Sup. Uh, you might be wondering about the chapter title. That's basically what this is. As off now, I'm dropping this fic. :T I had everything planned, and things were gonna start going down really, really hard in the next few chapters, but I don't feel like writing it, anymore. I don't even remember what I was writing it for, if it was for the feedback, if it was for reviews, if it was for myself, if it was just for the sake of writing something cool... this doubt is kinda frustrating, specially when I couldn't meet any of those expectations. Since the story is pretty much planned, though, I decided to post this.

Beyond this line, is the whole plot for the fic starting from chapter 29... which is what I THINK I have written, thus far. Spoilers, but... I might not write the fic ever again. If you, for some reason, still feel like not being spoiled you (are very strange) can scroll until you see the line again. It's divided in arcs, by the way.

Spoiler line

1) Magatsu Mandala arc:

After they find Kanji's cross, the investigation team keeps heading down what's supposed to be Magatsu Mandala, finding the other crosses of the party member, including Naoto's. That only feed's Kanji's curiosity, but he doesn't share it with the group. The last cross they find is Yukiko's, which falls just like Yosuke's and becomes Shadow Yukiko.

It goes berserk and traps them in the room. A battle starts, where Yukiko has to absolutely shine to protect Chie and Yosuke at times since his arm is kinda not well, yet. The four of them actually work together to defeat the Shadow, which grants them a sense of unity, again, renewing their faith in saving Yu. They proceed forward, even though Yukiko's SP is running really, really low from all the work she had to put in since they fell down the hole.

They eventually reach the room where Yu's Shadow is lying on the ground. They get ready for a battle, but soon realize it's battered almost beyond recognition. It laughs on their faces and explains that Yu is after the room beyond them, so close, but so far gone, already, along with telling them that the Teddie they fought was very much the real one, and was waiting for them, as well. It then fades away due to Yu letting go of himself, uttering "So far, no matter how close".

The group proceeds forward to find a copy of the Poster Room which serves as the entrance to Magatsu Inaba, only Teddie is hanging from the noose. Yu had left him there, as if to say that it was his own fault for ending up like that. After Rise almost collapses, she tells the group that was indeed Teddie, and that he was dead. She couldn't tell before because Adachi was blocking her senses.

After weeping, asking why a thousand times and almost breaking (mainly Yosuke), Kanji gets tired of his weak ass shenanigans and acts as the leader once again, pushing them forward and asking Rise to scan ahead. She couldn't sense Yu, but there was nowhere else to go, the end of that world was right there.

Having nowhere else to go, they enter the final room and find Yu there, sat on the ground with his katana by his side, apparently just waiting for them to come. He gets up and turns towards them, showing no signs of being a Shadow. In fact, he's showing the same signs that Yosuke had already seen, back when they fought in the Riverbed. So Yosuke tells the group that was Yu, alright, and they'd need to snap him out of that, just like he did before.

(Yu had let go, and as seen in the last chapters, he had started pinning the blame on everyone and everything around him, which triggered him to step out of himself and let his anger take full control. That was all he was at that moment, his own anger, much like what happened during the battle against the fallen angel. Yosuke would have know just how powerful Yu was in this state if he had stayed conscious during the battle against Lucifer.)

Hurting Yu in that state took more than just strength, as he seemed to be completely other than himself. He didn't stop, even with the wounds he already had. He was hesitating at times, and during those brief, rare moments, Rise could sense Yu was still there, and Yosuke pushed them to keep fighting until he was brought back, but in the middle of the fight, Yukiko runs out of MP and fails to keep Narukami at bay, eventually catching a thrust to her heart.

That leaves everyone baffled, specially Chie. Yosuke collapses to his knees and Rise screams in everyone's ears, while Kanji sees that Yu had frozen in place as he did that, and power charges to get both Chie and Yosuke on his shoulders before getting the Hell outta there, kicking Rise into running gear, as well. There was no way they were beating Yu, in that state, much less snapping him out of whatever he was high on (touching the Absence).

They eventually escape using that Traesto Gem Rise had, leaving Yu and Yukiko there, which splits the party. Little did they know they didn't only dodge Yu on their way out. Thus starts the next arc.

2) Twist of Fate: Fool arc:

Of course the Fool Twist of Fate wasn't gonna be a single chapter.

