A/N: Hello anyone who may be reading! I've recently been obsessed with the web series Carmilla, so decided to write a bit of a fic about it. Enjoy! (Sorry it's sort of short, this will be multi-chapter)

Laura woke with a start. She could've sworn she heard a bang coming from somewhere. She hadn't been having a nightmare, in fact it was the first pleasant dream she had had in months. Lately things had been hard on Laura. Her yearlong relationship with Danny Lawrence, her work supervisor had ended suddenly when Danny announced she was moving to Russia. Something to do with a sports team Danny was part of. The two were still good friends and Laura knew she would never lose Danny fully, but she still felt lonely most nights. On top of this, her Dad had grown sick recently and he was in and out of hospital appointments. Blood tests, CAT scans, urine samples. Laura was assured by his nurse that he was probably absolutely fine and the tests were all just to check off all the possibilities of what could be wrong, but doctors had all said the exact same thing to her about her mother and look what'd happened to her. Each night for weeks Laura's dreams consisted of blood stained hospital beds, funeral directors, the patronizing voices of distant relatives she'd only ever met at reunions saying what a great man her father was, when they didn't really know. They didn't know how wonderful he was. She dreamed of his open casket in the middle of the chapel. She would walk over to him and peer at his blue, soulless body, a cold marble statue of a thing. When Laura began to move away a clammy arm would clasp her wrist. "Ungrateful child…" It always accused. She often woke up screaming, praying to God that these were just dreams and not visions. The visions she'd had right before her mother died. Laura stayed awake as long as she could usually, to avoid the horror of imagining a world without the person who kept her stable.

Last night was different though. Last night she felt at peace.

She'd dreamed that a tiny black cat had crawled through the window at night and curled up at the foot of the bed purring at her. It'd felt so real, the purrs calmed Laura she didn't feel quite so hopelessly alone.

"Here Kitty, Kitty…" Dream Laura had whispered, clicking her fingers and gesturing the cat over to her. The creature watched her for a moment with its almost silver eyes. Laura had never owned a cat, but she was pretty sure she had never seen one look at her quite so amused.

"C'mon Kitty…" She continued. She made a small tapping sound with her tongue. This was how people made animals like them right? The cat eventually shifted and began to wander over to Laura's end of the bed. As it moved she could have sworn it had rolled its perfect eyes. Laura touched its ebony fur and was surprised at how much like human hair it felt.

"You're a pretty one aren't you?" She mused. The cat purred as if in agreement and Laura giggled. "Sand self obsessed." Lafontaine was always telling Laura how their cat's thought that they ruled the place so she supposed this was the way cats are. She was suddenly aware of how drowsy she was becoming and yawned. The cat stared at her quizzically. Laura interpreted its look to mean 'Are you tired?'

"I'm…so...sleepy!" She admitted between yawns and the cat seemed to understand and went to move away, but Laura stopped it.

"No, no, Kitty. Stay for a bit and I'll get you some tuna or something tomorrow!" (I can't believe I'm negotiating with a cat.)

The feline didn't need to be asked twice, it curled its body into a tiny ball beside Laura's head. Laura snuggled down beside it. Her fingers trailed down the creature's long body. There was something about having a living, breathing being, even just a stray little street cat that comforted Laura. She was distracted from all the horrors of before as her fingertips caressed the dark fuzz on the animals back. It purred gratefully, never pulling its almost curious gaze from her face. Those eyes were still on Laura as her own slowly drifted shut.

It'd all felt so real, but as Laura looked around she saw no evidence of a cat anywhere, and it had seemed almost too human to be real. So Laura concluded that it had all just been a nice dream, nothing more. What Laura failed to notice was that her window, she never unlocked had been left ajar and was allowing a small breeze to invade.