AN: Hi all. Here's the last chapter. This is probably the one I'm least happy with, hence the wait. But its finished and that's what matters. This was orginially one very long oneshot, so I separated and expanded the chapters. I'm sorry the ending in not all wrapped up- this was intended as a series of events that happen to the ghost crew and once the situation was done- so was the story.

Let me know what you think. Do you want to see more Rebel stuff I'm working on?
I just wanted to say a big Thankyou to everyone who has reviewed all the past chapters and this one. It means a lot to have your support and I value your criticism. Thanks Everyone!

Growing Pains

Several hours later, back in the medical wings of the star ship, Ezra awaited a second examination.

When Ezra had awoken- this time with Kanan by his side- he had opened his mouth to start funneling the questions that were firing off in his mind, just as the Jedi cut him off.

"Before you ask any questions. I can't tell you anything else about the Alliance for now. I won't answer questions you give me."

He closed his mouth and scowled. And then, probably only because he was still very tired, he let it go.

Kanan couldn't give him answers- for now. So Ezra hadn't asked any questions.
There was enough crowding in his mind right now anyway. He just needed to process some stuff first.

Once he his brain had reformed from the mush it was now, then he would harass Kanan with demands until his hair was white.

So instead Ezra endured silence in an effort to refocus his thoughts.

During his adventures through the ventilation systems, a wreckage bay and a blaster brawl in the lower hangers- his nice clean medsuit had been pushed to its limitations. It was now ruined with dust, oil, char stains and a little bit of blood.

A human woman in a white tunic had come and bullied Ezra into a changing suite and removed all his bandages, which were in only slightly better condition then the suit. She told Kanan he had to wait outside.

"And that went so well first time." The Jedi muttered as he passed into the hallway.

Ezra was almost too exhausted, body and mind, to argue the rough treatment from the woman, but he made her job as difficult as he could when it came to herding him into shower station.

As soon he was in the stall and the screen had closed behind her, Ezra had relaxed into the hot steam; letting it clean and warm his sore muscles and evaporate his thoughts.

When he was allowed to dress, he was surprised they had returned his orange flight suit- cleaner then he'd seen it in months, possibly years. He was quick to check all the pockets; including the ones secreted into the linings. His heart rate decreased when he located the old holodisk Sabine had recused from his parents house hidden in the inner pouch of his sleeve.
None of his other small items had gone missing, a collection of screws, a pindrive, a small multitool, and a bent wire lockpick for the old unwired kind of door.

His paranoia was more out of habit then suspicion- but it made a show to the nurse that he didn't trust her or anyone who might have rummaged through his things.
She didn't seem to care and had set about replacing his bandages with bemused expression.

Ezra was surprised how much better his arm was.

The blue and red steaks had run up his arm to his collar bone were faded and his arm as whole was a healthier colour. The bruises were still prominent, but there was no longer an angry red tone to his palm. There was still lots of swelling, his wrist was still twice the size, but the smell and infection looked clean gone.

Ezra was surprised he hadn't realized just how much better he'd been when he woke the first time now.

It was like waking up from a long and vivid fever dream. A bucket of sobriety and health being throw over his head.

Kanan told him they may've admitted to dumping a little too much adrenaline into his system on his arrival, in a effort to help his heart recirculate the antivacs and saline to counteract the effects of the poison. And all that extra adrenaline had possibly lead to the miraculous almost-escape he had pulled.

It was all so obvious-now. The past three days were a steadily steepward blur of fever dreams and orange lights.

He remembered in the patchy haze he'd been fiddling with the electrical systems- and maybe once accidentally giving himself a zap with a carelessly covered wire.

He was pretty sure he wouldn't tell anyone that once he got back to the Crew.

It was just a little poisoning spell, no big deal.

He was hoping Kanan would be able to keep the details of his first meeting with the Rebel Alliance had gone to himself.

He smiled a little, rolling the words around in his head.

