She groaned as her grandfather hugged her for the thousandth time in a row, squeezing the air out of her lungs and hopefully finishing the 5 minute long rib breaking hug. She loved him to death and trusted him the most but she was still covered in Kevin's blood and hadn't had time yet to wipe her knuckles or neck clean of the splattered blood. She watched as it dripped from her fingers as she relaxed in her grandfathers grasp having been told off for the 20th time of hitting the boy.
"I should've known better then to send you in there alone"
"What did he say to you?"
She didn't answer.
"Kevin will probably be let off on a few charges due to him being injured whilst in custody"
Right now she couldn't care less. She had gotten a few good hits in to try and get back some sweet revenge. Yet, her hands still shook. She was still in pain. She wasn't even close to how she wanted to feel. Happy. She wanted to feel happy. Yet, here she was. Getting unconditional love and affection from her grandpa while she drowned in her own self-pity.
She got home about 10pm at night. Not too late just on time for her new set curfew. It used to be 12am; a time when her folks were usually up, working around then anyway. She remembered them like zombies when she was younger. Never having enough time for her and her brother. Mind you, it became less and less as time progressed. To the point that she felt like she was avoided in the house- feeling like a room-mate rather than a daughter.
She knew her parents didn't accept her. She felt like an outsider. It was her and her brother against the world sometimes and Ben was always there for support.
Nevertheless, she knew they didn't hate her and made every effort to make her comfortable and feel like their daughter; despite the anticipated awkwardness.
"I'm home" She breathed out tiredly as she entered the front door; closing it behind her before she noticed her parents on the couch cuddling up to each other and reading their assigned books. By books, I mean her mother's peer reviewed articles for best practice when treating elderly patients with balance problems and her father, reading another 'commercial contract clauses' book published a few years ago.
She forced a smile as she came and sat opposite them, sliding her shoes off and rubbing her feet.
"Hey Gwenny, how was the trial. Kevin give you any trouble?" Her mother asked, a light-hearted tone apparent on her tongue. She closed her eyes and shook her head.
"No, grandpa's was in charge of the whole operation. Kevin was sent to the Melvoid and that was pretty much it" She shrugged, alluding the conversation as quickly as it came.
Her mother frowned. A hint of worry apparent on her face. Gwen could sense her disappointment very quickly.
She removed herself from her husband and sat up straight. Her father just stared at his redheaded daughter unsure what to do. He really wanted to sue the boy but his father had convinced him otherwise.
"You know, if you're interested I could ring up about getting you to see a psychologist or a counselor?" He mother suggested as her daughter rubbed her arm looking away.
"You've been through an awful lot" She added.
Gwen sighed. She knew she should; she just wasn't ready to be confronted about it yet. Now that it had come back so fresh in her mind. Then she remembered what Kevin had told her. About him coming back.
She hunched her shoulders, rubbing her face at the thought. She wouldn't be able to sleep again knowing that he was still out there now having years to think about how he was going to attack the Tennyson's and somehow ruin their lives. I mean, he had done so much damage on such short notice- how much worse could it possibly get.
She nodded subtly. Enough for her mother to notice the girl close her eyes and bring her hands to her face, covering herself.
"Oh, Pumpkin" Her mother moved over to her, bringing her in for a hug and rubbing her back attempting to soothe her breakdown. Her father quickly placed his book down and moved over to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder as to not disturb her too much.
"I can ring up Dr. Borges and have you in for an appointment tomorrow" Her mother stated as the young redhead rubbed her eyes, sniffing as she attempted to contain herself.
Her mother looked towards her father, glaring at him to say something comforting to her. After all, she took over his side of the family. Frank softened his look before he gently took his daughter's shoulders and pulled her towards him. She didn't retract back, allowing her to lean on him without any hostility. He wrapped his arm around her as Natily moved off to the kitchen.
"Gwenny, it's okay. He's locked up and he can't hurt you again" He muttered to her, resting his arm on her ribs.
She shook her head sitting up and attempting to compose herself.
"He said he'd be back for me. That he wouldn't rest until he hunted me down" She muttered honestly as she stared at her hands.
Her father was shocked at what she had just said. Life had always seemed to hit her hard lately. She never caught a break.
"I'd never let him hurt you. You know that" He told her trying to comfort her at all costs but it didn't work.
"I know but he's going to get a lot stronger and-"
"It's not today's problem"
She looked him in the eyes. Her red, puffy eyes matching staring into his puppy-dog eyes.
"It's especially not tonight's problem" He informed her.
She smiled at the thought, knowing he was right. Kevin wasn't going to get out of the Melvoid today. Not tomorrow and at least not for the next couple of days.
"Thanks Dad" She hugged him before her mother came back into the room with a glass of water in her hand and a tissue box in the other.
"Here, Gwenny" She smiled down at her. She happily took them, cleaning herself up.
"Thanks mum" She mumbled, standing up slightly uneasy and picking her shoes up.
Her mother pulled her in for a tight hug before she pointed to the t-v room.
"Go watch a movie. It'll take your mind off for a while" She grabbed the girl's shoes, placing them by the front door as her daughter complied. She was begging on the inside to meditate. Speak to someone who knew a lot about power, instead she deduced to entertaining her folks for a little while, at least until she had enough time to be able to contact the older woman for some advice.
Ben had decided to go over to her house in the morning. Just to see if she was feeling better. She didn't want to overwhelm her and come off clingy to her. He knew she hated that. Still, it didn't didn't stop him from bringing her some roses. Yellow roses. He knew she loved them.
"Oh Gwenny," He tapped at her door, knuckles brushing against the wood. His smile faded as he heard talking. A familiar voice. His grandmothers.
"Just relax, kiddo. It won't hurt"
He bursted through the door, noticing the two people in a cross-legged position levitating above the wooden floor boards. The redheads eyes dashed towards the door, noticing the boy in the room.
"Ben, you need to knock" Gwen complained, uncrossing her legs and walking over to her boyfriend. He hugged her close to him.
"...Grandma, what are you doing here?" Ben asked as he stared at the white haired, blue eyed woman.
She smiled warmly before her eyes lit up separating the two in a flash of light.
"Seeing my favourite granddaughter" She smiled towards the young Antodyte before pinching her cheek.
"Ow-" She flinched, rubbing her cheek. She turned towards the boy and smiled.
"What can I help you with, Benjamin?" The older Antodyte crossed her arms. Ben arched his eyebrow.
"Saving my girlfriend from getting her skin ripped off" Ben grabbed the redheads arm pulling her back, receiving another complained from the young Antodyte.
"Oh relax, Kiddo. I'm not here for that. Yet" She smiled at the last part and stared over to the 16year old. The redhead swallowed a lump within her throat before turning to her cousin.
"I invited grandma over after what happened. I couldn't protect myself" She rubbed her arm.
"Grandma's here just to teach me a few tricks"
Ben eyes lit up in shock. He grabbed both her upper arms and leaned in close to her ear.
"Is this about Kevin. You know he's gone; he's not coming back"
She shook her head.
"Yeah, he will and he said he was going to torture me. I'm not going to be the victim. Not again. Grandma Verdona can help me develop my powers"
He stared over to the woman who was smiling happily to herself.
"...And she's not going to hurt you and destroy your body?"
She nodded.
Ben sighed and stared over to her.
"...And you're fine with this?"
Gwen nodded. He brought her in for a gentle hug and held her.
"If this is what you want" He whispered. She smiled and kissed him.
"I want this"