Welcome to the Epilogue of Freya the Green!

As always, thank you so much for reading this story, and thank you to Everyone who has followed and favourited this work and me as an author despite my appalling habit of long intervals between updates and leaving things on a cliff hanger. This chapter is dedicate to; priya24626, LiaLoveFood, Angel897, Random Tweaker, LoverxofxNight and SmallLittleCagedBird. Thank you so much for your reviews and for the love for Freya and her journey.

Belated apologies for those of you who were loving the Freya-Legolas relationship and hoping to see more. I was sorely tempted but as Bilbo already has unrequited feelings for her, I couldn't do that to Legolas too, it would be too cruel! I also wanted to give something of the relationship that Legolas and Tauriel should have had in the movie.

I realise that I am rubbish at writing Epilogues and this is more of a chapter than epilogue, but I couldn't resist putting writing a bit more fluff, some teasers (and obvious spoilers too) for the sequel have made their way into this epilogue!

It has been such a long journey, and honestly it feels like saying goodbye to a friend to end Freya's story, though I am quite excited to start writing the sequel. I will be switching to A3O for the sequel though as I have been having periodic issues accessing FF. I am also tempted to make the sequel a little more... racy... Thorin and Freya have waited long enough!

AAAANNNNDD the final disclaimer... I don't own anything except Freya, though I really wish I did have Richard Armitage's phone number ;-D



Thorin huffed wearily, willing this journey to come to a close. It was an uncomfortable feeling to want to leave a place before they had even arrived. Two and a half years had passed since his last journey over the misty mountains and their reclamation of Erebor, though the memories of that journey still felt strong and bittersweet. This journey, by contrast was completely uneventful and the small party consisting of him, Fili, Dwalin, Oin and Gloin had navigated the Long Lake and Mirkwood with ease thanks to a pair of Thranduil's Forest guard who escorted them along the Forest Road. It had become the norm for Dwarven and Elvish guards to patrol the roads and escort travellers to allow for trade to open up between Thranduil, Thorin and Bard's kingdoms. Even the journey over the misty mountains had been completely uneventful, though their party had taken a slightly longer route to enable them to accommodate the needs of their ponies and the cart. Nevertheless they made decent time and the journey to Rivendell took only a month.

They came into the wilds at the foothills of the misty mountains, Thorin's was starting to back ache from leaning back in the saddle to accommodate his shaggy pony as it picked its way down the steep path. He was relieved that this pace would mean that they would only need to camp out for another night and would be in Rivendell the following afternoon, but the King was on edge. Lord Dakar's caravan had been attacked in these parts by bandits, with the result being that they had been stranded in Rivendell while the injured from the attack, Lord Dakar included, received treatment.

Thorin's back gave a twinge and not for the first time, Thorin wished he had merely answered Gandalf's call himself in this first place and then he would not need to deal with the tiresome Lord Dakar. Though at least Gandalf had written that now Lord Elrond had devised a treatment to help Fili's recovery. Thorin ordered his small band to be on the look out. No trouble found them, though they could see signs close to the road of skirmishes. they had passed a blackened wagon that lay on the side of the road and Fili commented anxiously that this must have been lord Dakar's cart.

That night, there was not much sleep to be had, though they set about their usual routine of setting their small camp and helping Fili and Carver out of the cart and through the exercises that Oin had prescribed to him and carefully supervised. Thorin felt his usual flood of empathy for his nephew as Fili tried to hide the grimaces of pain, and remain optimistic that there had been some improvement.

"There was less pain this time." Fili said as Thorin helped him flop to the floor. Thorin plastered a small smile onto his face as Carver came up to curl up alongside them as usual. The little dog was always surprisingly comforting merely by being there. Fili accepted the invitation and stroked the dog's head and ears.

"That is good to hear Fili. And let us not forget that Lord Elrond is the most renowned healer in middle earth…" Thorin's face fell and he looked away, the memory of the love of his life and her pride at being trained by the elf lord bringing a lump to his throat.

"You are thinking about Freya again." Fili whispered casting a surreptitious glance over to the others.

"Yes." Thorin finally said gruffly.

"Thorin…" Fili whispered, his eyes pleading, but Thorin shook his head.

"I know…. I know what you all think of me, and after all this time…" Thorin sighed and poked at the camp fire with unnecessary force, sending sparks into the air "I think you may be right. She is gone... and she will not be returning." Thorin rubbed a hand over his beard in frustration and sorrow and scratched behind Carver's ear as the dog wriggled closer to him. Though the memories were as clear as though he had really experienced them, he had come to believe that he had merely dreamed about the halls of waiting and that she was truly gone, the guilt of her sacrifice crushed him more than the weight of the crown.

