AN: This is my first fanfic and I'm not a writer so please be nice. I loved switched at birth for a long time now. Season 1 was my favourite season. Right now I do not like season 4 just because Bay and Emmett cannot be together.

So this is my way of how I want my Bay and Emmett to work out. The first scene is based on what happened after all the promos and spoilers. Bay and Emmett breakup in the Kennish driveway. Then we fast forward to the future.

I noticed that Switched at Birth doesn't have a lot of fanfics so I want to add to that

I promise a HEA in the future

Also just assume that if there is a deaf person they are signing

"So, it's ok that you were in bed with someone else, while it's not okay that some girl kissed me"

"Hey, it wasn't like that, ok, I was drunk. I don't even know what happened and I didn't even wanted it to happen" Bay argued

"I know you didn't want it to happen, but all I know it that you were in his bed and that you were stupid enough to go to that party in the first place" Emmett started running his hand through his hair in frustration. The girl he loves was sleeping with someone else after they fight they had last week.

Bay started to build-up anger, she had no recollection of what happened that night. She was too drunk to even remember took place . "Have some sympathy; I am stuck in that house all the time. The one night I'm allowed out I want to go to a party, let loose and have some fun. One night where I'm not angry at myself for ruining my future so that she can have hers" Bay regretted going to the party. She just wanted to not think about ankle bracelets, house arrest and probation. Of course it backfired since that next morning she had a hangover and found herself naked in someone else's bed.

"If wouldn't have taken the fall for her in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation"

"So we're back to that huh"

"Yeah I am tired of being the lowest in your priority list. It's like every time something happens don't think about how it affects me."

She knew he was right. She didn't think about Emmett when she took the fall for Daphne. In her mind was thinking that she was saving her sister, but she didn't realise that it would be at the cost of her relationship. The distance of 2000 miles between her and Emmett has bought their lives into different paths. While Emmett was starting his directing career at USC, she was stuck in KC still trying to find a path.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know your felt that way. You're right. What do you want to do?"

"Maybe we should take a break, see other people. It's obvious that us right now is not working out" he turned his head so that he could hide the tears that pricked his eyes. He didn't want to break up, they fought a three year long battle just so they could be together, but the distance was just a too big of an obstacle.

She turned his head to meet his eyes, brown to blue, both filled with tears.

"Your right, I'm sorry I put through all of this, I love you, but it's best we stay apart"

She put her arms around his neck so that they were face to face. Both saying I love you without speaking or sign language. She hid her face in his chest while he rested his head on her shoulder. They were in an embrace for a long time, savouring each other unique scent.

Emmett was first to break their hug, he places his hand on her check. Kissing her goodbye. Her lips are soft when she cries. Before he changes his mind, he turned around and headed to his motorcycle. He didn't look back so he can't see her tear stricken face, he hates seeing her cry.

Bay watched Emmett leave, frozen in her spot. She couldn't move. She started crying uncontrollably, hiccupping because she couldn't control her breathing. After a few minutes she realised she wanted to be alone so she hid in her art studio. She spots her Emmett box and looked through their memories.

Their first bike ride, the map to the old version of timeline, the additional events to the time line. She sighs knowing that they couldn't reach the last two events, 'Christmas under palm trees' and 'Bay and Emmett forever'. She kept looking through the photos, reliving each memory.

Once she finished, she realised that she has been hidden in her art studio long enough; she looked at her phone and its 11:36pm. It has been 2 hours hiding in her studio. Surely everyone would be sleeping by now so no one will ask her about her relationship status. She made her way to her room where she falls asleep just dreading the next day. Tomorrow would be the first day to live her life without Emmett.

Five years later

Bay looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were lined with eyeliner, brown and black eye shadow covered her eyelids to give a smoky effect. Her cheeks was coloured with a hint of blush to add colour to her pale complexion. Lips were coloured red to complement her whole look. Her hair was long, curled to beach waves pinned to one side.

