div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"Tails fingered her new necklace. What had she gotten herself into? Amy would be here soon with Wish and any other allies she had gained and she would know. When Sonic had found Tails he had mistaken her for a boy and since she was to shy to say anything back then (she had been just a little kid) she let him keep on thinking se was a boy. Sonic, Knuckles Shadow and her had decided to camp out for the night and were eating around a fire when a golden flash signalled an arrival./div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;" /div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"Amy landed in the small clearing and tucked her wings into her body she was getting more and more used to having the extra weight and muscles in her back. Sliding easily into the facade of a cool and confident leader she spoke "hello, I assume you know who I am. Me and my colleague here," she gestured to Cream who was in her magical girl form as well "are going to help you." She sat down on a log and glanced around thee circle expectantly./div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;" /div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"Tails stared at the magical girls. Her fellow magical girls. She knew Wish wasn't far behind. He never was. What rally drew Tails' eyes was the small girl dressed in a flower-like dress. Cream. How could Amy drag her into this mess. Knuckles was the first o speak "you're that masked vigilantly aren't you?" Rose smirked "I suppose so. A ridiculous idea seeing as I don't wear a mask." Across the fire Sonic chuckled, he liked this girl./div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;" /div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"Cream looked at Tails and she was hit by a sudden realization. He was a she. Cream could see that no. The soft curves of her body, the feminine features of her face, they wouldn't be obvious to a non-magical girl but, they were there. What really told her the truth was the fact that she sensed something coming from her. A strange power much like Amy's or her own. Tails was a magical girl./div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;" /div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"Sonic looked at the shorter girl. He had never seen her before or Rose when she wasn't fighting. Something seemed familiar about both of them. Like he knew them from somewhere. "What makes you think we need help?" Shadow asked his voice skeptical. Sonic nodded in agreement. "The fact that you have no real plan and are just going to storm in with guns blazing. Figuratively speaking, for most at least" Rose said leaning back and crossing her arms./div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;" /div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"Suddenly, a loud bang rang out through the woods and a horde of Eggman's robots charged into the clearing. Sonic leaped into battle followed by the two magical girls. The others joined only seconds later. The robots were easy to take out but, there were so many of them. The group started to get overwhelmed. Cream in particular was having trouble, this was her first fight after all. Tails who was free at the moment saw a group of five robots gang up on Cream. She watched in horror as the young rabbit was pushed to the ground. If nobody helped Cream would die. Everyone els was preoccupied and Tails didn't have the skill as she was to fight so, without thinking of the consequences Tails raised her hand the air and yelled "GUARDIAN POWER." And so, the magical girl of intelligence and skill began her first transformation./div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;" /div
div style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;"strongAuthors Note: New chapter! Sorry it took so long to get this out. You know the drill I oewn no characters in this story except Wish and please read and review./strong/div