The following morning they rose and went through their morning routine without much fanfare, keen to break camp and complete their journey. Thorin took the lead on his pony with Oin, Fili and Carver on the cart behind him while the others flanked the cart as they searched for the entrance to the hidden valley. Though they were using the larger, South Eastern entrance to accommodate the horses and the cart, the enchantments around the elven valley were strong and one could easily miss the entrance. As they approached yet another rocky outcropping with various trees scattered about them, two identical looking elves stepped out from cover. Thorin and the other dwarves attempted to be polite as they exchanged greetings with the merry elves Elladan and Elrohir, lord Elrond's sons. The twins mounted their horses which had until now been well concealed and escorted the small party the rest of the way, all the while attempting to laugh and joke with the dwarves, who for their part were more cordial than on their last visit if still a little distant.

They had not been with the company for long when one of the twins detached himself and attempted to strike up a conversation with Thorin.

"So, your majesty, how was your journey." Thorin sighed, as usual having little patience for inane chatter.

"Mercifully uneventful." The King replied without taking his eyes from the path ahead, allowing his pony to pick its way over the stony ground that was now winding between trees.

"I am glad that you answered Gandalf's request, I wonder that you did not come yourself in the first place given the importance of this visit to you." Thorin cast the elf a sidelong glance, wondering why the elf had placed such emphasis on those words, but ultimately said nothing. The elf cocked a brow at Thorin and then seemed to deflate a little.

After a few more moments silence, much to Thorin's irritation he spoke again.

"I am fascinated by your culture. I hope you will not mind my asking about your braids." the elf continued, changing the subject.

"I do mind." Thorin grunted without looking towards the elf beside him who was now grinning openly.

"Particularly this one… it is very fine, and the bead is well crafted." Thorin sighed, of course it would be this braid that the elf would notice, the one he had not had on his last visit to Rivendell.

"I said I do not wish to speak of them." The elf looked chastised and they rode in silence for a short while. Thorin silently warred with his need to grieve in private, and what his denial of the woman he loved continued to cost him. The elf was about to turn his horse to return to his brother when Thorin muttered quietly, though he was sure the elf would hear "it is a courting braid." he instantly regretted being the cause of the look of delight on the elf's face.

"Ah, I had heard rumours that the King under the mountain had finally turned his mind towards matrimony." the elf said in a warm and friendly tone.

"I have not." Thorin said coldly, cutting off that line of questioning as he was now so used to doing. The elf smirked and Thorin felt his temper rise, he had a suspicion where this was going and was becoming furious that the rumours had reached elven ears.

"Oh? but I was given to understand that dwarvish custom was to be sincere before bestowing such a braid… and I had heard mention of a certain lady Eddrika and…" Thorin's head whipped round as he glared at the elf.

"No. There is no truth to those rumours. Whatever you have heard about that foolish Dam and her connection to me, it is false."

"I see." said the elf, though rather than looking and sounding chastised as Thorin had expected, the elf, if possible, looked even more delighted and positively beamed at him before turning to Fili.

"And what of you prince Fili, I hear there is a certain young Damm that will be delighted to see you."

Thorin huffed and blocked out the rest of the teasing as his nephew blushed. He felt bad for Fili, but he knew that Fili's entanglement was where the rumours of his own romantic interest were really rooted. Thorin scowled at the tiresome situation as he reflected that it had been at Fili's insistence that Thorin had befriended the family. As Fili could no longer fight due to his continuing injury, Fili had fallen into despair that only seemed to lift in Voddrika's presence. So, Thorin had indulged Fili's growing interest, granting him leave to invite them to dine with the company as frequently as he liked; and it rapidly become more the custom for lord Dakar and his family to join them than not. This had led to Fili seeing Voddrika and Eddrika in private, requiring a chaperone on a number of occasions, which Thorin would often indulge him on if he could spare the time. Of course people had seen them all together and thought that it was Thorin who had been interested. People did not see Fili's growing interest, instead seeing what would fan the gossip mill about the bachelor king, despite Fili being seen with the girls without Thorin more often than with. Nobody seemed to notice or care that Thorin was gladly facilitating Fili in indulging his heart's desires to ease Fili's despair at now only being considered half a dwarf, or that lady Voddrika gladly returned Fili's interest. She was a fine match for Fili, and never once made Fili feel like he was the subject of pity or charity now that he could not go into battle. Which is more than Thorin could say for the girl's sister, Eddrika or her mother or father who only seemed interested in capturing the interest of the King. Thorin steeled himself against the thought of seeing that disagreeable fool Dakar and only thanked his good fortune that the mother and Eddrika had remained in Erebor with the young lad.

Thorin was yanked back from his musings when the ponies feet found the solid and well paved path, Rivendell stretched out before him and he took a deep breath and held his head high as they approached the waiting elves. He was glad to see the outline of a dwarf at the bottom of the steps and when he was close enough to make out details he realised it was Voddrika. He turned his pony slightly so that Fili would be able to see and smirked as he heard Dwalin teasing him. Voddrika beamed as her eyes fell on Fili and she looked as though she was restraining herself from rushing forwards to greet him as Elrond held his arms wide in welcome.

"Welcome back, my lords, to Rivendell." Lord Elrond descended the steps into the courtyard. Thorin halted his pony in beside the cart and placed his hand over his heart in greeting.