The rebel alliance...
It sounded so righteous.

Kanan returned now that Ezra was dressed and waited quietly in a chair by the wall. Ezra complained his bandages were too tight but was immediately silenced by a side long look from Master.

Finally the nurse gave directions that Ezra was to lay down and wait for his final examination, and not to move. And then they both could go. The Ghost was waiting not far out for orders to dock and pick them up.

Ezra got the distinct feeling they were trying to rush he and Kanan out the door as soon as possible now. Maybe because he was awake now and possibly because he'd wreaked so much damage in their hanger.

"So." Kanan began in a building tone. "When would you like me to give you your lecture?"

"How about at my eulogy?" Ezra suggested.

The look Kanan gave him was gutting and Ezra immediately looked away, feeling properly admonished. "Look- Im sorry I caused all this trouble. I really didn't think-"

"No. You didn't. This is a recurring theme with you, isn't it."

"It was Just a splinter. Give me a break. How was I supposed to know it was worse than spicing?"

Kanans face twisted. "When have you tried spice?!" He demanded loudly.

"On the streets they'll pay you-"

Kanan put out one hand to silence his student and rubbed his eyes violently with the other. "Nevermind. That in an argument for another day. But don't do it again!"

"No frak. I could have told you that." Ezra spat angrily.

They fell silence for several minutes and Ezra felt guilt eating away at his stomach. It was his fault they were here. Kanan had sought him the help he needed and kept him alive. Kanan had been there to help him even when Ezra had done his very best to avoid it. He'd made it worse for himself and put the crew through something awful. And now he had redecorated a hanger bay of their only compatriots and snapped at his Master.

Some Padawan he was.

Ezra licked his dry lips and sighed heavily.

"Kanan- I know I messed up." He paused, waiting for his master to agree. But Kanan just waited quietly for him to continue.

"I just really didn't think I needed to tell you about a splinter. I mean, Zeb would have made fun me or you'd think I was being stupid. I've been taking care of myself forever- I thought- I thought did everything right. Then stuff kinda started to snowball and by the time I sorta realized things were bad I just- I dunno, it just got harder to try and talk about it and I wasn't really thinking all that clearly."

He slumped against the metal tray and lifted his head long enough to drop it heavily back down with a thud. It hurt but only for a second.

"I ruined everything for us, haven't I."

Kanan let out a hard annoyed breath, but it sounded like it was directed at himself.

"No- you you've ruined nothing. I am- we are all, just relieved you are Ok."

Ezra smiled, just a little, as they felt moment for reprimands past.
At least until he met with Hera. The boy snorted a breath of air through his nose. "Ok' is a relative term."

Kanan shrugged, his tone brightening."Hey- at least no ones dead."

Ezra turned to his master and gave him a dry look.

"Yes- and perhaps they wont even notice the hanger wall."

Kanan nodded his head from side to side, weighing up the likelihood in his head.

"You're going to tell everyone aren't you."

"Kid- wouldn't you?"

Ezra huffed. "Yes." He folded his arms- then unfolded them, remembering he wasn't supposed to move. Then he decided, he would move all he damn liked, and re-folded him arms across his chest with a huff. "At least I almost escaped. That's less embarrassing then Not escaping."

Kanan nodded along in agreement.

"True, but escaping from somewhere that wasn't trying to keep you in the first place doesn't sound much better."-

"Please don't tell Hera."

Kanan smiled wryly. "She already knows, kid."

"Then please don't tell Sabine."

"After seeing you hurl on your own boots- I think she'd appreciate a good joke."

Ezra looked aghast. "I hurled on my boots in front of Sabine?

"In front of us all actually." Kanan nodded thoughtfully while Ezra buried his face in his bandaged hands and groaned.
"This is the most embarrassing day of my life."

"Wait until Hera gets her hands on you. Shes not happy."

"About which part?"

