Disclaimer: I do not own Calvin and Hobbes.

It was a lovely Monday morning in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. But for one six-year-old boy on Oakleaf Way, it could have been anything but.

Calvin groaned as he changed out of his pajamas and into his school clothes, "Every day I have to get up and go to school. Nothing ever changes. It's just school, school, school. But not today." Tying a cape around his neck and slipping on his space commander helmet, he added, "Today, I go for the gusto."

"How exactly do you intend to do that?" asked his best friend, a tiger named Hobbes, who was looking on from the bed. "Simple," Calvin replied. "I slip some worms and salamanders into the cafeteria, then make my escape while everyone else is distracted. This will be a breeze."

There was a slight pause, then Hobbes told Calvin, "I think you should ask your mom if it's okay." Calvin was clearly surprised. "What are you, nuts?!" he retorted. "Have you seen Mom's reactions when I do something like this? It needs to be a secret, and I need to know if I can trust you to keep your mouth shut."

Hobbes inquired, "If this operation is supposed to be a secret, why'd you tell me?" "Because you're my best friend," Calvin replied. "Will you blab or not?" Hobbes raised his paw-hands in a gesture that suggested surrender and said, "Okay, fine. I won't tell a soul. Tiger's honor."

"Good," said Calvin, tying his sneakers and leaving the room. Hobbes looked after him and thought aloud, "I sure hope he doesn't get in trouble. Then again, knowing this kid, that's more likely than not..."

As Calvin poured himself a bowl of his favorite cereal, Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, his mother ordered, "Take off that helmet and cape, Calvin. You are not wearing that to school." Calin grumbled, but did as his mother asked. He'd been planning to carry his critters to school in the helmet, and the cape... well... went good with the helmet. Now what was he going to use?

An idea popped into his head. "Mom, can I bring Dad's hat to school today? It's for... ah... show and tell!" Calvin's mother raised her eyebrows. "And why do you want your father's hat?"

Calvin hadn't been expecting that, but he quickly strung together a cover story. "Miss Wormwood said today is Career Day. Everyone has to wear something that shows what they want to be when they grow up. I was gonna do 'superhero', but now I'm thinking I'll go as a patent attorney."

Calvin's mother shrugged and went back to washing the dishes. Calvin sighed with relief. After quickly finishing his cereal, he headed out to the woods behind his home - and the pond. There, he was able to locate a few salamanders and slip them into the hat. Then, in his mother's flower garden, he dug up worms, and lots of them. Calvin got to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up. As he took his seat, he thought, Oh, man, this is gonna be sweet!