"There's always gonna be someone prettier than you. You can't be the most beautiful girl, but you can be the most beautiful girl to one guy though" – Unknown

Wendy Marvell didn't stand out much in her whole school life. She was known as the everyday 'nerd' with black rimmed glasses, knee-length skirt, stayed in the library all day and so on, you guys get the point.

"Wendy…" A soft voice started off startling the long blue-haired girl "You should go up to him and try to start a conversation"

"But, he's THE Romeo Conbolt, Lucy-nee." Wendy argued back to the blonde librarian in her soft voice "I can't just go up to him and say 'I like you' and you know that"

"Suit yourself then." Lucy said sighing and walked over to her best friend and librarian partner, Levy Redfox. Wendy could only sigh and rest her chin on her arms as she continued to watch the events unfolding from the library window.

Romeo Conbolt was a guy that did stand out in his whole school life. He made girls swoon, was the school's Basketball Captain for 3 years and running, was a person who liked the outdoors more than the inside. To sum it up:

The complete opposite of Wendy.

"Oh, right!" Levy said before going over to Wendy "Your radio show is on tonight! How's it going? I only find out yesterday and I'm curious!"

"Levy-nee! Please don't talk so loudly about it please!" Wendy begged softly making sure she wasn't attracting any attention. "Nobody knows that I'm Aria except for Lucy-nee and now you."

Levy nodded in realization "So what do you do?" She asked curiosity filled in her eyes. Wendy smiled softly. "It's called 'Love Songs with Aria', it airs from 9PM to 1AM it's for youths and adults alike or anybody basically, I give song dedications and messages and give advice to listeners who called in with their love problems, sometimes some famous celebrities would come in and give their opinion on the relationship"

"So it's like those love talk shows?" Levy said summing everything up; Wendy nodded. "Most of the entries are actually from here, Sabertooth, Lamia and other rival high schools"

"That is so cool!" Levy said excitedly. "Looks like I'm staying up 'til one tonight!"

Wendy giggled, then the bell went signalling the last periods of the day. She sighed and stood up pushing her chair in and waved goodbye to the two librarians.

"P.E…." Wendy muttered under her breathe as she entered the Gym and headed to the Girls' Changing Room. Wendy herself hated the P.E uniform provided from the school, sport bloomers and a white shirt with an option to wear either shorts or tracksuit pants. Most of the girls adored the P.E uniforms… You can probably figure out the reason why.

"Today, we are learning Basketball! Which is a manly sport!" Wendy's sport teacher, Elfman said as he towered over the students. "I want girls and boys separated! Later on Coach Dragneel will come in and teach you the techniques and have a manly game"

"Hai!" The students said unison before separating into their gender-specified groups. On the boys side, they were doing drills and warm-ups; while on the other side the girls were squealing and fan-girling at how 'hot' the boys were or to be more specific how hot Romeo had looked while playing.

Wendy? She stretched and warmed-up and grabbed a basketball and took some shots. Time-to-time she would look over to the boy's side and copy what they would be doing.

"One, Two, Three!" Wendy muttered as she took two large steps and jumped on the third preforming a lay-up, which missed due to her hair being in the way of her eyes. She grumbled in frustration before quickly doing an easy braid and continued her practice.

As Wendy shot from the three-pointer line, a figure caught her ball much to her dismay.

"Try harder imouto-chan!" A voice said which Wendy recognized all too well; she smiled softly. "Nice to see you to Natsu-nii."

"So…" Natsu said as he walked over to her and leaned closer to the shorter. "When are you going to confess?"

Wendy then burst into a brilliant shade of red making Natsu laugh at the sudden change of colour in her face. "Sorry, sorry, it's been a really long time you know? I think it's cute" He said but quickly turned serious as he faced her. "Just tell me if he's being bad to you ok? We'll have a nice little chat."

Wendy sighed and giggled a bit at how he was being overprotective. He then called everybody in to discuss the techniques and drills.

"Bounce the ball with one hand, girls! Not two hands!" He instructed as he saw the girls side dribble with two hands. "Boys, stop messing around or you'll run 10 laps around the whole school!"

"Guys! Let's get back to work! I'm not risking running another 10 laps!" Romeo shouted to the boys, who nodded in agreement to his statement. Wendy could only admire in awe from afar at how respected he was.

After 15 minutes, Natsu had wanted a game of Number Basketball.

"Basically, Number Basketball is when you have an opponent with the same number to you and if you get called up let's say 'one', the two one's from the two teams have to battle against each other and whoever wins gets a point for their team, alright? Are there any questions regarding this?" Natsu said finally as he spun the basketball on one finger before smirking. "Let's play!"

The teams were boys against girls and fortunately, Wendy and Romeo got paired up as the eighth pair, much to the girls dismay.

"Romeo, I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or I should congratulate you" One of his friend's said. "You got paired up with a nerd, don't mess this up Romeo!"

"Sure…" Romeo said drifting off as he turned his gaze to the dark-blue haired girl with black-rimmed glasses. Wendy had noticed his gaze and blushed a light pink before turning her attention to Natsu.

"6+2 is?" Natsu said smirking in Wendy's direction, who ran on court with Romeo. He then threw the ball up, making the two jump in the air. "Eight!"

As Romeo was about to grab the ball, Wendy knocked it out of his hold making the two run after it. Wendy had managed to get it first and ran down the court with Romeo hot on her tail. She then stopped at the free shot line where Romeo had started to block her much to her dismay.

'What to do!' Wendy thought panicking as Romeo put in hands up to block her, Romeo smirked knowing that she won't be able to shoot due to her being short and him being taller. Wendy gulped as she continued to dribble the ball, she then bounced the ball behind her switching the hands the ball was in and ran to the right and did a lay-up.

