A/N: Well hellooo This is a new one, I'm actually writing a story for once. Well, I explained everything on my profile, so just read that if your confused.

Well, anyway. This is my fanfic, I hope you like it and make sure to play the game if you haven't already. And if it isn't already evident SPOILER ALERT, PLAY THE GAME FIRST IF YOU DON'T WANT THE ENDING RUINED FOR YOU and such ;)

Chapter 1


Flapping violently in the wind, Fidget struggled after the sword. Seconds earlier, she'd seen a cloud of dust rise out of the volcano and flying off with Ahrah. It had to be dust, he had to be alive! "Hey, Dust!" She called after him, darting through the air as fast as she could.

She followed the sword for hours, hoping, waiting for some sign that he was alive. None came, and she was starting to lose hope. The sword landed in the nimbat forest, lodging in the ground and the dust settled around it. Fidget hovered in the air, staring at the sword. "No... No! You've got to be alive! You can't be dead!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face. "Please Dust..." She sobbed, landing on the ground before turning around, wiping the tears away with her paw and walked off away from the sword, she felt to sad to fly.

Ginger had returned home to her house on the hill, waiting for Dust to come back and see her. She saw a cloud of dust do out of the volcano with Dust's sword, it had to be Dust. She'd watched his nimbat fly after the sword, so Ginger was certain Dust was alive, somehow. She avoided everyone in Aurora village for the first week, she wanted to be home for when Dust knocked on her door. She waited for weeks, but those weeks turned to months, and soon she realized Dust hadn't survived, and he wasn't coming back for her. Ginger broke down in violent sobbing, her hands at her face. "Dust..." She cried, mourning the lose of her friend, and her brother.

Two years past by like nothing, Ginger had almost broken down with the loss of Dust, though the villagers helped her overcome her pain. They'd asked her what had happened, so she told them. Sort of. Ginger knew she couldn't tell them the truth, as it would be to complicated to tell them what he had been, and telling them he'd died would make her lose the last remaining hope she had. "Dust disappeared in the volcano, that was the last time I saw him." That's what she told them, and from the way they treated her after that, she understood that they decided he'd died. That made her feel worse, but by the second year, she'd managed to cope with it.

As for Fidget, she'd become part of her clan again. But it was nothing compared to the incredible adventures she'd had with Dust. Dust... Why did you have to go? The others had barely noticed that Ahrah had gone for weeks, she she didn't get anyone mad. She was happy for that, she had been through too much already.

Fidget remembered her last day with Dust like it was yesterday. She'd tried to save him, but there was nothing she could have done. Dust had watched her fly away, and she'd watched as the lava rose over him. The life thread took her best friend from her, her only friend. I don't care what you said Dust, it wasn't your time to go. The life thread hadn't called for you yet!

It was the two year anniversary today, Fidget made sure to keep track of the days so she could have a day of remembrance for her friend. She never told the other nimbats why she was quieter since she came back, so they didn't ask anything of her. But she was quietest on this day, when she'd try her look with Ahrah. After the sword had come back to its resting place, it had been silent. Fidget would shout at the thing, trying to make it talk, trying to make it bring Dust back. But she knew it would do no good, even though it was the only hope she had left to see her friend again.

She flew past two other nimbats as she headed back. Trix and Ran they were called. "Something about that sword..." Fidget heard Trix say.

"...Feels like its waking up... so unlike the others..." Ran murmured, she Fidget felt hope blossom within her.

If Ahrah is waking up again, Dust has to be back! He has to! She flew at top speed towards the clearing where the sword lay... Except it wasn't there. "Where is it?" She murmured to herself, landing where the sword had been. The hole in the ground was still evident, though it was closing up as if by magic, that meant Ahrah had allowed itself to be removed. But by who?

Fidget scanned the area, and when she she was about to give up, she spotted something running away from forest, through the trees. She managed to spot some grey fur, with black and turquoise clothes. Fidget didn't look back after that. There was only one person she knew who looked like that. "DUST!" She cried, calling after him. She didn't care how, or why, but she knew he was back, and all she wanted to do was see him again. She flew after the darting creature, her eyes locked onto her target.

Then she heard the warmblood cry out, and heard something fall to the floor. Then, silence. Fidget feared the worst. Oh no, has something happened to him? Please no, not this soon! I hope its not the monsters.. Those evil monsters... She flew as quickly as she could, until she spotted what had fallen on the floor, Ahrah. It was laying there on the floor, not moving after the one who'd taken it. But Fidget could see its glow, and that meant Ahrah was awake.