"Thank you Lord Elrond. We have brought you a token of Erebor's thanks for your aid over the years and a small gesture of faith for our impending negotiations." Thorin gestured to the wagon; it truly was a gesture meant as an appetiser for upcoming negotiations; a chest of silver and a smaller chest of sapphires, emeralds and diamonds from Erebor's forges and workshops. Elrond stepped forwards and greeted Thorin with a warrior's handshake.

"King Thorin. These are generous gifts and your gesture is gratefully received." Elrond turned and Thorin noticed Lindir, Lord Elrond's second scowling in Thorin's direction. Thorin returned his look with a haughty indifference, but was curious as to it's purpose when he had come by invitation of Elrond and Gandalf this time and in good faith for negotiations. "My people will see to your ponies, we expect Gandalf and Mr Baggins to join us on the morrow. I recall from your last visit that you are particularly fond of hearty food and good ale, we have a feast prepared but perhaps you wish to wash away the dust of the road first." Lord Elrond smiled as the dwarves dismounted and Fili was helped from the cart into his chair.

"Thank you. I would be grateful if I can take Oin with me to check on Lord Dakar before we eat." Thorin sighed and Elrond smiled understanding the King's sense of duty as they reached the rooms the company had been allocated in their last visit. Thorin noticed he had been given the same room as before and he glanced towards Freya's former room with a pang of longing.

"Very well." Elrond turned and took a step away before turning back and grinning before Thorin disappeared into his room. "You will find lord Dakar very well attended." Thorin was taken aback by the cheeky tone in lord Elrond's voice, and more so by the wink he sent at him, but pushed it from his mind as he beheld the steaming bath, beckoning to him to soak his cares away.

Thorin bathed and changed into a fresh tunic and coat and paced the room briefly waiting for Voddrika to escort him to the infirmary. She arrived promptly, having already collected Oin and Fili. After many twists and turns Thorin was rounding a corner he came face to… well chest… with a new acquaintance whom he was not entirely displeased to see.

"Hail, King Thorin, what a pleasant surprise." A deep voice greeted him and the elf made a polite bow.

"Haldir! Well met!" Thorin held out his hand and Haldir took his arm in a warriors handshake.

"I saw your arrival and hoped we would meet." Haldir chuckled and Thorin's mouth curled into as close to a smile as he was capable of managing these days. Haldir raised an appraising brow as the king continued.

"Well, do not let us keep you for I can see that you are busy, but it is good to see you again. Perhaps we will speak again before I return to Erebor." Thorin dismissed the elf politely.

"Indeed, I am due on the training grounds. But, yes I believe we will meet again very soon." And with a smirk that once again only added to Thorin's bemusement, Haldir departed. The king was beginning to feel as though he was missing some joke that the elves had all planned at his expense as Oin grumbled about not caring a jot about the training habits of elves. Thorin watched Haldir's retreating back growing more irritated, but at least he would be able to seek out Haldir later for a frank discussion, preferably over brandy.

Voddrika led them the rest of the short way to their destination. "Your majesty! Well met! It is good to see you." exclaimed Lord Dakar from his bed struggling up against the pillows. Thorin strode to the Dwarf lord, his small dog trotting at his heels and sniffing the air despite Thorin commanding it to stay at the door. Feeling that this gave him the perfect excuse to keep the visit brief, Thorin allowed the terrier it's disobedience this once. It was wonderful how the dog seemed able to detect Thorin's reluctance to be there. it was almost as though Carver was trying to protect Thorin from his own frustrating lords!

"Well met Lord Dakar. You look better than I had anticipated. I need not ask about your treatment, Lord Elrond is a gracious host and a great healer. I hope that this is a good sign and that you are recovering well?" Lord Dakar beamed at the enquiry as though it was the best of compliments to himself that Thorin had enquired after his recovery, ignoring the compliment to Lord Elrond and the healers who had been treating him.

"Yes. We have had the best of care and I am the last to be discharged which I am assured will be soon. Please your majesty, help yourself to some tea, my healer has just brought it through." Thorin smiled at Voddrika as she passed him a steaming cup of tea and made himself comfortable on a well used chair beside the bed. "My daughter has been by my side constantly. Voddrika has been the greatest of comforts I have to say."

He had confided the last bit in a conspiratorial whisper as though it was some great secret, though the damm in question rolled her eyes giving Thorin and Fili the impression that this was true but not just a result of her sense of duty. Dakar sat back against the pillows and took a sip of his own tea. "I am no longer being seen by Lord Elrond, which is a shame, but we have had access some very gifted healers. Mine is a woman and a very kind one at that, gets on like a house on fire with my little Vodd. But she's an odd one, a healer from the race of men of all things, I had no idea they could be skilled healers and she can chat away to these elves in their own language as well, I was quite taken aback." Thorin rolled his eyes at the casual racism of the lord before him while Oin took over the conversation and also helped himself to tea. "You haven't got a nip of brandy have you? Only she won't let me drink it and she should be gone for a few minutes." the dwarf lord asked Oin who shook his head exasperatedly and waved him off, continuing to read some of the neat notes the healer had left. Lord Dakar Shrugged in slight disappointment "Oh well. Anyway she says I can leave when I can make it down into the garden there for a turn and back but I always feel so lightheaded by the time I have done those stairs that I want to return to bed for a rest…"