"My glasses!" Wendy gasped as her glasses fell from her face and onto the floor, but getting the ball in at the same time making the two teams groan in annoyance. Romeo then caught the ball and stared at the girl who was crawling on the floor trying to find her glasses. He then noticed them near his foot. The latter kneeled down and picked them up and took Wendy's hand and put her glasses on her palm.

"Oh, thank you Romeo-san" Wendy said as she put them on and bowed her head slightly before standing up, Romeo following in suit while giving the ball back to Natsu.

Natsu smirked at the two much to Romeo's confusion and Wendy's embarrassment. "Alright! Moving on!" He said as the two went back to their respective teams.

~ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ~

"That's it for the night minna-san! Sleep tight and have a happy Saturday" Wendy said as she ended her radio talk show, rubbing her eyes and yawning at the same time. She then stood up and grabbed her school bag and turned the lights off in the studio and exited the building.

Once she got outside, she walked to the nearest park which was beside the radio station and sat down on one of the benches admiring the star-filled sky. Suddenly her phone then rang showing an unknown number much to her surprise but picked it up anyway.

"Moshi, moshi?" Wendy said, "Is this Wendy Marvell?"

"Yes, it is who are you?" Wendy asked the mysterious stranger "It's Lucy, you know your brother is worried especially since it's 1AM"

Wendy laughed lightly before standing up and walking to her home "He should be more worried for you and little Natsumi and Igneel and why are you up so late anyway?"

"The kids bothered me to stay up and listen to your radio station and I gave Natsu some milk to help him sleep and it worked!" Lucy said excitedly, causing Wendy to laugh lightly. "Well, tell Natsu-nii that I'm walking to my apartment now and I'll be home soon, have a good night!"

"Night! Walk safely" Lucy bid as they both hung up. Thus, it became quiet making Wendy sigh a bit, from the distance she saw a figure standing outside of her nearby convenience store.

'I wonder who's that?' Wendy thought as she started to come closer to the person, her eyes widened "R-Romeo-san…"

The said person turned to see her much to his surprise "Ah! Wendy, right?" He said approaching her, causing the shorter to nod "What are you doing out here at this time of night?" He asked curious as to why she was roaming alone the streets of Magnolia by herself.

"I-I just finished my part-time job" Wendy replied shyly playing with the hem of her jumper but still keeping eye contact. "Why are you out here?"

"I was wondering if I should buy a snack or not because I can't sleep since one of my friends gave me coffee after school…" Romeo said before looking at the convenience store. "Do you live near here?"

"A-ah, yes! Just around the corner there's a set of apartments…" Wendy said as she pointed at a tall building behind the convenience store, Romeo's eyes widened in surprise. "I live there as well! Want to walk there now?"

"S-sure…" Wendy muttered while nodding shyly as she walked with Romeo to the tall apartments.

The two walked in absolute silence, letting the cold night breeze cool them. Wendy could only stare at her feet as she started to get nervous as she started walking with her crush.

'Get a hold of yourself Marvell! He's on the top of the social ladder, and you're not' Wendy thought trying to distract herself from being embarrassed in front of the popular boy.

"Can I ask something of you Wendy?" Romeo said, breaking Wendy's thoughts "H-hai…"

"How come I haven't seen you around before?" Romeo asked, much to her surprise "Our school is huge and I have been to every corner and room there except the girls toilet and change rooms, of course, and not once, have I encountered you in any of the rooms"

"R-really? We have all of the same classes together…" Wendy said quietly muttering the last part which was still in ear shot to Romeo. "Really?! I'm so sorry I didn't know! I sleep most of the time during homeroom, you know that right?"

Wendy blushed lightly, giggling softly "Of course I know, you sit directly in front of me" Wendy said softy as both made their way to the stairs, Romeo eyes widened before ruffling his hair. "Ah! I feel stupid for not seeing you in the first place! I'm so sorry!"

Wendy waved her hands and shaking her head "No, no! It's fine, I don't really like attention being on me and you're very popular so I try not to get too far in with the higher ups" Wendy said as she reached her floor. "Are you on this floor as well, Romeo-san?"

Romeo nodded. "I live in Room 4-4, you?" Romeo asked as he reached his apartment, "Room 4-3…"

"I feel more stupid…" Romeo said head dropping in disappointment, Wendy could only wave her hands in embarrassment. "No, no! It's okay Romeo-san, it's not like you were going to find out anyway."

Romeo could only sigh, "You're so kind, I don't think its fair…" Romeo said pouting "Do you want to walk home together tomorrow afternoon after school? We can eat at a ramen place, I know a really good one near here!"

Wendy's eyes widened "A-are you sure? Wouldn't people criticize you for being with me? Wouldn't it be too much of a burden? Oh my goodness, what if you lose your friends?!" Wendy rambled to him, which he had somewhat adorable and he chuckled. "Wendy, I'm asking you and I don't really care about my position on the social ladder, I'd like to get to know more about you and if I do lose all my friends I'll have you."

Wendy could only gape like a fish and turn red as she slowly nodded. Romeo grinned before dropping her off in her apartment, as soon as Wendy closed the door to her apartment she slid down the door, face still red in embarrassment.

I mean who wouldn't be embarrassed? Her crush, as well as the most popular guy in school, was her friend, and like what most of her classmates say,

Sh*t just got real.

A/N: I thought I'd let you guys know that I'm still alive and writing for the other stories, I wrote this one just in case you don't know if I'm alive or not :).

Also, do you guys want me to continue this? Because I'm not entirely sure if I should...

Leave a review or PM me your thoughts if you want this to continue! It would be gladly appreciated :)

Ja Ne!~ Bear.C