She landed near the sword, hurrying over to it. "D-Dust! He summoned you didn't he? Why haven't you flown after him!?" Fidget yelled at the sword, more out of shock than anger. She waited for a response, and when she was about to fly away, she heard the swords voice.

"Something.. Is not right." Ahrah said simply, leaving Fidget with barely an answer.

"Whats not right? Why.. It is Dust isn't it?" Fidget hoped, she saw him.. who else would look so like him?

"Yes, Dust.. summoned me." Ahrah sighed, sounding more sad than happy.

"But whats wrong.. Dust's back! I knew he would be! I knew it!" Fidget said, pure joy filling her words. Her friend was alive.. well, the only word she had was that of a talking sword, but she'd take what she could get.

"Fidget, Dust is.. He shouldn't have come back. This is not how things were meant to be."

"But he's back.. you should be happy. Do you know how much crying I've done these past years!"

"It is indeed a joyous occasion, if it weren't for the danger I sensed when I was summoned."

"What danger? Is Dust alright? I heard him cry out. Is he alright?" She asked, fear etched in every word. She wouldn't lose him again.

"The danger is... uncertain. But if I knew, I would have gone after him. But I am unsure. Dust did indeed cry out, though I do not sure as to why. He seemed not to have sustained any injury, or gain one. The pain he felt was quite unnerving, Fidget. That is why I stayed behind. From what I can tell, Dust is in no physical harm.. yet.. harm is not always physical."

Fidget started to worry, she was unsure as to what Ahrah had said, she never could understand that sword much. "But.. where's he gone? We have to go after him!"

"Soon Fidget, as of now, Dust is.. unstable. I am uncertain as to how he has come back, though I doubt it was of his own wishes. Someone else must have brought him back. This has caused his mind to be.. broken at this moment in time. Taking someone from the life thread is a dangerous thing, filled with hazards for everyone involved. But Dust is strong, after time alone, I am sure he will be back to his normal self. I am sure he'll be happy to see you." The sword said finally, and then it was silent, and Fidget knew it wasn't going to speak any more, she'd already tried to squeeze it for every bit of information.

Fidget stayed with the sword, she doubted she'd be able to lift it anyway. After all, she was smaller and lighter than the stupid thing. "Dust.. I knew you'd come back." She murmured, tears in her eyes. She didn't care what that sword had said, she was just happy to know that somehow, Dust had been brought back.

A long way from the forest, in a distant village, the world had turned to hell. Buildings were set alight with the burning flames as every home was destroyed, killing anyone who was unfortunate enough to get trapped within. There were screams in every direction. How he loved that sickening sound. The warrior clad in black cut down anyone who got close, mowing down whole families, making sure not to leave any survivors. He wasn't going to make the same mistake as last time. The villagers did their best to fight against him, but even they knew it was pointless. As far as they were concerned, he was the greatest warrior Falana had ever seen, and he intended to prove it.

He glanced around at the once peaceful village, now a retched stain on this land. He strode effortlessly towards the last survivor, the last screams dying in the wind. The young man was sobbing over the lose of his wife and child, looking at the floor. The warrior couldn't help but chuckle to himself, and the man looked up at him with hatred burning in his eyes. "Why are you doing this, this village has done nothing to you. You murdered my family!"

"I murdered people who deserved to die. Moonblood sympathizers always do, your weak. I'm taking care of what General Gaius left behind, for me." His voice was cold and cruel, his sword was at his side, ready to kill at a moments notice.

"General.. General Gaius has been dead for two years! His campaign was stopped, you can't do this!" The man shouted as he got to his feet. Did he honestly think he could best the warrior in a fight?

Another chuckle, this man was amusing. "There's one thing you don't quite get. As far as I'm concerned, his campaign was never stopped, only frozen for a short time. It has been years since I've last drawn blood, and after I'm done with this village, news will spread to the other villages and soon I will find where the Moonbloods are. And then I will do what Gaius never could." He looked at the man, his red eyes blazing with rage. "Rid this world of those vile creatures." And with that, the warrior struck the man down before he could blink, the last of a village, now with the rest of his miserable village.

He began he stride out of that place, wondering where to go next.

A/N: well, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Nice. So.. I haven't a clue when I'll be posting the next chapter, but I will before next week, possibly at the weekend sometime. I think this is a bit different for a opening chapter than the others I've seen in these fanfics. Its always 'Dust appears in a cloud of dust and its like yey!' or 'you've been brought back for a reasooooonnnnn' So might as well have him turn up somehow and go bonkers. Well, maybe not quite yet..

Well, anyway, make sure to favourite, follow and review. (Especially review, that would be great if you have any ideas what will happen, so I can disprove them! :D hehehe)