Upon leaving the television, Yosuke talks about going back to save Yu, somehow. Chie loses her shit even worse and says that she cannot forgive him for killing her best friend. She says that she would help catching Adachi because he was one of the one responsible for this whole situation, but she wouldn't move a finger to save Yu. The discussion intensifies, with Rise joining in on Yosuke's side, while Kanji leaves quietly. Yosuke eventually apologizes profusely for basically roasting Chie in the end, and says that he respects her decision. They'd need time to recover from that, but that wasn't something they had. Chie and Rise go home to finish weeping their tears while Yosuke is summoned to the Sanctuary.

There, he's told that Catherine and Lupa would help bring Yu back, but he'd have to wait until the next day.

The story then shifts back to Yu in the hole, he kicks back into motion after that freeze (which was caused by that little remnant of his conscience) and wanders around, still trying to find something or someone to pin the blame on. While straddling idly along, he's finally found by that Fiend Catherine was chasing back in chapter 24, and you wouldn't guess who it is.


Jason Vorhees.

Look, I'll explain.

Lucifer was harvesting new Fiends through the power of rumors. He knew it'd be a long time until he could be restored to his full, demonic glory, so needed counter measures to persona users, much like Batman needs Cryptonite in case Superman goes nuts. So he spread the rumor about Jason, a demon that could not be stopped and was after the 'masked ones'. His legend was already strong among humans, so he was rather quick to draw out, given the small changes he had to make. Lucifer intended to keep him locked somewhere where he could just use him in case of necessity, but when the fog settled in the real world, he had to leave the task of nurturing the rumor and taming Vorhees to Catherine, and you know how that went.

Basically, if the group had stayed just a bit longer, they were likely to find Vorhees on their way out, and that'd be a major problem for them.

Anyway, Yu, still being a walking juggernaut powered by being his own Anger, manages to knock Jason out, but sustains a lot of injuries. After that, he keeps wandering around aimlessly, bleeding. If the normal Yu was in charge, he would have passed out for sure, if not passed away, but the Anger was still very much alive and keeping his body going. He ends up returning to the room where Teddie was hanging out after clearing all of the shadows in the dungeon.

Adachi then finally wakes up from the mental strain of having the domain of your conscience almost literally ripped out from your brain by someone else. When Yu turned Magatsu Mandala into his own world, that hurt Adachi, really, really bad, so much so, some bits of his own part of the world crumbled (i.e, the hole the Investigation Team fell through). He manages to make contact with Yu, despite not having much control over that part of the world, and starts talking to Yu, along with telling him that he killed his precious girlfriend.

That brings Yu's conscience back. Since the memory was still blurry from that moment, he still refuses to believe that happened and goes to the next room to confirm what he was saying, but he finds Yukiko lying on the floor, dead. The adrenaline rush stops and he finally passes out from his wounds, right by her side, to the sound of Adachi's echoing laughter.

The Mirror then presents itself to Yu as he drifts aimlessly, weeping at his sorrows inside his own mind. He fully explains how becoming Fallen works, and how it could save him from the suffering he was going through, along with explaining what would happen if he, a wild card, became Fallen, all the facets he carried within him would disappear, as well, falling into oblivion. It'd be like they'd never existed, and as such he would be, as well.

To explain that, he takes Yu to the Halls of the Fallen. Yes, the same place Naoya visits in Seasons In The Abyss.

There, the Mirror edges Yu to take a glance into the mirror of another Wild Card, the only one to have Fallen. His name was Atsuro Ishigaki. This part plays out just like Seasons does, only Atsuro has no feelings and simply turns towards on him. Also, The Mirror obliges Yu to fight, so that he'd know just how he'd end up, should he choose to Fall.

Yu loses to Atsuro, who uses a lot of demons as personae and pulled actual Lucifer (his demonic form) as his final persona to win. After that, Yu finally understands how Lucifer lost his Fiends, and when the Mirror gives him the choice of letting go and becoming Fallen, he refuses, saying he must suffer and pay the price for what he's done. Besides, he couldn't allow himself to go to the same place where Teddie was.

After the fight, the fic shifts back to Yosuke, who is at school attending to an assembly about the death of three students (Alice's victims). He also hears that Yukiko was declared missing, and he knows fully well why. School is declared out for a week.

The rumor of the fog being poisonous is also very strong. Many people have fallen ill in the last day, and everyone is panicking.

Yosuke is still torn apart by what happened to Teddie and Yukiko, but he decides he must push through and save Yu because he knows it wasn't really him that did all that, despite resenting what happened. He joins with Rise (who had backed him up in the argument against Chie) and gathers Catherine and Lupa to go get Yu.

