Location: Quidditch World Cup; Date: August 22nd 1994; Time: 8:30 p.m

Walking back to camp shortly after the initial excitement had died down, Mia watched the excited expressions of the Weasley clan and company with a small smile

on her face. Letting out a small chuckle at the twin's teasing towards their younger brother, she silently slipped into the tent. Checking again on her wand, Mia

nervously gripped its handle for a moment as she took a seat on a open wooden chair. It's only a matter of time until everything goes to hell Mia, you ready to do

something about it? Slightly frustrated at her conscious, she continued to mess with her wand, which caused small sparks to appear from its tip. On the walk back to

the tent, Mia was overwhelmed by her own thoughts as she remembered what Gage has told her. "They won't let you come back…..listen to your instincts… you can

make a change... start small if you have to." The possibility to change the future was utterly terrifying to Mia, and the fact that the choice was ultimately up to her

was something that she'd rather not think about. But given the circumstances, she knew she would never just sit by when her friends and family were in danger. Call

it her downfall, but Mia was extremely loyal to those she trusted, and those who knew of this fact knew well enough to step out of her way if she was set on helping

those said people.

Teddy had often joked that she should have been in Hufflepuff instead of Ravenclaw due to this trait, but to her, wit was what allowed her to protect and help

others. Taking a breath and closing her eyes, Mia began going through all of the defensive spells and charms she had been taught over the years. If she had learned

anything so far from these past few months, Mia knew the importance of being ready for anything that was thrown her way. Allowing her eyes to fly open as she felt

someone place their hand on her shoulder, Mia's gaze flew up onto the concerned face of George Weasley. Apparently taking a momentary break of teasing his

brother, Mia blinked a bit as he asked, "Alright there Mia? Looked like you were dozing off there for a moment." Giving a half-hearted chuckle, she quickly took her

hand out of the pocket which had been storing her wand to give a fake stretch before standing and replying her voice a barely hiding her stress, "Ah don't worry

about me George, I'm just an old gal remember, we tend to fall asleep easily." Seeing him grin at her joke, she slowly dropped her arms from her stretch as he

replied jokingly, "Aw Mia, don't worry you've aged well, sometimes I think your only 40 instead of the old maid you are."

Letting out a small noise of offense before speaking, her voice going up in pitch, Mia quickly slapped his arm as he laughed, "George! You. Are. Absolutely.

Horrible!" Continuing to half-heartedly slap his arm she ignored his laughter as an idea popped into her head. Years around Teddy and his cousins had taught her to

roughhouse if needed, and it seemed at the moment those skills would be needed. Quickly stepping away from the taller red-headed boy, she quickly took a running

leap at him, much to his surprise. Hearing him let out a small scream of surprise as she tackled him to the floor, Mia quickly moved to sit on the still shocked boy as

she proclaimed in fake surprise, "George I didn't know you were so frail, I mean you must be if this old maid can take you out!" Breaking her character, Mia began to

laugh as George joined in a moment later while commenting between laughs, "You're….absolutely...mad!" Continuing to laugh Mia slid to the floor besides George as

a shadow appeared over the two of them.

Wiping at the corners of her eyes Mia glanced up to see Fred giving a joking glare at the both of them before commenting to Mia, "Mia, we all know George is an

old man, he can't keep up with everyone all the time he just doesn't like to say anything 'cause he's embarrassed." Ignoring his brother's protest he continued as a

grin appeared on his face, "But, I don't take kindly to anyone trying to take out my twin, so... I'm going to have to get payback on my poor twins behalf." Feeling

herself pale at his words, Mia vainly tried to scramble away as George latched onto her ankle. Letting out a screech, as she was pulled back onto the around, Mia

realized with dread that she was stuck just as something was thrown onto her back. Letting out another screech as she realized George had pinned her legs while

Fred sat on her back, Mia barely picked up her head to make eye contact with a snorting Ginny as she called, "Gin a little help here!"

Watching the younger girl send a wicked grin towards her before returning to her conversation with Hermione. A moment later, Mia was just about to try escaping

again when she heard it. It was faint, but she was positive she had heard the sound of something exploding outside followed by screams. Freezing in her struggling,

she felt her breathing hitch as the noise sounded again. Blinking slowly Mia quickly glanced around the tent to see that in the sound of their own excitement the noise

outside had seemingly been ignored. Turning to look back at Fred and George she quickly pleaded, "George, Fred, please get off of me." Seeing their shocked faces at

her sudden change in character, their response was cut off as Mr. Weasley quickly burst into the tent proclaiming that they had to leave immediately.

Watching as Mr. Weasley quickly ordered his oldest sons to come with him, and for Fred and George to take Ginny and the younger trio with them, she quickly

pulled out her wand to follow the older Weasley's before Mr. Weasley stopped her with worry on his face. Seeming to be overwhelmed, he looked to Mia as he asked,

"Amelia, can you please go with Fred and George, it would help to know they have someone who is a bit more equipped in magic to protect them." Seeing his stress,

Mia quickly nodded and replied, "Of course Mr. Weasley, I'll protect them with everything I've got." Seeing his features lighten a bit in relief, he quickly nodded before

running off.

