Unfortunate News For All...That This May Concern
First, I wish to apologize for not updating for so long, and then hitting you with this Author's Note, Dear Reader.
I, Pagemaster96, regret to inform you that this story, and my other one, is officially dead...Unless I pull off some Necromancy and bring it back later, which is highly unlikely. I may write new stories, god knows I have plenty of ideas, but I can almost assure you they would never get finished. I simply don't have the focus or dedication necessary to write an actual story like most authors do.
That said, I leave you with this message: You have my blessing to write my stories your way, even copying what I've got word for word and continuing it if you so wish, and this applies to anyone that would wish to try their hand at writing. I know that I have often imagined the stories I've read taking a different path, what I would have done with it if it were my call.
Again, this is not first-come first-served, anyone can take what I've written and continue it or simply write their own story using the foundations I've set. This also applies to the Ideas! story I posted, with basic ideas for stories that could be really awesome if done right...I have yet recieve any reviews or PMs concerning someone wanting to write one of my Ideas, if anyone starts one of those, or finds something similar in their searches, please tell me the name of the story so I can read it!
RECAP: Stories are dead and up for grabs, I encourage you to try writing stories of your own, even if its only a trial run, and I'm sorry I left you guys waiting on me for so long.
Also, Read my Bio on my profile if you're curious about me at all, you might find it interesting!