While Thorin had grown closer to the family due to Fili's interest in Voddrika, he still had little patience for the foolishness of the other members of the family. It did not take him long to realise that Dakar was putting on a show for his benefit and was a good deal less dangerously ill than he had informed his King in his letters. Fili's presence and careful attention to Dakar and Voddrika gave Thorin just the excuse he needed to distance himself and still remain, perhaps not polite, but not overtly rude. Thorin stood, pacing and examining the orderly room, his anger at lord Dakar starting to simmer again after bringing him on a wild goose chase. But at least this was not his only reason for travelling all this way and Fili would see some benefit as well as being able to personally negotiate a new trade deal with Lord Elrond. Gandalf's decision to bring Bilbo for a reunion would provide a pleasing and welcome distraction from negotiations when they became tiresome. Lord Dakar continued talking to Fili and Oin as Thorin paced, the king no longer listening to the tale of woe Dakar was weaving to garner their sympathy.

As he turned towards the large open doors and a small terrace, Carver the dog made his escape through the curtains and Thorin felt the need to check in case the dog got himself into trouble. He stood by the doorway and breathed in the fresh air of the balcony he surveyed his surroundings. A few chairs were positioned around the terrace, and a short set of steps led to a secluded area in the garden accessed only by two other adjacent rooms, each with their own terrace. The garden was well stocked with healing herbs and a pathway wove its way about the raised borders while a railing bordered the area. There was a rose arch leading away towards a distant waterfall and Thorin could hear the distant but relaxing sound of the water. Stepping fully through the sheer curtains and onto the terrace to better admire the view of the Gardens and distant waterfall, he beheld a green robed figure of a woman bending over one of the herb bushes close to the rose arch. Thorin made the connection that she must be the healer Lord Dakar had remarked about and Thorin felt an instant pang of sympathy for the woman.

She wore a pale green silky robe, the garment unmistakably elven and in such an achingly familiar style. A dark green cloak was draped close by over a railing on which she had also balanced a basket containing mint and fennel. Her back was to him, but he could see that her dark, straight hair was loose and hung about her as she worked. She stood, picking up the basket and made her way to the rose arch to head deeper into the garden but Carver barked happily and chased after her, blocking her path. Thorin made to pursue the dog, an apology forming on his lips as he prepared to chase and scold the dog when he heard a familiar giggle when she bent to pet the dog.

"Hello to you too little one!" she said in an undertone, delight in her voice; a voice that Thorin had never thought to hear again. She seemed to hear his approach and froze in the act of picking the little dog up to cuddle it, her basket of herbs laying forgotten on the path while the dog licked at her hands happily. She straightened and slowly turned to face him and as she did, the air left Thorin's lungs.

"Thorin?" as if from a distance, Thorin heard the sound of his delicate teacup smashing on the stone of the path as it slipped from his fingers. He struggled to breathe and she looked just as affected as he did, though she had the presence of mind to set the squirming dog down as it barked happily at the pair and satisfied ran off to sniff at the herbs.

"By the great and holy Mahal… Freya?"

Freya's heart hammered in her chest and she battled with herself not to swoon like some pathetic damsel in distress when she saw him standing there. After everything she had endured in the battle and afterwards in the halls of waiting, after coming back to a new life, a new body, there he was; the dwarf King that she knew was the mate of her soul. He stood there, his mouth slightly open in shock, his hair catching slightly on the light breeze that was bringing the fragrance of the medicinal herbs to tickle her senses. He took a step onto the grass on shaky legs, ignoring the cup that he had dropped in surprise entirely. She took her own hesitant step forwards, unsure of his reaction given the rumours that had reached her ears from her dwarven patients while in Rivendell.

Haldir had tried to reassure her only moments ago, but seeing Thorin here was a different matter. Thorin took several more steps forwards, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears even as her own tears threatened to fall. She wished he would run the last few steps, closing the distance so she could throw herself into his arms and sweep her off her feet, but it seemed that true to his nature, Thorin remained stoic and her heart sank. Despite Haldir's assurances of what he had heard with his own ears, perhaps it had been too long, perhaps Thorin had moved on and her feelings were now unrequited.

While she had been lost in her own uncertainty, Thorin had closed the distance and now stood just an arms reach away. Freya wanted to reach out and hold him, but the sorrow in his gaze still gave her pause. Thorin took a shaky breath as he spoke.

"Is this another dream? Some cruel trick to torture me?" Something in her snapped then and she reached out and took his hand. The warmth of her touch seemed to stir him. He looked down at her hand before searching her face. A tear made its way down her cheek and Thorin reached up with his free hand to brush it away. "Freya, can it really be you? It has been over two years since the battle, I thought you were gone… you were gone, we buried you!" Freya's mouth curled into a delicate smile.