Quickly pulling out her wand she turned to the others and yelled above the noise, "Follow me!" Making her way through the frantic crowd, Mia made sure to keep

Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny in between her and the twins as the lead them to the forest clearing she had been in earlier that day. Seeing someone suddenly dart

in front of them causing Harry, Hermione and Ron to get separated from the group, she quickly grabbed a hold of Ginny's arm to stop her from going after the trio.

Ignoring her protest, Mia quickly led Ginny and the twins to the clearing of the forest. Turning quickly to Fred and George she spoke, "I'm going to go look for the

others, I should be able to find them fairly quickly but stay together." Not waiting for a response, Mia quickly shifted into her owl form and flew up into the dark night

sky that was illuminated by the raging fires below.

Digging through her frantic mind to remember the story that Harry had told them all when they were younger, Mia quickly changed course and headed towards

another clearing in the woods. Scanning the ground, Mia quickly swooped back around when she saw a glint coming from the ground. That must be Harry's glasses,

Mia thought as she swooped down to the ground. Transforming right before landing, Mia dropped into a crouch beside the trio. Watching as they jumped and fumbled

away, she quickly spoke in a hushed whisper, "Harry! Ron! Hermione! Guys, easy it's me, it's Mia." Seeing a look of confusing pass over their faces as she quickly lit

her wand, Mia quickly looked them over for any major injuries as Harry asked, "You're an animagus?"

Ron seeming to jump out of his shock added quietly, "Yeah, she showed Fred, George, Ginny and I when we went to Diagon Alley earlier this summer." Nodding at

the group, she sent Harry a small smile as she added, "Yeah, I don't usually tell that many people, but it's an emergency so I don't really mind." Seeing Hermione

opening her mouth to ask another question, Mia gently cut her off, "Guys I know you probably have loads of questions, but right now we need to get out of here.

Alright?" Seeing the younger trio reluctantly nod, Mia held out her hand to them to apparate before Harry spoke quickly, "Wait! I've lost my wand. Can we look for it?"

Hesitating for a moment, Mia's reply never left her lips as the sounds of footsteps approaching echoed through the air.

All of them pausing at the sound of footsteps, Mia tensed as Harry called out, "Hello? Who's there?" Remaining tense in the now silent air, Mia felt the blood drain

out of her face as a spell was shouted. Gasping quietly at the sight, Mia quickly moved to stand in front of the younger teens as she spoke with a shaking voice,

"Harry, Ron, Hermione we need to leave right now." Not noticing the concerned and confused look the younger teens gave her, Mia didn't notice the sound of

more footsteps approaching. Continuing to look to the sky to see the horrifying green symbol floating in the air Mia mumbled in horror, "Oh my god…" Finally looking

away from the horrifying sight, Mia cursed under her breath. Seeming to finally register the sound of more people approaching, Mia quickly threw her arm out in front

of the golden trio, as she used the other to point her wand at newly arriving people. Hearing the voices quickly begin to shout out "Stupefy!" Mia barely registered

Harry shouting for them to duck before he pulled the group down with him.

Letting out a harsh breath as she hit the ground, Mia moved to protect the group once again as she scrambled for her dropped wand. Seeming to ignore her

actions, Mia watched with a bit of fear as some of the bigger wizards began to approach her. Wincing a bit as they approached, Mia held her position in front of the

fourth years as she slowly reached behind her to grab onto the shocked hand of Hermione. Closing her eyes as she waited for a stunning spell to hit her, Mia held her

breath in anticipation as a familiar voice shouted, "Stop! Stop!" Eyes flying open Mia hastily let out her breath as she recognized rushing towards them

with a frightened look on his face. Vaguely hearing ask them if they were all right, Mia quickly moved to stand with her wand held in a death grip in her


Taking a few breaths to calm her ragged breathing she slowly felt her senses coming back to her as Mr. Crouch moved his now furious gaze from the younger teens

to her as he shouted, "And what about you Miss? Have you had anything to do with this horrid business?" Blinking a bit, Mia replied in a slightly shaken voice as she

gestured to the younger teens, "No sir, I was only trying to make sure they were ok." Noticing the worried gazes of the younger teens, Mia let out a shaky breath as

Mr. Crouch's attention turned away from her. Running a hand through her now messy hair, Mia glanced down at her hands to see them shaking faintly. Tightening her

grip on her wand, Mia slid her hands into her sweatshirt pocket as she watched Mr. Diggory head off to find the supposed culprit.

Jumping slightly as a hand rested on her shoulder, Mia turned to look at Mr. Weasley who had a mixed look of exhaustion and concern on his face as he asked, "Are

you alright Amelia?" Looking away from him to the forest where Mr. Diggory had vanished, she replied, "Honestly, not really but I don't want to cause any more fuss

we already have a lot to deal with currently. I didn't want Ron, Harry, or Hermione to have to worry even more than they already are." Looking back at Mr. Weasley

she added, "I am so sorry about leaving the twins and Ginny alone but I figured they would be alright on their own, whereas these three would've had a harder time."

