Escaping From The Hospital
Hey guys. I am so sorry for the long wait. I just kind of lost inspiration and found it hard to get back into it. But once I start a story, I am committed to finished it. Hopefully you guys won't have to wait months for the next chapter.
(Jim POV)
Dazed, I watched a single raindrop trail down the outside of the window, quickly followed by several more. Blinking to clear my vision, I realized it was pouring outside, the rain patting against my window. Just a second ago, the sun was shinning in the sky, bathing me in the warmth it provided. The weather changed so suddenly, I hadn't even noticed.
As I gazed up at the dark clouds, rain falling from above, my thoughts returned to Silver, and I felt my jaw tighten and my hands clench at my side. When I'd pushed for some answers, he'd avoided them by walking out of the room, telling me to go to sleep and forget about it. My father was the same, everytime my mum confronted him about anything, he'd avoid it by walking out of the room. In some ways, him and Silver weren't that different, but in other ways, they were nothing alike.
Silver loved me, I knew that. But with the constant lies and cover ups, he made it so hard for me to trust him. True, he did save my life, not just this time, but also many times in the past. He'd supported and encouraged me to reach my goals. But I still felt like I couldn't fully trust him, like there were a million things he wasn't telling me. Every time I'd woken up, he hadn't been at my side. No doubt sneaking off to secret locations.
I sighed and rubbed my temples, my head pounding from all this thinking. If it wasn't for Silver, I'd be dead right now. He rushed me to hospital and stuck around through my slow recovery, despite the dangers that waited for him the longer he stayed with me. That should be enough to trust Silver, right? Then why did I feel this pang of suspicion?
Automatically, my gaze fell to the ground below my window, I tensed as a large figured wearing a thick black coated ran under the patio, but relaxed again once I realized it was only Silver. He'd been gone for three hours now, doing who knows what. I could ask, but he'd just avoid the subject again, like the other hundred of times I'd tried to push for some answers. At this point, even answering one of my many questions would satisfy me.
I watched as Silver entered the building holding the soaking wet jacket in his arms. I guessed he'd probably be in my room in exactly 10 minutes. He'd walk in, complain about how I should be lying in bed because of my fatal condition, I'd protest that I was fine, Silver would force me back into bed, then when I was fast asleep, he'd leave to go to his secret locations. It was the same routine everyday. I understood that Silver was simply just worried about my safety, after all, he witnessed my almost dying on that beach, but he didn't need to be so over protective.
"Jimbo," a familiar voice said, "Yer should be-"
"-In bed, I know," I finished, still staring out at the window.
I heard Silver's uneven steps drawing closer and felt my shoulders tense up as he stopped beside me. Still, I refused to look up at him. "Yer are still recoverin', lad," Silver said gently. "The doctors said it'd be best for ya ta stay in bed until yer strength return."
I shrugged. "I feel fine. I'd be glad when we can leave this place."
Silver chuckled dryly. It wasn't like the usual cheery laugh I'd grown used too. "Yer never did like sitting around and doing nothing, did ya lad?"
I shrugged again and turned around so I could lean against the window sill. "Well, I never had that problem on the Legacy, not with all the work you gave me each day."
In the corner of my eye, I saw Silver rub the back of his neck in... Embarrassment? Guilt? I don't know. The old cyborg's expressions were usually easy to read. But I'd never seen that look on his face before. True, Silver simply gave me all that work to keep my mind occupied so I didn't discover his plan, but overtime, we formed a close bond. I still had no idea how that happened.
My mouth set into a thin line and I released a heavy sigh. For the first time since Silver entered the room, I met his eyes. Silver blinked in surprise, probably confused about my sudden seriousness. I wanted to try and push for more questions, even though I knew he probably wouldn't answer anyway.
A loud explosion from outside my room drowned out my next words. I looked towards the door, shocked by the sudden noise. I took a step forward, but the touch of Silver's organic hand on my shoulder stopped me in place. Glancing up at Silver, I noticed his serious expression, silently ordering me with his eyes to stay still. But when Silver started moving towards the now opened door, I found it hard to obey him.
Silver crept towards the door and cautiously peered out, his serious expression immediately switching to alarm. Without hesitating, Silver silently shut the door and wielded it shut with his built in laser pistol. A talent I was secretly envious of.
Silver hurried back to me, opening the window as far as it would go. He extended a hand towards me, his face full of panic. "Come on, lad."
"Why? What's going on?" I questioned, though I knew it must've been the wrong time to be stubborn and push Silver for answers.
"I'll tell yer on the way, Jimbo. Now come on." When I didn't move, Silver hastily took hold of my wrist and forced me out the window. The heavy rain blocked out all sounds, I heard loud rapping at the door from my hospital room. Using my only good hand to grip the gutters above me, I decided to peer down.
Bad idea.
My breathe caught in my throat and I felt my heart beating fast in my chest. It was a lot different looking down at the street below from my window, than it was standing out here in the open.