They find Jason in their way, already up again. The four knock him down, again and hurry on their search for Yu. When they find him, he's broken and almost passing out, having just returned from the Halls of The Fallen. Catherine promptly heals him, and before even Yosuke can get to him, Rise runs in and hugs him, before kissing him and explaining how he's not alone, along with saying that she wouldn't let go of him.

Okay, here's another thing I kinda have to explain.

The deal about Rise is: she always had a small crush on Yu, but she was always beyond that because Yukiko was with him. You may remember she was having those doubts about the guy and acting like everyone else in regards of Yu having killed Namatame, but ever since Lucifer appeared to her in the Lovers Twist Of Fate, she began thinking that couldn't allow everything to just fall apart.

She began to understand that they were only weak when they felt alone: Naoto felt alone and killed herself, Chie felt alone and couldn't forgive anyone, she, herself, felt alone and lost sight of what was important... even Kanji might have been lonely, as well. She knew deep down that it wasn't Yu doing all that (she scanned the guy and saw nothing in him, the only times she sensed him was when he hesitated/stopped himself to allow them to run), so if you blend in her love for him, the fact that Yukiko was gone, plus everything else, and you have Rise's reason. She just couldn't allow him of all people to be alone, and that was the perfect opportunity for her to claim him as her own.

Back to the story. Yosuke is left baffled for a few moments, before he snaps to his senses and tells them to go back because Yu needs to rest. When they go back to town, Catherine and Lupa split, going back to the Sanctuary. Something is clearly very wrong in town as they go home. That ends the Fool Twist Of Fate.

3) Adachi hunt arc:

The next day, Yukiko's body is found hanging from a lamppost in the shopping district, but Yu, Rise and Yosuke don't know that because they're lit out basically the whole day. Well, not really. Yosuke only finds the strength to do something during the later part of the day, when he contacts Catherine and Lupa to see if they could help the group against Adachi, but they can't because they're busy with other things. Rise had decided to go to Yu's house and spend the night there because it must have been Hell by himself. No, they don't 'spend a long time together'.

On the day after, Yu has the second sleep paralysis, this time involving Nanako. I had this one planned for years, now, and I only kept adding details as the plot developed. I planned to have Nanako grip at his arm with a thousand arms during the fight against Kuni No Sagiri, and now I had the excuse of making him feel like that because Rise was sleeping over his arm. It was gonna be a lot of fun to just tamper with that. Anyway, when he wakes up, he decides to contact Chie and Kanji to apologize and maybe get them on the move to go catch Adachi. Chie lashes back at him (she still holds a grudge), and explains what went on while Yosuke and Rise were gone to find Yu.

Turns out, the fog had grown so powerful so quick, a few, more powerful Shadows had already crossed the line between the worlds, and personas could be summoned in the real world. (This is due to the work Adachi had been putting on making Ame No Sagiri stronger by feeding him Shadows. Yes, he is aware of Ame No Sagiri, in this story, because Izanami was watching how Yu was on cahoots with Lucifer and decided that it wasn't fair, so she turned that key on Adachi to even the odds.)

Despite this, she agrees to go put an end to this whole mess, even if it means fighting alongside Yu. Kanji agrees as well, and they enter the TV world to wreck Adachi's stuff.

There, the story is paused for a Chariot Twist of Fate, which had me on a dilemma. This one would only take a chapter like the others, and it would show Chie and Kanji fighting shadows in town, but there were two things I could do with this chapter which would drastically change Chie's future. Scratch that, perhaps the whole fic's future. The plan was to have just Chie and Kanji fighting the Shadow(s), but then it dawned on me: Where were the Shadow Ops in all of this? If they existed, they'd at least end a scout to assess the situation on that foggy town with strong shadow activity. BUT I didn't know whether they existed or not because BL still didn't as much as TOUCH on the matter of Shadow ops. I had no idea how that would play out because of some details, but if that did happen, quite a few things would be altered. I'll touch on the matter of the Shadow ops later down the road, but I'll continue assuming that they don't show up.

After that chapter is done, the focus goes back to the investigation team (or what's left of it), and they reach Adachi to confront him. He does his little speech before the battle begins, during which he slowly becomes possessed by Ame no Sagiri, until he finally goes through that transformation. The battle is hard, but Yu finishes the master of the fog with a Morning Star, courtesy of the Helel he fused in the middle of the battle, just like in the Anime. I kinda liked that scene. If I got cold feet about making him do the fusion, I could always go back and have Yu fuse Helel before confronting Adachi. There was that option, as well.

