That's right guys, I'm working on my first Vocaloid fanfiction and it's going to be superheroes. As you likely already guessed, this one will be a hell of a story focusing around Len and his upcoming life as a superhero. There are going to be some parallels to the original Spider-Man movie series because I hate the crap that the amazing Spider-Man Became. I kept it different enough so that it doesn't seem like you're reading a Vocaloid-ified version of Spider-Man.

Okay, I'll shut up now and let you read.

(Fair warning, if you live in New York or are a fan of New York football... well, I'm originally from Chicago... so uh... Fair warning, Da Bears)


Leonard "Len" James Kagamine, blonde, blue eyes, handsome, what could women not love about this dude? He's an adorable idiot without much to lose in life, so why did women ignore this guy. Welcome to New York, city of assholes and Yankees fans (yes, there is a difference,) the big Apple with no form of Apple to be seen. Len had grown up in this city for much of his life with his twin sister and mom, Erin "Rin" Allison Kagamine and Haku Yowane respectively.

His mom, Haku, took him in when he and Rin were only babies. She took them in after their father died in Afghanistan. He was in the USMC and was a Staff Sergeant Paul Kagamine and a damned good Marine. The sarge and Haku never really got along though, in fact they kinda hated each other do they never got married. (hence why Haku's last name isn't Kagamine) The only reason they got together and had Len and Rin was a little mistake on Haku's part one new years eve. But they both loved Len and Rin more than most anything else in the world, so Len and Rin bounced between Haku and Paul's custody, Haku lived in queens and Paul in Brooklyn.

Len and Rin were both Seniors at James Hammett Ulrich High School in Queens with principle R. Trejillo. The twins both liked being at that school, the two had so many friends... ah, who the hell am I kidding, the only one with friends was Rin. Len was just flat out awkward with other people and generally clung to his sister and the friend Len had, a dude by the name of Al. Guy was huge, bigger than most people should even be, even he though didn't like being around Len as he was a relatively strange guy to be around. The only real reason that Len and Rin didn't hang out as much together was because the two hated each other, well, not hated, but fought with each other every day about stupid things to the point where they fought 75% of the time.

Today was no different than most other days in New York, it was hot, too many cars on the road at one time, too much road rage, and way too many homeless guys to actually count. While at the moment it all seemed to be normal and routine day of a New Yorker, something today will happen to a certain blonde friend of ours that will turn him into the hero this city deserves and will very soon, need. Yup, welcome to New York people, it's going to be a long day.


Len and Rin were on there way to yet another boring day at school. Len was sitting back listening to his MP3 player, it was currently blasting Avenged Sevenfold, more specifically, Nightmare, the radio edit. Len grew up listening to rock and roll basically his whole life, so did Rin although she didn't like it quite as much though.

Len was sitting in the middle of the bus, maybe 8 or 9 seats back with Big Al. Rin was up in the front with her friends. Len's headphones blared loudly to the point where even Al was growing annoyed it, so much to the point where Al was beginning to get pissed. He shook Len's shoulder. "Hey Len, your freaking headphones man."

"What?" Len said taking them out.

"Your damn headphones. They're too friggin loud!" He yelled at Len.

"Sorry." Len said unplugging them from his ears. "Where we at?" He asked.

"A few minutes to the school." Al replied.

"Seems legit enough." Len replied. "What are we doing in Mathers class?"

"Something stupid probably." Al replied. "By the way, you didn't turn your damn headphones down."

"Sorry, God." He said in a mocking tone turning off the music.

"I didn't say off."

"But you were thinking it." Len said in response.

"You're going to go deaf at that volume you know." Al pestered him.

"And?" Len said rolling his eyes. "What do I care? It's not like it will have any actual effect on me anyway. Even if it does, one mistake ain't going to destroy me anyway."

"This coming from a guy who made out with his sister."

"Hey, twincest is wincest..." he said trying to hold on to what little dignity was left. Len and Rin once went to a party in the middle of the night... luckily Haku generally works late didn't catch them. "And I was high, so there's that." Len said playing it off.

