His Song

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Both the InuYasha characters and the movie the Labyrinth (which inspired this story) belong to their respected owners. I get nothing!

Summary: 500 years and he remains silent. His voice that had once filled the lands of Under-land with warmth and happiness was gone, leaving both himself and the land cold and indifferent. He is broken after his mate-to-be disappears, but now there is a glimmer of hope when a young girl so much like his beloved appears in the Upper-land's. He was a bird without his beloved gilded cage.

Pairing: (Sesshomaru and Kagome) (InuYasha and OC – Luna) (Shippo and Rin)

Rating: M for; language, mention of rap/possible rap, and adult situations

"You're the Goblin King?" She asked in surprise as she studied the other worldly looking man.

"That is but one name I have been called," he told her in a monotone voice that contradicted the heat in his eyes. They burned like hot embers, burning a path across her body as they traced the line of her curves. Glowing in the dark she found it hard to look away from him.

It suddenly made her uncomfortable, but she stood firm in her stance. Her fists were balled into fist at her side, her nails biting into her skin as she held her tongue. This monster had her brother, and if she said the wrong thing she may lose him forever.

"Then what would you prefer me to call you?" She asked trying to sound nice but even she could hear the bite in her tone.

His eyes then softened as he looked her straight in the eye. Glazing over his eyes lost their intensity, dimming to show a mixture of emotions.

"Sesshomaru," he said softly as he took a step towards her, but Kagome did not retreat. She would not show weakness to the man that had taken her brother, and yet even if she wanted to she could not look away from him. Her eyes were transfix on his face, tracing the colored lines markings his elegantly pale skin, memorizing his strong jaw and cheekbones. He was perfect, god like almost. The closer he stepped the more she took note how much taller he was than her, nearly a full foot. If his beauty wasn't enough he had to be tall, making her feel so small and powerless against him, but she would do whatever it may take to get her brother back, at any cost.

Kagome felt on edge as he stepped within a few feet of her, her hair stood on end at the feeling that surrounded him. Inside she felt a swirling in the pit of her stomach, she had felt it once before back in Japan, her grandad told her it was a gift from the gods'. But right now the feeling made her on edge, like she was going to burst as the swirling grew. But this much she knew was true, this man -or creature- held power, and she'd need to be careful.

"I want my brother back," She demanded.

"What's done is done" He was mocking her, but the look in his eyes was almost teasing. If he wanted to play then fine, but she would win.

"Where is he?" She practically growled.

He gave an amused huff.

She knew where he was, if this was like the book she would have to run the labyrinth like the princes did to defeat the Goblin King and save her parents. But Kagome wasn't the princess, she was just a simple girl, but she would beat the labyrinth or at least make it so that her brother was free.

"How about this? Let's make a deal?" she told him seriously glaring at him heatedly.

"What kind?" He asked in a deep monotone voice. The sound of it made her shiver.

"I'll run the Labyrinth, but If I lose, I want you to take me in his place," She told him.

He smirked and the look of it made chills run down her spine, it scared her and yet she was filled with determination to wipe that smirk off his perfect face.

"Do we have a deal?" Kagome asked extending her hand out to him.

His smirk only grew showing a fang. It scared her but she refused to let it get to her though.

"Deal," He grasped her hand gently but as their skin touched a shock similar to lightning, raced through her body and it took her breath away. Warmth filled her body and her heart raced in her chest, she didn't know what this feeling was.

Walking around her, he leaned down his face hovering close to her ear. "You better hurry Kagome," she shivered as his breath tickled her ear, while his voice cared a huskiness that left her knees weak.

She turned with him, and as she did the room faded to a landscape bathed in the light of an orange sky. "You have thirteen hours to solve this labyrinth," he told as she took in the landscape.

The ground was covered in sand and patches of grass with bushes and a single tree that he walked straight up to before turning to her, a thirteen hour clock face grew into the face of the tree. Its long fingers stretched in black iron to touch the elegantly painted black letters on its face, and like that it started.

"Or be one of us forever," as he spoke he and the clock faded in a shimmer of light.

With a huff she turned around to take in the rest of this world. She stood atop a hill that seemingly overlooked everything, there at the bottom built from thick stone stood a tall labyrinth with twists and turns, along with various types of plants that grew wildly yet elegantly when against the mixed stone. It all led to the gleaming palace on the far hill that stood tall with the rising sun shining behind it. It was all beautiful but at the same time it looked run down, and as the sun rose it looked darker on the verge of falling apart.

"One foot in front of the other," Kagome told herself as she began her journey. Now she wished she had finished the book, maybe it would have helped on what she had gotten herself into.

wolfYLady: Sorry it is so short but after not updating for so long I thought this would be better than nothing.