She was wearing a full length gown that was both black and white. The bodice was white with black blending and flowing down. The dress was made of lace material, her legs from mid thigh to calf was visible through the lace. The dress had long sleeves, her arms was also visible through the lace. The V cut shows some cleavage. She finished her look with six inch that elongated her legs

She had to make an impression, tonight was her first showcase, and it was also the night that people would put a face to B.M.K.V.

For the past five years, Bay has focused on her art. Day and night she would stay and her art studio and paint her emotions. She went through a lot in her teenage years, identity crisis, her father dying, paying a crime that she did not commit which resulted into breaking up with the boy she truly loved.

All those experiences led her to grow and evolve to the person she is today. She expresses her emotions through a canvas creating beautiful art. Each of her canvas was initialed with B.M.K.V( Bay Madeline Kennish Vasquez). Her studio had an overflow of paintings so she used Toby's garage to use as a storage space. She couldn't throw away any as each one were all so beautiful.

Regina also thought that they were amazing so she used some of her daughter artwork for her designs. Regina's designing business grew bringing in more clients. In each of her designs she would include a B.M.K.V painting which would grow more exposure for Bay art. It was her way of reciprocate for her absence in Bay life

Over the years Bay's painting became the most sought out art in Missouri. Each of her paintings would sell between $ 2K-10k. She remained anonymous with her paintings; she didn't want to be known as a criminal or daughter of a Kennish. She wanted to be successful by just her art.

Tonight would be the night that she would break out of anonymity. She had a showcase in one of the popular spots in Kansas City. It was a black tie event where men had to wear tuxes and women wore gowns. The guest list was around 150 people, filed with big name artist so she had to captivate everyone in the room. She looked at the mirror to give herself one last check. Everything's perfect.

She walked down the stairs of the Kennish house to meet her parents at the bottom of the staircase. She had a Déjà vu of her last prom. She still remember everyone shocked faces when she walked out wearing a tux. This time she was wearing a beautiful gown.

"Oh honey, you look beautiful" Katherine complimented her daughter. She always knew that Bay would become successful in the art industry. Even though she didn't have a mind of an artist she can tell that Bay had true talents when it comes to creativity. Out of her three children Bay was the only one to really stick to her passion, and become successful at it. Toby's DJ career didn't last long, instead he decided to take writing classes at UMKC so maybe he can become a writer. Daphne on the other hand quit medical school, still trying to find a career that she can actually stick to.

"She's right, you will do great tonight sweetie. I am so proud of you" John says to his daughter. He never really felt a strong connection with Bay. They were polar opposites, his mind worked mechanically. He thought that building businesses, becoming a doctor, lawyer or sports player was what made true success. This was why he always supported Daphne more than Bay. He never encouraged Bay's decisions except when it affected Daphne. He thought that he needed to protect Daphne's future by letting Bay pay for her crimes. He always regretted that decision as Daphne didn't finish medical school and it put a strain in his and Bay's relationship.

Bay just ignored her father. She was still harbouring anger over his neglect. Even though bay is always that bigger person when it comes to conflict, she couldn't ignore her father lack of care.

"So what's the plan?" Bay asked her mom

"So the plan is us three will drive to the back to the building so you can have a proper entrance, when Regina announces you. Daphne and Toby are already there and we will be in the audience cheering you on"

Regina would be the speaker for her showcase; it only made sense as without her she wouldn't have exposure.

The three made their way to the event. Bay spots the front entrance, she find that there were a long queue of tuxes and dresses waiting to get into building. She took a deep breath, this was it, and this is her first appearance as Bay the artist. As soon as the car stops behind the building, she had to step out of the car. She was excited and nervous at same time she couldn't keep still.

Katherine stood next to her daughter, she looked at her fixing one of the curls around her face "You'll do great tonight sweetie".

The mother and daughter made their way through the building, while John parks the car. As soon as she entered she could hear the murmur of the guest. Katherine walked away to join the rest of the audience, leaving Bay with her thoughts.

She felt someone tap her shoulder, she turned and saw her brother. "So this is your big moment, from this moment on you will step in the art world all on your own" says Toby.