"Not gone, not completely anyway, I have returned…. They sent me back. Do you not remember, they said they would." Thorin reached up and touched the braid in her hair, still there and still held by a simple leather tie. His eyes sparkled again with unshed tears

"I had thought it a dream, it has been a long time…." he leaned closer breathing in the sent of her hair. He turned his head and her breath caught, their lips almost touching. "You still wear it." he breathed.

"Yes, always." she whispered back. Suddenly she turned her head away, a lump forming in her throat "I see you have a new bead in your braid. I am… happy for you." she said, her voice thick with emotion. Thorin's eyes widened and he gently took her face in his hands, turning her so that their eyes met. Thorin's heart broke. How could the gossip of his nobels have reached this place and sullied this most precious moment?

"Freya… I think I know what you mean, what you have heard. I have waited, just as I told you I would. Still I wait for you." His words were so earnest and there seemed to be no trace of deception in is declaration. Her eyes closed to hide her pain, she turned as if to walk away.

"But I heard from Lord Dakar that…" Thorin desperate to keep her close cut her off by wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer until she was pressed perfectly against his body.

"And Voddrika would have told you that he is wrong. I have never sought the affections of another." Thorin growled. Freya finally looked into his eyes.

"Truly?" her voice was full of hope.

"I could never seek another when you are the mate of my heart and soul, even if I had not lived to see this day, nobody could stand in the place beside me when it has always been yours, and always will be." Thorin's hand wove into her hair again and he leaned ever closer, their lips almost touching.

"Thorin" Freya breathed, her eyes fluttering closed as his lips finally covered hers in a long overdue and passionate kiss.

Freya felt relief and love wash over her as Thorin deepened their kiss, his tongue sliding along her lip and his body pressed against her. Freya tilted her head and opened her mouth to give him access and Thorin hungrily obliged. Their tongues performed their familiar dance, falling back into the rhythm as though they had last kissed yesterday, rather than two years ago in the halls of waiting, when they said farewell. when they broke the kiss, they were breathing heavily.

"It has been two years and all I wanted to do the whole time was fall on my sword in grief, but I would not squander your sacrifice. I endured for you, though I was never whole without you."

"hum." Freya breathed, her emotions a war of sorrow, relief and above all else, love.

"And now I see that all that is left is for me to show you how much I missed you with every breath I took." Freya gasped as Thorin threw caution to the wind and swept her into his arms. He leaned into her once again and kissed her for all he was worth.

Their kiss was over all too soon as a cough interrupted them and Freya felt the dog brushing past her legs. Thorin exhaled slowly and rested his forehead against hers as though the interruption had cost him dearly, though when he met her eyes they sparkled with joy just as hers did.

"As I live and breathe, Freya!" Fili called out happily, so much like the youthful prince she had last seen when she had healed him on the battlefield.

"Fili! Oh my dear how are you?" Freya rushed to embrace him and apologised when Fili grunted at her tight and affectionate squeeze. Freya wiped the tears from her eyes discretely as she stepped away and Thorin placed his arm around her waist and kissed her temple in an affectionate gesture.

"All the better for seeing you!" he chuckled, though Freya noted his movements were a little stiff and he looked pained. She would need to speak with Elrond about starting Fili's treatment soon.

"Likewise! I hear you will be an uncle soon?" Freya beamed casting her eyes towards Voddrika. It was odd seeing Fili without Kili beside him, but she supposed much had changed due to the quest.

"Oh yes, Kili has been very busy these two years!" Fili joked and Freya swatted his arm playfully while Thorin groaned muttering something about whether he had really needed to lower the tone.

"Well, lets see if we can see to your treatment and get you back in good time to meet your niece or nephew then! Vodd, well met! Has your father called for me?" Freya asked turning to the damm holding Fili's hand with only the barest hint of possessiveness.

"No, he is still taking tea with Oin." She replied in a measured and curious voice. Freya nodded and grinned, too overjoyed at their reunion to do much else and relieved that she was not needed this very moment by her most tiresome patient. She wanted this joyful moment to last just a little longer before her patience was tested by Lord Dakar's malingering.
"Ah. Well I am sure he will find some way to keep me on my toes when he is done." Freya said rolling her eyes and her friend smiled despite Freya's jibe at her father.

"You indulge him." Vodd chastised her and Thorin and Fili got the impression that this was regular banter between the women.

"Not as much as you do!" Freya shot back with an equally indulgent smile. In truth, she indulged him for Vodd's sake, she was a sweet girl and needed a rest from the lord's demands. Thorin's arm was still about Freya's waist, his hand rested on Freya's hip in a familiar and intimate way that Vodd had never seen of the king before. She and Fili departed to afford the couple some privacy.

"That insufferable elf will be so unbearable now." Thorin grumbled as they wandered around the garden arm in arm.

"Which one?" Freya raised a brow, smirking.
"That brother of yours. He said he would see me later and I am damn sure he will now." Thorin growled.

