"It's like I said little hotties, LaF came into the bar at about 5 or 6 maybe and they were still there when I left." Kirsh explained after being questioned thoroughly. The interrogation was clearly not over though.

"What time was it that you left exactly Kirsh?"

Kirsh was working in the café this morning and customers had been minimal so he'd been kinda excited when Perry had called. He only knew her through LaF but he liked her. Kirsh worked in the science lab LaF worked at during the week. He was a little embarrassed to say he was a receptionist but it was an awesome place to work. Aside from the fact nobody let him help with the experiments for some reason. Perry was standing directly in front of Kirsh, her eyes never once leaving his. For a hottie she could be…sorta intense. Laura was also there smiling sympathetically at Kirsh from behind Perry. He'd only met Laura a few times and she was always nice to him. She'd even offered to tutor him as he'd just joined an online course for Literature. There was another girl with them who was totally hot but also kinda scary looking and kept glaring at him with her super-cool-yet-razor-sharp silver eyes. She was standing next to Laura with a bored expression on her face.

"My shift was between 4 and 8 but Natalie let me off early because the place was kinda dead. It was like 7:30 maybe?" Kirsh racked his brain. At least that was the last time.

Perry frowned. "Was LaFontaine talking to anyone when you were there?"

Kirsh hadn't noticed. Sarah had come into the bar and he talked with her the last half hour or so. Sarah was kind of his girlfriend. They hadn't made anything official yet but Kirsh was sure it wasn't too far off; she'd been throwing herself at him all week.

"I don't know I was distracted." Kirsh said his face stricken with guilt. Perry frowned but then he remembered something and sat up excited.

"Oh oh oh! They seemed upset!" He sat back with a triumphant smile. That was something at least. That should get the hottie off his case.

Perry snapped.

"I KNOW KIRSH!" Perry practically yelled, her usual high-pitched voice lowering considerably, her tone furious. Even the gothic hottie looked up in surprise. Kirsh gulped as she took another step toward him

"I NEED TO KNOW WHERE THEY WENT YOU USELESS…" Laura cut her off abruptly pushing her gently back with one hand. She then stood straight in front of Kirsh.

"What Perry means to say is, did you see anything unusual? Or maybe you talked to LaF? Really think about it Kirsh." Laura asked gently. Kirsh thought back. Now that he was a little less scared of being murdered before 8 in the morning he realized he had seen something.

"I said hi to LaF when they first came in and they weren't in a chatty mood exactly so I left them…y'know to give then some space. I looked over a couple times and well… there was this guy there. He was like sat near LaFontaine at the bar. I didn't think anything of it at the time but he didn't order anything. I think he was maybe watching them."

Perry and Laura exchanged a look. Surprisingly the other chick also seemed interested.

"What did this… guy look like?" She asked. She looked as if she were trying not to look interested, but her eyes gave her away.

"He was just your regular dude I guess… dark hair…kinda pale." He thought. "I mean not to judge a bro but he did seem a bit creepy. Sarah thought so too."

The girl cursed under her breath and everyone looked at her. When she noticed she shrugged.

"I just remembered something I have to do later." She said as a way of explanation but Kirsh was still surprised.

"Guys not to be rude or anything but who is this chick?" He'd asked to try to figure out her interest in LaF but the girl practically growled at him. What was with all these hotties trying to kill him today? He must've done something bad in a previous life.

"Oh I'm sorry how rude of me." Laura said with a nervous giggle. "This is my friend Carmilla!"

This Carmilla raised her eyebrow at the word 'friend' but her expression softened when Laura smiled at her. Kirsh looked at them. He may not have been the sharpest spaghetti in the kitchen (Or something…) but he had a feeling something was going on between them. When he found out Laura was gay he'd been a little disappointed not because he was into her or anything. It was just because she had a super hot and totally cool girlfriend at the time. He'd hoped Danny was just a friend, but when it was clear he wasn't her type he moved onto Sarah. Sarah was great but she was no Danny. He was happy that Laura had maybe found someone after the break up.

Perry interrupted his thoughts.

"So this guy obviously either…kidnapped my fiancé or saw something so we should…go to the bar tonight to apprehend him." She stated, her tone calmer.

Laura opened her mouth to speak but Carmilla cut her off.

"Sorry to kill the mood or whatever but…"

She took a deep breath in.

"I think I know where your friend is."