Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, I'm going to try to start updating as often as possible! Hope you enjoy!


After another 2 days of Molly showing up to work in the same slightly rumpled and unorganised way, Sherlock knew he must investigate. He already knew it was something to do with her sleeping pattern. New apartment perhaps? Or a new boyfriend? Both are doubted for various reasons. After 15 minutes of intense thought, Sherlock realised if would be a lot easier to ask Molly, then he realised breaking into her flat would be even easier considering he tried asking before and she had denied him the information.

Sherlock was used to letting himself into Molly's flat. Since the fall, Sherlock used Molly's flat as a kind of bolt hole until he had to leave the country 6 months in to his 'death'. He was obviously in debt to Molly, however she rarely abused this fact. It was usually for petty things such as him being too lazy to make his own coffee or if she was trying to convince him to eat, not that him not eating is anything to be scoffed at. She however requested that he 'respect her privacy'. This meant in his mind that he wasn't allowed to look through her things, which he never really did. She said absolutely nothing about inspecting her bedroom.

So it was settled. He would go to Molly's flat around an hour before her shift ended have a poke around for a while then make a couple of brews before she came home to soften the blow of Sherlock breaking in to her flat. Again.

When arriving at Molly's flat, Sherlock automatically knew something was wrong. Everything The living room was in disarray with books blankets and multiple mugs, mostly with cats on them. Due to the crease in the pillows and the amount of blankets, Sherlock could obviously see someone was sleeping there. Her younger brother? No, he's in Bristol for work at the moment, Molly had mentioned it. A distant cousin maybe? Stupid, most of Molly's family live up north and she definitely would have mentioned it to him.

Perhaps she didn't want him knowing. Molly could be quite deceitful when it came down to it, after all, she did lie to everyone she knew for two years. But why wouldn't Molly want him knowing who was sleeping there? Oh God, it wasn't Meat Dagger, was it? No, no he's in Italy. Ahh, he was getting off track. To the bedroom!

If Sherlock didn't already know where it was, he never would have guessed it was her bedroom. There was no bed. Her wardrobe was in her guest room as the bedroom was rather small, so all she had in her room was her writing desk, a gift from her father when she got her doctorate, and her bookcase. It looked more like a study than a bedroom, with or without the bright yellow and purple designs. The writing desk shouldn't fit into the room, nor should the bookcase. But it worked, in a Molly kind of way.

Sherlock, then seeing that there is no use in looking for problems in sleeping patterns in a bedroom minus the bed. It struck him then that it was Molly sleeping on the couch. He then looked around the rest of the apartment to see if she had moved it into a different room.

When he went into the guest room there was the bed, snuggled in next to the guest room's bed, except both beds were broken. The one Molly had used in her bedrooms mattress was busted, as in springs busting through the covering busted. To be honest this wasn't a huge surprise to Sherlock. When he was using the place as his bolt hole he had told her the mattress needs replacing but Molly told him it was because he was used to his expensive memory foam mattress and pillows. At this point in time Sherlock knew he was on thin ice with Molly, so it would be best just to keep quiet and enjoy her hospitality. When he was there Molly had informed him the the guest room bed was out of use as it was broken underneath at the bridges which held the mattress up. This was still the case.

So this is what was up with his Molly. She had no where to properly sleep, besides that old sofa in her living room! Molly had insisted after the fall that he take the bedroom and she the couch. After half a night Sherlock could see that plan wouldn't work as Molly had been lying down and walking around all night, until 3 in the morning when Sherlock insisted that they were both adults and could share a bed for a while. Eventually Molly agreed, after severe blushing and a cup of coffee. It was a little awkward at first, with Molly curled up as close to the edge as she could get without falling. She did this until Sherlock told her he wasn't diseased and that she was going to fall off the edge. She then eased up a little, especially when she thought he fell asleep. He was in fact still awake, but in his mind palace.

When they woke up it was more awkward as Molly was nestled in the crook of Sherlock's arm with his other arm wrapped around her. That was a little weird, but it became almost normal while Sherlock was staying with her. Almost.

He inspected the bed further to make sure it wasn't fixable. It wasn't. It was now 20 minutes until Molly would be home. Tidying up a bit seemed like a good way to suck up to Molly. He must say, he was fearing the wrath of more and more since he came back. She was gutsy before, which she proved by risking her work, friends, basically her entire life for him. If Sherlock was more of an emotional man, he would have been touched. But as he was Sherlock Holmes, he was grateful and though he would never admit it, a little touched.

He often thought about Molly Hooper. He could never quiet figure her out. She had a full wing in his mind palace. She had several rooms, each one a different version of her. One room would be Pathology Molly, helpful and reassuring. Another is Wedding Molly, bright, happy and a little uncomfortable. And Lab Molly, disappointed, angry and a little violent. There was also Christmas Molly, sad, embarrassed and, well, beautiful.

As he tidied he thought about all of Molly's rooms and the information in each of them. Some contained vital case information, while others contained useless facts about Molly's life. It was a surprise to him that he had not deleted the information that he thought pretty useless such as things like Molly's birthday and favourite colour. He decided he'd clear out these rooms later, a but like Spring Cleaning, he thought briefly.

It was now 7 minutes until Molly came home, so Sherlock decided to stick the kettle on and wait. Now seemed like a good time to get started on cleaning out the Molly Wing, though when he started he realised it may take longer than expected and shut it down for the time being. When the kettle bleeped Sherlock knew Molly would be home at any minute. He then realised that he had no clue what he was going to say to her and planned that out while making to cups of coffee, one in her favourite mug and the other in the one she reserved for only him.