Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is recognizable; everything belongs to their respective and rightful owners. Twilight belongs to Mrs. Meyer, and anything Tolkien related belongs to Mr. Tolkien. Anything Pushing Daisies related belongs to Brian Fuller, and anything Marvel/ Iron Man related belongs to Marvel. No copyright infringement is intended, I just do this for fun.

A/n: I am alive and here is the next chapter. I know when I started the fic I was pushing out chapters rather rapidly but as it has progressed it takes a lot longer for me to get new chapters out. Going into this chapter I had hoped that I would have been able to get it out shortly after the last one. However, I missed that by a long shot. There are a lot of factors as to why I was not able to get this out earlier the major one being that I am a grad student who does not have much time to write for fun anymore (the more academic papers you write the less writing you want to do for fun). Back in December I thought I would be able to finish it while I was stuck in bed with a broken, ankle but being an active person and not being able to walk or do many of the activities I normally do (like cooking) caused a bout of depression in which I didn't feel like doing anything other than sleeping. This chapter has been a pain to write as it was written in chunks that had to be meshed together, but I am proud of the results (even if it took a year and a half to get out). A huge thank you to my beta, Anariel Goldenarrow, for putting up with all my minor mistakes and continuing to do this for me even though it takes me forever to get new chapters out. Thank you to all of those who followed, favorited, and reviewed. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Seriously you guys thank you so much for the reviews they make my day and help me get motivated to write.(:

I was walking through the woods barefoot with in a tattered dirty white lace dress. The hem of the dress was ripped several places leaving some of the edges dragging against the forest floor while other sections reached various places along my calves. The lace covering the bodice was ripped in several places and the straps refused to stay up on my shoulders. Had it not been for the poor condition it could have been a wedding dress. I continued to make my way along the path hands skimming along various plants. I had no direction of where I was going or even where I was; the odd thing was the forest surrounding me was dead silent. Normally, the forest is alive and noisy but now the only sound is my bare feet along the dirt. Up ahead the trees thin out leading to a clearing of some sort, I make my way into it and take in the landscape before me. The meadow itself was filled with tall pink flowers and surrounded on all sides by dense forest, it was a place one would expect to hear birdsong or see a deer lazily grazing next to the woods; but there was no sign of any living creature. A flash of red drew my gaze to the opposite side of the meadow. A redheaded figure in a white gown was standing across the field. My mind was screaming 'danger, run away' but instead my body took a step forward and the figure did the same. As we got closer the figure got more detailed and slowly I became more horrified. Once we met in the middle the figure was a clear as day. It was me, down to the exact detail on the dress, the girl was me. However, it was not the fact that a mirror image of myself was standing opposite of me that was terrifying, it was her crimson eyes and killer smirk.

"Who are you?" my voice wavers in her presence.

"I'm you." The imposter smiled revealing pearly white teeth.

"No you're not…" I stutter.

"Yes I am. I am the better version of you." The imposter laughs.

"No." I breathe out. The imposter suddenly moves grabbing ahold of my arms tightly in a bruising grip.

"This is your future. This is what has to happen to stay with him." The imposter screams, the wind catching her long red curls making them dance like flames. With great force she shoves me and I am falling. Gone is the beautiful meadow and the terrifying copy of myself and in its place is a terrible black void. I look up and see the imposter watching me fall looking terrifying and beautiful. I shut my eyes as I continue to freefall.

"Gentry… Gentry…GENTRY!" The scream wakes me up. I look around to see my mother standing over me.

"Are you okay?" she asks in a gentle tone.

"Yeah, nightmare." I exclaim, siting up carding my hands through my knotted curls.

"Well you need to hurry up, you overslept." She places a coffee mug on my nightstand and turns to leave the room.

It takes a few moments for me to get moving. I grab the coffee mug and take a small sip; its warmth helping to break me out of the funk that that nightmare put me in. I make quick work of getting ready for school; dressing simply in a t-shirt and skinny jeans paired with the hoodie I wore to Louisiana. I sigh knowing that this is going to be a long day. The rest of the morning is monotonous as I head towards school with Edwin. Ever the gentleman Jasper is standing out in the cold waiting for us.

"Morning." I great him quietly.

"Good Morning Miss Gentry." He pulls me into his arms placing a quick kiss to the top of my head as I bury my face into his chest.