"I know can you believe it, this is my show. People are coming here to see my art" Bays voice was giddy with excitement.

"You made it Bay" Toby smiled at her sister, he was so happy that she gets to live out her dream. They always had a strong connection even if they weren't blood related. He will always be her big brother; he will protect her even when others won't.

They hear Regina's voice though the speakers. "and that my cue to leave" says Toby. He gave his sister a hug, whispering in her ear "Good luck sis", then joins everyone else in the audience

"Good evening everyone, I'm Regina Vasquez. But you're not here to see me, I'm sure most of you are anxious to know, who is B.M.K.V? That has been the question everyone wanted to know since you first set eyes in one of her artwork. Before I bring her out, let me give you some details. She's just 23 yrs old" the crowd gasped "yes you heard me correctly she started art at the day she learned how to hold up a paintbrush. Every day she would communicate her emotions through a canvas. She didn't have a normal upbringing; she went through traumatic events that no teenager should face. But she always had art to rely on. I've had a pleasure of knowing her for the past seven years and tonight she will reveal her identity. Ladies and Gentleman, please give a warm welcome to my daughter, Miss Bay Madeline Kennish"

When Bay heard her name her nervousness was starting to kick in, okay just put one put in front of other, Please don't trip, don't trip. Bay chanted to herself as she cautiously walked across stage. She gave the audience a little wave and timid smile. Oh my god, that's a lot of people. She hugged Regina before taking her place in the podium. She knows that there would be a few of her deaf friends from Carlton in the crowd. So she signed and spoken her speech.

"Many of you are probably wondering why me, why are you here to see a person in their early 20's talk about art and she's too young she probably didn't go to art school and know nothing about it. Well all my life I felt as If I was categorised. People would judge me and only see the black and white. I was known as the spoiled rich girl, the outsider, the girl who was switched at birth and even the criminal" the crowd started talking among themselves. She knew they were doing just she talked about, judging her.

"But throughout all that I realised that events is what made me who I am today. I learned from my experiences that every day is a learning curve. People may only see the black and white of who I am but I express my colours through art. Art was my psychologist, not only it was way to release what I am feeling, it was also a way for me to see the bigger picture. That's what you see in my painting, my true colours"

The audience started clapping. She spots her family in crowd, her moms were crying proud of her accomplishments. Her father, Daphne and Toby were grinning clapping their hands with excitement.

She even spots Travis, Mary Beth and Natalie, all using the sign for applause. However she spots someone she didn't expect to see. Him. Emmett. She hasn't seen him in over five years, since their breakup in the Kennish driveway. He was smiling happy for her success. Their eyes locked through the crowd, just staring at each other, conveying messages without open communication.

Their trance was broken when someone tapped on Emmett shoulder, his date. She was petite, Asian, long black hair straightened to perfection. This was probably the girl that kissed him in his first year at USC, and they had probably been in a relationship for the last five years.

Bay was first to look away, smiling wider than usual to hide heartbreak. Of course he has moved on, he lived in LA where there were many girls that would fall for the deaf James Dean. She took a deep breath, she had to get out stage before she starts crying in front of everyone.

"Thank you everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest the night"

Bay walked faster than usual to get backstage. She leaned against a wall, her legs failing to hold herself, slowly slid to the ground, facing the floor. Taking slow deep breaths, Calm down, this is your night; don't cry so you don't ruin your makeup, you still have three hours of mingling. He's just one person. Eventually Bay talked herself to her equilibrium. As soon as she calmed down she realized she wasn't alone. Slowly looking up she sees two pairs of men shoes. Oh no

AN: so what do you think?

should keep going or just delete it

I've never written a fanfic before, I've only read a lot. I know the breakup scene in the Kennish driveway was stupid , but i didn't know how else to write it. The point is after their 'epic romance' they breakup. Then they don't see each after five years, this is my way of doing some damage control

Also i don't know anything about art or art shows so forgive me if i don't get the facts right.

Lastly I'm Australian so my grammar and spelling might be different to American standards.