A/N Here it is Romeokijai - the wrap up for Open Mic. Sorry for the delay. Hope it was worth the wait.

Epilogue: Feels Like Home

Two years post blackout – The Ark

Aaron Pittman sighs as he looks out over the children in his classroom. They are a noisy and rowdy bunch. "Let me have your attention." He says sternly. "Today we are going to discuss the differences between the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers of the New American Revolution."

A young red headed girl in the front row raises her hand, "So, we're going to talk about my Dad today?"

"Yes, Ellie." Aaron says with a smile, "We'll definitely be talking about your Dad.

In the early months following the blackout, life had been fairly predictable for the group of survivors who lived in the Ark. They had made daily treks to the outside world and surveyed the changes in the city. They had corresponded by courier and carrier pigeon with allied groups in other cities. Things mostly were going exactly as Bass, Charlie and Aaron had predicted.

At first.

Then things began to change. The biggest change had come one cool winter day when Will Strausser brought home the first of what they would all later call 'the strays'. He had walked in the main room of the living quarters and yelled for Dr. Foster. "Need your help, Doc."

Maggie had rushed over, with Caleb and Elliott at her side. The two boys were soaking up more medical training in daily life as their Mom's helpers than they probably ever would do in medical school. "What do you have, Will?" Maggie had asked.

He nodded to the bundle in his arms. "Found her eating crackers in the back of a looted Trader Joe's. She won't talk. I think she's probably malnourished…"

Maggie tried to take the little girl from her savior's arms, but the resulting terrified wails changed her course of action. "You hang onto her and I'll give her an exam. Elliott, go find Duncan."

"Thanks Doc." Will said, clearly relieved to hear his woman would be joining them soon. He watched the little girl, who was maybe three, staring up into his eyes and in that moment Will fell totally and hopelessly in love. "I'm gonna keep her." He said simply.

Will and Duncan named the little girl Diana (his idea because that was Wonder Woman's real name). Other than not speaking for those first couple of months, Diana was healthy and adjusted quickly to her new home and her new family.

The night she had arrived, it was Jeremy who spoke what they were all thinking, "There must be a lot more kids out there with no parents…no place to call home." Aaron and Priscilla began to immediately plan a way to help these lost boys and girls. They decided to turn one of the warehouses into an orphanage of sorts with Aaron as their teacher. Priscilla and Grace took turns watching the little ones who weren't adopted by members of the group.

Miles had said he wouldn't take any rug rats (his term) until he met the twin six year olds Billy and Dave who lost their Mom in a car accident on the day of the blackout. They were scrappy and tough and also very hungry. Miles and Nora took them in and the boys slowly adapted to life in the Ark.

Connor and Eve were the second couple to get married after the dawn of the 'New American Republic' and they had a baby of their own on the first anniversary of the blackout. Two months later, their daughter gained a brother when they also took in a tow headed four year old boy named Xander.

The others all slowly took responsibility for strays as well, and in no time the ark was full of yelling and laughing children as well as all of the original adults. There was a lot less drinking and a lot more board games, and strangely nobody minded at all.

Bass and Charlie (who had been the first couple to marry in the new regime) had been the last hold outs regarding taking in any of the strays. Bass was busy building a new government and his position as the President of a developing country was stressful and all-consuming. Charlie was busy as well. She and Maggie were working long hours to produce the medicine that was now being used in doctor's offices all over the Midwest. Their goal was to broaden their geographic scope, and it was taking long hours and complete focus to work toward that goal. Bass and Charlie made time for their relationship of course. It had been a promise they'd made to each other at the beginning. No matter how crazy life might get, they were a couple first. Everything else came second.

That included children, or so they thought.

Miles and Will were running the growing militia. Within weeks of the lights going out, soldiers had begun to show up in Chicago. They came in small groups and large groups. Sometimes they came one at a time. Sometimes on foot. Sometimes on horseback. The amazing thing was they never stopped coming. Aaron teased that it was like the Field of Dreams. They'd built a new government and now the soldiers were flocking to serve it.

The initial barracks were completely full within the first three months. New barracks were appropriated all around Chicago after that. Troops were assembled and sent on missions to contain trouble spots and show support. Eventually full platoons were sent to all the other base cities to assist those areas as well.

The timing of it all was perfect.

When the so-called "Patriots" began to show up, they were unprepared for the organized and well-equipped 'New American Militia' which they faced. In the beginning, battles were frequent, but fierce. In time, the Patriot presence diminished to a mere nuisance. The 'New American Revolution' lasted only a few months. In its wake, the new government grew and strengthened.