"Whatever bro. You done goofed, no girl wants to go out with the guy who was sucking his sister's face." Al pointed out.

"Then why are girls swarming Rin? Is she like a dike magnet or something? Wait a minute."

"True, flat chest, blue eyes, blond, short." Al told Len. "She's swarming with girls because she has friends who she made the honest way. Besides, you got me." Al said optimistically and pessimistically at the same time.

"I feel even more alone." Len joked in a monotone voice. Len's attention when from talking with his only friend to staring off at something. Al took notice.

"Len, the Hell are you looking at?" He asked demanding an answer.

Len at first didn't respond until. "Huh, what?" Len said.

Al noticed what he was looking at. Another senior here, she was cheer captain for the school football team. Miku Hatsune. She was beautiful... did i say beautiful, I meant boner explosion. Her long blue hair tied up in twintails, gray sleeveless shirt, blue eyes and all that good stuff. She was the reason Len was lost.

"Len? Are you..." Al asked. "Are you just staring at Miku?"


"You are." Al accused, Len did nothing in response. "Dude forget her. You ain't going out with that. That and she has a boyfriend. She is hella out of your league." Al told Len.

"Don't mean i can't dream." Len said hopefully.

"Your dreams involve your hand and a bottle of lotion." Al criticized.

"Shut up." Len replied chuckling.

"Whatever bro." Al said to him. "Just promise me you won't be outside her house with a video camera and a-"

"Shut it dude." Len said shoving his hand into his face.

The bus just kept on driving in its way to school. Nothing out of the ordinary here right? True, not here anyway.


Around the same time. Anderson Biotech lab. Underground Downtown Manhattan.

Inside a biohazard filled lab, it's as drab and boring and sterile and... Whatever, you get that idea. Haku worked for Anderson Biotech since she finished high school, more or less as an intern but slowly found her way to a top researcher on human enhancements. She had been apart of a development team to basically turn people into Captain Americas. Unfortunately they've been working on this since Len and Rin were born to no real avail.

However as all big companies are, Anderson has some dirty laundry to hide and Haku knows all too much about it. Human Experimentation. Illegal in all capital letters. ILLEGAL for better visual aid. Haku had been trying to collect enough evidence to convict Anderson and stop them dead in their tracks. She was busy now finishing up research.

Haku had been working roughly since yesterday, so it was about time to go home. She was putting away the vials filled with different mixtures and compounds of chemicals and other things of that nature when her advisor came into the room. "Yowane." He said to her.

"Sir." She said putting away her stuff.

"Tomorrow I'm going with my partners to Simmons to discuss a deal. I need you to keep everything under wraps while I'm gone."

"Yes sir." She replied.

"Good. You're free to finish whatever it was you were doing." He told her.

As he walked out of the room. She sighed to herself. She works longer than most Americans do and only gets paid half of what she should be getting paid. She has to raise twins who regularly break things when they fight... and feed them when they decide to be potheads, but that's issue. This was the very reason that when she was finished putting away the vials and stuff she pulled out a flask full of Saki. As far as she was concerned, the only thing worth drinking.

She finished slamming it down when her own personal cell phone went off. She answered it.


"You got it?" The voice in the other end asked.

"Yeah i got one."

"That's all we need."

"I know." She replied. "Doc, I don't think we need me sneaking veils of crap out every night."

"It's morning."

"Are you fu-" she stopped herself. "Nevermind. I can get you the shipment of VC-0L1-D, this is the stuff that might actually work."

"If we get that somewhere where it belongs, out of their reach. We can end this." He told her. "All we need is a little more time."

"The convoy is leaving tomorrow."

"Guess we're working overtime."

Haku sighed. "I guess so." She sighed hanging up the phone and chugging the last of the Saki.

She looked at her watch. Len and Rin were on their way to school. Means she needs to go home now. She grabbed her bags and left, hoping to beat the morning traffic of New York... yeah right.


's another work by me.

Next week is something different. Hint. Like GTA V... only luckier.

Still working on a name though.

Okay then. Continue on with the stuff you were doing before.
