Epilogue: Nightwing

"This is Cat Grant reporting live from Star City, where the siege of superhuman soldiers was stopped earlier today by the Justice League… although we still don't have confirmation, reports claim that the responsible was once again the infamous Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke. We are still awaiting for a statement, but it seems the mercenary has escaped from the hands of justice and now is on the loose…"

The news were being broadcasted by the TV of the hospital room, where Artemis was recovering. Artemis and Wally were holding hands, hoping that Deathstroke took his defeat and wouldn't bother them anymore.

"He'll be back," said Roy with a frown as he looked at the news. "But now he's human, now it will be easier to defeat him…"

Jade was there with his sister as well. "Next time, I'll finish him off…"

Artemis looked at Jade and Roy and smiled at them. "Thank you so much for saving us…"

"Hey, you're my sister," said Jade with a smile. "You may be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I learned from you… not everytime is "every girl for herself". At least, not in our family…"

Artemis smiled.

The hospital room opened and Dick Grayson came in. He looked down in shame. Artemis smiled at him. "Hey Dick…"

"How are you feeling?" asked Dick to both Artemis and Wally.

"We'll be fine," said Wally, and then smiled sadly at his brother. "But how are you feeling?"

Dick sighed. "I feel so lost Wally… I feel conflicted. I don't know who I am anymore…"

Wally slowly took Dick's hand and pulled him close in a hug, which was joined by Roy and Artemis. "You'll find yourself again. We know you will…"

"Thank you," said Dick and melt into the hug. "I have to go away. I have to find myself. I'll go to the monastery, meditate… find the balance between my darkness and my light…"

Wally just patted his back. "You do that, little brother, we'll be waiting for you…"

"Are you sure of this?" asked Oliver as he stared at his younger sister. "I just got you back, I don't want to lose you…"

Mia, no, Thea, looked at Oliver. She wrapped her hands on his'. "Malcolm will never stop looking for me. I have to move on. I'll call you, Ollie… I'll be back. I just have to find a way to balance the scales…"

Oliver hugged his sister. "I love you."

"And I love you," said Thea with a smile. "But I'll be in good company…"

Dinah joined the hug. "Don't worry, my sister will teach you how to control all those impulses of rage and bloodlust…"

They all looked back where they found another blonde woman with a white suit. Sara Lance, the White Canary. "I'll take care of her sis, Ollie, don't worry…"

Roy stepped in and looked at Mia. "Take care, okay?"

Mia nodded and kissed Roy's cheek. "I hope Jade and you find the happiness we never could find…"

Roy nodded and closed his eyes to keep the tears from coming. "I'll always love you, no matter what…"

"And I you…" said Thea and she walked away with White Canary. "We'll be in touch…"

Batman and Dick Grayson (with his glasses to hide his identity to those who didn't know) stood before the Team. Batman addressed the teenagers. "My former protégé. The boy you know as Robin, will be going away for a while…"

Kaldur nodded and walked towards Dick with a smile. "I wish you nothing but the best my friend…"

M'Gann and Conner stepped forward and hugged the former Robin. "We'll miss you."

"And I'll miss you," said Dick with a smile. "All of you…"

Tula nodded. "We'll be alright, just take care, okay?"

Dick looked at Raquel. "Keep them on check, okay, Raquel?"

Raquel nodded. "I will."

Then Dick turned to Barbara and Zatanna. He couldn't say goodbye to them, it was just to painful, so he just touched their hands in a symbol of love. "Goodbye…"

"We'll be waiting," said Zatanna with a smile.

"I'll make sure everything is in order," said Barbara and then, they both kissed each of his cheeks, making him turn red.

Garfield hugged Dick, and the older boy returned the affective gesture. "I'll be back, Gar… one day…"

Batman then spoke. "Team, not everything is bad. I have to introduce you to someone…"

"Yes, Batman?" asked Kaldur.

Then, from the shadows, a new Robin, Jason, stepped in. "Meet the new Robin…"

At the airport, Bruce, Wally, Roy, Artemis, Barbara, Jason, Tim and Alfred were reunited. They were going to see Dick off.

"Take care, Master Dick," said Alfred as he handed Dick a small paper. "That's the recipe for my cookies. I believe you can cook and find them comforting…"

Dick nodded. "Thanks Alfred, I'll miss you…"

Tim hugged Dick. "Goodbye, big brother…"

"I'll be back before you know it, Timmy…" said Dick and held his little brother close. "I'll be back soon enough…"

Jason then nudged him. "I'll keep them in check, don't worry…"

"I know you will, Jason," said Dick with a smile and hugged his younger brother.

As Dick crossed the gates of the airplane, he looked at Wally and Roy. Dick smiled faintly. He'll see them again… soon enough.

Six months later…

"Alpha Squad, engage!" said Aqualad as they all lunged forward to take down Blockbuster, who had escaped Belle Reve against all forecast.

Kid Flash stepped in and ran circles around Blockbuster, who used his strength to trash a construction site and made Kid Flash trip. "Ouch!"

One of the support beams was about to fall over Kid Flash, but they were telekinetically stopped by Miss Martian.

"Hey, Desmond!" said Superboy as he landed and prepared his knuckled. "Hope you like this!"

Superboy started punching Blockbuster, but those seemed to be ineffective.

Two explosive arrows were shot by Artemis as she landed in front of the beast. The explosions took down the beast.

Blockbuster, however, grabbed Artemis by the leg and swung her against Superboy. Aqualad tried to use his electric powers but Blockbuster grabbed him a threw him at Kid Flash, making them crash.

Before the Team could be attacked further, however, a new shadow appeared.

It was a figure clad in black. This figure was using some eskrima sticks and he jumped high. He set an explosive on a demolition ball and set the charges. The ball fell upon Blockbuster and defeated him.

The figure landed on solid ground and smiled. "That was easy…"

The Team looked perplexed as they saw the new figure. He had the symbol of a blue bird in his chest.

"Who are you?" asked Superboy, demanding to know who the new challenger was.

"Did you miss me, Conner?" asked the black-clad vigilante with a smile. "Because I certainly did…"

Kid Flash smiled widely, wider than ever before. "Dick?!"

He nodded. "Actually, I have a new name now…"

My name is Dick Grayson, after one year of hell, I've come home with a new resolution and a new purpose. To become a better version of myself and to help my friend get rid of crime and evil. For that, I had to forsake my Robin identity and become someone else… to find balance between light and dark I had to become… Nightwing

The End