I Do Not Own Inuyasha

The Start of the Favors…

"But it was an accident!" she protested.

"Strip," he ordered again. Rin glared from behind the partition separating them. Throwing her shirt off she made certain to throw it over the screen so it hit the jerk making her strip in the head. She smirked when she heard his irritated growl then proceeded to do the same with her pants, the blue penguin undies she had bought herself for Christmas and the black sports bra which she absolutely loved.

"Knock it off Rin," he snapped at her after she aimed her bra to hit him in the head.

"You said strip, not that I couldn't retaliate," Rin poked her head around the screen to glare at him. He was glaring back at her while her penguin undies were dangling from his hand. Leave it to him to look perfect even at a time like this. His silver hair was pulled back, his amber eyes were cold but clearly annoyed with her, and his amazingly perfect face was irritatingly indifferent to their situation.

Much like it had been yesterday when the accident happened.

"You are being childish," he informed her, she stuck her tongue out at him then retreated behind the screen to grab up the sheet she was too be wearing. Stalking out she glared at him as she went to the bed.

"Isn't this a little extreme?" Rin asked as she turned from looking at the bed to look at him.

"You said you'd do anything to make it up to me," he pointed out. Rin frowned, she had promised that in the heat of the moment since he had grabbed her wrist and had been digging in his claws with his monumental death glare which should've incinerated her where she stood. Promising that had really only been so she could live, she had also avowed to never tell a soul what had happened yesterday.

"It was in the heat of the moment!" she protested as she gave the bed a panicked look, all of this because of an accident!

"You promised," he pointed out as he walked over to her, dragged the sheet from her stiff grasp.

"But-but-but!" she stuttered out, damn stutter! She only stuttered when she was nervous or anxious or terrified.

"Sit," he ordered, but shoved her onto the bed.

"Eek!" she squealed as she tumbled onto the bed feeling very exposed. Not even her current boyfriend had seen her naked and yet here she was laying on a king sized bed naked in front of a guy she didn't really know! Rin bit her bottom lip as Sesshomaru arranged her onto the bed, it felt so…strange. Here she was nineteen and naked, still a virgin too, never having managed to entice her boyfriend to give her more than a peck on the lips being touched by a man as if he knew everything about her body. Sesshomaru stepped back, observed her and how he had arranged her then walked to his canvas.

"You are to remain absolutely still don't even think about moving that pose." He informed her as he started working, Rin sighed as she lay on the bed. All of this was Inuyasha's fault; yes it was. None of this would've happened if Inuyasha hadn't asked her for a favor. That favor had led to owing a favor to Sesshomaru in exchange for her life. Rin sighed as she stared out the window. At least this pose wasn't uncomfortable, she'd still rather have clothes on but she'd keep quiet on the issue. Sesshomaru said nothing to her as he worked, apparently this was what owing Sesshomaru a favor was.

Be a nude model for his painting.

She looked out the window so she didn't stare at the perfection of Sesshomaru and decided it could be worse. Way worse, but she was still killing Inuyasha once this was over. It wasn't like the accident deserved a thirty-years long favor, Sesshomaru would be bored with her soon enough and move on and then…

She smirked. Inuyasha would be toast once she got her hands on his hanyou person. He wouldn't stand a chance!

"Go back to daydreaming," Sesshomaru ordered, Rin blinked at him. He had on his blank mask of indifference but was clearly annoyed. Rin sighed, might as well daydream. Perhaps dream up a few scenes for her novel which was a work in progress. Looking back out the window so she didn't think about Sesshomaru and what he was looking at.

At nineteen she knew what she wanted to be, she wanted to be an author. She had her first book written and had sent it off for a million and one rejection slips but didn't care as she took the criticism. Criticism was the building block to success. Take it, learn from it, and make your writing better was how she viewed criticism. It was more important to her than the million happy 'we love it' reviews she'd receive since criticism pointed out the flaws which needed to be improved. Rin smiled slightly as she lay there dreaming up a scene for her next story.

The hours slip by, she didn't care and Sesshomaru didn't seem to notice until the sun was setting in the studio apartment. Rin yawned, her stomach growled and then Sesshomaru looked at her. Really looked at her, she could sense the difference.

"Get dressed, I'll order food for you," he said before he left. Rin watched him go then slowly got up off the bed, grabbed the discarded sheet then picked up her clothes. Tugging on her tattered jeans, sports bra and awesome turtle t-shirt then her giant red lifeguard hoodie she walked out into the living area of Sesshomaru's studio. Her boots dangled by their laces from her fingers.

"Nice place," Rin commented as she walked around the converted warehouse. The floor to ceiling windows were awesome in her mind, as were these old wide; uneven planks of wood which were the floor. She loved this place, all the character and history here was amazing. Go figured it belonged to Sesshomaru, her mind sighed. Yep billionaire son who was the coldest, most dangerous inu daiyōkai on the planet happened to own this place. Rin could see it, what she didn't know was why Sesshomaru Taisho was an artist when he could be running his father's business empire. Then again, she sighed, it was a known fact Inuyasha was getting the entire company.

"Hn," was his response to her comment.

"You could try being a little friendlier," Rin informed him as she hopped up on a barstool while he pulled out a beer for himself, he tilted it to her.

"Can't, I'm not of age yet," she informed him. He shrugged indifferently as he took a sip.

"Do you mind if I use you?" Rin asked as she swiveled around to talk to him.

"Hn?" he gave her a ludicrous expression. She burst into a fit of giggles since his expression was so outlandish. It was priceless, now she wished she was the artsy type just so she could capture the expression of the famously indifferent, cold and expressionless Sesshomaru Taisho at this moment.

"I'd like to use you as a model of sorts," Rin explained.

"Hn," he grunted, she smiled broadly taking it as a reason to continue.

"Well, I'm a writer of sorts, and I'd like to use you as a character model," she explained. His amber eyes narrowed at her. "No one would know it's you, and I wouldn't tell anyone anyway since no one is likely to believe me but would you mind. I think you're perfect villain material!"

"Do whatever you wish," he replied though she swore she saw a look of amusement in his golden eyes as she sat there grinning like a happy fool. She had the perfect villain before her, he was fantastic, he was dangerous, and he was complex. This was going to be perfect.

"But you'll owe me another favor," he warned she sighed.

"You've already seen me naked so I don't think it could be any worse," she grumbled. He smirked. "Quit smirking, makes you look dangerous," she informed him nervously.

And this was the beginning of owing Sesshomaru Taisho favors…

Important Notice to those who read my other works on fan fiction:

-36 Weeks & Counting is due for a major update this week, three chapters if I'm correct. Sorry it's been on hold lately but I like putting a little more effort into it verses my easy writes but not so much effort I'm brain dead for my other works. But it's not forgotten! I am actually liking that story and will be finishing it.

-Trying Not to Love Him is the first installment to my 'Trying Not to' series, hopefully later this week the second installment will be posted, look for Trying Not to Murder Him.

-Because I Love You has not been forgotten, it'll be finished mostly because I refuse to leave things unfinished even if they are nothing more than experiments and fluff. I do like the tale, hopefully in the next week or two it'll be finished since I am playing a balancing act between work, fanfics, and my other writing.

-Important: To Owe Sesshomaru a Favor is going to be a stand alone piece! It's just going to be a bit of light easy stuff which will be worked on around my other works and 36 Weeks & Counting along with the Trying Not to series.

That's all for now folks!

I hope you enjoy To Owe Sesshomaru a Favor! =)