"You ok?" he asks pulling back slightly to get a look at my face.

"I think so just another nightmare." I tell him, moving to start walking into the building.

"You want to talk about it?" He questioned pushing a curl behind my ear.

"Maybe later, you still need to tell me what happened during the family meeting the other night."

"I will tell you tonight." He kissed the top of my head before walking me to class.

Classes drag on with nothing special occurring until lunchtime. I had let Jasper know that I was sitting with my human friends today.

"La-Push baby, you in?" Eric asked as soon as I approached the table. I looked to my younger brother who nods.

"Gentry and I are in. I asked Mom last night and she said we could." Ed responded.

"I guess I am going then." I shrug letting the group discuss the plans for the trip. I glance over to Jasper to see a deep scowl has settled on his face. Great another thing we are going to have to discuss tonight.

The rest of the day is tense as the countdown of the hours until Jasper get here starts. It is around nine thirty when he shows up.

"I don't like that you are going to La-Push, but I have a feeling that you would go anyway." He comments shortly after I had let him in.

"You are learning." I comment "So what happened last night. Carlisle said you would let me know."

"There was discussion of what to do about Bella. Edward 'bout damn near exposed us in front of numerous witnesses. The Volturi could come back and implicate the whole family for it. There was debate on whether or not Bella should still be alive." He hangs his head.

"Darlin', I am not proud to say this but when Rosalie suggested killing Bella, I had to agree with her. If our family is implicated that includes you as my mate. And I am ashamed that I volunteered to be the one to kill her. I have to keep you safe and if that means killing someone to ensure your safety then I will gladly be the one to do it."

"Edward however 'bout had an aneurysm at the idea and managed to convince everyone that he should just stay away from her." He scoffs. I have to agree that boy is a glutton for punishment and Bella is the best way for him to prove he is better than the rest of them.

Our serious conversation did not last long after that. Talk of the nightmare that I had last night and of the mysterious red-haired twins is put on the back burner in favor of making out with Jasper.

"You are needy tonight." I comment as Jasper nuzzled into the crook of my neck slowly kissing his way up to my pulse point. I tilt my head to give him more access, feeling his hard body pressed firmly into my back as he continued to kiss along my neck.

"Don't leave a mark Jazz." My hand finds its way into his curls as he pushes closer to me. Cold hands rest firmly on my waist. Any normal person would be panicking at the thought of a vampire being so close to their neck, but I knew Jasper wouldn't hurt me. I let out a gasp when cold hands snaked under my shirt and groped at my breast. I felt him growl before being spun around to face him. His mouth crashed with mine in a fierce kiss. He slowly maneuvered me to the bed and, without breaking the kiss, pushed me onto the bed. Our tongues danced together in a battle for dominance between the two of us that I had no chance of winning. My hands found their way to the buttons of his shirt fumbling to get them undone. Eventually, I managed to get the last one pushing his shirt from his shoulders. I could feel the scars along his back as my hands danced along his wide shoulders, his cold, hard body pressing into mine from above. We break apart for only a moment before his lips are on mine again. Somewhere along the line I end up straddled on top of Jasper, cold fingers danced along the hem of my t-shirt just grazing my bare skin. I let out a soft gasp as he took my shirt off, exposing my chest to him. His eyes which had been a bright gold when he arrived had darkened to nearly black. I could feel his want for me as I ground down on him. His lips found mine again and my hand's found their way into his hair. We continued on like this for a while until my hands moved to his belt. This seemed to snap him out of the lust filled trance he had been in.

"Darlin', we need to stop." he pulled away from me.

"Sorry!" I exclaim as I try and catch my breath.

"Don't apologize. I am enjoying this just as much as you, but I don't want to risk hurting you. Also, we are in a house filled with your family." He smiles sheepishly; if he would have been human his face would have been bright red.

Sleep is hard to find that night but after a long period of time with Jasper tracing mindless patterns on my back I eventually fall asleep.

All too soon the weekend approaches and inevitably, I am stuck in La-push with my brother and our friends. Jasper had initially protested my trip to the beach but after a look and reminder of the fight we had quickly made him change is tune. We made a compromise; however, I would go to the beach and then sleep over at the Cullen's place. I only managed to convince my parents of this by saying that Jasper was going camping with his brothers and Alice wanted to include me in the girls' night that she was having with Esme and Rosalie.