Anyway, after discussing for a while what to do with Adachi, they decide to leave him there to rot with a broken leg and no SP. They back out of the TV and see that the fog is no longer in town. Chie goes home to resume her weeping streak, and Kanji takes off silently as he always does. Rise, Yu and Yosuke go to the hospital to inform Dojima what happened. After a long discussion about what was may have been right to do, Dojima concedes and accepts what happened, sending the three home. Rise spends the night at Yu's, again, this time they really do it. No I wasn't gonna write details.

Meanwhile, Adachi is found by Jason and killed mercilessly.

4) Heaven and Hell arc:

That night, Yu and Yosuke are summoned to the Sanctuary, where Lucifer tells them about the war going on between heaven and his demons, along with saying that their journey wasn't complete, which makes the two really, really mad. He proposes a second test but this time, they'd have to defeat a foe of his. An angel was said to descend from heavens to wreck Lucifer's Sanctuary, and he needed defeating whoever came down. So, in exchange for Yu's and Yosuke's help defeating that angel, he'd tell them who was it that gave Yu his power and kickstarted this whole mess. Almost blackmailing the two with the fact that they had no leads regarding who it was, and that the town's future was in line, Lucifer manages to convince the two to fight for him. He'd call when it was time to act.

Before the two go, however, Yu explains that he knows how Lucifer lost his demons and that he saw them AND the boy that took them away. Lucifer then confirms it and explains a bit of how it all went down. After coming to terms with the fact that there'd be no easy way to build his army and his demonic self again, Lucifer sends them away.

The next day, Rise talks with Yu. Just a breather, kind of a filler chapter where Yu and Rise deal with their troubles by huddling together. I'd try to make it seem like they're addicted to each other. In fact, I think vices were a pretty big part of the characters in this story, but that's irrelevant, now. In sum, they spend the whole day to themselves, trying to ease bit of their pain.

The story pauses for the Emperor Twist Of Fate, where Kanji is shown talking to Naoto's Grandfather a little after her death was announced, along with spending a little while at home thinking about what to do next. That was one of the kickstarters of his change.

The day after that, Rise asks her grandmother if she could stay at Yu's house for a whole while, and she gets the permission. Yu finally goes talk to Kanji about what has been going on with him and, well... this is what the script says about this chapter:

Chapter 49) "Skeletons In The Closet" Friday, December 16th: Rise decides to stay over at Yu's house for a while, with the permission of her grandmother. They talk about the situation, and decide to go talk to Kanji. Kanji was talking to Naoto's grandfather (again), and their deal is exposed. Kanji was the one behind the cancelling of Naoto's death announcement assembly, and he reveals that he would never trust people any more, but not before acknowledging how all those ordeals and losses made him stronger. His hair is shown to be going back to black, and despite holding a grudge against Yu, he tells him that he'd never had become a real man without him. Social Link Rank Ten, Rokuten Maoh unlocked. Rise and Yu go back home, News of the case and the Amagi Inn closing down are broadcast as well as a reminder that Adachi's M.I.A.


The day after, Yu and Yosuke are called to the Sanctuary in a hurry. They'd have to act right there and then, cause the angel had arrived before Lucifer had expected. Which angel, you ask? I was still choosing. Maybe Merkabah, maybe Michael, maybe the four Archangels at once. I had options. They'd also meet the last resident of the Sanctuary, which I was still unsure whether it was Astaroth, Lucifuge or Hitoshura, the latter one being a bit too outlandish.

After dealing with the threat and being promptly cursed by God, everyone 'celebrate' their victory back at the Sanctuary, and Lucifer tells them the deal about Izanami. He had no more tests to make, and he was sure they could beat her. Plus, with the retreat of the angels, Catherine and Lupa would be able to help in the battle against her. After that, Yu and Yosuke go home, but Yu can't sleep, plagued by the questions. Rise wakes up in the middle of the night and finds him in distress. Yu then explains the whole deal to her, and while she doesn't know how, she promises to help any way she can.