"When did you meet Haldir?" Freya asked raising a brow but shaking her head before he could respond she interrupted him "Oh, it doesn't matter, plenty of time for that. Why will you need to see him?" Freya asked, stroking a lock of Thorin's hair behind his ear.
"Because I will need to ask his permission to court you and one day make you my queen." Freya let out a peel of laughter that warmed Thorin's heart.

"Permission? We need none but my own!" she giggled.

"That is what I told him too!" Thorin chuckled, but his expression grew serious "Freya, if you will still have me I want to wed you as soon as we are able." Thorin asked trailing a finger across her jaw.

"Well then, you had better speak with Gandalf too... not for permission, but to make arrangements." Freya smiled and Thorin grinned, leaning in to kiss the woman he loved again.

The next weeks went by in a whirl, Freya and Thorin both too delighted in their reunion to notice mundane things like the passage of time. By day, Thorin insisted Freya joined the negotiations, which had a very grumpy Lord Dakar now deprived of bis healer finally deciding that he had made a good enough recovery to do what he was sent there to do in the first place and join the negotiations, now reduced to the role of scribe - much to his disgust. By night they feasted together as Elrond had promised, and Voddrika blushed to see the King and his lover sitting so close to one another over dinner, their hands intertwined for most of the meal.

Ultimately, when Gandalf and Bilbo arrived, and emotional reunions were exchanged, the decision was taken to return to Erebor when negotiations were complete but before the wedding could take place.

Lord Dakkar, while a self indulgent and somewhat ridiculous dwarf, had a brilliant legal mind and an encyclopaedic knowledge of Dwarven law and statute that rivalled Balin's. Thorin was impatient to wed Freya after their long separation, but he also wanted no questions to be raised about the validity of their marriage once it was done. Dakkar concluded however, that as both Thorin and Freya had marked a period of courting through the uninterrupted wearing their braids, they could become betrothed before they departed Rivendell and marry soon after their return to Erebor. He beamed with pride when Thorin Laughed with delight and clapped him on the back, declaring that lord Dakar would have a seat on the privy council for his service. Lord Dakar for his part swore that he would continue to support the king and his queen to be in any way he could.

And so, the visit to Rivendell progressed, with Fili starting his treatment under lord Elrond and Voddrika. Freya stepped in to learn about the techniques when she was able. Dakkar's miraculous recovery now that Freya and Voddrika were less available was not commented on, and he proved most useful in the negotiation of the wedding contracts. Freya and Thorin were spending as much time as possible together.
Thorin had been right in his prediction that Haldir would be insufferable; the elf had been intolerably smug when Thorin had sought him out to discuss his intention to wed his adopted sister, whereas Gandalf has outright laughed before giving his blessing and proceeding to make arrangements with Bilbo so that they could both attend the happy event.

Kili paced nervously outside his bedchamber in the royal wing. Those of the company that had remained were all there, attempting to keep his spirits up by offering him ale and spirits, the intention being of following the dwarven tradition of the father and his closet friends and family getting royally drunk while their wife gave birth to their children. Bofur was well on the way to being completely sloshed, and Bombur assured him that pacing would do nothing to help except wear out the carpet. A scream could be heard through the door and Kili stopped in his tracks staring at the door like it was personally responsible for his distress. Tauriel screamed again and Kili silently drank from the flask that Bombur sympathetically and silently pressed into his hands.

He took a long pull of the strong liquor, but before he could even lower the flask he heard the sound of running feet on the outside in the corridor. He turned as the doors banged open and in strode Thorin, larger than life. Kili was pulled into an embrace before he could register Thorin's companions, nodding with eyes closed in relief as he heard Thorin's whispered platitudes of all will be well, lad. Kili's eyes opened and found the beaming face of his brother, and he nearly wept in relief to see that he seemed to be able to walk into his embrace without pain or stiffness. The treatment must have worked.

Kili's eyes swept the party that had arrived with Thorin and he was shocked to see Gandalf and Bilbo Baggin's of all people with him. The elf Haldir was also there, for what purpose he could not tell, but they all looked as though they had ridden hard to reach Erebor. While he was delighted to see them, knowing that his Raven must have reach Thorin and hastened their return, he had little energy to greet them properly. Dwalin strode past clapping him on the back and immediately poured a large measure of whisky from the flask that Balin held up to him. That is when Kili caught a dark head of hair and he felt the world tilt around him.

"F-Freya?" he whispered in utter disbelief. The room fell silent and Freya swept him into a brief hug.

"There will be time for explanations later, Kili. But first, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" Freya said smacking him on his shoulder with a slight frown.
"I live here!" Kili frowned defensively frowning bach and subbing his shoulder.

"No you fool, what are you doing out here, why aren't you in there! Is that not your wife in there labouring to birth your child?" Kili finally understood and hung his head.

"Mother and the midwives…" he begun, the sting of their dismissal still strong.

"Are wrong, she needs you. Now let's get in there and bring your baby into the world."

And with that Freya swept a beaming Kili along with her into the bedroom turned birthing chamber. The scene that met Freya's eyes was not pleasant, much as she had suspected. Freya squeezed Kili's shoulder and instructed him to go to his wife, which to his credit, Kili was already rushing to do.