The beach is cold and something I am unused too. I drove down with my brother, but the rest of our friends had carpooled with Mike and Tyler. I sit bundled up in Tyler's van with a quilt that I had brought with me.

"Cold?" Angela ask me.

"Yeah, I was not expecting it to be this cold. I probably should have worn something other than Jasper's hoodie" I laugh. I had thought the hoodie would have been enough but forgot to factor in the cold air being brought in from the ocean.

Eventually I got bored of sitting in the van and watching the waves. I place my quilt in my car before calling out that I was going for a walk. I wander away from my brother and our friends saying that I was going to do a little hiking around the beach and in the woods around it. I walk along the beach far enough to where I can no longer see our group just listening to the sounds of the waves. It feels like I am the only person on the beach until I look ahead and see two figures walking towards me one I quickly recognize as Sam who went hunting with me.

"What are you doing here?" I hear a deep voice behind me ask. I whip around red curls flying about as I turn. Behind me there is a Quileute boy standing there shirtless chest rising and falling rapidly as though he was angry at my presence. Next thing that happened terrifies me.

In front of me where the tall Quileute boy once stood in front of me now stands an enormous grey wolf snarling at me. I let out a scream as I fall to the ground and try to back pedal away from the approaching wolf. I hear footsteps running towards me from behind.

"Paul back away." I recognize Sam's voice almost right behind me before a black wolf much larger than the grey one appears beside me. The two wolves begin fighting with one another biting and snarling at each other before the black one finally chase the grey one off into the woods following behind it . I feel a set of warm hands grip my shoulders and pull me up to stand.

"Come on let's get you to Sam and Emily's place." I look at a different Quileute boy standing there shirtless. I shakenly nod my head as he leads me towards a beat-up truck.

"I'm Jared." The boy finally introduces himself.

"Gentry." I tell him "What the hell happened back there?"

"It's better that Sam explains it." He tells me as he pull the truck out and begins driving. We are not driving for too long before we come upon a small house. From the outside the house looks warm and feels like it would be a hunting cabin if placed further into the woods.

"Oh hey, please don't stare at Emily, it bothers Sam." Jared warns as we exit the truck.

We walk into the small house and confirm what I thought. Though it is small it is warm and homey. The scent of food hits us the moment we walk in the door. I follow Jared quietly through the house as he leads us towards the kitchen. A woman is standing at the stove with her back towards us.

"Should I even ask if you are hungry?" the woman turns to face us. I only barley manage to school my face into the normal soft smile I have, as I catch sight of her face. Down the one side of her face are three long claw marks that look like they are still healing. She wears a warm smile that the scars don't subtract from and while her beauty may be marred on the outside it seems like she is still a beautiful person.

"Who is this?" She asks Jared as she places a bowl of soup on the table.

"Gentry, Paul shifted right in front of her. I understand why though she reeks of one of the Leeches. Going by smell I would have thought she was one too, but I could hear her heart pounding in her chest when I went to help her up." Jared scoffed reaching to grab the bowl.

"Ladies first." Emily gently whacks Jared upside the head "Would you like a bowl of soup?"

She turns to grab another bowl seeing as Jared has already began to scarf down the first bowl.

"Yes please." I nod pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "What do you mean I reek of Leech?"

"You smell like one of the Cullens." He stated with almost zero emotion.

"What do you know about the Cullens?" I inquire as Emily sets a steaming bowl of soup in front of me "Thank you."

"No problem." she smiles at me.

"I know that they're a bunch of blood sucking vam…." Vampires my mind finishes.

"Jared!" Sam's voice quickly interrupts Jared as he and the boy called Paul walked in.

"How in the hell do y'all know about the Cullens?" I narrow my eyes at the boys.

"It's an old treaty between the Tribe and the Cullens." He gives a very brief explanation.

"Doesn't explain why you smell like them though." Paul haughtily remarks.

"It's probably my hoodie, well technically it's my boyfriend's hoodie that I have confiscated from him." I roll my eyes.

"Do you know about the Cullens?" Sam questioned.

"Depends if it's what Jared was talking about, then yes." I let my shoulders drop and push my hair back away from my face.

"You know about them and you're dating one of them?" Paul scoffed.

"It's a lot more complicated than that. I have a few questions though about the giant wolf thing." I gestured in their general direction.