"All of it."
Ezra swallowed down the groan that built in his chest.

The medbay doors opened and a Rodian in a similar tunic to the woman entered holding a data pad close to his chest.

"Hello Patients. I am informed your names are Spectre 1 and Spectre 6. I am medic 34."

"Um, Hey." Ezra said waving his limp hand awkwardly.

The Rodain was instantly at his side and gently, but firmly, laying his arm back down on the table. "Please refraim from moving until my examination is complete Patient Spectre 6."

Ezra shot Kanan a pained look but his master only inclined his head slightly in a silent order to do as he was told.

The Rodian, Medic 34, pushed a machine forward to the end of Ezra's bed.

"Uh- what is that gonna do?" Ezra demanded, doing his best to see down his nose without lifting his head.

"This machine will give me an internalscopic view of your body so I may monitor your vitals."
There was a click, and the machine began to humm. A long silver arm began to extend over Ezra with a mechanical whir.

"Inter scopic view-? Is this going to hurt?" Ezra demanded, lifting his head to see what was happening at the end of his bed- but he was quickly pushed back down by a firm hand on his chest.

"Please be still, Patient Spectre 6." the Rodain chided and tapped commands into his Data pad with his free hand. "I assure your this process is as painless as thermoscan, but you must be very still."

"A thermoscan!? Well how painless is that supposed to be?"

The Rodain gave him a funny look that suggested maybe Ezra had said something silly and began placing sticky electrodes with long wires on his temples and chest.

Ezra felt his heart rate spike again, and a machine on his left began to ping at a surprisingly fast rate. He didn't like medics. Ezra closed his eyes, trying to focus his thought and calm his nerves. His breathing was erratic and he couldn't find a rhythm.

"Please calm down, Patient Specter 6. You are elevating your heart rate."

He heard the machine whirring again and his imagine began to fill in what might be happening. The machine next to his head was pinging in time with his pounding headache. He started clenching and unclenching his fists in an effort to take the strain of keeping still off his mind.

This was stupid. Ezra was his own doctor, and he'd managed just fine without any of these monstrosities. He was fine now- why couldn't they just leave him alone?

There was a hand on his and he jumped. He opened his eyes in surprise and saw Kanan had moved his chair closer to the table.
"Calm down, Ezra." he told him firmly and took his seat.

"I- I am calm." he snapped.

Kanan just frowned at him, the hand on his tighten for a moment.

Ezra took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. The machine was still making worrying noises and now it sounded like an internal engine was warming up.

He focused on the hand on his and tried to pretend he wasn't squeezing back.

"It's just weird." He heard himself say, almost stumbling on the words. "Like, I was unconscious before. I just don't like medics- " His ankles twitched and he wriggled his toes to help with the tremble in his thigh.

"Don't be afraid. " Kanan told him in a gentle but firm tone.

"I'm not." He answered quickly, then he added in a softer tone, "I just... last time I went to a medic was with my mom." there was a beat of silence as Ezra's mouth twisted in an sour smile.
"They said it wouldn't hurt and then they stuck me full of needles."

He heard Kanan laugh and the sound drew some of the tension out of his bones.

"Well I promise there's no needles this time."

"Alright Patient Spectre 6, your introscopic view is complete, you may move again but please refrain from sitting up."

Ezra opened his eyes and immediately relaxed in surprise.

He gaped at the blue holojecter that formed a foot above him. It took him a second to realized it was a map of a human body. Then another second to realize it was a map of his body.

Before Ezra could study the back of his own head- or realize the map had been quite naked- the human shape suddenly shed the layer of skin, and then muscle. And then the skeleton. Until all that ws left was the circulatory system and the brain contained in a vague Ezra-like outline.

The boy stared at the shape of his own brain and nerve system exposed before his eyes.

"Your vitals are reading at regular levels, Patient Specter 6." The Rodain said sounding pleased. "Your hemoglobin and red blood cell count is back on the rise to a healthy human level.