"Kili!" Tauriel breathed. She looked and sounded exhausted, her hair was slick with sweat, plastered to her face and she was panting with effort.

"I'm here my love." Kili cried, rushing to kiss his wife and take hold of her hand.

"Kili, what in the name of the maker are you doing here, I won't tell you again." A dark haired damm demanded, one look told Freya that she was Kili's mother. She was the spitting image of Thorin only with a set of sideburns instead of a full beard, and a more delicate brow and nose.

"I let him in." Freya interrupted the potential tirade, removing her cloak. She was relieved to find a station had been set up for hand washing and set to scrubbing her hands.

"Mahal preserve us, who in the void do you think you are." the damm demanded in a tone equal parts exasperation and irritation.
"Freya?" Tauriel's weak voice broke the princess's stare.

"You know this woman." she asked incredulously, the name not clicking into place as that of the woman whose name was but whispered, but to whom she already owed so much. Dis was irritated beyond measure when Freya interrupted.

"You are Dis I presume? Fear not, I am quite skilled. Now we have work to do here." Dis drew herself up intimidatingly.
"Yes, I am the King's sister." she answered in a commanding tone, which to her dismay did not appear to intimidate the woman in the slightest.

"Mother!" barked Kili in a tone so surprisingly like Thorin's that it made Dis stop and raise her brows almost to her hairline.

"What have you to report. How long has Tauriel been in labour." Freya demanded in a tone that brooked no argument as to who was now in charge of the situation, and even Thorin would have envied the effect she had as the other midwives scurried to obey Freya's orders for fresh water and set to examining Tauriel herself.

Dis appeared vexed, but begrudgingly reported the situation to the woman before her. In short order she had informed Freya of the difficult nature of the labour, that the baby had not turned and that Tauriel had been having contractions for the best part of a day already and was beginning to tire. In short order, Freya had organised the room to her liking, given the other damms their instructions and had taken charge of the situation in a way that relaxed Tauriel and had earned Dis' begrudging admiration, though she still hated to have her authority challenged.

They tried some of the techniques that Freya had learned under lord Elrond to ease Tauriel's labour and Dis marvelled at how well these worked. The rest of the birth went by in a blur of activity and anticipation. Tauriel was exhausted already, but with Kili with her she was able to push while Kili stared in awed fascination at first at Freya and his Mother getting to work, and secondly at the sight of a head appearing between his wife's naked thighs. At last the head was out, and Tauriel gasped and sobbed in relief. When the shoulders and the rest of the babe followed, Freya caught the babe in a bundle of cloths. Dis' eyes misted when Freya handed her the scissors to cut the bound cord. When the cord was cut Freya and Dis worked to clean the baby while the two other midwives stood silently, watching with dread. There was no sound, the baby did not move.

"Where's the cry?" Kili asked desperately, his big puppy eyes pleading with Freya as Tauriel chocked on a sob and buried her exhausted head into Kili's strong chest. Freya chanted in a strange language over the bundle, her fingers over the child's heart but nothing happened, the child was alive, but it was fading fast. What felt like hours passed though in reality it was mere moments, the parents were both sobbing as the other two midwives took charge of Tauriel's passing of the afterbirth, yet still there was no cry. Just as Freya and Dis looked at one another in despair over the bundle, Freya felt a hum of energy pass from her hands into the exhausted newborn. With that, a small and determined fist shot out and punched at it's grandmother's arm where she held it. A cry rent the air and everyone in the room breathed a collective sigh of relief and delight and Kili and Tauriel's sobs of heartbreak turned into sobs of joy. Dis looked to Freya who nodded as she tightly wrapped the tiny bundle in Dis's arms, the proud grandmother turned beaming to the couple.

"You have a daughter, Mahal bless and keep her!" The delighted parents laughed as their daughter was placed into her mothers arms and the baby immediately begun nuzzling hungrily for her mother's breast. Freya washed her hands as one of the other midwives fled the room excitedly to deliver the news and Dis assisted Tauriel with the first feed while Kili looked on with pride.

Outside the birthing chamber, Freya, Dis and the midwives rejoined the company allowing the new parents some privacy with their newborn. The company celebrated, letting the parents know of their love and joy for their precious daughter with song, laughter and cheer. Food was summoned and a banquet was set for those present. Thorin proclaimed that once the baby had been named with the appropriate ceremonies taking place, she would receive a noble title. After more whisky he also proclaimed that there would be a celebration in which every citizen would receive ale and food as a gift from the crown to welcome the new royal baby. It seemed that his joy (and a good helping of alcohol) were making the usually taciturn king generous.

As the private celebration continued, Dis' suspicions about the woman who had effectively swept in, challenged her authority and taken charge of the birth, effectively saving mother and child in the process were confirmed when Thorin took her into his arms and kissed her as though there were nobody else in the room. The couple smiled sheepishly when bags of gold coins were exchanged by the company members. It seemed that while they were drinking to see in the birth of the new Durin baby they had apparently been betting on how many drinks it would take until Thorin lost his inhibitions and became publicly amorous.