"It's a long story." Sam sat back into his chair.

"Well I have some time, you explain this and I will explain a bit of what is going on between the Cullens and I. Just let me text my brother to ride home with the others, I am not going home anyway so this might be better." I send off a text to Ed letting him know what is going on and to ride home with Tyler or Mike.

"The story begins long ago. The legends of our tribe say that we draw our powers from wolves and that their magic runs through our blood. When there is a threat to the tribe the power of the wolves takes over to help protect the tribe. The rest is kept secret".

"Well not from the tribe, but pale faces like you." Paul smirks leaning back into his chair.

"It was said that the Cullens were one of those threats, but we made a deal with them. Don't hunt on our land and we won't expose you, but back then there was only five of them." Sam explained.

"From my understanding Jasper and Alice didn't join the Cullens until the 50's." I commented.

"So which leech are you dating?" Paul asked.

"Jasper, the blonde male." I tell them.

"The scary looking one?" Sam interrupted.

"Yes. Have y'all met him?" I questioned.

"I did, when they first moved back to forks. I had just shifted and went with the elders to the treaty line. They wanted to let us know that they were going to be residing in forks and had gained two new members. I remember him though. He stood in the back with the presence of a solider. He gave off a vibe that screamed danger; as if the scars weren't enough." Sam looked at me.

"Jasper had a difficult life before he came to the Cullen's. I know his story, but I think he may have toned down details for me though. You are right about the presence of a solider. He was a major in the Texas Calvary during the Civil War. I'm not going to go to much farther into detail about his story though, that's his story to tell, but his introduction to being a vampire was brutal compared to the others. As for the scars, there are a lot more of them than the ones you saw. The ones on his neck and the one on his cheek seem mild to the ones that cover his arms and chest. There's a reason he normally wears long sleeves." I look at the table as I remember the horror stories that Jasper had told me about his years in the South.

"And you're still dating him even though he screams out danger." Jared raises an eyebrow.

"It's a lot more complicated than that. Jasper wouldn't hurt me, he can't. From what he has told me, vampires have mates and they will protect these mates until they are killed. I am Jasper's mate. Unfortunately, I have seen firsthand what happens to someone when they threaten another's mate." I remember what happened when Edward grabbed me. I would hate to see what would happen if someone actually threatened me.

"Really?" Emily remarks speaking for the first time after quietly observing the conversation from her seat on Sam's lap.

"When I first went over to the Cullen's house Edward, the bronze haired male, grabbed me. In less than a second I was behind someone and Jasper had Edward's arms off of his body. From what Jasper has told me, you don't mess with someone's mate unless you do have a death wish." I explain to them.

"And you're his mate. Does that mean you will be turned?" Sam now questioned.

"The way you say it sounds like I am actively trying to become a vampire, I am not. In all honesty, I don't want to be a vampire. I don't want to have to survive off blood for eternity, to never have children. But to selfishly make the decision to age and die and leave him to madness. It's cruel. I am not sure if the wolves have something similar to mates, but if I die Jasper will go mad and then seek to join me. I am many things, but a cruel person is not one of them. Although we haven't really had this conversation together." I force a tight smile at the end looking at Sam who is lost in thought staring at Emily.

"So, it's not that you want to be a vampire, but you don't want to leave him." Paul comments solemnly "You get the shitty end of the deal though."

"Imprints." Sam comments "Wolves have imprints and we do the exact same thing. You are driven to protect them and will lay down your life for them."

"It seems like you understand where I am coming from." I state and watch him stare lovingly at Emily. Sam nods and wraps his arms around her waist.

We talk for another hour or so before I have to leave. Paul and I worked out our issues and he apologized for trying to kill me and we develop a weird sort of flirtationship. Emily quickly becomes my friend and we trade numbers promising to hang out and trade recipes. It seems like she needs some help cooking for the three wolves. Sam drives me over to my car before handing me his number telling me to not hesitate to call him if I need him, and after a quick call to my mother, I am off to the Cullens. I ride with the windows down hoping to remove some of the wolf smell that is inevitably clinging to my clothes. I figured if they could smell Jasper on me then the same should be true. The drive to the Cullens place seems to take forever and it is dark by the time I am pulling up into the long driveway. The house is gorgeous at night, warm amber light shining through the many windows of the house give it a homey feeling. I quickly park the car and grab my bag and purse, heading up the stairs to the front door. Jasper is at the door before I can even think about ringing the doorbell.

