Mission Time: Gullwings Undercover

The Gullwings were stepping up their game, the group was currently tackling Spiras underground prostitution ring. The three leading ladies were all undercover, trying to get in deep enough to find some solid information to bust up the ring. That is, if they didn't get caught first...

Rikku was the pushy one, she was being very precise on how she wanted her fellow teammates to look and act, sometimes causing hurt feelings due to her over bearing behavior. The blonde Al Bhed wasn't satisfied with their progress, blaming their lag on Yunas timidness when interacting.

Sure, the job was a little scary, trying to pick up men and work information out of them using sexy behavior, but they had to remove themselves from old behaviors and start really acting the part. Yuna didn't seem to understand this notion, and Rikku was losing her patience with her cousin.

The girls were in a private room, safe from the prying eyes of men with wanton desires and cash. It was their current base of operation, spying equipment along with costumes filled their modest chamber.

Paine was sitting quietly at a desk, writing down notes on her latest client. They all took detailed notes after an 'encounter' with men involved with the prostitution ring, writing down anything the men might have said pertaining to their mission. The silver haired woman was trying hard to concentrate on her task, because her other team members were beginning to argue again. Paine was getting tired of always being the one to intervene, and was trying to let the two girls work out their issues alone.

"I'm not a real one, Rikku!" Yuna started in, her hands on her hips, lips pouting at Rikku.

Rikku was currently dressed in an orange tube top that barely covered her chest, her lower body was concealed by a purple mini skirt, with orange stripes on the sides. Her long legs were donning thigh high purple boots, completing her under cover outfit. The blonde had obtained a long red wig, wearing it with the outfit to help hide her real identity. She was adjusting the way her wig fit as she argued with her cousin.

"Just cause you're not a real one, doesn't mean you shouldn't try and act like it. We're under cover, for crying out loud! No ones gonna know its the freaking High Summoner whoring herself out!" Her words were met by a sharp gasp.

"But I'm not! I'm not sleeping with those icky men! I'll dress up all you want, and maybe dance around but I'm not doing anything gross, Rikku!" Yuna stomped her foot, to which Rikku only rolled her eyes at.

"Listen, Yunie, we went through a lot of trouble buying you special contacts so that people wouldn't have any clue that its you out there on the streets. You don't see Paine or me complaining about the yucky parts of the job. We're not kids anymore, Yuna. Sex isn't that big of a deal!" Rikku had said it, the can of worms just got opened big time.

Paine let out a long sigh as she listened to Yuna lecturing Rikku about having sex before marriage, threatening to tell Cid on her.

"Go ahead, my pops isn't dumb, he knows he raised a wild child!" Rikku huffed back at Yunas threat.

"Well you may be doing it, but I'm sure Paine isn't really giving up herself to those creeps!" At that moment both Rikku and Yuna turned to Paine, expecting an immediate answer.

"You two need to stop it, Rikku needs to head out soon to catch another scumbags attention. Lets just get her mission done, and call it a night." Paine left her desk to work on the hidden camera equipment. All the girls went in with a hidden camera, and ear piece. The camera was small enough that it was usually hidden on jewelry they wore, a thing that wasn't expected to come off when giving the suspects a 'show'.

"Paine, just tell her you do it so she'll see it's no big deal." Rikku casually commented, walking over to the special equipment.

"You've seen my videos, you both have." Paine commented.

"Yeah, but we don't see everything, you could be just pretending, just doing a better job of it than Yuna ever does."

"Hey!" Yuna barked, marching up to her teammates.

"It's true! When we're watching your live feed, it's like watching a preteen on a date!" Rikku bluntly let her opinion be known.

Before Yuna could argue back, Paine interrupted them, "You need to leave, it's almost time." She quickly handed over an earpiece, and double checked that Rikku's camera on her chocobo necklace was working. Paine shuffled and herded the pissy blonde out of the room, locking the door behind her.

"Am I...am I really that bad at this?" Yuna was now sitting on one of the beds with her head tilted down, her face holding an unsure expression.

"Don't let her get to you. You do the best that you can, Rikku's conscience doesn't work as well as yours, that's nothing to be ashamed of." Paine assured her friend before taking a seat in front of the live video. "Wanna watch with me? You never know if she'll need back up." Paine glanced over at the dishearten Yuna.

"No thanks." She answered, laying down on the bed, closing her eyes in mock tiredness.

"I hate when you two fight." Paine mumbled under her breath, her crimson eyes landing back on the video. She watched Rikku strutting her way towards the established spot they had chosen to mingle at, to catch 'suspects' attention.

"You know, if you're not comfortable taking on this mission, you can always go back aboard the Celsius." Paine tried politely giving her friend a way out.

"I'm not running away." Yuna spoke determinedly from her position on the bed, "I'm not a quitter."

"No one said you were, Yuna. There's no harm in letting us finish off this type of mission." Yuna didn't answer her, leaving Paine to watch her video feed of Rikku in an uncomfortable silence.


Final Fantasy X-2 belongs to Square Enix.

A/N: This story takes place two years after Vegnagun, with the X-2 ending where Tidus does NOT return.