"Uh, Thanks." Ezra said, feeling like he had to say something. "What are those?"

The Medic gave him another quizzical look. "You were suffering from severe iron deficiency and fluctuating levels of oxygenated blood when you were admitted to our medbay. Alongside the toxicity readings, your cranial functions were severely restricted. Are you still experiencing lowered thought processing?"

Ezra just looked to Kanan for help. His master was clearly struggling not to smile.

"No, Specter 6's cranial functions seem to be working at full capacity, Medic 34. He's just unfamiliar with medic terms. Could you dumb it down for us a little. I'd like to know the full story as well."

The Rodain hummed and tapped on his datapad, and the heel of the right hand on the body map began to pulsate a red light. "Our scans indicate the point of entry and infection spread from this point here. Any other foreign body may have simply exited the host or been absorbed over time. But this particular foreign body was a piece of a Nyruan tree system."

Medic 34 tapped another point of his data pad and the map of Ezra was replaced by a holojection of a tree with a large complicated root system. As he watched, the roots formed two more trees along side the first and continued to spread.

"The Nyruan tree system is a fascinating flora system. It utilized a hydroponic grow bed to form large islands of root system."

"Uh- and that means?" Ezra asked.

"It lives in water. Not soil." Kanan told him.

"Correct Specter 1." Medic 34 said, "This particular flora fascinating as it is known for growing in hot waterways rich in iron. Unfortunately that is also why it flourished so well once it had entered the patients circulatory system. Here it found an environment similar to its own. It spread through the circulatory system and managed to reach the main arteries before removal- quiet remarkable survival adaptation I might say!"

"Wait- it was growing in my arm?" Ezra demanded. Somewhere in the back of his mind there was an image of a long thin hand reaching out towards him. He shuddered and pushed it away.

"In addition to the releasing toxins to better ferment its water supply- which was your circulatory system, it was consuming the oxygen rich blood cells while your body continued to waste its effects in attacking the infection."

Ezra looked down on his arm like he didn't want to be attached to it anymore, and both relieved that it still was.

"Why didn't I feel it?"

"One of the toxic properties of the enzymes released worked as something as a numbing agent. The hallucinogenic symptoms would have caused some difficulties in observational thinking."

"But- its all gone now right?"

Medic 34 nodded thoughtfully and erased the holojection image. "All traces of foreign bodies and toxicity have been removed and treated. I am informed, we were only able to build an anti-vaccine as treatment due to several samples your own team had supplied us with."

Both Kanan and Ezra were surprised to hear this. To know their hard work and risk taking was not simply funneled into a fruitless system. Here were some actual results.

Before Ezra could ask any more questions, there was a series of beeps at the door and the hatch pulled up.
Two guards in the same armor as the ones Ezra had encountered before, and armed with a high grade blaster each stood in the door.

"We have come under orders to escort the patient and guardian to the exit hanger. Is the patient ready for travel?" said one.

The Rodian nodded and shut off the projector. "The Patient has a clean bill of health. You may escort them now."

Ezra was hurried off the examination and Kanan out of his seat.

"Guess we're on our way then." Kanan turned to the medic. "Thank you sir. For you and your teams hard work."

For the first time since he entered the Rodian put down his datapad, and then gave a very slight bow of his head.

"No Spectre 1, I was very glad to be of service. It is our team that thanks you and yours for your efforts in this war."

Kanan looked surprised but nodded his head in gratitude before the Guards stepped behind him and herded them both out into the hallway.

Ezra clenched and unclenched his bandaged fist, feeling uneasy about what he'd learned. He shook out his hand to dislodge the prickles in his skin. He decided not to think how a stupid tree had been using him as fertilizer or how close it had come to succeeding.

"Well that was eye opening."

"You've never had a holoscan before then." Kanan asked as the guards lead them down the hallways.

"No. I really need to workout more. I didn't realize how weedy I looked."