The next day goes as follows:

Chapter 53) "Loverman" Sunday, December 18th: Yosuke gets called on a quest to apprehend Jason Vorhees with Catherine and Lupa. He's given a Kuda (things used by devil summoners to store demons, which had become obsolete due to the use of smartphones and the devil summoning program. Fun Fact: Lucifer got those by placing a request on a certain Devil Summoner's office down in Tsukigata Village), since he won't be able to capture the monster by any other means. He asks why Yu wasn't called, and Lucy says it's because he was busy with something else, and would probably take more time to recover. Yosuke then agrees. As he goes into the TV, Yu is shown wasting his day away with Rise, thinking about who to recruit and when to go after Izanami. He talks to Chie, but she refuses to fight with Yu, again. He then hits up Kanji, and the guy simply doesn't believe him, dismissing him completely. Snippets of Yosuke's quest are shown, along with him finding out a bit about demon summoning. Lucifer, in gratitude, offers him another Kuda, only it's one with a Succubus inside. Completely loyal, able to manifest in the real world... exactly for the reason you might be thinking. Yosuke really thinks about taking the offer, but ultimately refuses, believing in the power of his love for Chie.

Yes, the chapters even had names. In fact, I think I can just leave the rest of the script here to explain the rest of the story.

Chapter 54) "The Unforgiven II" Monday, December 19th: Yosuke takes the day to rest, and gets called up by Chie. He goes to meet her, and she explains what's going on: How she can't forgive Yu, and finally, how she feels about Yosuke. She's really torn that Hanamura even tried to defend Yu, based on what he did, and she's really on the verge of hating him, as well, but once they talk it through, they're able to live with their different opinions. Chie kisses Yosuke, but doesn't know whether that feeling will last. She just wanted to get that one taste before her feelings crumbled into frustration. That leaves Yosuke thinking about how things would play out between them, and he begins to doubt whether it'd work out in the end. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Chapter 55) "Implode" Wednesday, December 21st: Yu looks back on the last two days, which were mostly spent at home with Rise. Yosuke decided not to bother the two, since they needed a bit more time. The doubts kept plaguing Yu really hard, and the thunder during the night doesn't help, either. He gets up during the night and grabs an umbrella to go talk to the gas station attendant, and the scene from the game plays out. He goes back to find a worried Rise just turning the corner of the street, looking for him. Yu explains what happened.

Chapter 56) "Pleasures Of The Flesh" Thursday, December 22nd: Yu calls up Yosuke to tell him what transpired, and decide to do something about it that same day. Rise agrees to go, as well, and they set out to the Sanctuary to round up Catherine and Lupa. Lucifer is in the room, for a change, and offers the Succubus again. Yosuke thinks back to the talk he had with Chie, and ultimately accepts the offer, much to Yu's confusion, since Lucifer just offers the tube without explaining the situation. When he questions the demon king, Yosuke also helps him ease his doubts and he eventually goes back to his chair. Lucy wishes them luck and send the four out. They head to the TV world and Rise guides them to Yomotsu Hirasaka.

Chapter 57) "Prince Charming" Thursday, December 22nd: They get to the place and discuss things before going in. During the exploration, Yosuke decides to ask about Catherine, and she decides to disclose her deal: About how her father, Nergal, was killed during the war, and she searched far and wide for a new king of the underworld, eventually even testing Minato (Remember when she appeared in Blood Lust? That was what she was doing), but she found him unfit for the position. Lucifer caught her on her quest and unified the underworld and his domain of Hell, and since he did so without harm, she chose to follow him when he called, thus ending her search and making her a resident of the Sanctuary.

Chapter 58) "Of Wolf And Man" Thursday, December 22nd: Midboss battle, during which Lupa and Yu trigger the fusion spell Pyriphlegeton as Yu uses Vayu. Lupa then recognizes it was good to see his friend, again. Yu asks what the fuck, and he explains the deal: that he's from a reality where the sun corrupted the world and everyone to stone, about AI's and Gale, and how the persona Yu was using was the form Gale assumed to fight. Even though he was free, he never got to see his friend again, since he was so involved in many other tasks as an enlightened being. His current self imposed mission was to help bring balance to the world he was in, right then, and it was the only one he allowed himself the risk of tainting his soul by interfering directly, because this universe's struggle interested him a lot. Nevertheless, he thanks Yu for the opportunity to see Gale again and they continue their journey.

