Chapter 1

The classroom was full of students that pass the final examination, Naruto was among one of the students that pass after proving himself in front of his teacher/ father figure, Iruka-sensei. Shikamaru was coming down the stairs when he saw Naruto.

"Naruto, what are you doing here? This class is for the student who pass the final exam" Shikamaru said.

With an annoyed face, Naruto said " oh yeah, do you see what on my head? I passed and now I'm one of you guys!" Smiling afterwards.

While he was going on and on to Shikamaru, from a distance Hinata was in her seat with a small smile on her face. Naruto you passed, I'm glad she thought to herself.

Iruka-sensei came into the room and got the class in order and began speaking.

" From this day forward, you are no longer mere students of ninjutsu, but full-fledged shinobi. However among the ranks, you are novices, the lowest of the low. Your greatest challenges lie ahead. Your next step is the assignment of official duties to you all on behalf of our village. We will be dividing you into teams of three. Each team will be mentored by a jonin, a more senior ninja, who will guide and coach you." Iruka finished

After Iruka finished explaining, Hinata thought That means I could be paired up with anybody in the class, maybe even with Naruto. Looks over to Naruto with a small blush on her face.

Naruto thought As long as I'm on the same team as Sakura, anyone is fine, except Sasuke.

At the same time Sasuke thought Three men team? That's two too many

Sakura thought It's perfect! I know they'll team me up with Sasuke!

Iruka-sensei goes on and notices the members of each team "Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Hinata Hyuga".

I'm on the same team as Naruto and Sasuke, I have to do my best not to slow them down Hinata thought to herself, determine on to be a burden on the other two.

"Sensei why does a great ninja like me have to be put with someone like Sasuke?!" Naruto complained, annoyed that he has to be in the same team with his nemesis.

"The idea is to balance your strengths, out of the class of 27, Sasuke's grades were the best, Naruto, your grades were the worst that's why you two were put together" Iruka explained.

Sasuke said " hmm just make sure you don't get it my way, you loser".

Naruto glares at Sasuke and yells " What did you say to me?!"

"I called you a loser, loser." Sasuke said as he walked out the room.

Later, most of the new teams went to have lunch together and get to know each other. However Team 7 went their separate way. Hinata was walking with a lunch in her hand. She thought maybe they could have lunch together and talk a little. but I don't see them anywhere, Hinata thought as she looked around.

Soon later she saw Sasuke leaning against a window in one of the buildings. Oh Sasuke eating his lunch she thought as she was looking for Naruto. Then Hinata saw Naruto, creep close to the window, jumps Sasuke. What is Naruto what doing to Sasuke?!

She was surprised to see Naruto attack Sasuke for no reason and looked at the closed window, worried as she heard a struggle. Then the window opened and she saw Sasuke climb out of the window with a smug smile on his face and watched him climb down and walk back to the school.

Wait a minute, Sasuke never smiles like that, she remembers how Sasuke would win training drills against their classmate and never smile for winning. She went to the front door of the room the boys were in and opened the door, finding Sasuke gagged and tied down.

I was right, Naruto did win and he transformed into Sasuke but why? She was happy that Naruto win something against Sasuke and felt bad seeing Sasuke tied up but was confused why Naruto transformed into Sasuke.

Sasuke was on the floor tied up, trying to get out of the ropes, I underestimated Naruto. He couldn't even summon a perfect clone and now he can summon more than one?! I'll get him back for this, he thought as he saw the door open and sees Hinata come in. Wait she's on my team too, Hinata Hyuga is her name but why is she here, whatever she can untie me.

Hinata was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a grunt and saw it was Sasuke grunting at her. He looked at her with eyes that said are you going to stand there or are you going to help me? With a small blush on her face, she went over to him and started to untie him " Sorry Sasuke I-I was l-lose in thought" she said as she finished.

Sasuke got up and rubbed his wrist and looked at Hinata, sighing because he know he should thank her. "Thanks for getting me out of the ropes." He said

"O-Oh your welcome" she stuttered, surprised he thanked her at least I know he's polite she thought.

" But what are you doing here?" Sasuke asked, curious about why Hinata came here.

Blushing, Hinata fidget and explained "W-Well I was going to a-ask you and N-Naruto if we c-could eat lunch together because we're a-a new team a-and we should get to know e-each other better, but I couldn't f-find you guys so I-I started l-looking. Then I-I looked up and saw you but I saw N-Naruto too and saw h-how he jumped you"

So she came just to asks me and that loser to have lunch with her? She's like the other girls, Sasuke thought before he heard she say something that caught his attention.

"As soon a-as the struggling w-was over, I-I saw you come out of t-the window b-but I was sure I-it was N-Naruto transformed as y-you, Sasuke" Hinata said

Sasuke was interested in what she just said " But how did you know it was Naruto and not me? Did he mess up the transformation? He asked

Hinata felt that Sasuke was still doubting Naruto's abilities but explained "It's because w-when he came out of the window, he h-had this smug smile on his face and t-then I know it wasn't you. Because d-during our t-training activities in class, when you w-won or g-got a good grade, you n-never smiled. S-So I came here to s-see if I was right. O-Oh and also to s-see if you were ok, she quickly added.

Sasuke was surprised to hear Hinata's explanation, he put his hands in his pocket and went to go find Naruto. She's very observant of people and can tell the difference, maybe she's not like the other girls after all but it's still too soon to tell, but that kind of sight is useful in a team, he thought to himself as he went back to the school.

After his counter with Sakura, Sasuke continue to search for Naruto, annoyed with both Sakura and Naruto. I can't believe that loser transformed into to me just to get a kiss out of Sakura. And why the hell Sakura?! That girl is so annoying talking about loneliness as if it's not so bad, he thought as he continued his search.

Sasuke was walking down the hall, when he saw Naruto running out the bathroom and confronted him.

Near it ran out the bathroom, how can my body betray me like that I was almost about to kiss Sakura! He thought as he was about to rush back when he saw Sasuke. "Gah what are you doing here?! I thought I left you tied up!" Naruto stated confused on how Sasuke escaped.

Sasuke was about to explain but closed his mouth. This loser will just complain to Hinata if I tell him she helped me and I'm not about to tell him I need help from anyone. He thought as he said to Naruto "You think something like that can keep me down long? You're a bigger idiot than I thought."

Naruto yelled "What?!"

Sasuke continued " Anyway why did you transform into me?"

Naruto explained "I thought I test my moves on you and I think I still need practice" after that last word, he created 5 shadow clones and they all jumped into the sir about to attack Sasuke.

Sasuke looked annoy and got into a fighting stance. The same trick he thought as he was prepared to take on all the Narutos.

"This time you'll stay down!" All 5 clones said as they were about to jump on Sasuke when their stomachs started to upset them. "Aww man, not again" They said as they rushed back to the bathroom. All of them pushing each other to get in first.

Sasuke watched as Naruto was fighting with his clone and sighs, "What a loser." And walked away, heading to the classroom where his team will meet their new mentor. I'll get him back for his little stunt later" he thought as he entered the classroom.