She was going to go back, and tell him herself how sorry she was for the way she yelled at him and accused him when really he hadn't done anything wrong.

Just as she started heading back, the warn horn blew, just barely loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes widened as she looked back in the direction from whence it came, and saw ships approaching on the horizon.

"Oh no," she said to herself. "Come on, Stormfly, we have to go back." Stormfly roared in agreement and flew back towards the village. By the time they got there, the ships were there as well.

"The Lava Lout tribe," said Astrid to herself as she landed Stormfly. "What are they doing here?"

"They were coming to renew a peace treaty!" said Snotlout, racing up to the girl and her Nadder. "But we found out just recently that they had spies looking everywhere, and they took the dragons as a reason for war!"

"And now by the looks of it," Fishlegs joined the duo as he spoke, "they aren't going to be renewing a treaty anytime soon."

The Chief of the Lava Louts stepped forward, walking off his ship when the plank was lowered and intended for him to do so. Hiccup stepped forward to meet the Chief, holding Inferno in his left hand in case he had to use it.

"Ahh, Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third," said Chief of the Lava Louts, "you have been hiding your dragons the whole time, and now, you have been building a dragon army to use against us!"

"You are mistaken," said Hiccup. "We made peace with the dragons over five years ago. We aren't using them for attacking you or any other tribes."

"That's what you say," said the Chief, "but I know better, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, ha ha, far better."

"Okay," said Hiccup, clicking Inferno, "you are officially creepy."

The Chief laughed. "They all say that," he said. Then, he motioned for the men on his ship, shouted, "HAVE AT THEM, LADS!" and then the world as the Berkians knew it exploded into one of war.