Summary: When Beth finally tells Jack about her past, she never would have imagined everything that happened afterwards. Somehow, Jack makes her feel safe and protected even when Ray and Perry are stalking her... He can somehow make her smile... laugh even when she feels as if she might burst into tears... Then, just like that, Beth falls in love with him...

Falling in Love

-Chapter 1-

The Truth About Beth

Beth can't stop thinking about the reality of what's happening. She can't stop the tears from falling out of her eyes...

Jack wordlessly walks over and opens the door to Beth's office. Beth doesn't notice Jack until he speaks up. "Beth?" His voice startles her as she twitches before turning her head to look at him.

Jack is immediately concerned at the sight of her tearful face. "What's going on?" He frowns at her softly.

Beth's lips trembles weakly as a few more tears roll down her cheeks. "Jack..." She whimpers.

"Tell me." Jack says to her gently. "I want to help."

"Okay." She whispers quietly before Jack silently shuts the door and walks over to sit in the empty chair opposite her. The silence drags on as Jack waits patiently for her to speak.

Beth silently takes a few deep breaths to calm her emotions before wiping away the last of her tears. "My real name is Michelle Webber. I'm from Seattle." Beth starts telling him. "The first time I had a stalker, it was Ray Matthews."

"Michelle, huh?" Jack nods before frowning and raising an eyebrow. "Wait, the first time?"

"I'm been stalked again, Jack." Beth says seriously. "This time, by Perry Whitley."

"The kid that was in your office a couple of months ago?" Jack asks.

"Yep." Beth nods with a sigh before her eyes grows tearful again. "Back when I was still Michelle, I dated Ray for a while, until I... realized the truth and broke it off with him..." Her voice cracks as her tears start falling again.

"He didn't take it well..." Beth continues shakily. "He started watching me... Stalking me... At first, it was only creepy e-mails, letters, gifts... Then, one day, he lost it and... burned down my family's house..."

"Where is Ray now?" Jack asks cautiously.

"At a psychiatric hospital in Seattle." Beth sniffles. "His family comes from money, so..."

"He killed my whole family, Jack..." Beth lets out a broken sob as she can't control her tears anymore. "And now, Perry..."

Beth looks up tearfully when Jack leans forward and squeezes her hand gently. "I'm going to help you, Beth." Jack tells her softly. "Everything will be okay."

Beth instinctively grabs onto his hand before she can stop herself. "Janice and Amanda were helping me, they know everything..."


Jack drives up to Beth's house with Beth sitting in the passenger seat, gazing out of the window silently. Jack grips his handgun tightly as he gets out of his car before walking over to the passenger side and opening the car door for Beth. "Give me your keys." Jack tells her quietly before Beth silently shoves her house key into his hand as she steps out of his car.

The two of them silently walk up to the front door. Beth glances behind them several times, worried that Perry might be watching. "If he's here, I'll handle him." Jack reassures her in a low, but firm voice before he unlocks the front door. Beth quickly puts her security pin in her security system as they step inside.

"Check if anything's out of place." Jack murmurs to Beth. Beth nods silently before walking around in her house checking everything. Jack looks around Beth's home cautiously, looking for any hidden spots that might provide for a useful hiding spot for stalkers.

Beth is just starting to feel relieved before she steps into her bathroom. Her eyes widen when she sees her red lipstick has been smudged all over her bathroom floor and walls. But it's the message on her bathroom mirror that truly causes her heart to race in horror and panic. "Jack!" Beth practically screams his name as terrified tears quickly grows in her eyes.

Jack quickly races into her bathroom. "What..." He starts worriedly, but quickly stops talking when his eyes land on the bathroom mirror. His eyes widen as the words on the mirror makes a fiery anger rise up from within him...

Written on Beth's bathroom mirror with Beth's red lipstick are the words: Have you missed Ray?


Author's note: Hey guys, since I love the chemistry between Jack and Beth. I decided to write a fanfic about them. I plan for this story to be multi-chapter and relatively long, so please remember to review if you like it. Many thanks in advance!