"For the last time Anna, I am not going outside today." Elsa threw up her hands in exasperation as her sister pouted and crossed her arms across her chest.
"But why not? You haven't played with us for ages. All you ever do nowadays is stay shut up inside doing work!" Anna whined. "Can't you get someone else to do it for you?"
Elsa sighed and set down her quill. She gestured at the innocent stack of paperwork that sat upon her desk in front of her. "Anna, this is my work. As queen, I need to do this. Surely you had expected this after I had ascended to the throne?"
Anna bit the bottom of her lip. "I did but I didn't think that there would be so...much. I mean, even when you're not doing paperwork you're off somewhere doing other duties. Now that we're together again I thought that we could spend more time together and…well, catch up."
Elsa smiled softly at her sister. It's been only a couple weeks after her ascension to the throne. Although her sister had been patient and understanding for the first week about her duties, time had worn down Anna's remaining patience. Truthfully, there wasn't as much work as the first couple weeks but as the new queen, Elsa was determined to prove her worth and went to extra lengths to impress her people.
"Would it make you happy if I promise to spend all of tomorrow with you?"
Anna's eyes immediately lit up and a wide grin split her face. "Really?!"
Elsa laughed. "I am actually ahead of my work load right now. I do not see the harm in taking a break."
"That's great!" Anna ran around the desk and squeezed Elsa in a tight hug before pulling away. "I'm going to go tell Kristoff. Ooh, Olaf will be so happy! I can't wait!" Without another word, Anna happily bounded out the door.
Elsa smiled as her sister left before sighing and picking up her quill to return to her work. Her work mostly consisted of invitations for an upcoming ball to be held in Arendelle in the following week to celebrate the transition into fall. It was a local event, one meant mostly for the citizens of Arendelle but formalities required a written invitation to anyone of rank. Of course, this particular ball was the first autumn ball since the gates had reopened and Elsa planned to make it the best so far.
After an hour of work, Else finally looked up from her desk, pleased by the work she had gotten done. She stretched and looked out the window. To her surprise, it was still an hour before sundown.
Suddenly finding the room too suffocating for her taste, Elsa abruptly stood up and left the room without a second thought. To her surprise, Elsa found herself automatically walking towards the front doors of the castle. Before she reached it however, Else was stopped by the royal servant Gerda who had just happened to be passing by the main entrance.
"Your majesty! Are you going somewhere?" Gerda curtsied respectfully.
Elsa nodded. "I thought I would take a small break outside before dinner."
"Would not the gardens be a better choice, your majesty?" Gerda smiled. "I do think that it would cause a bit of a commotion if the queen suddenly decided to take a stroll in the plaza. Unless, of course, you feel that making small talk with the citizens is your idea of a break."
Elsa blushed. Of course. As a queen she couldn't just casually walk outside. Feeling silly, Elsa awkwardly smiled at Gerda. Gerda was one of the few servants who'd stayed in the castle while the gates were closed and was very close with Elsa.
"I...have not thought of that. Thank you. I shall be on my way now." Elsa nodded in farewell before turning away. It wasn't long before she reached one of the gardens of the palace. It was smaller and simpler than the other garden that the castle held but Elsa preferred it. The high hedges around it gave a sense of privacy and since most of the gardener's attention was drawn to the main garden the area was not too crowded with fancy vegetation. A single fountain sat in the middle of the garden.
Elsa smiled and sat down on a single bench facing the fountain. It was a peaceful scene, the gentle trickling of water coupled with the evening breeze produced the perfect place to relax. As a child, Elsa had often run to this very garden which was one of her few escapes for her powers.
Else closed her eyes and allowed nostalgia to take over. However, this was interrupted by a gentle thud followed by a huff of irritation.
"I swear, blaming me for everything. I bet he just made it up! One day I'll get him good, just wait.."
Elsa's eyes fluttered open to be greeted by an unusual sight. A peasant boy around her age stood with his back turned towards her. He wore a simple brown poncho with brown pants. In his hands was a staff that ended in an elegant curved hook. What was most surprising though was his head of pure white hair. His skin was unusually pale as well.
Elsa frowned as opened her mouth to say something but before she could the boy gracefully spun on his heels. His icy blue eyes met her sky blue ones. For a moment, surprise flickered across his face along with a flash of hope but it was quickly wiped away. He narrowed his eyes at her.
"Oh look, another person. Good day, how are you? You wouldn't happen to know about a winter here recently, do you? Oh, you don't? Well that's nice, sorry to bother you." The boy retorted and flicked his staff in the direction of the fountain, causing the surface to momentarily freeze before melting away. "I can't even freeze water right now, let alone a kingdom! That kangaroo.."
"Um, pardon me, but who are you and how did you get in here?" Elsa frowned at the boy. It was strange, she had never met another with the same powers as her. Well, similar to her powers anyways. He must be quite weak if freezing water was an issue, she thought.
The boy's eyes widened in shock. He spun on his heels to craned his head every which way as if checking for another person in the garden before spinning back to face Elsa. He gaped at Elsa for a few seconds before a small disbelieving smile appeared in his face. "C-Can you see me?"
Elsa nodded tentatively.
"Can you hear me?" The boy's smile grew into an ear-splitting grin.
Elsa nodded once again, her frown still on her face. "Who are you?"
"That's...That's great! You can hear me! You can see me!" The boy let out a whoop of laughter and did a gravity defying back flip, gracefully landing on the fountain edge. He grinned at Elsa. "You...Do you know me? Who I am?"
"If I did then I would not be asking you." Elsa gave the boy a questioning stare. She had heard of youths who would get tangled in drug use. Or, perhaps, the boy was crazy. Crazed by his powers, she'd imagine. She wouldn't be surprised, she herself had almost been driven to madness at one point a few years prior. Elsa wasn't worried about her safety; she had more than enough trust in her powers to keep him away from her. But it was worrying that the palace's security was loose enough that a mere boy was able to just walk in.
The boy's smile didn't dim at her response. He moved closer to Elsa, a look of wonder in his eyes. He seemed to be studying her, taking in her icy dress and her off white hair.
"My name is Jack. Jack Frost."