Author's note: bam! We are back to the T rating ;P . And now my darlings, it is time for the final chapter of 'An Old Friend'. I know! I've been as cheeky as Iris, hinting at so many things and telling people that all will be revealed soon. Hahaha! Let me tell you, this has been so much fun! Just a warning, this is pretty short so savour it ;),Enjoy :D

An Old Friend – Chapter 13

Iris's point of view

It's been a few weeks since Young's death, and to be honest, I'm surprised that they approved my request to bring a canvas, paint and paint brushes into the rec room. Ivy isn't allowed to be around Edward for a while so only Jonathan and Freeze are with us today. Jonathan and I haven't talk about us kissing, and I don't exactly expect it to come up in conversation, particularly since Ivy doesn't know.

Freeze comes up behind me, admiring my pencil work, "It still astounds me how you're able to capture the essence of your subjects" he comments, looking over the portrait that I'm working on.

Out of the people in the room today, Ivy is the only one who doesn't have a painting of mine, so I figured that I'd paint her a portrait of the two of us together. To make it look better, I've drawn in a different shirt, so that the Arkham jumpsuit thing isn't in the painting.

"Thanks" I say to Freeze as I mix my paints to get the right shade of green for Ivy's skin. He chuckles and leaves me to it.

Ivy lounges on the couch beside my canvas, me being on a chair in front of it, and she presents her arm to me so that I can check the colour, "Perfect" she coos, making me grin as I delicately applying the paint to the canvas.

Looking over when Freeze huffs I hear him say, "I'm getting sick of Arkham…again. If they would just leave me alone for a week, I'd be able to make another ice gun and possibly leave." Rolling my eyes, which he doesn't see, he continues, "What about you Crane? Have you begun another batch of toxin?"

Ivy and I both look to Jonathan to see him shake his head no, "My notes were destroyed" he replies dismayed.

Ivy playfully throws a paper ball at me which I manage to slap away laughing, "What was that for?"

She winks at me, "I figured that you might be able to find an electronic copy of Jonny's notes" she says with a shrug.

I poke my tongue out and fling a rubber band at her, hitting her square in the middle of her forehead. "WOO!" I celebrate, putting my brushes down and doing a victory dance around the rec room. The three of them laugh at my antics, having caught them off guard and I laugh with them once I run out of breath, going back to my painting.

Over the next thirty minutes, I work on my painting, taking my time with it since it's going to take a least a week to finish properly. Ivy watches my every move, seemingly entranced as I make her portrait come to life, easily capturing her signature sultry expression. Jonathan and Freeze play chess, with the new chess board. The current score is two all, with Jonathan ahead in this current match. The pure seriousness on their faces is a little funny, it's like the future of the planet is on the line.

All too soon, the guards come to escort us all our separate ways. I wave to Jonathan and Freeze, giving Ivy a hug and picking up my stuff, smiling when the guard takes my paints for me so I just have my canvas to worry about. He leads me out the door and down the corridor, conversing politely with me on neutral topics.

We arrive at the door of our destination and he holds it open for me, waiting for me to place my canvas down so that I can take my paints back from him. I smile in goodbye and he closes and locks the door behind me, since it's the end of the day. I place my paints and my canvas so that they won't get dirty, deciding that I want a moment to think before I do anything else.

I roll my shoulders, taking a deep breath as I do, and just walk around for a bit, releasing all my muscles that have begun to cramp slightly from sitting for so long. I roll my neck and close my eyes, relishing in the silence that I hear.

Then, out of nowhere, a revelation pops into my mind. The kind of thought that you just have to say out loud, "The only thing to fear is fear itself, but when you're not afraid of fear, then what is there for you to have a fear of?"

I muse over my thought, and pick up my canvas again, investigating how the paint is drying before I put it down again with a sigh, happy to just stand here for a while. Running my hands over the rough fabric covering my hips, I marvel at the contrast between that and the smooth fabric of my soft white tank top, yet the comparison between the fabric of my pants and my button up jacket.

I decided to go slight country, tying the bottom of my jacket into a knot just underneath my bust and leaving the top buttons undone as well so that my shirt peaks through. I run my fingers over the patches on the jacket, the ones that sit above my collarbones, noting how that fabric is a little different too.

Breaking from my thoughts, I look around my new room and decide to place my canvas on the ledge that was recently added to the wall. Nodding satisfied, I put my paints away, wiping my bushes clean on some old rags. I sit crossed-legged on my bed, facing my painting-in-progress and making mental notes about what I hope to do next once this layer of paint dries and slipping into a daydream as I do.

My daydream is snatched away from me sadly, as someone starts cussing at the top of their lungs. I sniff, rolling my eyes at their lack of creativity and chuckling to myself when I hear a few guards diffusing the situation near instantaneously. Tracing the fabric of my new orange jacket again, I re-read the now familiar words printed across it, the same words that I have been wearing for the past few weeks…..

Arkham Asylum Inmate.

The End? To be continued?

Author's note: Dun dun duuuuunnnnn! BAM! Who guessed that she would become an inmate? Be honest now, I know I've hinted and hopefully confused you so that you were doubtful but yes it has happened, I just did that. Let me know what you think! Time for me to finally pay attention to my other fics that I have neglected, but now have time, since this is finished, Until next time, Bye!

Updated Author's note: A SEQUEL IS NOW IN PROGRESS! Not sure when it will be up but I'm currently working on it! Until next time, Bye!