Disclaimer: I don't own any bit of the Potter Franchise

Harry Potter and the Return to Hogwarts

Charter 1: A New Beginning.

Harry had lead a memorable life.  Not only was he a wizard, but one who had been famous since he was only one year old.  In his youth, he had brush death many times as he came head to head and defeat the greatest dark wizard f the day, Lord Voldemort.  But to Harry that seemed ages away.  As his 100th birthday approached, he feared that he may die as alone as he was brought up.  Harry had managed to be married briefly and have one child, Lillian Hermione, but she had a busy career climbing up the ladder in the Ministry of Magic.  Many of Harry's friends had died in recent years and the death of Ronald Wealsey hit him very hard.  Retired from a long career bouncing around the world as a quditich player, auror and professor, Harry had retired to his first home in Godric's Hollow. Life was going by slowly.  Harry sat in his study reading most of the time and he had also created a memoir of his life.  Of xourse, he wasn't prepared to start a whole new chapter in his life.

There was a knock on the door.  Harry brushed his short white hair out of his eyes, he had manage, through no magic of his own to keep a full head of hair, but it was still as untidy as ever.  Harry walked up to answer it and when he opened it, he found an old student, Jason Argolle, from his period as a Hogwarts professor.  Jason, had become a teacher at Hogwarts just like Harry.  "Professor Potter, its so good to see you!"

"Please Jason, you can call me Harry now"

"I dunno if I can do that pro… Harry, but I'll try" Jason laughed

"Good enough for me," Harry said letting Jason in, "what can I do for you?"

Harry lead Jason to the fireplace where they sat down from some tea.  "Well, Harry, the wizarding world needs another favor from you."

"Oh, well if I can help, I'll do what I can"

"As you know, Headmaster Snape, died over the summer and the governors and the teachers all agree, that you are the best person to replace him"

                Harry sat stunned.  He thought back to Dumbledore, the headmaster when he attended Hogwarts all those years ago and smiled with the idea that he could serve as a role model to the young wizards and witches from all over Britain.  He turned to his owl, the snowy white Athena.  She hooted with a certain amount of pride and joy "I'll do it" Harry said with a youthful spark.

                "Excellent! Mind if I use your owl to notify the Minister?"

                "Go ahead," Harry said.

                "I'm surprised they didn't make you the Minister of Magic" Jason said as he sent Athena off with a bit of parchment.

                Harry got up and said "who says they didn't try"  Harry walked to the door and show Jason out, "now if you'll excuse me, I need to prepare, I'll be at Hogwarts in 2 weeks ready to move in" Jason left and Harry was alone again.  He wished he could tell Ron or Hermione about what happened as they would have found it extremely funny.  Harry hadn't been one in his youth or adult life to treat rules with great respect.  He knew that if his tenure as headmaster was anything like his enrollment, he would be in for a good time.

                Harry once again was packed out of his old home in Godric's Hollow.  He had sent an owl to his daughter informing her and her husband of his decision to return to Hogwarts.  She was thrilled of course and had come with Harry's Two Grandchildren, William and Sarah, to help him move out.  William and Sarah were excited for their grandfather as both were enrolled in Hogwarts and were part Gryffindor House, just like Harry.  Sarah, an auror, was even a Seeker and William, a wizard Bookdealer, was a Prefect.  Harry had silently hoped that they were as mischievous as he was when he attended Hogwarts.  Harry was all moved out of his home and he gave the keys to Sarah who was delighted and moved in right away, they had both shared a birthday, which was today, July 31st.

                Harry arrived of the train where he was greeted by Jason and Angela Longbottom, the Herbology Teacher and daughter of Neville Longbottom a classmate of Harry's.  Both greeted him ecstatically and they took the horseless carriage to Hogwarts.  Harry was delighted to see that Hogwarts hadn't changed with the times, it was daunting and impressive as ever.  They were greeted at the front gate by the rest of the teachers and an elderly teacher pushed others out of the way and said, "hullo Potter."  Harry Immediately noticed that it was his old rival, Draco Malfoy…

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