Kanan closed his eyes and shook his head, but Ezra saw a hint of a smile.

Ezra turned his attention of the guards.

"So, you guys got names?"

"No." said one shortly.

The other said. "We have orders to escort you. In silence."

they reached an elevator, that opened the moment they steeped in front. Kanan and Ezra were pushed inside and the first guard selected the keys in the wall.

The walls hummed as they began to descend.

Ezra looked down at his hands and wiggled his fingers. "So, your ventilation systems are way to easy to navigate." he said, starting slow. "You should talk to someone about the security of the disposal levels, I was down there for like four minutes just ripping stuff up."

"It only took you four minutes to assemble a portable cannon?" the second guard asked in a impressed tone. His buddy knocked the butt of his blaster into his side.

"No talking!" he snapped.

"You might wanna find the droid who's arms I dismantled too." Ezra continued conversationally.

Kanan cocked a brow. "His arms?"

"He wouldn't let go of the garbage cart and he was weighing me down!" Ezra said with a shrug.
The elevator reached the ground floor and the doors pulled apart.

This hanger was larger then the first, and it dwarfed the Phantom that sat waiting patiently on the landing dock. Ezra was surprised to see that there was no one else around.

"There's also probably some grates that need replacing. Ideally with blind head bolt this time." Ezra said, stepping off the elevator.

The first guard gave him a hard look down his nose. "You sure did a lot of internal damage for someone who's just allowed to fly away while we clean up your mess."

Ezar looked abashed and ran a hand through his hair in distraction. "Yeah- Im sorry about that. I guess I overreacted?" Kanan snorted.

The second guard knocked the other with his elbow. "Don't worry about it kid. I think we're all just glad you're on our side."

Ezra opened his mouth to answer but Kanan jerked on his arm and began to walk towards the ship.
"Our welcome is over stayed, Ezra." he said in a cautions tone.

"You better get going kid." the guard said with a nod in Kanans direction. "I don't you wanna try your luck on the boss's nerves again. I don't think you'd last a third round."

"Do you mean Fulcrum?" Ezra asked in an extremely casual tone. Since he was here and all...

The guard looked surprised, but not angry, and he might have replied if Kanan had not put a hand on Ezra's shoulder and forcibly turned him around and started to march him away.

Ezra made an effort to turn and salute the two guards who were watching now with amused looks on their faces.

"Keep up the good fight, guys!" Ezra shouted as Kanan bullied him up the phantoms ramp and dumped him into a seat. The hatch closed up behind them and the Phantom fired up and began to ascend.

The first guard nudged his partner with a huff, partly annoyed and partly amused.
"some kid."he said in a gruff tone.

"yeah" said the second guard, watching the small aircraft maneuver through the airlock and out into the stars. "Some kid."

Hera was piloting the Phantom. As soon as the phantom was set on course back to the Ghost, she stood up and pushed Kanan into her seat.

"you drive." she told him and then fixed her green eyes on Ezra. Hands on hips and her face pulled into the most admonishing glare he'd ever seen on her face.

Ezra immediately felt smaller then a tooka in front of a bantha.

His bandaged hand found its way into his hair which he fussed with out of habit and panic.
"Look, Hera- I'm real sorry-"

He got no further, as the twi'let wrapped him up in her arms and pulled him in close.

He struggled out of surprise for just a moment, before the warmth crept in and he relaxed his hands on her arms.

No one had hugged Ezra like this for a long time, and he was surprised that he hadn't realized. It was... nice. And now he felt sillier then ever before...

"I'm still in trouble, aren't I."

"You don't even know the meaning of the word yet." She told him, in a tone that was happy and full of promises.

"Can we go home now?"

"Yes. But first," she pulled back and gave him a serious face. "Lets have a little talk."

They talked for about an hour, which was just long enough to tire Ezra out with questions and information before he fell asleep in the the back. Kanan and Hera refrained from continuing the discussion without their audience and rode out the trip in thoughtful silence.

