Meeting Hall

Kid Icarus

"Do you think he'll show up?" Pit whispered to Paultena in the Kid Icarus meeting room to decide the assister.

"Beats me, he's been pretty low after the fight with Ike even though Ike says they are friends now I doubt it," she answered.

"Excuse me?" Dark Pit asked who had walked in the room and had heard everything and making the duo jump "Are we going to talk about me or are assistor?"

"Oh, yes of course take a seat," Pit said happily.

Taking his seat "So, how many people we aloud to have,"

"Based on the Icarus districts population, we can nominate two. I was thinking Viridi and Phosperous," Paultena anwsered

"Yes sounds good, Dark Pit?" Pit agreed then shoved the question to Dark Pit.

"I don't like the idea of Viridi,"

"Hmm… why not?" Paultena asked.

"I worked for her for years when I started and she doesn't deserve to get that spot. Besides she's going to go for the Governorship ever since you left it," Dark Pit answered to Paultena.

"Yes, but she is also very interested in the Smash scene and I think she would like to come in a work with us,"

"I don't know,"

"Well who would you nominate in her place?" Pit asked.

"Magnus," Dark Pit flatly answered.

"Him? How corrupt are you?" Pit answered his temper rising.

"He came from a small family, unlike you two, and he's self-made," Dark Pit answered.

"Well, I don't think he's ready yet," Paultena answered searching for an excuse.


"Look," Pit stated "We out number you so if we can't decide on two candidates you know what happens?"

"They duel," Paultena answered for him.

"Fine then, Magnus can't fight better than anyone else,"

"Can he fight better than you?" Pit snapped to Dark Pit.

"Yes, he taught me everything I know,"

"Well then," Pit laughed "Viridi is basically locked in then!"

"We'll see," Dark Pit sneered then got up and walked out.

The Clone Corner

"You like starting fights don't ya?" Falco asked behind the counter with Doc who had just served Pittoo some coffee. Dark Pit had told them everything that happened.

"No, I need to stand up for what I stand for, and why is everything result in a match anyways?"

"It just works like that," Doc answered.

"Well whatever Magus has already accepted the innovation to go and fight for an assist."

"If you say so," Falco stated and started to make more coffee as Lucina walked in and sat next to Dark Pit.

"The usual Falco,"

"I know, I know," Falco sneered making the coffee.

"You seem angrier than usual Dark Pit. What's going on?" She asked reading him like a book.

"I'm in a standoff to decide who will be one of the Kid Icarus Districts Assistors."

"Wow?" Lucina asked surprised "You do they want?"


"And you?"


"Huh, well good luck with that, you're going to need it,"