Chapter 59) "Atlas, Rise!" Thursday, December 22nd: They reach Izanami and the battle begins. She's shown to be immortal and impossible to beat just like in the game, but Yu is summoned to the Velvet Room. That time, Igor, Margaret and Lupa are there. Yu asks what the fuck, and Igor explains that Yu's soul in currently in denial of many things, and that it currently can't accept the truth. Yu asks what that means, and Igor replies that he cannot defeat Izanami in his current state. However, that was why Lupa was there. Upon finishing explaining to Yu the deal, Igor asks Lupa if he was sure, and Lupa nods. Igor acknowledges his decision and thanks Lupa for his presence, explaining that never before did he have the honor of having an enlightened being in the Velvet Room, and even Margaret shows her gratitude. Lupa then invites Yu out of the Velvet Room and shows him the orb of sight he had nurtured through his multiple journeys and ordeals, and explains how he is forbidden from sharing it, based on Brahman's law that humans must find their way and seek knowledge by themselves. He continues, saying that he was going to give his orb to Yu, so he could be open to the truth and the path before him. Lupa then gives him the orb, and explains that he'd be returned to the wheel and reincarnated again. Yu asks why he couldn't do it himself and keep his enlightenment, and Lupa answers by saying that one day, he'd like to walk the same path as Yu, himself and his other friends (Digital Devil Saga people), and this quest of his was far from over. Yu asks about how he is going to find the way to the light again, and Lupa says that he's lived a thousand times. His soul will eventually find its way, again. Yu thanks Lupa as he vanishes.

Chapter 60) "Aerials" Thursday, December 22nd: Yu finally sees the truth about Izanami, and uses the orb of sight to unmask Izanami's true form. The battle goes on without Lupa until Izanami uses the thousand curses on Yu, and he falls. Catherine keeps Yosuke from falling, and then the scene cuts to Yu again, as he merges the orb of sight with Izanagi to create Izanagi no Okami, which makes him touch the Absence and become the Truth, instead of his own Anger. He finishes Izanami with Myriad Truths.

Chapter 61) "To The Devil His Due" Thursday, December 22nd: The TV World is turned back to its former glory. Lucifer finally appears in the TV World, now that it's rid of the Fog, and explains that he shall set his domain there. He asks where's Lupa, and Yu explains. Lucifer understands, and says aloud that he'll help Lupa find the light as quickly as possible. Yu asks about that display of gratitude from the demon king, himself, and Lucifer explains that those difficult times taught him a few things. Yosuke asks what he's going to do with the TV World under his control, and Lucifer answers that he would lay low for a while, and use it primarily as a way to create new demons. The three persona users are alarmed by this, but Lucifer explains that his plans only involved the demise of God, no more, no less. Yu has the choice to let it be that way, or face him.

Chapter 62) "Chaos Without" Yu chooses not to give the TV World to Lucifer and faces him. Lucifer uses his angelical archetype again, but goes all out, especially now that he has Catherine by his side. He even uses the Succubus he gave Yosuke to attack. Yosuke is seized during the battle, and Lucifer gives him an ultimatum: Kill Yu and become one of the rulers of Hell, or die. Yosuke spits in his face, refusing to betray Yu, and dies at the hands of Lucifer, triggering Yu's Anger again, which tips the scales on Yu's favor. He kills Lucifer, and Catherine asks for her life to be spared, but Yu doesn't concede. In his Anger, he murders her, as well. His anger only subsides when he breaks down crying again for the loss of Yosuke, and is comforted by Rise. That's the bad Chaos Ending. That promised to be fun...

Chapter 63) "Chaos Within" Yu chooses to let Lucifer take the TV World. Lucy thanks him, and promises not to use his force against humans, but he explains that he'd have to work his demonic, stronger form back from scratch. The orb of sight influences Yu, again, and he suggests that Lucifer strengthen his angelical form, instead, spreading the word that Hell is a Heaven that welcome those who are free. Lucifer laughs, and says that it is an interesting idea, but he could not take it. Yu then threatens Lucifer, saying that if he doesn't, he'd end him. Lucifer then glares back at him and says he'd think about it.