The people became loyal to their new government. The New American Republic, and its president Bass Monroe were an example of strength in a time of uncertainty. Through written messages that were couriered all over the country, the survivors of the blackout learned that their new leader wanted to help the citizens live normal lives. They were to feel protected and safe. They were to feel free to express their concerns. They were taxed, but fairly and the family of any Militia member was allowed to avoid taxes of any kind as long as their family member served the Republic. These, and other policies, set the standard for a growing government that quickly flourished.

Bass and his First Lady Charlie were on a good will mission to Missouri when they came upon a war clan. The clans were an unfortunate reminder that even the best intentions are often met with resistance. The clans refused to join the New Republic, choosing instead to rule themselves in a barbaric and brutal way.

Bass and Charlie watched as the Militia soldiers they were traveling with tried to reason with the clan's leader, a creepy fellow named Andover. Andover was not interested in joining the Republic or in letting its President cross his territory. He was demanding that the Presidential caravan turn back the way it had come. They might have done exactly that, just to avoid a battle with an unknown enemy when their numbers were small, except that Charlie spotted something that concerned her greatly, and she pointed it out to her husband.

In an old mall parking lot, they could see a group of dirty clan members standing around the bed of a long abandoned pickup truck. Standing in the bed of the truck was a tall man in leather who was acting as an auctioneer. His merchandise was the two little girls at his side. The older of the two was African-American. She was maybe twelve. She had bruises on her face and a long bloody gash down one cheek. In spite of her injuries and the rope binding her wrists, she stared boldly at the men who dared to bid on her. The second girl was petite with bright red hair and big green eyes. She was maybe eight. Her dress was torn to shreds and she wore a necklace of purple bruises around her delicate throat.

"Bass, those girls are for sale." Charlie's voice broke with terror and grief. "We have to help them."

He had nodded, pulling aside his Generals. Within moments, the clansmen learned that they were no match for even a small number of determined Militia led by a President such as Bass Monroe. Andover and his men lay dead or dying in the street. The girls were loaded carefully into Bass and Charlie's coach. They looked worried but brave. "Who are you?" The older girl asked, her arms crossed.

"My name is General Sebastian Monroe, I am President of the New American Republic and General of this Militia. We mean you no harm."

The girl had nodded slowly, not sure if she should believe this man or not.

Charlie had held a basket of food out to the girls, "Please eat. Drink." They greedily took the offered food and canteen, gulping and drinking until they were finally satisfied.

"What are your names?" Charlie asked.

The little red head spoke first. "I'm Ellie."

"And I'm Savannah." The older girl said.

Bass sucked in a sharp breath and Charlie closed her eyes for just a moment. They looked at each other and spoke without words, agreeing in this very moment that they would personally take care of these girls. No one would ever take the place of the daughter Bass had lost so many years ago, but they both believed in signs, and this was surely one.

Almost a year after Bass and Charlie had welcomed their 'daughters' Savannah and Ellie into the ever growing Ark family, the girls are settling in nicely. Savannah is stubborn and wicked smart. She wants to be a scientist like Charlie and begs to go to the lab with her every day. Ellie is funny and loves to sing. She performs on the stage, singing whatever song Uncle Miles and Uncle Jeremy will teach her. Both girls have their Daddy wrapped around their little fingers. Charlie is definitely the stricter parent, but even she has a hard time saying no to one of her girls.

Bass wakes to find Charlie's side of their bed empty. He gets up and yanks on some cotton pajama pants before walking out onto the catwalk that surrounds the Ark's primary living space. He spots her immediately and smiles to himself. She's sitting at the piano on the stage below, softly playing. It's a new hobby of Charlie's. Ellie loves music and Charlie wants to share that with her daughter. Charlie – being Charlie – had taught herself how to play in roughly three hours one afternoon.

He gently opens the door next to theirs, peeking in on the sleeping girls. They are both out cold in their little bunk beds. Savannah is sprawled out, one foot hanging off the side of her bed. Bass carefully enters their narrow room and gently tucks her foot back under the covers. He kisses her cheek and then bends down to check on Ellie. She is snuggled up under her blanket, a grey teddy bear clutched tightly to her chest. Bass kisses her cheek too before quietly letting himself out of their room and making his way down the stairs.

Charlie is playing something soft and sweet. She's having trouble sleeping lately and sometimes music helps calm her frazzled nerves. She feels his presence before she hears or sees him. "Bass." She says with a tired smile. "Did I wake you?"

"Only by not being in our bed." He says softly, "Scoot up."

She does as he asks, allowing him to sit behind her, his long legs framing her own on the old piano bench. Bass wraps his arms around her while she plays and he nuzzles her neck. "This is beautiful. You wrote it, didn't you?"

She shrugs, embarrassed. "Just a little lullaby."

Bass moves his hands, gently stroking Charlie's swollen belly. "The baby will love it." He says. The baby will love you. You are a wonderful Mother." Charlie knows that he's probably right, but she's been struggling, worried that she might fail at parenting…that she might repeat her mother's mistakes.