Seeing him nod before a brief smile appeared on his face, Mr. Weasley replied, "Amelia I'm not upset with you, your reasoning made sense and obviously your help

was needed with these three. Thank you for making sure they were alright." Nodding back at the older man, Mia turned her attention back to the returning form of

Mr. Diggory.

Falling silent for the rest of the conversation, Mia simply observed the situation as the others discovered Winky who had apparently casted the dark mark. If only I

could say something about Barty Crouch Jr. But who knows what effects that might have on the future? They could easily think I'm insane or that I was actually the

one at fault. Unconsciously beginning to trace patterns on her arms Mia decided to ultimately keep quiet as her mind raced, The risks of changing something this big

right now on top of my having no other conscious efforts to change things before, my actions could easily change things for the worst. Looking up as Mr. Weasley

finally called for them to head back to the tent, Mia quickly pushed her previous thoughts out of her mind.

Keeping her head down as Ron began to ask his father questions about the mark, Mia vainly tried to rid the image of the burning camp and screaming crowds from

her mind. Thankfully, they arrived back at the tents soon enough as Charlie called out to them. Slipping inside to see Bill sitting at the table with a bloodied arm, Mia

looked over to Charlie to see him a bit roughed up but relatively ok. Turning to look at Percy who had a nasty bloody nose, she finally glanced over at the twins and

Ginny who looked shaken but ok. Sighing partly out of relief and partly out of exhaustion, Mia made her way over to Bill's him glance up at her she gestured to his cut

before moving to pull the bloodied bed sheet away from his arm. Listening to his conversation with Mr. Weasley about the possibility of the remaining Death Eaters

making a reappearance, Mia quickly pulled out her wand and healed the cut after a few mumbled spells.

Waving her wand once more to clean the remaining blood away she looked over to see Bill giving her a slightly shocked look. Shrugging lightly in response she

mumbled, "I've dealt with alot of injuries over the years." Seeing him slowly nod in reply, she gently patted his now healed arm before moving over to Percy. Ignoring

his somewhat annoyed look she mumbled "Episkey". Hearing him give a slight shout of pain as his nose snapped into place, Mia smirked slightly before cleaning the

remaining blood away. Not waiting for any reply, Mia made her way over to Ginny and the twins who were still standing silently together.

Stopping in front of Ginny, she opened her mouth to say something before the younger ginger girl rushed forward to hug the older brunette girl. Tensing for a

moment, Mia blinked down in shock at the slightly shaking younger girl before returning the hug and mumbling quietly, "It's alright Gin, you're alright. You're safe."

Moving her gaze away from Ginny to look at the pale faces of Fred and George she silently mouthed in a slightly joking manner, "You're next". Seeing faint smiles

appear on both of the boys faces, Mia turned her attention back to the youngest Weasley girl. Giving her one more tight hug before releasing her, she watched as the

younger girl's features slowly returned to normal. If Mia hadn't known any better, it would seem like the previous moment hadn't happened at all. In a strange sort of

way, it was reassuring to Mia to see that Ginny still had her brave spirit, even in times like these.

Not even hesitating in her actions, Mia quickly moved to hug George before hugging Fred. Taking a slightly shaking breath as she hugged the two boys, her only

thought seemed to be, Thank God they're all right.. If her mind hadn't been plagued by the day's events, Mia probably would have noticed how one hug seemed to be

just a bit longer than the other before pulling away. Moving away from them to look at both of them she asked quietly, "I know this is probably a stupid question to

ask but, are you two ok?" Looking at their identical faces, she watched as they seemed to share a look of conversing something before turning back to her and

replying in unison, "Of course."

Not believing them for a second, Mia only nodded before turning back to face the others as Mr. Weasley announced that they should all head to bed for the

remainder of the night. Feeling the last remainder of adrenaline leave her body, Mia could only think that lying down even at the risk of nightmares was completely

worth the risk. Heading towards the exit with Ginny in tow, she paused as a quiet voice called out behind her, "Hey Mia?"

Pausing just before the tent's entrance as Ginny continued on, Mia looked over her shoulder to see Fred just behind her. Shaking off her slight surprise, Mia replied

just as quietly, "Yeah?" Watching him carefully she saw something flash over his features before disappearing as he replied, "It's nothing, just thanks for helping out."

Staying silent for a moment as she contemplated his words, Mia allowed a small smile to appear on her lips as she replied, "No problem. Night,Fred." Hearing a faint

reply of "Night" she quickly headed back into the girls tent where Hermione and Ginny seemed to be already sleeping. Barely managing to change out of her now

ragged outfit, Mia quickly curled up into her cot, sleep coming almost immediately to her.

Guys first off I'm so sorry about the long wait for an update. I had finals, the arrival of a new baby cousin and visitors from out of town. But now I've finally had a chance to update. I hope you all have had a wonderful beginning of summer and I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. Also keep an eye out for another one-shot update for the Prankster and the Performer in the next few days.

Until next time,

-The Detective