Chapter 64) "Perfect Strangers" Saturday, March 31st/Sunday, April 1st: A brief look on how the town was rebuilding itself, and how life was slowly returning to normal. Dojima returned to the household, still bitter about everything, but calmer. Yu had rarely seen Yosuke since the last time, and none of them heard word of either Lucifer or Catherine. Neither Chie nor Kanji were willing to talk to him either. Rise had also returned to her grandmother's house, and had told him that she was going to take the same train as him, saying she'd go back to the showbiz. He goes to sleep with a heavy head, ready to depart on the next day. He wakes up and spends the day in his room, until Dojima comes knocking on his door to say it's time to go. He takes Yu to the station and thanks him for everything, before being called into duty, again. Yu sets out to the train, but is stopped by Yosuke, Rise, Catherine and Lucifer. Rise had dragged Yosuke along, and the two demons showed up of their own free will. Rise then stands by Yu's side, as Lucifer and Catherine thank them for everything. Yosuke looks at him wordlessly for a while, before releasing a "See you again, partner." Yu completes the brofist, before the two head into the train. That's the canon Chaos Ending.

Yeah, that's how it ends. Now let me go briefly back to the matter of the Shadow Ops. If they were indeed involved, they stay back on town and keep the town safe from shadows while the Investigation Team would go after Adachi. Yu would have to answer some questions eventually, but that'd have to wait until the situation was fully under the knowledge of the higher ups. The other drastic change, was that I had planned for Chie to join the Shadow ops after everything was said and done (which would change her epilogue. Yes, I had those), but I had so little to go on regarding how the shadow ops would work, that I just cast that idea aside.

In the middle of the chapters, I'd cram in as much grieving as I possibly could without it becoming stale, becuase thse were a lot of losses.

By the way, lemme explain the mechanics of Fiends: They are demons who had human emotions or understood, at some point, what it was to be a human, hence why they could brave the hollow forest. It was because they belonged there, just like every other human or Aigis. Lucifer and the other common demons are just products of minds of humans, and minds of humans can sometimes give birth to the minds of other "humans', such as the plumes of dusk, or beings that have human consciences. The concept of Fiends is totally different in any other plot, but I chose to change it for this one. In fact... there was never any distinction between fiends and regular demons other than they were kind of the anarchists of the bunch, or served to carry around the candelabra, in Nocturne's case. Therefore, the Fiend line up of this storyline is very different, but... I don't feel like going into details about that, because I'd have to pick demons just for them to appear once in the story (Atsuro's battle). SO nah.

Speakng of Atsuro, he has a story, and I have that planned, too. He has a whole plot for himself, which is the kickstarter of the whole CW/BL universe, which ends with The End OF The Line.

Well, I think that's that, but I even had some bonus stuff planned. Such as:

Chapter 65) "Pretty On The Outside" Bonus shit Nº1: Thursday, December 22nd: Yu had just been dragged under by the thousand curses, and Margaret presents herself to Yu, challenging him.

Chapter 66) "Strange Kind Of Woman" Bonus shit Nº2: Tuesday, December 20th: Lucifer learns that Mother Harlot is still out there and sends Yu to take care of her.

Chapter 67) "Law Ending" Bonus shit Nº3: Thursday, December 22nd: Alternative ending; Yu intentionally Falls, only to take Lucifer's angelical archetype with him, so Yosuke can finish him off.

Chapter 68) "Sad, But True" Bonus shit Nº4: Sunday, December 11th: The entirety of Yu's battle against his Shadow back in Magatsu Mandala.

Chapter 69) "The Unforgiven III" Bonus shit Nº5: Yosuke and Chie talk it out after Yu departs. They decide to go their separate ways, and Yosuke becomes really glad he chose to keep the Succubus and develops a kinda grim look on people.

Things like that. I even had epilogues ready for the characters.

Yu and Rise would eventually break up, and Yu would just keep going with his life until he reached college, where he'd finally have some ground to stand, instead of just moving around because of his parents. He'd become really bitter about everything that happened and all the issues he couldn't solve, and stress would become a part of his daily life.

Rise's comeback would be successful, but she'd also be haunted by those losses. She'd drown her sorrows in a few vain habits such s shopping and other things, and her routine became more and more empty as time went on.

Chie would either join the police force and be transferred for being too self righteous or she'd join the shadow ops.

Kanji would study his ass off so he could stand on his own two feet. He'd major in business and take the family's store to national level, eventually becoming rich, but cold.

Yosuke would take a similar course, eventually becoming one of the main managers of Junes. That Succubus would become his secretary, and all kinds of rumors would be spread in light of his cold demeanor and the strange aura of the secretary that was always with him.

And that's that, I think. I may have made some mistakes, but I don't really care anymore, at this point. Well, if you read that until the end, thank you for the attention. I won't ask you to review as usual because of obvious reasons. So, uh... See you around, I guess.