As if reading her mind, he whispers into her ear, "You are not your mom, Charlie. You're going to be wonderful."

Charlie sighs, sinking back into his embrace. "I love you Bass."

"Mmmm, love you too." He nibbles on her ear, "Hey, can I play something with you?"

"Never played the piano with someone like that before." She says, unsure.

"Yeah, but we know you're a quick study. I'll start. Just follow my lead."

He moves his hands to the keyboard and begins to play a simple but lovely melody. Quietly, he sings the words to the song as he plays.

Something in your eyes makes me wanna lose myself
Makes me wanna lose myself in your heart
There's something in your voice makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling will last the rest of my life

If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how low I've felt for so long
If you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my world the way you've done

Charlie tentatively reaches out to touch the keys, adding a simple harmony to his song. She melts into him, soaking up the sound of his voice in her ear and the way he surrounds her with more love than she even knows how to return.

It feels like home to me feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way back where I come from
Feels like home to me feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way back where I'm from

With your embrace down a long dark street
And a sigh of wind in the night
But I'm alright 'cause I have you here with me

And I can almost see the dark feels light

Charlie is getting the hang of playing with Bass now, and adds in some extra notes. The music fills the space, swelling and pulsing richly around the room. Bass's voice is sexy and low and full of sincerity.

If you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
If you knew how I wanted someone to come along
I never thought I'd love anyone so much

Feels like home to me, feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way to where I come from
Feels like home to me, feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way back to where I belong
Feels like I'm on my way back to where I belong

As the last notes of the song fade, Bass moves his hands back to Charlie's belly. "I love you Charlie. I love our girls. I love this new baby, and I love my life with you."

Charlie tilts her head to meet his mouth with a kiss. They are deepening the kiss when they hear the giggles. Bass smiles against his wife's lips. Charlie chuckles. They pull apart and glance up at the cat walk where two little girls are sitting with their bare feet dangling over the edge.

"That was a pretty song Daddy." Ellie says with a proud grin. "Your voice is so full of feelings when you sing. I want to sing like that."

Savannah is smiling too. "I liked the lullaby too Mom. The baby will love it."

"Go to sleep girls." Bass calls up to them."

"We love you." Charlie adds.

"Love you too!" the girls chorus before returning to their bedroom.

"We should go to bed." Bass says with a whisper. "Big day tomorrow."

"You aren't worried, are you?" She asks with a smirk. "You got this election in the bag."

"Not worried, just wondering if I should have even run. Jeremy should have done it this time around."

"Two more years won't be so bad. Jeremy can run next time. By then maybe he and Maggie will have stopped dancing around in circles and he'll be able to start his presidency with a First Lady of his own."

"You're sure you want to do this again?" he asks.

"You are a wonderful President, Bass. I love watching you in action. This country loves you and it needs you. Things are still volatile in some regions. Changing leaders right now might move us back. We might lose all of the progress you've made. This is the right thing to do. You will win and you will continue to be the great leader we've come to know you can be."

"Shit Charlie, you're making me wish I'd voted for myself."

"I'm serious. You are a natural at this."

"Well, in two more years, I'm done. I'd like to see if I'm a natural at just being a guy with a family."

They make their way up the stairs and enter their room. Bass closes the door softly behind him. Charlie turns and wraps her arms around his back. "I can think of one thing I already know you are a natural at, Mr. President."

"Oh, and what is that?" he strokes a fingertip along her jaw.

"Loving me. Making me happy. Being my family…"

"That's more than one thing." He says softly, touching her lips ever so softly with his own.

"No it's just one thing really." She takes his hand and lays it over her heart, "You filled all my empty spaces with your love. You made me whole."


"Yeah, Bass."

"That's exactly what you've done for me." His voice is a hoarse whisper as raw emotion breaks through.

"Not ever gonna stop."

"Me either. This is the real deal. We are the luckiest people alive." He sighs, stroking her back slowly.

"Mmmm," she nuzzles against his neck. "So glad to hear it, but can we stop talking now? Mama is hormonal and horny as hell and – "

"Say no more. I got this."

Charlie grins happily up at the man she loves. "Oh, yeah you do."


A/N "Feels Like Home" has been performed by several different musicians. My personal favorite is the version done by the writer himself – the great Randy Newman.

Thanks to all who have shown this story some love. I appreciate each and every one of you. And a great big super duper thank you to Romeokijai for sticking with me all the way through and for inspiring me with the original idea. Hope I did justice to the image you sent me for inspiration. I really did love writing this story. Thanks so much for getting the ball rolling.

Comment if you have a minute. Would love to hear what you think.