I'd never been afraid of heights before. I would fly my Solar Surfer fifty feat into the sky, then free fall from that height. Seconds from impact, I would launch my sail back up, enjoying the rush of joy and the thrill running up my spine.
The feeling of standing on the window sill with nothing supporting me. The feeling I felt was not joy nor thrilling, it was terrifying. One wrong move and I would be plummeting fifty storeys to the ground, becoming one with the road.
Taking a deep breathe, I glanced back at Silver, who was hoisting himself up onto the window sill, grunting lightly from the effort. I reminded myself that the old cyborg was beside me and he would catch me if I were to fall. With that thought in mind, I felt the nerves and worries from moments ago slowly melting away.
I visibly winced as a loud bang vibrated through my eardrums, leaving behind a dull ache. Glancing up, I noticed Silver had slammed the window and was wielding it shut with his gun, repeating what he did with the door.
Once he was finished, he switched to his cyborg arm and looked over at me, I caught a flash of regret on his face before it disappeared.
"Open up! We know you're in there, John Silver!" A voice yelled from the other side of the door, followed by loud banging. "Give up the kid and nobody gets hurt!"
Standing on wobbly legs, Silver gently ushered me along the window sill. With his good hand on my shoulder, I felt secured and safe, despite the fact we were being hunted down by pirates.
I whipped around as gun fires ranged out from my hospital room, shooting out across the sky and lighting up the night sky like fireworks.
Fireworks always filled me with excitement as a kid, but not this time. Next time, I might have one of those laser pistols piecing my skin. The thought sent a shiver up my spine.
Silver's gently shove brought me back to reality. Glancing back at him, he was directing a long metal finger at something behind me. Returning my gaze to in front of me, I noticed a ladder leading down to a metal platform followed by another ladder. From this height, it looked like a never ending maze of ladders, but I knew they must lead down to the ground.
Giving a nod to Silver to show I understood, I proceeded forward with caution, the window sill slick with water from the rain. I resisted a shiver as the air grew icy, threatening to freeze me to the spot I stood, but I continued forward, the desperate need for a hot bath motivated me.
Reaching the ladder, I climbed down, Silver following closely behind. Landing on the metal platform, I proceeded down the second ladder, then the third, then the forth... I felt as if I would never reach the ground, stuck up here forever, climbing down ladders. My aching bones protested as I climbed down another ladder, feeling my muscles slowly turning to goo by the second. I sighed heavily with relief when I finally noticed the ground several feat below. With that thought in mind, I urged myself forward, excitement of reaching the ground bubbling in my stomach, or maybe that was just hunger.
The minute my boots touched solid ground, I just wanted to collapse to my knees and kiss the floor, but resisted the urge to do so, especially not in front of Silver.
A surprised yelp left me when I was forcefully pulled into the bushes by my arm. I struggled in the person's grip, my voice muffled by his hand over my mouth.
"Jimbo. It's me, lad."
My struggles instantly ceased at the familiar voice. Cocking my head over my shoulder to confirm it was indeed Silver, I smiled in relief at the familiar friendly face. My relief faded to fear as unfriendly voices shouted close by us.
An involuntary gasp left me as one of the pirates came into view, his back to us, Silver clamped a hand over my mouth to silence me. Normally I would had protested, but since we were in life threatening danger, I'd let it slide this time.
"Did you find them?" The man asked someone I couldn't see.
"No, but they couldn't had gotten far," the second man said.
"If we don't find them, Edward won't be happy."
The men's voices faded into the distance as they walked off down the streets.
I heard Silver sigh with relief and felt his body relax behind me. He dropped his hand from my mouth, meeting my gaze. "Stay here, lad," Silver ordered, creeping out of our hiding spot to peer outside.
Unable to sit still, I followed him. "Are they gone?" I asked, ignoring Silver's glare directed at me for disobeying him again.
Sighing, Silver nodded. "Aye, they're gone."
"We're they pirates from Edward's crew?"
"Aye, lad, they were."
"How did they know where to find us?" I asked, using this opportunity to push for some answers, since Silver was finally answering my questions.
Silver sighed again and looked back in the direction the pirates had walked in. His expression blank and unreadable. Several minutes passed before he returned his attention back to me and said a simply, "I don't know, lad."
"Will they come back?"
"Probably, but we shouldn't stick around to find out," Silver said, his expression softening as he met my gaze. "Come on, Jimbo. Let's head towards me hotel room before yer catch a cold from those soaking wet clothes."
Silver took several steps forward, stopping as I spoke behind me. "We're not returning to the hospital?"
"No. They obviously don't have much protection here. You'd be safer in the hotel." Without so much as glancing back at me, Silver proceeded forward.
Sighing, I reluctantly followed him, unease settling over me as the realization that they'd be back weighed on my shoulders. All I could do was hope Silver knew what he was doing and that neither of us ended with a laser ball through our chest.
Don't forget to leave a review.
If you have any ideas, don't hesitate to send them to me, I'm just making this story up as I go along.