They had come to agree on several terms. As long as Ezra would not discuss anything he had witnessed on board the star ship, they would not neglect the rest of the ghost crew and keep them 'in the dark' as Kanan put it.

"Sabine will be pissed." Ezra pointed out.

"Sabine has been told as much as you have. As has Zeb. You are all just as informed as each other."

"What about chopper?"

"Chopper has higher clearance then you." Kanan answered firmly.

Ezra made to protest, but thought better of it in his situation. "So if I don't ask any more questions, You'll let us in on the deal with the Alliance?"

"we're not cutting deals." Kanan said, tone firm. "We are graciously giving your options. If you all make an encouraged effort not to discuss it any further- you may happen to learn more. Is that clear?"

Ezra was quiet for some time, regarding them both with a thoughtful look. Then he nodded. "Ok. Whatever you guys say. I trust you."

And they left it at that.

They woke him when they docked and were greeted with Chopper standing in the hatchway. The astromech reached his mechanical arms up into the air and 'woop'd in greeting, before putting his electro prod against Ezra's knee and firing up.

Ezra cried out in shock and pain and hit the floor clucthing his leg. "You rolling scrap heap!" he cried. Chopper made an infuriating series of beeps in the tone of someone talking down to a child.
"I'll strip you to the wires!" Ezra snapped, struggling up and finding himself suspended in the air.

Zeb lifted him by the back of his jumpsuit and turned him around till they were eye to eye.

"You deserve worse then that, bolt head."

"And you deserve a clean-out crew on your mouth! Put me down stinkman!"

"Why did we get him fixed again?" Zeb demanded of Kanan and Hera, holding the boy out like he was an offending lothpup.

"Because they need someone around here to do some work!" Ezra answered for them.

"If that was the case, we wouldn't pick you." Kanan said, rubbing his face, like a migraine had suddenly returned.


"A Neimoidian is more productive then you two put together." Sabine said, leaning in the door frame and folding her arms.

Zeb dropped Ezra with a huff and he landed with an outraged yell.

"You know it Was quieter around here when you were out." She told him.

"So you noticed I was gone, eh?" he wagged an eyebrow from his position on the floor. "Did you miss me?"

Her face immediately fell flat.

Ezra grinned.

"Sabine, Zeb- why don't you show Ezra the extensive repair regime we put together for him?" Hera asked.

"Wait- a repair regime?" Ezra sat up. That wasn't good.

"Yes, Since you've put so much focus into the ships condition lately, we thought it might help if we made you a list of suggested improvements."

"And when you say suggested you mean-"

"Here's your new chore list." Sabine said happily and tossed a datastrip on Ezra's chest. "I hope you like cleaning dust vents and satiation duty." her smile was smug and zeb snorted into his chest with a satisfied look on his face. Chopper spun his head and buzzed with amusement.

Ezra began to read the list and blinked. "This- this is all your chores. For a month! I can't get all this done on my own!" He looked at Kanan. "How am I supposed to get an training done if they have me cleaning grates and stripping wires till I'm grey?"

Kanan shrugged, "Perhaps this will teach you to channel your thoughts and feelings in a conductive manner. Instead of hiding next time."

Ezra gaped at him, "I- I wasn't hiding-" he switched up his argument, sensing he was heading into a trap. "I thought you were supposed to take it easy on the sick and injured!"

"Well you're neither of those now. So you better get to work."

Kanan then turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Sabine, Zeb and Chopper to have their turns at chiding Ezra. After all, they had gotten a scare just as much as he had. It was only fair they have a turn to punish him too.

Hera gave him a gentle tug on his arm and pulled him towards the cockpit.

"Kanan, you need to listen to something." Hera said on a low tone and with a furtive glance into the hall where they could still hear the kids loudly arguing over the new chore list. She pulled a catch on the wall and closed the cockpit door.