"Miss Gentry" He greets me placing a kiss on my lips.

"Hey Jazz." I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You reek like wet dogs." He scrunches up his nose.

"I figured I would. Did you know that there are giant wolves that turn into Native American teens? I sure as hell didn't. They seem civilized though." I left out where I almost became dog chow as Jasper started growling when I mentioned the wolves.

"They didn't hurt you?" He questioned quickly looking over me.

"No but do you mind if we move this conversation inside it is a little chilly out here and you provide no warmth." I try to joke. As we walked inside, I noticed that it was much quieter than normal.

"The house seems dead. No pun intended." I comment "Where is everyone?"

"They all went hunting. We are going to have to finish our conversation later; right now, there are some people I want you to meet." Jasper explains.

Jasper offers me his arm which I take, and he leads me upstairs. Reaching the top of the stairs I notice two unfamiliar people. There is a woman facing away from me with blonde hair cut into a pixie cut that is more tamed than Alice's. A male is sitting next to her with his arm draped around her shoulder. He has a mop of messy brown hair and is wearing a jean jacket. He turns as we walk into the living room and my green eyes lock with red. I freeze like a deer in the headlights. I have never encountered a human eating vampire before and a mischievous grin spreads on the male's face.

"Well Major looks like you caught yourself a little human. "He snickers.

Jasper unlaced our arms and wrapped his hand around my back rubbing soothing circles and manipulating my fearful emotions into a state of calm.

The woman quickly reached up and smacked the male across the back of the head.

"Play nice." She reprimanded. Jasper let out a loud laugh.

The two stand up off the couch and move to stand in front of Jasper and me. I take this time to examine the couple. The female was only slightly taller than me with wispy bangs falling in her eyes. While her face seemed like it had been hardened by war, she wore a warm smile. The male seemed carefree with a devil may cry smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye. He was a few inches shorter than Jasper but the two carried themselves in the same fashion.

"Gentry, this is Peter and Charlotte. They were the ones who I helped escape Maria and who came back and saved me a few years later.

"It's nice to meet you." My voice barely comes out above a whisper

"Oh, it is so nice to meet you." Peter grins stepping forward wrapping his cold arms around me in a tight hug. He quickly picks me up and places me back on the ground "I am so glad that our Major finally found his mate."

"It's nice to finally meet the woman the Major cares for. He's told us so much about you, I was excited to get to meet you in person." after Peter had placed me down Charlotte had wrapped me in a hug "Thank you for taking care of him." She whispered in my ear.

I nod in response and slowly began to ease into conversation with the new vampires. I figured with Jasper's relaxed attitude that nothing bad would happen with these new vampires. The two ask me about how Jasper and I met and how he told me about their existence. And afterwards they started telling stories of their time with Jasper in the South and after their escape living as nomads to when Jasper joined the Cullens. Charlotte was a warm person despite her hardened exterior and we quickly bonded sharing stories about the stupid things the boys did to annoy us. The boys look offended but laughed. Peter had some great stories of the hardass that Jasper was and how he managed to befriend him. It was surprising that Jasper didn't kill Peter. The more we all talked, the more Jasper relaxed and eventually he started in on the story telling. As time passes, he became more of the nineteen-year-old cavalry solider that he was, telling war stories and less tormented teen vampire.

"You know, I honestly thought that the Major here would never meet his mate." Peter remarked "I am glad I was wrong."

I smiled, we talked for a little while longer before I needed to go to bed. We all bid each other good night; Peter and Charlotte left to go hunt in Seattle with promises to be back soon while Jasper and I head up to his bedroom. I take a quick shower before crawling into the bed that he was already occupying. It had been such a long day that it seemed like the moment my head was on Jasper's purring chest I was drifting off to sleep.

A/n: What do y'all think so far? Feedback would be great. I would love to hear what you think; however, if you don't like it please don't be rude about it. Review if you feel like it, constructive criticism is always welcome. Also a huge thanks to those who have reviewed, favorited, and followed.

A/n: On another note, I also have a tumblr if y'all want to come over and talk. It's under the same name as my account here; just add hyphens between the words. The icon is also the same one I used for this story. I look forward to hearing from y'al