Chapter One: Six Year Ago...

Okay, so I've had this idea for awhile and I finally decided to write it, I decided to base the continuation of the series to the readers and the comments received. If you all want this series to continue comment and let me know. I decided to make this due to the seriously few stories about this. Also make sure to favorite and follow.

Bitter, acrid, nose-burning scents of various sorts of alcohol wafts through the establishment. Red, green, blue, and a thousand other colors flashed from the light fixtures overhead, giving the bar a more party-hard, drink till you drop appeal to all the out-of-towners. A lot of different, and unique visitors come to this bar and the reason is incredibly obvious to us locals.

Red and white checkerboard floors support miniature round tables seating two at the most, all of the tables nearly full tonight with a large variety of guests. Long, narrow rectangular-shaped windows in the far back of the building allow a fair amount of moonlight to shine in the bar and across the floor, it gives the room a cloudy fog like appearance as though someone put dry ice into a bucket of water.

Alone on a bar stool, I sit, staring around the room.

A man is to my left and a woman to my right, each of them vastly enveloped in their respectable conversations. No one pays me any attention despite the fact that I'm only an eleven years old girl sitting beside the bar in a red leather chair, even when it's obvious that I'm not nearly old enough to be here. Luckily, because my mom works here I'm allowed to be while she is behind the bar, able to keep an eye on me.

What with the dizzy-tipsy woman tripping across the bar floor and the stumbling-bumbling drunks that hoot and holler somewhere in the back over who won the most recent addition of the newest game played in the NFL. As if that weren't enough to make someone want to throw up any and everything they ate in the last twelve hours, the next thing definitely is.

Starfleet officers dressed in their bright red uniforms, gleaming gold buttons down the tops center, are scattered across the bar, considering this bar is situated by the Riverside Shipyard in Riverside, Iowa it's understandable why so many different and divergent cadets are here. With this most likely being their last day or two on planet, they want to have a good time before they go.

Mom glides across the floor behind the counter, getting everyone whatever beverage they requested as soon as informed. Her shimmering auburn copper tinted hair cascades down past her shoulders in carefully constructed corkscrew curls. She wore a black, semi-low-cut T-shirt, and jeans. Glancing away, I look around the bar again but instead notice someone I hadn't moments before.

One man sits by himself in the back of the room, letting moonlight wash over his left shoulder as his gaze watches my mother. He's an older man with a receding brown hairline, dressed in a white and gray uniform with a shiny gold colored pin on the left side of his shirt.

His diposition appears calm, focused, calculating, like he's here for some purpose rather than a late night drink of some liquid that will serious damage ones brain cells. Vigilant, I watch him from the sidelines, now using my peripheral vision instead of full on monitor. That would draw unwanted attention to myself, attention that I don't need.

Cold, greenish-blue eyes glance away from my mom and slide to me, inspecting me while still keeping full attention on my actions and reactions to certain things, I play it cool. The last thing I need is Mom on my case about making one of the bar's customers uncomfortable. After all, I'm already in trouble for breaking Aaron Jackson's arm after he started a fight with me.

Well, actually he said a few choice words about my father and why he wasn't around. Something along the line of him not wanting to be stuck with a disappointment like me so I decked him, during the fight he ended up with a broken arm. He doesn't know everything, that isn't the reason my dad isn't around. He just... has no idea I exist and that I'm his.

Hours passed in a blur as the night finally rounded down and all the guest begin to leave for the night as the bar is closing. As soon as the doors lock, Mom tells the rest of her co-workers to head home, that she'll clean the place and lock-up. Each give a brief goodnight comment or wave before heading out from the night as Mom and I begin gathering up all the discarded glasses.

Once that was finished, she began sweeping up the trash off the floor and followed by moping right after. Putting the mop away in the supply closet, she steps behind the bar once again. She presses down on a black button that she told me turns off all the camera's. She sorts through her keys, opens the register, and pulls out fifty dollars.

At the look I send her, she explains.

"I know Juni, I'm only borrowing it, I'm only short by fifty dollars this month on the rent, this will cover it. I'm going to pay it back tomorrow morning before everyone gets here when my check goes through tonight."

Her light green eyes beg me to understand, and I do so a nod is what I provide. "I understand Mom, I won't tell anyone."

"While she might be easier to convince, I'll tell you right now that I'm not," a voice spoke. Not just any voice, but a male voice. Spinning around in the red bar stool I see the man from earlier, greenish-blue eyes transfixed on Mom. "Lucinda Brooke, I never expected you to steal from your employer."

Her breath hitched. "Admiral Alexander Marcus..." she mutters, breathless and not in the good way from what I can tell.

"Who?" I ask, eyebrow raised, not caring at all how rude it is to interrupt.

Mom opens her mouth to scold me but the man, Marcus, raises a hand to stop her from saying a word.

"I would be more than happy to explain child, I am Admiral Marcus, I am a fleet admiral for the United Federation of Planets and am apart of Starfleet. I am a very powerful person in the world, something your mother seems to understand," he glances away from me.

"P-please w-what can I do to make you forget that this happened, I-I'll do anything...!" Mom practically begged the man. Rolling my eyes a trace of a scoff escapes me, Marcus looks my way.

"Don't expect me to gravel," I snidely retort.

"Juniper!" Mom shouts, eyes wide and stricken with some emotion I can't pinpoint.

"If I am not mistaken, the last time anything about you was known was in 2247, you had a... relationship with one James T. Kirk if I'm not mistaken, am I accurate Lucinda?"

"Yes, and?" she braces her hands on her hips.

"Then you disappeared, had your family move away from Iowa, only to return and get a job here after he joined Starfleet, now, why is that exactly?" When Mom didn't respond he continued. "Or do I already know. Her," he motions to me. "She's the reason isn't she?"

"I-I don't know what you're..."

"Enough," he cuts her off. "I have a compromise that will benefit both you and I. Your daughter joins Starfleet and I'll set up an account that pays you a reasonable amount of money allowing a life of luxury, in return I will not tell you employers about this and Jim Kirk won't know about her," he glances at me. "His daughter that you kept a secret."

Her mouth falls open, eyes widen, arms trembling at her side. "J-Juniper in Starfleet, no! She's only eleven years old and when she graduates from the academy she'll have more of a chance of running into her father," Mom protests.

Marcus looks at her. "It's either that or you'll be imprisoned for stealing and she'll be put in foster care, besides, I have no intention of her joining just yet, in 2262, three years from now, when she turns fourteen. That's when she'll join Starfleet and I'll have the account set up so you'll receive some money each month, if you agree of course."

"Deal..." I say, catching both of their gazes.

"Juniper you can't just agree to something like that without thinking about the consequences," Mom starts.

"Ultimately, it's my decision Mom and I want to do this if it means an end to this," I motion to the bar. "Where you don't have to take money from a cash register at work to pay the house payment or electric bill."


"I'll be there, at Starfleet in 2262 send me the information I need to know and where to report to."

"I shall, till we see each other again," he starts to walk away before stopping and turning around. "Goodbye Lucinda Brooke, Juniper... Kirk," with that, the door slams shut behind him, leaving mom and me all alone to process what just happened.

A/N: Okay, so there it is, the prologue, next chapter (if you all want me to continue) will take place in the current time, meaning after the 5 year mission of the USS Enterprise. Also I may take a bit to post as I'll try to write two or three chapters before posting again. All depending on your feedback! Comment below on what you think and if you want me to continue.