Little boy,
don't you feel so alone?
to grasp on to something you can't hold?
sacrificing to protect the one you love
{even though
she won't ever look back
and see it's you}
He could hear her, all the way from the living room. He lay there in the dark for a few minutes, hoping that kami-sama would have mercy on him and that she would stop crying, but her muffled sobs just grew louder. He gritted his teeth and got up, though he wasn't sure what he could do. (nothing, he whispered to himself, absolutely nothing.)
Conan padded his way through the hall, a dim light coming from her room. He stifled a yawn, glasses in hand, before continuing. Her door was opened just a crack, and he peeked in.
Ran was inside, hunched over on the floor. She was holding her phone, and- as far as he could tell- reading something on her phone. Tears spilled down her cheeks, dripping onto the screen, and she would wipe them away whenever she could. He slid his glasses on, and craned his neck. She wasn't- she couldn't- (yes, his subconscious said. she's rereading every single email you've sent her.)
He screwed his eyes shut, hands shaking even when he made them fists. He had to get back to his own body soon. He had to-!
Conan sank down to his knees, wishing that Ran would realize she had never been alone.
Little girl,
don't you feel so tired?
to hold on to a promise from a liar?
sacrificing to wait for the one you love
{even though
he won't ever come back
and return to you}
Ran hadn't been able to fall asleep. Whenever she closed her eyes, she would keep on thinking and wondering and wishing for him. Finally, her uneasiness overcame her, and she fumbled for her phone.
She went through her contacts list before finding the one she missed the most: Kudo Shinichi. She pressed the mail button, losing herself in the familiar words.
I'm on an important case. I'll be back soon as this is over.
Something else has come up. I'll be back after that.
I have to solve a murder.
There's another mystery.
and again
and again.
No, "I miss you" or "I wish you were with me," just, "I'll come back after this."
She was losing faith.
And yet, she couldn't give it up. She kept on holding on. Because on those rare occasions when he was there, when she heard his voice, it was all over for her. She would fall right back into the promises, into the love, into the lies.
Tears began to blur her vision, and she let it. As long as Shinichi didn't see her cry, she would be fine.
The night was so quiet, and her room felt so empty, and her heart ached so much. She cried in the dark alone, wishing for him to return.