Kanan raised an eyebrow and gave a low whistle. "That serious huh?"
The cockpit was never closed off.

Hera shot him a look that told him he needed to be practical, and then it changed into something, worried.

"I'm... I'm not really sure yet."

She typed some commands into the communication panels. "When Ezra... got sick," she said tactfully, "I commed fulcrum when I couldn't reach a med station on Lothal."

"I wondered why you'd set us that way," Kanan sank into his seat. "I thought Fulcrum was set on mission only contact. Ours is our problem and all that."

"And that was the case." Hera agreed, "Until now apparently. " she pushed a key on the commpad, which hummed to life.

The cockpit filled with a static crackle and then Hera's voice came through, a little distorted through the recording. She quickly dimmed the volume and Kanan took a step closer to listen.

"Hello? This is Specter 2, Pilot of the Ghost."

A warped a static voice Kanan knew well, responded.
"Specter 2 of Ghost, this is Fulcrum. Go ahead."

"Fulcrum, please- I know this is not usual. I can't reach a medbay on Lothal. We need Urgent medic attention-"

"I cannot afford be involved in remedial matters, Specter 2. You need to seek out medical attention on world-"

"We might not make it on world in time. Please Fucrum, I understand- you know I do- but I wouldn't ask if this wasn't an emergency. Ezra needs medical attention-"


"What? Yes. He-"

The connection suddenly hissed with static, a sound that happened when a transmission was cut off or dropped.

"Fulcrum?" Hera's voice broke in desperately.

There was a cold long moment of silence. Then more electrical interference.

"Ghost, come in Specter 2. This is Fulcrum."

"Yes- Specter 2 here." Hera's voice was frantic.

"Specter 2, please confirm the necessary medical attention for one Bridger, Ezra, on board the Ghost."

"Y-yes. Please Fulcrum, he-"

"We are sending hyper drive coordinates to your vessel. Please proceed to the destination with speed."

There was a beat of silence.

"Specter 2, please confirm-"

"R-roger that Fulcrum. Coordinates received- on our way."

"The medbay will be ready to receive Specters 1 and 6 only, on arrival. You will be contacted when pick up will be authorized."

Kanan could here the hyperspace coordinates being imputed through the playback, and the engines fired up in the distance.

"Thankyou Fulcrum."

"Fly safe Specter 2."

The console hummed and then cut as the recording completed.

Kanan blinked, processing this new information, and what had, or rather had not been said.
Then he frowned.

"They said Bridger," he breathed. Hera nodded with a sour frown.

"I've never received such clear co-ordinates. I barely had time to think about it until you'd already left. I was just so focused on getting there in time, I didn't even think what it meant." She took her seat at the helm, but did not reach to disengage auto pilot. Instead she put a foot up on her seat and lent an elbow on her knee, staring out thoughtfully into the black.

"Could it just be they have high regard for his parents?" She asked in an distant voice. "I mean- their work was instrumental to the rebellion's roots. Fulcrum has been investigating but I haven't been informed of any findings."

She frowned at this, now realizing her lack of information did not assure the fact that no information had been found.

Kanan ran a hand through his hair and then shook his head. "Ugh- this is so frustrating. I mean- We knew there was an established Alliance; its what we've been working for all these years! It why we fly from rock to rock dodging firefights- But finnaly seeing it in person- it was is more then I could have dreamed of, Hera. You would have been so proud to see how far its come-" he broke of and swallowed hevaily. "But now here we are stuck in the dark? What do they know Hera?"

He threw himself angrily into the passenger seat and folded his arms, staring hard out into the endless dark.

"What does this mean?" Kanan breathed.

Hera put a hand out shoulder and squeezed. The echos of a colorful argument in the common quarters could be heard faintly in the background.

"I don't know, Love. I don't know."


R&R for Good Karma
Thanks again for your support everyone!