David Brother of James Chapter Four (revised)
David's first week of school seemed to drag on. In his excitement to get out from under his parent's thumb he had forgotten he was entering into a world already under his brother's influence. Further-more he had forgotten just how little he embodied the traditional Potter family image, and how important this image would be to his new schoolmates.
David could handle his brother; he could handle his brother's friends; he could even handle the little groupies that seemed to hang off of his brother and his friends. What he could not handle was being reviled for not being a proper Potter. As it were it seemed the entire school was against him, and David couldn't take the stress of it.
David had been expecting a bit of backlash for being the only Potter to have not been a lion. However, he had not expected such animosity from his own housemates.
Immediately following the sorting things had seemed to be going well. David was on cloud nine He had followed Barty into Ravenclaw; looking around the table it seemed like perfection. People laughing and nudging each other all having a good time and catching up after the long break. There didn't seem to be a hint of animosity between anyone. Even those who were absorbed into their books were somehow still included in the fun. Both friendly and stimulating Ravenclaw seemed like everything David had wanted Hogwarts to be.
After the feast the Headmaster had chosen to skip announcements in favor of sending the tired students off to bed; by the time they had reached the common room David was thankful for the decision. Barty and David chose to head on up to the dorms to unpack and get ready for bed rather than stay down with the rest of the first year – David was sure they had stayed only in order to interrogate the upper years.
As David and Barty were getting ready for bed the other first year Ravenclaw boys entered the dorm. David, given his isolated childhood, was unfamiliar with a majority of them; the rest he knew from familial reputation alone. However, David hadn't expected them to act so cold toward him. Each boy greeted Barty as they headed to their own beds, however the only one who even somewhat acknowledged him was the singular person David did not recognize. Yet, even then it was less of a greeting and more of a vague nod of slight acknowledgment. David climbed into his bed confused as to what he had done to encourage such cold behavior.
By the next morning David had his answer. David and Barty had chosen to sit with Regulus and Narcissa at the Slytherin table for breakfast that morning, and the Black sister was the only one capable of explaining why David was on the receiving end of such chilling behavior. "It's a combination of things truly," she explained, "In part, the staunch traditionalists are appalled by your un-Potter-like behavior. On the other hand, the more forward thinking members of our society view your sorting as a betrayal of your dearly beloved brother. These people then spread their views to their friends and associates thus spreading around a general dislike of you. As it stands you're an unknown first year no one wishes to get involved with you for the fear of becoming just as disliked as you." All three boys were shocked at Narcissa's answer, not because they didn't believe it to be true but because they hadn't come to the obvious, logical reason themselves.
First years are given the first week of the school year to assimilate to boarding school life before starting classes the following week. Most chose to use this time exploring the castle, getting to know their roommates, and making friends. David instead chose to use this time avoiding his friends and hiding himself away. He logically chose to hide in the one place no student not currently enrolled in classes would enter, the library. As David was not just avoiding his year-mates but the entire student body itself he spent his time curled up on a window sill in the back corner of library; which is why he was surprised see Regulus and Barty approaching come Saturday morning.
David set his book down while glancing around the area looking for a convenient escape route. In part, he was hoping to save his friends from defamation by association; however, in truth David was far more embarrassed than anything else. He was embarrassed by his inability to fix his circumstances, embarrassed by his lack of forethought coming into school, embarrassed by his own naivety. Unfortunately, David was unable to find a way to continue his avoidance of his friends.
Barty and Regulus came to stop about a foot in front of where David was seated. They watched for a sign that David welcomed their presence, upon receiving nothing but a resigned look they each took a seat on either side of David. Regulus spoke first, "You're avoiding us," Barty continued to say, "at first we just thought you were exploring the castle."
"After-all we saw you in the great hall,"
"And in the dorm,"
"But you stopped sitting with us,"
"And only came in at curfew, plus you leave before anyone else wakes up."
"At first we didn't quite understand why you were avoiding us."
"But after a little thought we decided that you must be embarrassed."
"And after a bit more thought we figured you can't be that self-absorbed,"
"From there we decided you were protecting us,"
"From your own reputation."
David shrugged his shoulders in defeat before looking up and giving the boys a half smile. "So, you figured that out all on your own?"
Barty and Regulus exchanged sheepish looks before Barty spoke up, "Well Narcissa may have helped."