Thorin, clearly now starting to get giddy with drink and a sort of joy that Dis hadn't seen since Kili's own birth, formally introduced Dis to Freya. His eyes glowed with an achingly sweet affection and pride for the woman and he babbled in an almost adolescent way as he espoused her virtues, confirming that this was in fact the Freya while Freya merely blushed and attempted to wave away his praise. Dis felt her heart stop at the sheer impossibility of it, she was incredulous, but one look around at the faces of the company confirmed that this was indeed the impossible situation. If this was the Freya, this was the woman to whom Dis owed the lives of her son Fili, her brother, her daughter-in-law and now her Granddaughter. Indeed, if this was her, then the Valar had sent a soul back.

And with that realisation, Dis crumbled, falling to her knees and kissing the hem of Freya's robes and thanking her between sobs with such conviction that the whole company fell into an alarmed silence. In that moment, Dis did not care that anyone was watching, nor why Freya had been sent back. She understood now that she had seen the proof herself. Proof of favour bestowed on this woman by a great power. She was surprised however, when Freya embarrassedly took her hands and begged her to rise.

"I did nothing more than was required of me, and none of them deserved the fate that would have befallen them had I not been there." Freya observed.

Freya shifted awkwardly, the memories of that fateful battle rushing back in an unpleasent mixture of remembered sounds, sensations and smells. Her heart beat harder and her breath started to feel short. She cast about for a change of subject, though none occurred to her until none none other than Bilbo Baggins came to her rescue. As always she could depend on the dear hobbit and she was grateful that he deflected attention from her when he struck up a conversation about what the babe may be named, leading to many an argument and wager among the company. Freya found this the perfect moment to retreat to a corner and sit quietly with her adopted brother.

Frankly, Freya wanted to move on from those traumatic events. The memories had haunted her for too long in the halls of waiting and she wanted to forget they had ever happened, to pretend the intervening two years she had convalesced in the halls of waiting were all a bad dream now that she was back at Thorin's side. Only time, patience, and the support of those she loved and loved her in return would tell if she were able to do so.

Haldir, accurately reading Freya's mood passed Freya a glass of wine and held his own in silent toast sitting in companionable silence with her. The little dog Carver curled up at her side and she petted him absently as she watched Thorin across the room. Freya felt peace start to settle on her once again as she sat close to her brother, watching the others moving on to making wagers over drinking competitions. Thorin's eyes met hers across the room and he gave her such a loving smile that Freya could not help but blush. In his increasingly drunk state, Thorin took this as a challenge and turned the smile into a salacious wink that made Freya's blush deepen. Haldir rolled his eyes, but started to tease his sister nonetheless.

Dis moved to her brother's side as Thorin chuckled and took a swig of his drink.

"Very well brother, even if she does not have a beard, I can see that you are besotted. She makes you happy and that is what matters." Their eyes fell on Freya, who was now quietly sipping her drink with her adopted brother.

"Aye." Thorin said smiling to himself. Dis smiled, wondering if Thorin was actually listening.

"Just know that Dain and many of the other lords of their council will not like this." she warned. Thorin frowned. Ah, so he was listening then!

"What they like or dislike is of no concern to me." Thorin growled

"It should be, you are King, but you are not a tyrant." Dis pushed. Thorin's eyes became steely and met hers.

"I have given enough for my people, and so has Freya. If Dain or anyone else take issue with my choice of bride, then they can just keep that to themselves for I will not be swayed on this." Dis nodded, satisfied. The truth of his words were plain to see for anyone who knew Thorin and Dis braced herself to be the rock to her brother in difficult times ahead just as he had for her so many years before. She embraced him and pressed her forehead to his.

"Well, You have my support brother. Just as I have always had yours."

A week later, the naming ceremony took place, with Dis proudly holding her first grandchild.

Fili and Freya were named as her guardians and they beamed with pride as they each touched the child's head in blessing and swore their oaths to stand beside her parents, raising the child in the grace of the Valar.

It was a unique ceremony, a mixture of Elven and Dwarven traditions that were usually held privately but on this occasion were celebrated by the extended family of the company. Freya was proud and honoured to be part of it, and she hoped this was the herald of the dawning of a new age in Erebor. Tauriel and Kili looked on with a fierce pride as their daughter was presented formally to her great uncle, the King. Thorin, many noted, looked at the child in his arms with a softness that very few had witnessed or would have thought possible.

As he welcomed Lady Arlee, daughter of Kili and Tauriel and the first baby to be born in Erebor since it's recovery, to the family, his eyes strayed up to meet Freya's. His dazzling blue eyes were full of hope for their future together and Freya gave him a sweet smile in return, her mind also drifting pleasantly to what could now be.


thank you again to everyone who has read, followed, favourited and especially reviewed!

Also to those who added this story to communities, thank you, thank you, thank you for the vote of confidence in Freya's journey and for sharing my work!